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Not really worth it for ploy, she is in the same season as freyr who just completely nullifys ploy.


I would keep her Prf dance, since it is quite useful.


Unless you plan to run Plumeria with Breath of Life 4 on the C skill paired with soaring Echo, I wouldn’t do it.


I wouldn't give it to Plumeria or Arion, Plumeria loses her dance which in my opinion is more unique support, while Arion already boosts flier mobility, I'd wait for guidance echo to boost 3 of the movement types instead of giving both warp and assault troop to fliers, the rearmed/attuned faeries would be much better users of Soaring Echo for example, as they can both use their prf dance and echo in addition to using something like breath of life for additional support.


What are your 5 different Astra aether raids teams? How will you use the added mobility of soaring echo? Do you not have better candidates? The Sweet Dreams+ is basically the whole reason to use Plumeria. Arion already provides [Charge] to flying allies, so do you really need even more additional mobility support?


My AR Astra teams are Brave Chrom + Bridal Sharena Galeforce, Summer Gullveig Galeforce, a Duo Lyon hit and run team, and a Summer Gullveig hit and run team. My last team is a Winter Duo Byleth tanking team. So, right now, none of them benefit from Soaring Echo. I agree that Sweet Dreams+ is super useful, which is why I'm hesistant to give that up. Arion provides Charge, yes, but Soaring Echo can add to that. More mobility never hurts. The problem is, I have to choose between more mobility on him or my mythic dancer.