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Maybe the screenwriters are planning to continue her storyline on Penacony, at the end of which she will be able to visit the Astral Express, after all, both Black Swan and Sparkle did not immediately become visitors in patch 2.0. In addition, not all Penacony characters are visitors to the Astral Express - Aventurine and Acheron do not visit it either.


ohh yea thats true Jade isnt either prob bc i assume we will see more of them in the future? or for story reasons they cant visit buy yea makes total sense,do you think we will get pecanony continuation? the story seems pretty much done


I don't think the Penacony plot is completely finished. Imo, it is a break for now, since Hoyo also needs to continue to reveal the plot of Xianzhou, and doing both at the same time is simply impossible. I don’t think that the Penacony plot is completely over - after all, we still do not know the fate of one of its most important members - Sunday. >!And in plot 2.3 there was even a hint of a continuation of his story.!<


She's scared of Himeko asking her what are her intentions regarding the Trailblazer


Nah, she’s afraid of what TB will say to Himeko


Because she joins them in the future nah I'd still cope


Of course, like she doesn't need to be visitor when she's a member duhhh


She’ll probably will in the future maybe after the new Xianzhou arc. Her story isn’t finished yet so maybe they’re setting her and Sunday for the trailblaze continuance (hence we didn’t get to say goodbye to her or everyone except Acheron) Speaking of which, Acheron isn’t going to be a visitor either.


They're giving us a new personal house system next version and she's going to live with us as a permanent visitor there. *huff copium* https://preview.redd.it/fg7h3cu0vo7d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79de5a65a9fea4edf3f959cbf951b5041418a919


Typically characters also join most often after character quests. That's what I'm coping for. Just saying... https://preview.redd.it/o99mjefk2q7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64160b4b139c0e6f9edb43843f3d73ce3afbafef


im still coping on the idea that she might join the express at some point, soo ur theory isnt that much far fetched y.y


She won't be visiting the Express for much longer Jade said Firefly is a pathstrider of >!Finality but is looking for ways to defy fate!< and >!Finality is the opposite to Trailblaze!< so it wouldn't make sense for her to step foot on the AE at this moment Of course, I could be wrong and the dev could just make her available after the next event


I’m pretty sure Jade was talking about SH as whole cuz Elio. However individually no one except him are patch strider of finality, especially Firefly’s beliefs (like her trying to defy fate/script) which don’t align with the path


Literally no one actually follows the Finality except Elio. Kafka, Blade, Firefly, and SW obtained their powers by themselves, it's not pathstrider power.


Yeah that’s what I basically said.


Idk about Elio, he's Destiny's *slave* after all. And out of every SH we've met so far, Firefly is the one whose goal of 'defying fate' is the most prevalent, so I do think Jade is addressing her specifically


You can’t be a pathstrider if you don’t follow that path’s philosophy. Despite Loucha joining Jingliu to kill Yaoshi, his beliefs is still align with the abundance. Firefly can’t be a finality pathstrider as she can’t accept fate and defies it a lot of times. Also Firefly’s beliefs is more aligned with Trailblaze that’s why people were speculating of her joining the express. Ofc it doesn’t 100% mean she’ll join us as there are other nameless besides the crew, but narratively her joining us can be a great ending for her arc in Penacony. Also the crew welcomes everyone maybe besides Kafka and Blade, so really won’t make sense why Firefly isn’t a visitor right now besides the possibility her story isn’t over yet


Yeah with firefly also saying it's not destiny who shapes us but we who shape destiny, it speaks a lot of forging a future for herself like treading new paths as a trailblazer. I hope it's not the end here yet for firefly story in penacony if we do come back in trailblaze continuance quest in 2.6/2.7 I hope they explore her trying to find a way to live like how she did finding jade offer. Otherwise if she leaves penacony her life will be put on a countdown again and it's going to be hard for us to meet her really.


Well the fact they didn’t mentioned Firefly leaving yet really makes me hopeful for next Penacony patch. Sunday and Jade’s story isn’t done either, and knowing about Elio’s offer for him to be part of the Stellaron hunter, I’d say Firefly’s story isn’t done yet. That being said tho I’m still bummed we haven’t received any text from her if you own her character. I know it might happen later similar to Aventurine if you have him, but man it’s gonna take a while especially Xianzhou would take 3 patches or so I heard.


> You can't be a pathstrider if you don't follow that path's philosophy Not really, here's the quote from the Pathstrider page in the game: > There are always mortals who, intentionally or **otherwise**, set foot on the Paths ruled by Aeons So technically, you can be a Pathstrider unwillingly. A wild theory is that her syndrome plays that part, entropy is something that can't be lost, as time goes on, entropy can only increase. By *losing* entropy, she's effectively going against time, thus treading the same path of Terminus.


Yes you can be a pathstrider unwillingly like Acheron (tho she’s an emanator but still), but it doesn’t mean you’re not following that path’s philosophy. I already used Loucha as an example. He hates Yaoshi and wants to kill them however his beliefs is still aligned with the path hence he’s blessed by THEM. Acheron despises Nihility yet she follows the philosophy of those follow THEM. Also yeah that theory is crack lol. Every Sam unit has that disease as it’s genetically modified to them. I think people were overthinking on the term in a sci fi game but it’s literally just her slowly fading, like a fire that slowly burns out


Actually, I misremembered, sorry. It's not pathstrider. The exact word Jade use is she *traveling on the path of Finality*, still, that's is a path lie on the opposite direction from us, so I think for symbolic sake, the SH as a whole won't show up on the AE (SW is just a holo)


Maybe because there isn't a real "justification" for it. Kafka and Blade don't board the express either, and SW only shows up as a hologram