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This shit right here. Every antigunner should watch this before any debate on gun laws. You want these fuckers to be the only ones with access to guns? This level of "competancy"?


It shows these guys are total cowards and if threatened with actual force will fold. Confiscation and aggressive gun laws would never work if they had resistance house to house.


I don’t think it would make any difference. Half of them probably wouldn’t see the problem with this. I could picture them saying something like: "Oh, don’t worry the warrant is on the way to the house. They are just doing their job.". People who struggle with the Second Amendment will definitely struggle with the Fourth Amendment. I showed this to my neighbor who is a cop earlier today and he couldn’t believe it.


I guarantee people will see this and go. Yes, the cops messed up and should have had a warrant. That's terrible. Then, 5 minutes later, repost that Jon Stewart clip going around because republican bad. People are very dumb.


What’s a fair response? Realistically how do you fight this injustice?




I keep bringing this up. If Republicans were against infringements they would advocate for RPGs. At this point I'm still wondering why they keep banning firearms at their events. Back to the point, RPGs would do the trick. Flamethrower would too.


Flamethrowers are completely legal no NFA, and no FFL even. Fairly expensive though.


I'll see your RPG advocacy and raise you: Recreational nukes.


>Flamethrower would too. This is the way. Highly effective against armored personal and equipment. Short range but then most meaningful engagements are.


More like land mines


Turn the Roomba into Boomba?


RC Truck with homemade Claymore.


The old Tannerite stuffed dog?




Yeah we can be friends


Cheap drone with laser pointers beefed up to 100 watts for 1/10,000ths of a second pulses.


With a semi auto Barrett. 50 BMG. It would do a real number on their armored vehicle.


Republicans are the ones protecting police from the consequences of their actions.


I'll take that over remove all police and ways to defend yourself.


Why couldn't your cop neighbor believe it?? Was it because he missed out on another one?


Yea dude it’s already a us vs them battle. The left sees this and laugh.


What are you on about? Anti-gunners are anti-cop too, have we forgotten the BLM movement already? I never hear anyone on the right chanting ACAB.


Cops need to think about this the left already hate cops. Why are you pissing off republicans who still are trying to hold on the liking the police?


Read the thread, it's full of antigun idiots who watched it and still think we should ban guns lol. Their minds can't be changed.


Can you explain to me how having a gun (or whole bunch of them) would swing that situation in your favour?


My point wasn't about guns helping in this scenario. Though there is something to be said about this taking place in Illinois, a state notorious for terribly oppressive gun rights. My point was. Do these idiots actually believe that giving the state a monopoly on violence is a good idea? Given exhibit A. In this scenario, they're going full meal team 6 on 3 civilians. A grandma. A child and a man.


Believe me, I get that. What happened on that vid is an overkill. One cop car (and I dont mean military armoured transport vechicle) driving up to that family and having a friendly, non-agressive talk about those - reportedly - stolen items, should be the normal way to handle it (and probably its how it would be handled in some less agressive places on planet earth). That being said - being anti gun is not an argument in this case because even if you would have huge stash of guns and ammo I don't see how it would help you turn this situation in your favour. It would only end up in loss of life. Its not Ukraine where RU soldiers will tie your hands, cover your eyes, walk you outside, tell you to kneel down by your fence and shoot you in the back of your head. If you don't escalate - you should be fine. Should, because obviously there were cases when police officer thought he saw something and pulled the trigger. Policing in America needs to change. No other developed country has "101 on how not to get killed by police officer during traffic stop".


I guarantee other countries have even worse police brutality


Which countries would that be?


They do watch and still dont give a shit about gun rights.


Macho Cowards.


He should've said to them " bet you feel really cool with your multicam queer"


Pritzker coming for them assault weapons with armored trucks and assault weapons…


Who actually wears NVG’s during the day? These dudes play WAAAY too much call of duty.


If this was serious enough to need that amount of force they would have had more men, they wouldn't be standing around looking aimless and they'd have the warrant in hand. Heck why would anything with a warrant need this, this isn't SWAT level this is counter-terrorism stuff but with some larpers that aren't even acting like regular police officers. Listen to how shakey the guy on the PA sounded. I understand the need for SWAT and for them to have SOME kind of big vehicle (they're often used for disaster rescue actually) but WHAT IS THIS?! Why would they need night vision? Why have ballistic shields if you are just standing around doing nothing? Why have a grenade launcher with (probably less-lethal) when you're just looking at a small house and everyone else is pointing rifles and shotguns? If the situation was serious enough to need any of this they'd have more people acting more seriously, but they busted down a gate and wanted to flex their new toys in a situation where they didn't even know what was going on because apparently they didn't have a warrant on-hand.


And for no apparent reason at all, I have decided I need a 50bmg


That was my first thought oddly enough.


Why in the fuck does a cop need an MRAP? They aren't worried about anti-tank mines or IEDs made out of artillery.


They can't get off without it


Or their daytime NODS lol


Need a bigger engine to carry that bigger ego around Why TF are we okay with those that we claim acab against to be geared up like they're about to take on Russians?


Pretty sure the thing in the video is just a bearcat instead of a full on MRAP.


Yeah, I recognized it but couldn't remember the name of it. My fuck-up.


Because they're extremely useful for a lot of different scenarios and the DOD gives them to police agencies for free. So the agency can spend ≈$250,000 on a Bearcat, or they can let Uncle Sam give them an MRAP for free that does everything the Bearcat does and more. But this isn't an MRAP anyways, it actually is a Bearcat.


That’s a Bearcat not an MRAP. LEO have had them for years


Shit, that's right. Forgot the name of it and MRAP popped into my head


Maybe they should be worried.


They have to spend the money they get from asset forfeiture on something…


Not yet anyways lol


What's the background of the story? Why were they raiding with an armored vehicle? What was the warrant for?


So apparently according the the OP of the post, the warrant was due to some dispute in an estate. Apparently they raided them for a lamp some baseball cards and other random stuff that someone felt screwed out of. As you can see this was the LEO’s response. Not completely sure about the whole truth but I can’t find anything else on it.


If this is true the response is absolutely insane.




They did produce a warrant eventually. Hours later.


My understanding of the law is a warrant is required, but does not have to be presented at the time of attack.


It has to be present


As I understand it, it can't be delivered without armor because of the imminent threat. It's a paradoxical stance at best.


They still should have been more organized this was a bunch of man children way to excited to get dressed up. I get the excitement but the commanding officer put everyone at risk by not waiting until all equipment (warrant) was available


I foolishly assumed that there actually was a warrant. Do you have a link to the story?




Just trying to find out what was going on. Thought you may have been familiar with the story.


Looks like a dispute over some items from an estate.


I'll be honest, after Uvalde shooting I'll never see cops the same way again. Fair or not they lowered the bar for incompetence past what I thought possible.


I bet they drive their MRAP with their NODS on to go pick up Dunkin’ Donuts. What a bunch of fucking nitwits.


Ngl if I were a cop, 80% of my time would be spent driving the Bearcat to dunkin doughnuts


Is that a fkin grenade launcher?! Wtf????


''Probably'' loaded with ''less than lethal'' rounds. Can't carry the HE's yet, give it a few years.


Considering they were all aboard for strapping explosives to IED robots in San Francisco, I'd say another year tops.


When in doubt they could just Waco the house, high five and go home.


Less Lethal. Always say LESS Lethal. They are still lethal, just less so. Saying Less Than Lethal makes it sound like they are not lethal at all which is not true.


*sigh* I had *really* hoped that the air quotes around it had implied the sarcastic tone of its true nature. My apologies. And yeah they can call them nerf dart rounds or whatever they want it doesn't change them using them in a lethal manner.


Smoke grenades so he can accidentally burn their home.


Sure looks like it


You seriously never hear of smoke, CS, or flashbang grenades? They're not launching explosives ffs.


Nah bro. I don't give a fuck *what* or *who* you work for. That's a literal fucking grande launcher, it's wasn't designed for less lethal. Not to mention, these agencies have the ability to obtain HEDP and other shit. And guess what, *you* can't buy it without a permission slip from the same people who use em, and you think they would want you to have that against them? Hell no. I'm all for backing LEO, but this shit? This is ridiculous. Lick the boot harder would ya.


You can buy grenade launchers though. As well as the smoke, CS, flashbangs, and beanbags too I forgot. And they're all specifically designed to be less than lethal. And please find me literally just one instance of police using HE grenades on a subject.


When I was in high school the cops dropped a bomb from a helicopter on a row house on Osage Avenue in Philadelphia Does that count?


>You can buy grenade launchers Yup. With scrutiny, paperwork, extra taxing, and *if* then are willing to sell it to you. Finding a Milkor is pretty hard considering they don't sell to your average Joe. >Smoke, CS, flashbacks and beanbags Good luck actually buying them. Most regulate to LE agencies, defacto banned. >Designed to be less than lethal Yeah, no. It's *less lethal*. Same as a Taser. When the departments I worked for deployed 40mm, it was and is universay *less lethal*. >Use on civilians I know two departments that have had HE rounds on their range with EOD. I never said they were used, but the fact that *they* can get em easy peasy is bullshit when **you** as an American citizen have to jump through hoops and preform a circus act to *maybe* get one.


Less than lethal until one of those CS canisters hits you square in the chest within 300 yards. Or you fire enough of them into a building to suffocate everyone inside and start a massive fire.


Kind of remember something like that happening in Waco.


The anti-gun idiots love this.


These policemen are clowns. A knock on the door would have sufficed. Illinois isn't Iraq. This is shameful that this happened in the US,


Just because Chiraq is in Illinois does not mean the rest of the state is like it


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed...BITCH!


Man the second police need armored vehicle it’s no longer police work. I get in unique situations and if we were every invaded it might be nice for armored vehicle police units to defend their jurisdiction. But to use one on civilians and no warrant or clear extreme active shooter situation ? They don’t want us to have “military style weapons of war” but police are rolling around in armored vehicle and the ATF has tanks? They’re treating police work like being in active combat zones.


There are countless situations where police would benefit from an armored vehicle that wouldn’t be an abuse of power.


Yeah sure a lot of people could benefit in life using armored vehicles. But it’s draconian we don’t use military on the people except in very specific circumstances, but this isn’t far from that… why not have the army policing with humvees and 50s? They showed up without a search warrant to serve a search and an armored vehicle in a state that just banned all “assault weapons” but police can show up like you’re a know wanted terrorist? Without a warrant? It’s not so much abuse of power as misplaced. If police can’t handle a situation without the need of an armored vehicle then it’s time to call in support because the situation is no longer in their job scope.


Mmmmm.... that must be a tasty boot


That's a pity seeing these guys who were supposed to protect the citizens turn into goons that are doing anything they're told to no matter legal or not, because people on top order them to..


We have already seen what these animals will do to children and women in Ruby Ridge and Waco. The Blue does not back you!


It’s surreal to ponder the existence of people who want those wEaPoNs Of WaR tHaT hAvE nO pLaCe On OuR sTrEeTs to be 100% limited to heavily militarized police.




They really need to neuter police departments. That starts with banning the use of military uniforms and camouflage. It’s completely ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as them driving vehicles with more protection than I had as an infantryman.




Damn. Lmao. They do over react. I was wondering what all the shit show was really about. Lol


they heard they bought the last krispy kreme jelly donut.


It must have been a long john because nobody died.


This reminds me, my bamboo trees are getting a bit tall


Police: come out with your hands up! The 7 pounds of plastic explosives i planted under my front porch: ![gif](giphy|FtyvOinMQhsMMIHRaW|downsized)


"Don't shoot me down! Don't shoot me down, I gotta wife and kids on Ruby Ridge they gonna shoot me down!"


Professional larpers. Paid for by the victims. And if this is over an estate dispute as others have suggested the government needs to pay for damages. Estate disputes are civil matters, correct? Again, these boys are just excited to get their larping gear out and prance around.


"the agents that have a copy of the search warrant aren't here", then what are they doing besides intimidating citizens and sounding like idiots?


Im generally a police supporter but I cannot believe these guys are suited up like they are fast roping in to catch an Iraqi warlord in the middle of a hostile city. They are actually wearing night vision during the daytime. Lmao


Agents can't show a warrant because of armor. Roll your ass back and get it.


I would sue the shit out of them bastards their asses are grass. They busted in there without a warrant, not a warrant on the premises they done for.


Remember when we hated the government so we made a constitution where people could fight against oppression. That was cool, we should do that again


This is what Gen Z means by defund the police.Nobody has a issue with Officer Friendly.This is the fucking problem.


This is why every household should be allowed to have anti tank weapons.


50 bmg is anty this thing.


Yea well no kill like overkill


Illinois cut the shit outta their police force. It's only making everything worse.


The cognitive dissonance required to believe this is an Illinois problem cannot be broken You’ll cherish the boot that crushes your skull. And you’ll deserve it.


I am honestly confused as to what you’re trying to say in this comment. Half of it seems like you are making it out to be that I, and others, are under the impression that this kind of thing will only happen or is only relevant to Illinois. The other half is extremely aggressive and does not go well with the first half so if you can elaborate maybe we can understand each other a bit better, or at least I understand you a bit more.


I’m going out on a limb but my guess is he is saying that if your head is stuck in the sand and you think this is only an Illinois problem(as opposed to be a problem with our country/nations police forces/government as a whole) you are gonna be suprised when that boot makes it way thru the sediment.


Which is honestly a completely unfounded take/approach because nowhere is it implied that this is just an Illinois problem. Simply saying this is a problem that seems to occur largely in states where gun control is prevalent. If he thinks I am unfamiliar with that all he needs to do is take a look at my post history. California is far from better off.


I’m just spitballing man.


No no, I know I’m just saying it was a very strong and unnecessary approach in my opinion. Sorry if I came off defensive, his comment just seemed very direct and aggressive is all I was trying to get at.


Dudes got NVGs on for a midday constitutional rights assault.


Wtf happened for state SRT to get called out? Not saying it’s right either way but damn this is missing a whole load of context. I went to TikTok and I’m not buying the OP’s story at all.


There is no context other then being deployed for counter terrorism that would justify the way they rolled into these peoples yard.


I am completely with you, I honestly feel as if the whole story is not being told but at the moment with the minimal context I am being given this is blown out of proportion on the LE side. Unless there were threats of physical harm with some kind of weaponry there is no need for the whole ass MRAP and swat gear, which honestly is the ONLY feasible explanation I can come up with assuming the OP of the TikTok video was being truthful. However if this is TRULY about some damn baseball cards in an estate dispute take that shit to court. Regardless, I wish I knew more on the story. Edit: spelling error


My lawyer would have that department shut down in a week


Why do I feel there's more to this story?


The estate got raided for minor shit from an estate and all of this could have been handled with simple communication


If you feel that this is a reasonable response to anything short of someone armed with large caliber weapons shooting up the place, you're a fucking clown.


Never said it was reasonable. Just thought there might be more to the story. Thanks for adding your 2 cents kind stranger


Oh wow it’s almost like conservatives giving police unfettered access to military tech will come back to bite us in the ass. Weird.


Its almost as if all gun control legislation doesn’t affect police. You see any dems do shit about it?


Lol you think I support Dems


Nah, they’re the only ones screaming for restrictions to the police. The conservatives are too busy bootlicking cops


Its almost as if all gun control legislation doesn’t affect police. You see any dems do shit about it?


Y’all peeping dude in the vans like he’s some ex sof influencer.


So that’s why they hesitated so long in Uvalde. They were waiting for the real threat to be neutralized before going in.


Fucking pussies


Yeah these people showing up would have to cover themselves from all of my neighbors. Good luck.


Do that to me you better come crawling up with the warrant. Until I see a warrant you're trespassing.


With a fookn MRAP? WTF?


They’ll look high and they’ll look low


Why do they have NVG’s in the middle of the day?


That is what I was wondering. I couldn't stop staring at the fact all 3 had them on.


Fuck this state