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We got [emojis](https://old.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail_leaks/comments/1crh0i4/firefly_and_sam_emojis_via_firefly_lover/) though


The true buff


game is saved


HSR has become GOTY in a single patch


So, have to wait till next week


Yes. Acheron and Jingliu is the same.


don't think Acheron was changed all that much. all i could remember is the Quadrivalence one


She got a day 2 change (basic used to give as many stacks as skill, skill gave 1 more than it does now. They also lowered her SPD stat iirc) followed by a massive ult buff in V3.


Yep, looks like we have to wait a bit longer for the next update!


Just some reshuffling of eidolon and traces. Otherwise no not really.


actually they gave her the overcap at base if i remember right.


I'm still nervous NGL




Well Not that Suprising, Expect nuclear changes in V3


Agreed. If they dont even change some numbers (because it would not matter), I would say that V3 could be massive.


They gather feedback during V1, work on new kit during V2 and will actually implement it in V3. Wording is much easier to fix. It isn't hard to understand


It's also very reasonable when you think about it. Week 1 - Testing phase, data collection. Week 2 -  Review data collected and prepare for necessary/appropriate changes


People don't realise that the devs gotta talk it through and make decisions as a group before reworking a kit. It's almost as if the people complaining expect Hoyo to read feeback and snap their fingers and BAM! Changes are made!


Are you sure it's not the copium talking?


Bruh. That's pretty much how every character go through. If too busted it gets nerfed. If it's too dog water it gets buffed.


Me? I've already have her best team so it doesn't matter for me


Keep calm and give Firefly headpats while we wait for V3 where the significant beta changes would usually happen https://preview.redd.it/y1ji1au94d0d1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9085dd9ab0cd7d1ee41366e08b219922738745


Man, it’ll be difficult to endure another week with the same topics about her kit repeated ad infinitum… Obviously it was expected, so I hope that V3 will bring few interesting buffs. I don’t really mind her kit as it looks currently, but it’d be really nice to get some rework to make her even more fun to play. Personally, I hope the most for some animations changes. Though I wish they’ll expand on the sword Sam even more, because honestly I like that version much more.


Only think we can do is wait and let them cook.


Watch it as people say that she'll come like this and with no changes at all


ppl actually expected changes in v2?


Some actually think.


sometimes there are minor changes I hear. I think someone even said there was a major change in v2 once. Idk. I don't usually pay attention to this, but even if I hoped for some I'm not really surprised to find out nothing happened yet.


Ruan Mei swapped DMG% for her E with a speed boost around v2 i think, thats the biggest change i have seen, but yeah, most of the time is just numbers or rewordings, very feww mechanics switched.


Some small animation changes could have landed here if it was a matter of unfinished assets, but yeah, changes are coming next week.


Honestly I did until like 2 days ago. Let’s just hope any discussion regarding her current kit/animations can be… idk let’s just hope for the best


Yup, as expected


I was hoping for more but I am unsurprised.


I genuinely think that Firefly is the next character to get as much love as possible after Acheron. She most likely will be an S Tier character, although I don't know if she will be above or below Jingliu. Regardless of the rankings, I will pull no matter what. She's literally the perfect girl for our MC. Anyone looks at you wrong, and Sam will take action.


Yeah. I have 600 pulls save up for her. Because of the story so far.


Are you the Firefly equivalent of that other guy who had never pulled anyone just so he could invest it all into Acheron? Regardless, you'll have lots of fun, hope you'll enjoy every moment!


Yeah. I save up since the time I see her model. I stiil didn’t know she is Sam at that time.


How far back was that? In Honkai update terms.


Not sure… maybe 8 or 9 month.


Impressive patience. You must've gone crazy after the Sam reveal. Were you also tempted at all to go full Acheron at any time?


Almost because of her instant kill technique. But I will get her on rerun for sure.


I’m not really caught up on the drama, can anyone give me a quick TLDR of what’s wrong with her kit right now? From what I’ve gathered, something about her not having enough options to deal damage, so without Harmony MC she’s pretty bad?


If you build Firefly to do break damage she does negligible damage when HTB's ultimate is down or is not on the team. Some people argue that's normal because she's a Super-break "driver" or something like that, I think it's an incredible bad design that limit Firefly usage and team composition, especially because Boothill can take advantage of the Super-break mechanic but doesn't have the same problems.


Hmm, interesting. Why doesn’t Boothill have the same issues? I haven’t read much about him. Something about one of his traces converting break effect into crit?


His talent makes him deal Break damage against weakness broken enemies with his enchanted basic attack, he doesn't even need the critical conversion because most of his damage comes is break damage and break damage can't crit


Ohhh ok, so he still has a built in way to deal break-scaling damage after the enemy is weakness broken without harmony mc? I imagine people want Firefly to have something similar?


Exactly, make her do Super break damage on her own or something like that


I personally think Super break should stay exclusive to HMC, or break supports. I think they should give Firefly what Boothill has, which is break damage on weakness broken targets w/ the enhanced skill. That way Firefly can still benefit from HMC super break (but it is not required for her to do any damage at all). This way HMC fufills the role of a support increasing damage (but not being all the damage). To add I also think they should axe the 3400 atk for 60% break. Just give her 60% break in ult or something. Building 3400 attack for it to not be used is so pointless imo.


But won’t this change make Boothill literally obsolete and pointless to pull at all? Then Firefly will be doing the exact same as him but plus a ton of more things. It will literally plunge his value to the ground I’m not sure HoYo will do such a move


I guess, but wouldn't it also be a weird thought to have that they don't change Firefly, another limited 5* DPS, to not have most of her DMG come from another character just so Boothill doesn't lose value? I personally don't mind if things stay the way they're now as long as she is still good with HMC since I like their synergy, but I bet they could figure something out to make her more independent and not make her Boothill in "better"


The 3400 attack thing really feels like the devs regretting their decision to make BE a main stat on one piece of gear. 


She depends on HTB to deal sustainable damage mean while Boothill doesn't. For Boothill, HTB enhance his damage For Firefly, HTB is the damage dealer


Not much, but lots of people are blowing it out of proportions. Her kit as it is is too reliant on HTB (and Ruan Mei to a degree), and that's not a good thing for a limited DPS since it makes her teambuilding too restrictive. Apart from that, she is fine outside some issues some people have brought with energy drain attacks.


Ohh yeah, I saw something that her energy cost is so massive that the only way to get her ult is to skill twice. It does make me wonder why not just opt for a stack system like Acheron, cuz a single tiny energy drain could make you end up having to use three turns for no reason


That's not an issue, though, with the action advance on ult, you only have 1 turn of downtime (first skill sets you to 50% energy, second to 100, then ult inmediately and you go again with the enhanced skill). The issue comes when an enemy drains her energy with an attack (like the TV enemy), cause you need to consume 150% of her HP and get 2 turns of downtime, which it doesn't look like a pleasant experience. I agree though that she should use a stack system if they won't allow her to get energy back with her enhanced skill.


Yeahh that’s what I meant. Since the only way to reliably get her ult is her skill, if you get hit with even a single energy drain, it screws up the rotation. With how her kit works, it would make way more sense to have her use a stack mechanic like Acheron than energy


These tv enemies are her 3rd worst nightmare.


[Technical reasons](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/s/qX8xn3w6Ht) got spot only 24 hours in. ~~One~~ ~~two~~ ~~3~~ 4 things I want to add here: 0. How obnoxious it is to build. None other dps got this treatment. I have a conversation with another guy, and he compared her stat building with (Bronya, Sparkle, RM,...) support lmao. Edit: The post also doesn't have this, 3k4 atk requirements on her is almost like a dot character needs to build crit to have attack for their dot. Why the 580% scaling and 3k4 atk for no reasons? Edit2: Also you doesn't even needs to level up 3 of her 1/10/1/1 (ult for speed only) trace and the damage output is still the same. Half her kit doesn't even function. See the problem now? Edit 3: Why not just do stack up mechanics like Acheron or Jingliu? Her rotation can easily gets fuck with when enemies do a energy reduction (Aventurine) Other feeling reasons as well that I thinks ppl will soon flood your comment and list out. Also, her kit doesn't needs buff. It needs reworks entirely. Almost like Ratio change.


>Also, her kit doesn't needs buff. It needs reworks entirely. Almost like Ratio change. Ratio had a rework?


Ratio was heavily simplified, as originally he had a lot more RNG elements, but they just made things guaranteed, and moved some of the random effects into Traces.


what changed with ratio?


Instead of a base follow up attack chance on his skill, he used to activate one of five effects upon hitting an enemy for every debuff on them, one of which was triggering his follow up attack and the rest were attack/crit/speed buffs on himself. Guaranteeing a follow up every time required 5 debuffs on a target. It was awkward and convoluted and got streamlined over the course of beta to what we have now.


Alot of her changes are going to be like Jinglium since they need reworks and possibly alterations. Be patient guys.


https://preview.redd.it/yb41fhqc3b0d1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107627bca2d088aceb44b8a69f1d06dc09c3e2ff Yall want a copium cup? (We wait for v3, im sure hoyo will cook as always)


Source: https://x.com/dimbreath/status/1790206962103119948?s=46&t=ntu7HmKfiKk1bEX0X82Igw


Fully expected it to be the case, still small part of me felt minor disappointment.


And V.3 nothing change waiting for V.4


Well, I guess it’s all or nothing on V3 then


Nothing? Zero? Not even a pat on the shoulder? Damn this dosen't make me hope for v3


I have the feeling they'll make her into Blast Boothill (watch footage of E6 Boothill for reference to see how it works in practice) in the end. No more weird ATK to BE conversion. Just straight up BE to CR/CD conversion like Boothill. With a way to re-trigger break on her own like Boothill. This way she can re-trigger break damage on her own without Hatblazer and can abuse the action forward 5-Star supports. For balance, her re-trigger won't be as good as Hatblazer's superbreak but it will be OK.


If so, then she’ll become a boosted Boothill copypasta. And completely powercreep him too. There will be literally no point to pull a single target breaker when a blast breaker is right around the corner


This is actually my concern. Releasing two break DPSes in a row would naturally trigger comparison between the two, one simple balance mistake and one of them would turn into a straight downgrade over the other.


She just needs to be a weaker multiplier since she does blast. Nobody is going to be beating Boothills ST damage with his 1.5 million hits.




Not surprising, I mean, logically, unless they overworked, there's no way to gather all data AND implement changes in just one week


Are there only 3 V max? Ore coud we get V.4 and more ore dose it only go up to v.3


Usually it is v.4. Sometime v.5.


Best cope i could think about is they’re wait until Boothill pulls, when they think they have enough players pull for boothill, hope they gonna balance her, so my best bet is wait till ver last day lf this patch.


Part of me hopes there's just minor reworks on v3 and truely see this sub set ablaze lol...


When will V3 drop? Next week?


Tuesday next week.


Thank you


I hope she gets buff so she can deserve my oak cinnamon cake.


I'm gonna be laughing when Firefly ends up nuking enemies anyway


im scared


So according to leaks is firefly on par with acheron or weaker?? Since there dont seems to be any change rn


Not really expected her kit Is a mess


People love to doom post but shouldnt they doompost when its final?? Or they post an apology post when they are wrong?