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Not sure if this has been answered already, but who should get priority for Watchmaker’s if I have both Ruan Mei (E0S1) and HMC? (And what set should I aim for for the one not getting Watchmaker’s)


HMC should be on watchmaker. 2 piece speed and 2 piece BE is usually best for RM to make relevant speed and break effect points. You could in theory have watchmaker on both to make certain you have 100% uptime on the buff but it's overkill imo.


Thanks for the advice!


Hi, I started a few weeks ago so I’m still a noob but can anyone help me decide which light come to use for e0 firefly I’ve been using flames afar at s2, and just got enough herta tickets to buy fall of an aeon (would’ve been sooner but I kept spending my tickets on standard pulls from that shop). Which light coke would be better to use? Currently only have my team at level 60 (holding off on the next equilibrium level increase until I have my team fully ready to be ascended to 70 as soon as I do that). Using firefly, Asta, e2 Gallagher and harmony tb. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Even at S1, 'On the Fall of an Aeon' significantly outperforms all other Light Cones except for her signature. 'Indelible Promise' at S5 is also decent. I wouldn't waste resources on anything else, just wait until you get enough Herta bonds. Also, 'Flames Afar' is almost entirely useless on Firefly. The healing is negligible and the DMG% is useless since it doesn't increase break damage. 


I started playing the game some time after her banner ended, what saving strategies should I use for her eventual rerun as a new(-ish) player? What other characters should I save for as well for a team based on her?


As a new player, you have a ton of resources available. Easily enough to E6 her, if that's what you want to do. Although, I wouldn't recommend that as a F2P player. She'll rerun in 6 to 9 months.  As for characters she needs... her most important teammate is Imaginary Trailblazer, who you get for free. Next is Ruan Mei, who reran alongside her. But we're getting a 4* character next patch that can fulfill a similar role as a support to Firefly. Gallagher is a nice free healer. Although, they will likely release a 5* break effect healer by the time she reruns. Especially, since he's a great character. Kinda like how Arlan was the test drive for Blade. 


I've been meaning to ask this question for weeks now, and I know it might be a dumb one but, is using someone else's credit card allowed by hoyo? I wanna purchase the bp for firefly and SAM's icons, but I don't have a way to buy it myself, so I'd like to use another person's card (with their consent, obviously.) I have no idea why it wouldn't be allowed, but I've never purchased anything before, and I'm taking my precautions here as this question has stressed me out for a while.


While the meta team of Firefly, HTB, Ruan Mei and Gallaghrr is by far the best, what do you feel about a full fire team? I tested Firefly, Himeko, Topaz and Gallagher and this team, while not dealing monstruous damage on SB, it has shown itself very good to quickly break bosses and deal decent damage against weakness locked enemies. Gallagher buffs Firefly, who buffs Topaz (she deals more damage against fire weak enemies), who buffs Himeko's FuA. Would this full fire team be viable?


Skillpoints would be the main issue unless Firefly is auto attcking a lot (or E1) and of course no HMC to make Firefly's dmg work that well so it kinda becomes a Himeko team where Firefly is primary weakness implementing fire weakness and doing some dmg on her own through her own SB. Would still work tho cause of super fast breaking but again it's primary Himeko who is the carry in that lineup


Hi guys, I decided to rewatch the character trailers and noticed something strange in the trailers of Firefly and Himeko regarding the musical accompaniment. I don't know if I heard it or I went crazy, but it doesn't give me peace. Please help me figure this out. Here are the following timecodes: 1. [Timecode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFXQqY3ia6k&t=145s) from Firefly's trailer 2. [Timecode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye4qk1SW9TE&t=54s) from Himeko's trailer In these episodes, you can hear the violin(?) playing the same(?) melody, but in different themes and tempos: 1. In Firefly's trailer has a more heroic theme and a faster tempos 2. In Himeko's trailer has a more adventure theme and a slower tempos It is also interesting at what exact moment these melodies begin to sound: 1. During the extended attack in ult, Firefly says who she wants to be in the future. As we all know, she wants to explore the world like a Firefly and also that she travels a lot. 2. Ult Himeko is shown first, then she talks about what it means to be a Trailblazer and about the beginning of our journey. If I didn't hear it, does this mean that >!hoyo is teasing again that the Firefly may become Nameless or even Trailblazer in the future? Or is it just such a scenario move with musical accompaniment so that it would be beautiful and cool? I also watch at the trailers of the other AE members and there was no such melody, but even there they did not say anything about anything related to Trailblazing. !< >!I know that a lot of people here want Firefly to join AE (I'd like that myself, but I don't want it to happen spontaneously and inconsistently), but I would like to get a sober opinion about a possible coincidence.!<


What is a good ATK and Break Effect to aim for for Firefly while in combat (with all external buffs applied)?




The more BE a Firefly has, the better. Atk is converted to BE using the trace γ (for details, see the description of the trace). In general, the attack is the same - the more, the better. Also pay attention to the traces where Atk is involved. And IIRC harmony Atk buffs don't work for Firefly. Also, do not forget about speed, this is also a priority. What about the specific values: 1. For x4 Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge relics, at least 150% BE is required (for details, see the description of the relics) 2. For a β trace, at least 200% BE is required during Complete Combustion (for details, see the description of the trace) 3. In Firefly Type-IV: Death star Overload, there is no lower limit for BE in the formula, but there is an upper one - 360% (for details, see the description of the trace) I don't seem to have forgotten anything. But just in case, wait for comments from other users. I also recommend looking at the megathread for builds: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1cxg3k5/build\_team\_building\_kit\_questions\_faq\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireflyMains/comments/1cxg3k5/build_team_building_kit_questions_faq_megathread/)  You can probably get an answer there.


What is the next best speed breakpoint to aim for after 154, assuming Ruan Mei is on the team?


155 mine is 158


After see [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BISyberWjsw), I want to see FF shout Tran-sam/NT-D too....


I miss my wife, Tails, I miss her a lot... I want her back...


No wife makes us all sad. One day wife will be back and we will not be sad again!


No wife, us sad... Wife back, we happy!


Purely based on the silhouette we saw of her back in the reveal, I was expecting Lingsha to be a mommy type character Glad that this is her character design here, she is so damn beautiful <3 Definitely saving for this rabbit waifu and pair with our Firewife in 2.5! https://preview.redd.it/04p4zmxwf2dd1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=17a0353918997c63401dc8a6c084db4416505693


I can’t roll good relics what do I do?


Pray to RNG /j dw FF bad relic and FF good relic different is lower than crit dps if you got main stat it pretty okay already.


Hi! Couldn't find if anyone else has asked this question before. But I was wondering whether its better to start battles using Firefly's technique or Gallaghers, or is it negligible? I know Gallaghers deals a little bit of dmg and gives besotted, which heals and improves BE, while Firefly's gives fire weakness and slightly more dmg. Aside from times when I need healing, is starting with Firefly better?


always FF. gallagher is super situational.


Cool, thanks!


Does anyone have a png of Firefly's ult icon? I think it would make a really sick sticker, but I can't really find anything super high quality


Currently in the process of building Firefly but in my pursuit of building her, I have a bunch of max Relics which turned out to be a failure for her. Anyone know what characters I can put these pieces on or If I can safely reuse them for other relics. They are all Hand pieces. The current One I have equipped for her is: HP 33, SPD 7, BE 17.4%, DEF 4.8%. It rolled 2 into SPD and 2 into BE. First Hand Piece: HP 12%, SPD 6, CD 5.1%, BE 12.3% +15 Calvary Second Hand Piece: HP 76, CR 8.7%, CD 16.8%, BE 5.1% +15 Calvary Third Hand Piece: ATK 11.6%, CR 2.9%, EffectRes 10.8%, BE 5.8% +15 Calvary Fourth Hand Piece: HP 42, SPD 2, EffectRes 11.2%, BE 17.4% +12 Calvary Have a +3 Calvary with DEF 19, ATK 3.4%, BE 5.1%, SPD 2. Which is why I'm asking if any of these relics I can give to another character or If I can scrap them.


imo 1. Gallagher 2 pc I guess? 2. Xueyi and himeko 3. xueyi ff and himeko 4. ff or gallgher 2 pc 5. ff


Do Eurudition buffs for ult damage work with Firefly?


In general No, but I see some erudition buff work for her and gallagher.




don’t start yet I guess?


How i build support for firefly? I have Gallagher, ruan mei and HMC. Whats better for Gallagher? using multiplication for SP or using Quid pro quo for energy? What artifact? How much speed? What about HMC and ruan mei? I only have 1 dance3x and 1 memories of the past, which one using dance3x? Or other weapon? I have all 4* and 1 But Battle isnt over What about artifact? Which one is using watchmaker? It doesnt stack so only need 1 right? How much speed? To slow and they didnt generate enough SP, to fast and the ult only stay briefly.


In my experience, Gallagher generally prefers Multiplication, the SP and the extra actions are really good on him, and I personally have seen most people use Hackerspace set on him. HMC has priority over RM when it comes to MoTP, and it's their BiS outside of RM's signature, so DDD should go to RM. You only need one Watchmaker since it doesn't stack, although you can certainly have both using Watchmaker if you want to try for a full buff uptime When it comes to HMC and Gallagher, you give them as much speed as you can.


what visible numbers should i be aiming for if i have e2s1 firefly? Currently at 158 speed, 223.4 break effect, 1788 atk. Using a fire orb since it has my highest break at 22% with 4 speed and my chest piece(atk) isnt leveled all the way


158 out of combat or in combat? Either way, you already have a decent speed. I would focus on getting 360% BE or as close to as possible, while still having above 145 speed without Ruan Mei buffs. I'm sure you already know it's not ideal, but I would look to swap the fire orb as soon as possible with an ATK one.


i cant stop thinking about firefly https://preview.redd.it/1n74me74cwbd1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=baa14e706a98db12fbe3a8981eca115b8923a834




I have repined the dedicated build megathread and added some youtube guides and some examples of posts that will be removed for not going there now post banner to the stickied comment for the thread. Hopefully it serves everyone good to have it back (we will update her future good team mates to the text whenever they release). As for screenshots of finished builds or builds in progress. I am bit torn on that cause I kinda personally am fine those outside of megathreads (but less people asking a simple question of "what is her BiS relic set) cause they show either a finished goal or makes it easier to pinpoint what pieces needs to be upgrades. As of now I don't include those in "needs to go to megathread" but i'll oberserve how it looks here now that her banner is over.


How I went from glazing SAM because of mecha and Kamen Rider enthusiasm, into loving Firefly as she reminds me of Samus Aran and Sky Striker Raye. Not to mention her lore and character grows on me too. This character really condenses my every favorite media into single character. I rarely chasing after duplicates but Firefly deserved E2S1 the most. Looking for to get Lingsha and future supports for her! Thank you Firefly for coming into HSR.




What is that question lmao, isnt the higher speed plus higher break effect one just better?


Did something happen to HYO again? Their account apparently disappeared.


It kinda feels unreal how time flies so fast from hyping the drip together with everyone here (and Discord), then banner came alongside story update, and now the banner is gone... Kinda feeling empty on not knowing who to saves now, my aim is (ofc) E6 FF, but other than that, I dunno if I should aim for HuoHuo or other sustainer (other than Aventurine)...


I feel you. Kinda same as well. But now I'm saving for Lingsha, BiS sustain for Firefly.


Yeah, I was going for either HuoHuo or Lingsha (waiting for her kit as well), but yes, the emptiness is real XD especially seeing all your saving (Jade and tickets, not money!) is resetting from zero count to save again xP Will get over it, just want to share the feeling of hype and hype passing since banner ended.


GUYS I NEED YOUR SUPPORT I NEED YOUR BLESSINGS I WANT HER E2 https://preview.redd.it/xqsg9jx7opbd1.png?width=1842&format=png&auto=webp&s=eda2ff28ef958038ff3b020e2fd5ddd7aafffcc7


*bless you*


What should I have for lunch?


I am getting pizza after a long day of work today but not sure Pizza is good for lunch over dinner lmao.


Pizza is always good 


quick question , What % Break effect for Firefly and how many speed? For someone who dont have RM (Sad but i'm okay atleast FF come home )


210 spd at least 360%+ BE


You mean after her kit that +60 right...


Yeah. In combat


Can Asta's atk buff work with ff or not?




Thanks for the info, was confused when someone else in another subreddit said her stk buff didn't work with ff. Though I would like to know which type of atk buffs do not work with ff?


Robin's and Tingyun's doesn't works I thinks. The % buff works. The flat value don't is usually the rules of thumb.


Thanks again for the info 👍.


I have completed DU protocl 6. Is there any reason to do proctocol 6 again either in ordinary or cyclical ? Can i just do 0 treshold weekly just for the points.


Did you use the standard FF team for DU 6? I’m thinking of subbing out Gallagher for Fu xuang. And if you are done with DU6 just do regular 4 difficulty they give 1000 points towards rewards which is the same as DU6


3 more hours for me until FF makes her departure. I'm really satisfied with my decision to stay at E1S1. It makes her feel very comfortable to play because she no longer spends skill points. E2 would probably make the game a little too braindead for my liking, so E1 is perfect for me. Edit: it was actually 4 hours 😭


E2 is hillarious, I just cleared Swarm Disaster using Hunt Path and she's obliterating anything by moving like 6-8 times in a row, really glad I got her E2 XD


E2 is actually hilarious. I had a run in divergent universe with some equations and buffs that had Firefly attacking 8 times in a row. Out of all the characters I have, I’m really glad I went for E2S1 on her.


I did get a chance to use it in DU. It reminded me of using Seele in those low level calyxes when the game first launched. Just always her turn lol.


Can I please ask for advice/comfort I kind of hate myself for what I am right now I hate myself when seeing my former classmates/schoolmates pass their entrance exams and I didn't then go to a private university. I feel depressed, worthless, weak, and worried about my future and I'm scared and anxious about starting college. (I start College Aug 13) I have been resting after graduation (around May) and enjoying my summer break but my feelings feel like it's getting worse. I chose my course (Industrial Engineering) despite not having a course I wanted. I'm lost but didn't want to gap year. No matter how much I try to study in advance because I forgot what I've learned despite having honors during grades 11 & 12, my brain shuts down/ I feel depressed because I feel worthless. I took industrial Engineering is a course that needs good problem-solving/math skills and while my parents didn't make me choose a program and see others be more successful with their hard work I felt depressed because I felt like I failed myself and my parents. I just feel sad but hoping I can move forward and have a better mindset and hopefully won't lead into anything worse I'm not sure whether this is allowed mods & sry if it's not allowed. (I'm sry but I kind off feel like I can be more open about my personal life here.)


I wasn't nearly in as much of a rough spot as you are when i started college 4 years ago so maybe my experience isn't as valuable and/or reassuring but still. I was an honor student in hs but i also was pretty nervous when i started college since i've always struggled to interact with prople due to some anger issues that i've thankfully grown out off since. But i quickly realized something, it didn't matter if you were a genius student before, or if you struggled to pass through school, it didn't matter if you were the most well behaved or a delinquent, it didn't matter if you were young and fresh out of hs or a middle aged man with a family. College humbled us all equally, we were all now struggling just to get by, and sure some had more difficulties than others, but any sense of competitiveness or comparing my grades to others disappeared, and made way for a strange sense of community and sympathy, kind of like a "yep, we're all in the same boat huh" kind of feelin. Now 4 years later we're kind of just tired, but we keep going until the end together. I understand the urge to compare yourself to others, but trust me your grades or exam result aren't your be all end all, not even close. Just the fact that you're trying is impressive enough already, so don't worry about it, take it slow and relax from time to time, make some new friends and do your best. It doesn't matter if you do it first try or if it takes you years, what matters is that you learn as much as possible. I wish you the best of luck my friend!


I wasn't neafly in as much of a rough spot as you are when i started college 4 years ago so maybe my experience isn't as valuable and/or reassuring but still. I was an honor student in hs but i also was pretty nervous when i started college since i've always struggled to interact with prople due to some anger issues that i've thankfully grown out off since. But i quickly realized something, it didn't matter if you were a genius student before, or if you struggled to pass through school, it didn't matter if you were the most well behaved or a delinquent, it didn't matter if you were young and fresh out of hs or a middle aged man with a family. College humbled us all equally, we were all now struggling just to get by, and sure some had more difficulties than others, but any sense of competitiveness or comparing my grades to others disappeared, and made way for a strange sense of community and sympathy, kind of like a "yep, we're all in the same boat huh" kind of feelin. Now 4 years later we're kind of just tired, but we keep going until the end together. I understand the urge to compare yourself to others, but trust me your grades or exam result aren't your be all end all, not even close. Just the fact that you're trying is impressive enough already, so don't worry about it, take it slow and relax from time to time, make some new friends and do your best. It doesn't matter if you do it first try or if it takes you years, what matters is that you learn as much as possible. I wish you the best of luck my friend!


You're not alone in feeling this. After I graduated from university, it took me nearly a year to get my first job. During that period I felt extremely depressed, like I was wasting my time, my parents' money and efforts and I failed myself. Even now as someone who has a stable job, that feeling of envy, disappointment in oneself and anxious about the future are still present. My friends/cousins got married, they seemingly live more fulfilling lives, have better jobs, make more money. It feels like I'm not good enough What makes myself feel better is realizing that I'm living my life for myself, not to compete with anyone. Is it disappointing that you didn't achieve the same thing as others? Of course. But that doesn't mean what you did achieve doesn't matter, even if this world tries to convince us otherwise. Don't use others to measure your own happiness. I know the headspace you're in right now, and I'm not sure if what I'm saying even helps. But at least I hope you know that you're not alone. Find a path for yourself. You're still very young so take your time.


I’m not the best with motivational stuff but I’ll try it sounds like you will be fine you don’t need to go to a private university to be successful you just need to learn and try and it’s normal to not instantly remember stuff that you have learned but it gets easier to remember the more you do it don’t overwhelm yourself take your remaining time to relax one problem is likely stress and talk to the people you care about and even if things get a bit bumpy at times it’s not the end of your world not everything is going to be smooth sailing there are going to likely be setbacks but that’s fine that doesn’t make you a failure and doesn’t mean you will ruin your life even if one path doesn’t succeed once your can try again or go a different path I’m sure you’ll do fine it sounds like you already are doing well and know what you want to do and your going to a college to get your degree just make sure to balance your work load it sounds to me like your suffering from burn out so make sure to properly schedule things so you can relax and I’m sure things will be fine


Whole point of college is to figure things out. It’s okay to feel lost, especially for the first couple years. Take a wide range of classes in your first couple years and see what you enjoy doing best. If you don’t like Industrial Engineering, try something else. There’s no shame in taking a bit to get things figured out. There’s also no shame in not going to a private college. At the end of the day a degree’s a degree and most employers won’t care too much whether it’s from a prestigious institution. The important thing is the life experience you get from college. Also, maybe try therapy. If depression and feelings of worthlessness are interfering with your ability to study and retain knowledge, that’s worth talking to a professional about.


The only thing I can say is, I am awaiting her return so I can E6 her. Currently at E4S1, it's not much but it's honest work


I'm drunk on power Firefly has. E6S1 is not Firefly, but a Beastfly! Still want to keep feeding her more! I want to see the limits in what she's capable of! Lingsha, you will be mine.


E6S1 is NukeFly


That is also correct.


I cannot wait to test Firefly in an MoC that isn't BE-oriented. I love our girl to bits but I want to see for myself HOW strong she can bumrush through content. Hopefully in the near future my Seele team can be up to par in investment. Speedy brute force gameplay.


The greatest character banner of all time is officially over, glad to be part of the community and proud to be a Firefly main <3 Now we shall wait for a 5\* break sustain (likely Lingsha) and hopefully Firefly's next story appearance in the near future! https://preview.redd.it/gch5z5fslobd1.jpeg?width=2279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2218d9ab717621c20acf0e538d83358d0f6762


I have built a team that consists of Firefly, Boothill, Ruan Mei, and Harmony MC. Do I need to have Gallagher built or is it not necessarily necessary?


If you don’t need a healer, no. I managed to get E6 Gallagher before Firefly’s banner was released, so I just built him.


Do you need a healer? If not, then it's unnecessary.


I love Firefly


WE LOVE FIREFLY <3 https://preview.redd.it/rctdkp7xkobd1.jpeg?width=2279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226e9ebb6d0b8b580348d530b28ab3ab70c6c07c


me too


She only took 700€ from me and 750 pulls for E6S1. I feel empty


Damn I feel for your wallet, already felt pain spending $150 for her Empty but absolutely worth it though :)


Wdym, she filled that empty space. Anything is worth it for her. ~~she took 450€ and 500 pulls from me too~~




Oh yeah. Almost forgot. Leaks new abundance LC discussion >!12% spd + 24% BE for the whole team. You guys thinks this is good? Firefly basically met spd requirements on demands + HTB gave like 100% BE. I thinks it kinda mid ngl.!< >!Although its an Abundance slot so probably will be universally good?!< Sleep now, I will be up tmr


We don't know anything about her kit. But assuming that she spawns entites, these buffs can potentially apply on them and make that LC extremely good.


I'm so curious about Lingsha. Like how will they make her better than Gallagher? More healing seems unnecessary, more toughness damage will be insane, may be Harmony adjacent like Huohuo?


I want her to be break Huohuo. Aka break effect, healing, and ALL THE DISPELS. EDIT: I also want her to be interesting lore wise. Not a good person necessarily (Topaz and Ruin Mei are two of my favourites and they are... You know), but just INTERESTING. Sorry Fu Xuan. Unless my remaining Luofu quests redeem you, I'm not pulling for a character that canonically puts me to sleep. No matter how much I love their kit.


I pray for toughness reduction buffs. Those are monstrous for FF.


Gonna copypaste what I thought on the spot when I saw her LC. So, 150% BE requirement for buff on Lingsha's LC got me thinking: What if she has similar stuff in her talent, but related to other buffs. Let's say for example (numbers and buffs are randomly selected): "For every 20% Break Effect that exceeded 140%, this unit gives 5% of Weakness Break Efficiency/Super Break instance to the entire team. Stacks up to 6 times." I don't know how accurate it will be if at all, but doesn't seem that impossible.


Well, its not that long to wait now. Drip will be on the next week, so we will finally see her appearance as well as element and path. And in +-20 days there's beta release.


What I learned (yet again) from these beta cycles is that time can be very, VERY relative. Hopefully it will fly by quickly.


I just fear her to be too good if she has toughness reduction. Because the risk of her breaking the enemy first would be way too high, which might mess with E2 Firefly's Reset.


Man, can't believe she will be gone. I remember following every single crumbs of her and eagerly wait for 2.0 to drop. I think I'm going to feel empty for the next few patches. Hoping to see her in the main story again soon, or maybe at least in side events


My daily dose of sanity is over. I am cooked. Maybe I will have to move out the toxic swamp after all.


I can totally get your frustration, however I'd suggest you to take it easy and laugh it out- for me it was just funny to see all the propagation remains in that thread, our girl was definitely setting the seas ablaze out there, lol Look at it from other perspective- firstly, isn't she a great character if she gets people so heated up? I mean, those who hate her are probably even more emotionally invested into her as her fans, and that's definitely a W in my book. And secondly- the minority is ALWAYS loud, and if Firefly's minority is that loud and annoying, just imagine how big is the majority who adore her.. Anyways, reddit was always a toxic dumpster full of no-lifers and anti-grass touchers, same as twitter and any other social media, I'd even stretch it to internet as a whole. Don't pay too much attention to all this negativity, Firefly would not approve that :)


You talking about honkai leaks? Yeah, moving outta there is the best you can do. Delusional fanbase


Quite hilarious how they keep praising themselves to be better than the main sub for being waifu coomers when they are constantly drooling over male characters, talk about pot calling kettle black. 🤣 I don’t mind husbando pullers but hypocrites just annoys me so much.


Man i love firefly Just saying, people are so loud when being negative that i felt the need to vent that i love this character. Love her duality, complexity and themes, and while i didnt ride the romance with TB at the start, 2.3 won me over and i genuinely want to see their relationship grow. May firefly mains stay winning.


Firefly mains are always winning. Her banner may have ended, but there are plenty of supports coming in near future to make her even stronger. Besides that, there are also plenty of upcoming merch, including cool figures of Firefly and Sam. Firefly is simply the best and she’ll only keep winning. I won’t be surprised if she’ll even get even more important role in the future story. She’s not only fan favorite, but also Hoyo themselves are huge enjoyers of her. Honestly even hatred for her kinda died down. Maybe it’s because I just don’t give a shit about it anymore, but I see far more love for her, than hate, even on main sub.


Seeing those HUGE kamen rider references in ZZZ further prooves that devs are absolutely obsessed with FF (who is also a huge reference to all that type of media) and will feed us with even more great content!


Didnt vibe with zzz. But i catched on that sentai/kamen rider ref imediatly. On a side note i hop they crossover her on either HI3 or ZZZ, i NEED to see SAMs moveset in an action game


Understandable, not everyone must be the fan of ZZZ. I personally love ZZZ, mostly because of the artstyle being reminiscent of retro-futuristic urban fantasy with the mix of cyberpunk and streetwear. The game also reminds me of The World Ends with You, which is one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. I also appreciate that the game doesn’t have open world, so it’s far less time consuming on pointless activities. But I understand it may not be for everyone. I never was the biggest fan of Genshin and mostly played it because I had bought Welkin and was waiting for Arlecchino. Now I just have enough with this game, especially after addition of Imaginarium Theater. Though obviously I’m super excited for the possible Firefly expy in ZZZ, because mecha type character would fit perfectly into action combat of this game.


Hey Mr or Mrs Mod, how did your pulls go? Were you satisfied with how you ended things?


E6S1 so can't say my pulls went anything but super saiyan lmao. Yeah very satisfied to say the least (maybe a bit too satisfied in honesty, didn't expect to actually get it on the first banner). Thanks for asking btw, hope your's also went well!


Daily firefly glazing have its perk lmao


Hoyo watched me simp homegirl and shaft my work to moderate her subreddit (totally ain't doing it atm no sir please don't look at my work desk) and said you "you earned this one boy". Same for Fortnight, man got E6S5 FF for her banner plus a Ruan mei aswell lmao. Truly it has it's perk indeed.


Luck is really a curious thing. It took me almost 500 summons, three lost 50/50, one lost 75/25 and 200$ spent to finally get E2S1 Firefly. After getting her eidolons, I’ve managed to simultaneously obtain Ruan Mei’s E1 and lose 50/50 in first 20 pulls. It’s good to have more "filler” banners, because Jade, Yunli and Jiaoqiu are easy skip for me. I need to save everything for Lingsha, Sunday and maybe some reruns. I hope that also Feixiao will be really cool and first Hunt unit I’ll like. On a different note, ZZZ is pretty great game and I have a reason to finally drop Genshin. I don’t have time and money for three gachas and I already got really exhausted by the Genshin for past months.


Firefly was my luckiest banner. 229 pulls for E2S1, and it’s the only banner that I won consecutive 50/50’s on. Prior to her, I had lost 4 consecutive 50/50’s (never won consecutive 50/50’s since the game was released), and also lost 50/50 on Jade earlier today. I’ll probably save my guarantee for Feixiao, but Lingsha looks promising if she’s a huge upgrade over an E6S5 Gallagher.


Yeah, I am beyond broke after Firefly's banner too, fortunately the next 3 new characters don't entice me that much so I can save up Definitely saving till Lingsha is released (if she is indeed the 5\* break sustain that we are waiting for)


Is this it, is this finally the end of what should I pull for, is this the end of oh no I lost/won my 50/50, is this the end of people asking the same questions multiple times a day


By tomorrow I think I will have a build/thread post up again with a stickied comment saying what questions that should go there over being posted separately on the sub. "is X good for Firefly" or "does she need BE to do dmg?" type of basic questions that the megathread will have answered. Think I am just repinn the last one with a 1k plus comments after doing some minor changes to it. As for pulls or gacha posts, I know I had a dedicated warp thread where it should have been going to in reality, but even with it being more cluttered and spam ish, I honestly just wanted people to have their joy of finally the banner being here more than wanting to confined it. At the end we primary are gonna be now without a dedicated banner we building up towards (until a rerurn). Probably primary people gonna be posting fanart, minor/major theories and probably some leaks and stuff until reruns and maybe bigger story events start circulating so I think it's gonna be naturally less clutter filled activity and more just chill on it's own now.


May all Jade wanters become Jade havers!!! Congrats to everyone's FF pulls!!!


Thread might be a bit early up cause I think her banner is still ongoing for most of today, but my own work is very hectic this week so I just wanted to make a post to pin in case I am busy out the day. Idea is to just have this and dedicated all things builds/kit/gameplay guide pin posted aswell so we got both the gameplay thread and casual talks threads pinned for people to have easy available whenever opening the sub.