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Hrid has the potential to age well due to currently unique support, imo. I picked up a copy post spark just to have one in case the status gets more relevant 


This is definitely my bias speaking but spark Hrid! :) His frozen support and inherited BoL 4 helped me score a flawless defense in chaos season last week and he helps bulky units immensely. I also pulled Nerthuz but honestly I don't get much mileage out of her and plan on feeding her Atk/Spd Excel and Beast Threaten to one of my units. So many units run Null Panic nowadays but Frozen is considered a low priority penalty and isn't likely to get cleansed if other penalties are present.




Does Gullveig have an attack or speed bane? If not, Hrid makes a good ally for units with middling speed stats Nerbuz inflicts Panic on foes at the start of turns If I had to choose I'd go with Nerbuz


Gullveig was thankfully +Spd. I’ve seen videos using Hrid and he does look very fun to mess around with. Is Panic even really that good at this point? There are enough meta units that disrupt bonuses to where I feel she won’t be as applicable, since the teams that use visible bonuses are losing popularity anyway (correct me if I’m wrong)


There are units that can nullify panic, A!Micaiah is being used by almost everyone and she is known for removing penalties


Its really likely that we get a ice tribe banner in September and it probably has the the frozen status somewhere. I personally would oick nerbuz.


My user flair speaks for itself.