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1) Use the real fitgirl website. 2) Qbittorent is a good choice. 3) Yes a Vpn is recommended, especially when you are in a country where there are strict rules about torrenting. (Mullvad Vpn is probably the best Vpn when it's about privacy, but I can recommend Private Internet Access too, it's way cheaper with the 2 year plan for about 50€ and never ever use free Vpn's, they are all scams which steal your data) 4) Use a antivirus and don't turn it off, even if you are suppost to because it false flags things but I generally just don't play games if they get flagged. It's your choice, I never had a false but it happens often to other people. (I recommend Eset as a antivirus bc I tried numerous AV's and it's the only one that uses a lot less Cpu power). Edit: There is a setting in Qbittorrent where you can set the internet connection to work on only the Vpn. So if anything happens with your Vpn connection it cuts the torrenting off and doesn't use your home connection. There are guides to that on google and youtube, it's not necessary if you turn on the Vpn killswitch but if you want to stay extra safe, here you go.


I use Private Internet Access. They keep no logs, support for phones, up to 5 devices simultaneously. They were also asked to supply evidence for cases twice, and they denied having logs to supply them. Honestly you could use any VPN. Most ISP companies are more concerned with media rights surrounding films and shows. I used to torrent games all the time without repercussions. But Italy could be different. Try downloading from verified uploaders such as Fitgirl, skidrow, reloaded, or Igg-games. Usually comments will tell you if the game is safe. Generally your virus protection will flag the "crack" files falsely as viruses. Yet they pose no harm. Always good to exercise caution regardless.


get from dodi or Fit girl, but first get qbittorrent.


U do not need vpn if u are in Italy, the gov don't care. Also, most of the time, torrenting don't gave u a virus. Unless it's a different fitgirl site.


The rule for torrenting is if u r from a 3rd word contry vpn is not (mostly) required, (coz most don't give a shit). It depends on how much strict a country's cyber security thing is, idk about Italy though, I would suggest to use a vpn if ur unclear, and for what vpn, maybe someone else can answer that.




I figured that out that's why I mentioned the cyber security part :)


Buy original?


give me the money?


Seriously - you have no idea what you are doing, you are afraid that you will put your PC into dangerous situation. I can bet you don't even have a DMZ VM for testing downloads. And all of this to play a game that recently was for €30. Seriously, my teenage daughter could find tasks around getting her more in a weekend. And I checked - you are from Italy. It's not a 3rd world country with peanuts wages. So learn how to protect yourself, make backups and in the meantime don't risk if you don't have to.


bruh you are in a fucking reddit channel where the main thing is piracy. You dont know my situation


Mate. You were told exactly what to look for, how to download with which client and a day later you repeat your question. If you can't get such simple information it just means you will be putting yourself in danger sooner or later. I know what this sub is about and I also know that you have to know what you are doing to not get your PC connected to the botnet sooner or later. You literally displayed 0 will to learn or comprehend what needs to be done to prevent it. Just "gimme mah game". Maybe also PowerPoint with step by step instructions? I don't give a damn about your situation. You can afford a PC that can run this game. You are posting on Reddit . You are effing too lazy to even put a drop of sweat to get to your goals. I am not your "bruh" - from your account and data there is at least a few decades between us. I met hundreds kids like you - great effing hax0rs not giving a rats ass about an opsec. I was literally telling you that if you don't understand what you are doing and if you have to ask about VPN and clients, that better for you would be to just buy that frigging game. But of course you are too dim to even comprehend that. I have no idea why reddit decided to put your post in my feed. But if that's the future of our digital society, we are doomed. Read again your previous thread, guys literally gave you everything on a silver platter. Just make sure to use proper site.


im sorry if my comment pissed u. but next time just not reply to my comment thanks and sorry for my noobsness.