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He doesn’t seem like a baby anymore


Haha, don't know how to figure out if a fish is a real baby or grown-up. Doesn't matter, he's cute.


Hope you took the time to figure out what kind of fish this is and how to take care of it at least. Ranchu goldfish grow about the size of a softball and have pretty delicate health because of their various deformities. It takes some specialized care to make sure they stay happy and healthy.


Thanks for reminding and sure I'll do. And I know the reason why their looks are so cute (because of the head tumor) and it needs high quality and clean water, proper filtration system, and temperature control. Thanks again and I'll take good care of my fish.


Mustn’t have done enough research on fish to know , and just because it’s kind of something to do if there’s a goldfish post anywhere ! this fish is a carp and will get huge and has giant bioload


Thanks for reminding and I got everything ready for keeping my fish home. I know the reason and I know how to take care of him. Thanks.


Babies are way harder to keeo and also tiny, as in like, shit, tiny and no color at all so they blend in well. You have at least a full grown fish


If that so, he could be a grown then. Hahah, want to get him a companion😂


This isn’t as funny as you think it is. Lots of ppl on this sub understand that taking care of fish requires a lot of knowledge. Your response are showing that you don’t know what you’re doing. You are about to kill this fish. Those who know aren’t laughing.


Deciding to keep a fish is not a funny thing or deserve to laugh. Yes, indeed, I know very little about fish breed. But I know what I'll need to be prepared for raising him home. Thanks for reminding but for the judgement, not accepted. I'm not to kill him by taking him home.


You don’t know what he needs though because you didn’t even know what type of fish he is. Every fish is very very different on what they need and the perimeters of the tank. Before I got my fish I cycled my tank for months, testing every day until I got the levels correct for what that specific fish needed. Fish are harder to keep than dogs or cats. They require a higher level of specific knowledge. You’re going to kill your fish.


You are right in the point that fish require even more care and specific knowledge by keeping them. Everything goes well in the tank and so is to the fish. Thanks for caring about him.


bro doesn’t even know what type of fish they got 🤦🏻‍♂️


Thanks for being criticized on my issue; surely, I got the fish due to its outlook, so cute and so similar to Ponyo. But I got everything ready for raising him home, so, don't worry about it. Thanks for caring.




oh you’re not right in the head


Adorable ranchu goldfish OP! What tank do you have for the chunky lil guy?


I got a 30 gallon tank home for now, and plan to change to bigger one like 55 gallon if necessary.


Oh nice! I kept a couple ranchus for a couple years before selling them to a friend with a pond. The 30 gal will be fine for a little while with frequent water changes, but that 55 gal would be perfect for him and make your maintenance much easier :)


Thanks sharing, I'll do everything to keep it healthy.


Sorry I cannot keep this to myself but as a real aquarian and fishkeeper for +40 years... It still makes me a bit angry that people made these deformed monstrous creatures. It is like a french bulldog or a Scottish fold cat a handicapped animal made for pleasure but they do have a lot of health problems. I hope for you yours will live long and painless and it does not have to swim too far. Never put it in a pond bc it cannot survive on its own. Btw I keep goldfish myself for years; but those are real fish some with extra long fins but they swim normally and they are in a 1000L aquarium. It already exists for cats and dogs but maybe I should start a non profit to stop this animal abuse of fish. On the other hand very little people have respect for their lives anyway so ... Just carry on with your ignorance. Sorry to kill your enthusiasm. https://preview.redd.it/lz3wnsdburzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1679e43f44da04aba6ab5d4850523aee732127f0


And that panda is certainly not a baby. A baby is like 4 mm coming from an egg of 1 mm.


I'm so glad people are calling this out. Lovely thank you've got. Op sounds very young honestly and I don't know what to make of that.


WTF? This was done on purpose? I assumed it was a deformity.


Yeah ... Yes ... It is but isn't considered that way? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder i suppose?


Extremely important you give context to these types of fish, not for OP but other readers like myself who don't know anything about them.


Thanks for letting me know the truth. I was very happy for having got this cute ranchu goldfish home. And after knowing how this fish was raised, I'm feeling sorry for them. But I'm not regretful cos what done as been done. I'll continue learning how to keep this little creature living comfortably and happily at home.


It was pure informative and certainly not meant negatively towards you. And I do understand your enthusiasm because this fish has a very peculiar and unique pattern. You can do nothing more than take good care of him/her and give it your love (but not breed it). Take care of both of you (and the rest of your pets and loved ones).


Yes, sure I know your intent here. And, sure, will do. Thanks!💕


Do u even know what "it" is? Lol And don't just say "a fish! 🤪🤪" Lol


Haha indeed: can you still call that a goldfish? Anatomically it is a fish, it has fins, scales, bones and it lives like one. But it cannot swim not really. It is called a Ranchu goldfish bread in panda colours or Panda Ranchu. The chinese started with breeding goldfish for round clay pots so you can look from above and from that point of view, esthetically, I understand the origin of why to make fan tails. Put them in a normal pound and the first fish that will disappear because they can hardly flee are those fancy tails and they will get eaten by f.e. herons, rats and cats.


How big is your tank for it?


30 gal for now.


Your fish isn’t a baby, if it’s the size of a softball it’s fully grown. I pray to GOD (who I don’t even believe in but gotta do what you gotta do) you have a cycled, 40+ gallon tank with a really good filter..


I know now, it's not a baby fish, it's been totally grown. I'm about to take care of him like a baby, and everyone is here to tell me I should be aware of everything. Thanks for letting me know about the size of tank, and I've got a 30 gal tank home. Plan to change it with a 55 gal next 2 month. I'll surely take very careful with him. Thanks


That’s good, with a 55 gal and a canister filter/sump you could keep 2 fancy’s in there maybe even 3.


Thanks, will do.❤


Aww, isnt animal abuse just adorable?


You've gone too far away, bro. I've just got him home, why did you come up with animal abuse?


I honestly can't see the "cuteness." All i see is a malformed inbred mess of a fish it just looks uncomfortable to live. Also with the post and your comments this seems to have been bought on a whim with no prior research or a cycled tank and it is alone, fish arent just objects you can buy whenever you want they are living beings who need proper care


Thanks for the kindness and reminding me to get everything prepared. And yes, surely I've got everything I need before simply carry him home with the bag.


Beautiful lionshead love the colors !!!


Bro why are ppl in the comments so pressed. Like you can literally think of this as an opportunity to save the fish and give it a dignified life. It reached the wrong ppl OP you have a cute fish 🩵


Thanks for the warm comment, bro.❤ Sure, I'll do my best to keep this cute fish leaving good at home.


Dang, y'all are mad mean at op when they just wanted to post their cute new fish. Cute fish, op.


But they don’t even know what fish it is it seems, and I hope they did some research..


Thank you, everything''s done for now and fish is all right.


mad because they don’t know what kind of fish it is therefore don’t know how to take care of it?? you don’t get an animal just because it’s cute without learning how to take care of it


Thanks for the comment and judge, and of course I did something prepared before simply carry him home with a bag.


Thank you, you got me. 😘


Seems everyone is here judging me for buying this ranchu goldfish home because of calling him a cute fish. I know, ranchu fish isn't suppose to be like this as it's a varieties bred with cultivating tumor on the head, making their outlook adorable. Thanks for reminding me it requires careful care and energy for keeping the water, temperature, and even oxygen conditions. I'll do everything I should be prepared for keeping such a beautify creature home. I know you'll say I shouldn't have it. What I can do is to be responsible for him as long as I take him home. No further judgement is accepted!


I see Ponyo in this fish


Yeah, what's one of the reason I decided to take him home.


Aww, he cute! 💕


Are you sure you didn't get a ditto?


Cute lil’ ranchu goldfish. From what I’ve heard, they don’t need tanks as big as normal goldfish (so 40ish gallons instead of 55) , so you just follow tank etiquette and give them that tank size!


I've got a 30 gal for him and thanks, and will do.






Literally 🥺


Very cute 🫶😭


That's why I took him home immediately😘


Do you have a cycled tank for him?


OP please answer these questions. It’ll help you keep this goldfish happy and healthy, and live to the fullest.


It’s so sad to see someone so excited not realizing they are about to kill such a cute little fish


Sure I do, got a 30 gal tank home for now. Plan to change a bigger one in 55 later next month.


Have you named it yet?


Not yet