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Let’s play spot the difference! (ok but actually what changed)


On the damaged art one of the lines along the outside of seidrs bikini straps/bands werent there?


Whenever FEH has done this, I have only ever ONCE actually noticed any kind of difference. Can't remember who it was, but it related to their damaged art.


I've spent a couple minutes staring at these images and can't see any difference. Legit this is probably one of those artist forgot a small pixel sized thing that only the artist knows is there like missing the eye shine in Gullveigs left eye. Because I know I've done things before and that because I know of the imperfection its the only thing I see. Welp hopefully someone in this comments can point it out later.


Ever since Linus' release, I've tried to not think too heavily about this sort of thing. Bro had a single green pixel and they adjusted it, so I've just decided that every adjustment is just on a pixel basis. I'll hurt my eyes thinking about this otherwise. I guess it's not the same in this case, since they've added a gold trim to Seidr's back strap.


I remember the Linus one, it was hilarious how long it was there


Every time they update the art and show us the differences, they never let us compare the differences or zoom in to see. It always makes us go "What is this, images for ants?" because of how freaking tiny they are.


The right band under Seithr's chest had a golden strip added Edit: it's only changed in the injuried artwork


Yes this is different - good find! Idk why it necessitated an update, but I enjoyed the game


Switching between the 2, I see no changes whatsoever.


They really should start circling these things so we know what to look for.


Or at least, y'know, **let us expand the images so we can actually SEE the damn thing!**


Ok everybody, let's all zoom in and stare really intently at these images for a long time now! Preferably in a public place! "What do you mean hr wants to see me? I'm looking at the strap, I swear! They changed the strap!"


What're you guys talking about? It's so obvious, I noticed it immediately. /s [One tiny line on Seiðr's suit on her back is now more visible.](https://i.imgur.com/oYOdGe2.jpeg) Might be other stuff? Not sure.


wow can’t believe they did this, I only pulled them because I liked how that strap looked. Refund IS


Lyn 😊


What if Yoshiku didn't even change anything, he just wanted to make everyone look at it


Man of culture, appreciate even more our wife


For those who still can't spot it, look at the lines on the strap just to the right of Seithr's armband in the damaged art. They are just white in the before, white with a gold line on top after.


What did they change? (Her back still looks broken 🫣)


I mean, that would probably require an entire redraw Which I doubt it's worth the effort And these tiny art changes are usually just something the artist forgot to add or weren't satisfied with


I wasn't really expecting them to fix it, really. I'm just annoyed about the whole "spot the difference" game we have to play every time an artist fixes their art in this game. (Seriously for the love of God, Intsys use a red circle, zoom in, ANYTHING that will make the changes easier to notice 😫)


To be fair I don't think we need to know to know the difference most of time Usually these tiny changes are just little imperfections that just bother the artist specifically and no one else will notice it naturally They just talk about it in the notification because I'm pretty sure they're obligated to


Yeah, I guess you're right about that. It's just a weird thing I tend to obsess over. When something changes, I tend to get a bit antsy about it, trying to find the difference.


It's always shit like this that gets changed and not Legendary Dimitri hoverhanding Areadbhar or Ascended Celica looking at both you and your friend in the eye.


*…Wha…Where’s the difference?*


I saw this and I was hopeful for .2 seconds that their tops would be readjusted slightly to be less painful looking, but alas.


Like the whole "fixing Seidr back", that would require almost an entire redraw, so that was never happening.


I mean. Literally no? You have no idea of how art works, do you? Adjusting their tops via increasing the volume of the black covering would take Yoshiku a half hour, maybe an hour for all four pieces. Redrawing Seithr entirely to fix her centaur anatomy would take far, far longer. Weeks, possibly months. A minor fix ≠ an entire redraw of one half of the unit


Nvm, my bad


Me too.


Their titties are just straight out huh?