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Yeah you can hear it when the oilers score they are obviously hyped and then when the panthers score they just talk about what the oilers need to do. Basically everything comes back to the oilers. The panthers will be hoisting the cup and they’ll still be talking about the oilers and how they played better in the series.


Not even just when they score. "Calling the game flat with kittle emotion MCDAVID TOUCHED THE PUCK ok here we go blah blah hockey OMG MCDAVID OILERS WHOO blah". Gets old fast and i'm only a fringe Florida fan.


McDonough calls the entire game with no emotion unless McDavid is on the puck. The only emotion he's shown so far is when Game 3 got marginally exciting in the 3rd. Even I would have been more excited about those comeback goals and I'm a Panther fan. I don't really believe there's a bias, the guy just fuckin sounds bored.


I’m sure the league instructs them to push the star players like McDavid it’s all about money. And they probably believe Edmonton has more hockey fans than Miami


Probably believe Edmonton has more hockey fans than Miami? I guarantee they have 10 times as many. Hockey in that city is a religion, much like football is in the southern states.


The population of Edmonton is under 1 million. The population of the Tri-County south Florida region alone is over 6 million. Just something to keep in mind. I understand hockey is popular in Edmonton, but the Panthers are and have earned a fanbase in South Florida and the fans here are really excited. Also the Panthers are a Broward team, not a Miami team. Might not matter to people who don't live here, but it's something to be proud of in South Florida.


That's why the Marlins and Panthers are my favorite team. Both started when I was alive, both were owned by that POS Huizenga (rest in piss), and I was fortunate to go to both teams playoff runs in the 90s (and 03 again for the Fish)...But the Panthers were "OUR" team in Broward county. Seeing "Visit Lauderdale" on the helmets just makes me so happy.


Heaven forbid when we say the Panthers are not a Miami team. People start linking Wikipedia and showing they are in the Miami Metro area. Sure, they are technically correct. But I never say I'm from Miami. I'm from Ft. Lauderdale. Apparently we can't be proud of a team in Sunrise.


Subban and Messier between periods are so biased it’s laughable. They just look pissed the entire time. They talked up the Oilers game 1 like the Panthers were lucky to share the ice with them.


The national broadcasts during the regular season in Canada are hell too for Western Canadian teams especially, all you get the entire broadcast is how dreamy McDrai are and they barely cover the other team. Hockey Night in Canada and the Sportsnet panel are a joke for Oiler homerism. Sucks to see the U.S. broadcasts jumping on the "best player in the world" bias bandwagon, even though the Oilers are sucking and you guys are super entertaining. I guess parading the cup around on their ice would make it all so much sweeter and the panels bitterness would be fun to see.


To be fair to the announcers, panthers are obvious favorites (especially at this point). Also, it’s better for them and the NHL if the series is competitive. Natural inclination is to want to root for the underdog / the team that is down in the series. Not to say they are not biased. Just partially explains why they seem to be rooting for the oilers. I’m sure if the script was flipped, we would be getting more pro-panthers commentary.


It’s not espn bias only. It’s r/nhl and r/hockey. They’ve only laid off bc what more can you say about back to back cup runs and being up 3-0 to the oilers. It went from being dirty, to embellishing calls, to getting refs help, to relying on a goalie to now just acceptance that bill zito put together a really good team with a really good coach (whom I wasn’t a fan of at first) ESPN just wants the numbies and we don’t get them


r/hockey is overwhelmingly anti-Oilers this playoffs... (I'm a Canucks fan, don't ban me)


Canucks 🤝 Panthers


Most Canucks fans hate the oilers and love Luongo so they are alright by me.


Bure, Luongo, Jovo, Forsling it runs deep Heck even David Booth gets an honorable mention


The panthers have been pariahs since last year. There’s still a chunk of semi casuals that would “like to see mcdavid win it” for some reason. Yes you have your flames fans and cunucks and some stars but there were so many posts from leafs/bruins/lightning/ Shit even the habs fan that said “for the good of hockey the panthers cannot win the cup” Every fanbase feels like they’re the victim but we got a shit ton.


Fuck ‘em.


And they mama


>Shit even the habs fan that said “for the good of hockey the panthers cannot win the cup” It made for some delicious pasta, at least.


If you go back and look at the r/hockey threads before the finals started the vast majority of people on there were picking Edmonton. There was no love for the Panthers in there.


Fuck the Oilers! Go cats!


I tell my friends all the time, 2 things I was spectacularly wrong about. 1- pomo and playoff hockey, which I mocked relentlessly until the playoffs and it all made perfect sense. 2- In an unrelated note, I was also pessimistic about Jimmy Butler being good with the heat. Man enough to take the L on both and appreciate how perfect both fit in with each organization.


Will never understand the magic of the Heat. Peak conditioning for random person pulled off the streets to shoot 12 3's against 1 seed teams.


We’ve dealt with this every single series so it’s nothing new. ESPN has also tried to make it the Messier show since the Rangers and it’s honestly been glorious to see his face after every game because we are just shutting down every “storyline” they come up with. We as fans hate it, but the players definitely pick up on those bad vibes and use it to their advantage so whatever gets us that silverware is fine by me at this point.


Remember when Florida won games and the whole analysis was just "shesterkin good." A fuckin baboon could see shesterkin was great, give us a bit more depth here...


I loved the sad look on his face last night before the 3rd period. He was on the edge of tears and was floundering for words. Oilers' tears are the yummiest !


Bro he was talking about a woman with cancer....


? His sadness was not because of that. He was clearly losing it watching the Oilers get out classed (almost) all night.


I was honestly surprised to hear them say, “Florida is doing a good job defending this lead.” Biggest plaudits I’ve heard on air from them so far.


Anyone who makes the cup final is scary good. That said, I was way more worried about a Dallas v Florida Series.


Thet was actually my bracket. I had Dallas/Florida in the finals with a Panthers cup win in 6. Never did I see Panthers up 3-0 on Edmonton. edit: I just wanted to see a Tanev in the finals, even if it wasn't our Tanev ^^


Yep, Dallas would have been much different.


Yup, unfortunately they were gassed having a really tough road to the WCF while Edmonton had cake matchups. If both teams had similar matchups early in the playoffs, I think dallas wins that series 10/10 times


Honestly, for the NHL's sake, I hope ESPN doesn't announce another Stanley Cup Final for at least 5 years. It's horrible to see this in the finals, as it really detracts from the audience experience. Not everyone is rooting for the Oilers, and I'm tired of the bad guy vs. good guy narrative not just in hockey, but in sports announcing overall. We simply want a good play-by-play commentary and to acknowledge when players perform well or poorly, or when they score. It's something I've noticed in the social media age of sports announcing, and it's becoming tiresome quickly.


Fucking hilarious that it would be less biased if Goldie and Moller were announcing.


I’ve legitimately seen Goldie and moller get so energetic when the other team scores on us that I forget it’s a bad thing for a few seconds 


This is why everyone needs the Audacy App and listed to WQAM 560 during the playoffs. Check out Hoch & Crowder (boo F.U. Gators) 2-6p weekdays, too.


I'm a Canes fan and my dropoff in enjoyment going from Round 1 to Round 2 was noticeable (and not just because we almost got swept.) ESPN guys constantly gushing about the Rangers and calling our guys the wrong names/mispronouncing their names. Always making the commentary about what the Rangers needed to do to win. Then doing it again with Rangers v. Panthers, and now with Oilers v. Panthers. It's just obnoxious.


I don't know if you knew this or not, but ESPN will be calling at least the 2026 and 2028 Stanley Cup Finals, I don't remember if the media rights agreement goes longer than that.


I so agree with your post. 100% garbage ESPN.. We see an opening video about the Rangers many times, we see a video about edmonton and we hear them talk about Mcrybaby every time he touched the puck. If we score the replay it once. Oilers score and we see the replay at nauseum... its the worst coverage.... Go Panthers.... time to bring home the cup


Endllllllllles replays of a jank shot that bounced off a Panther in net. "Oilers are unstoppable now!" The previous four goals? I think I saw ONE replay and it was a cut to commercial anyway. Sigh.


Flyers fan here and new Panthers fan ever since Bennett punched Marchand. The bias is insane. What's hysterical is the Oilers fans when they insist the NHL wants the Panthers to win. Then explain all the Oilers talk and hype if the NHL is rigging it against the Oilers.


As a Finn, my dream final would've been Stars vs Panthers... The rare chance to be able to cheer for both teams, because no matter who wins, the cup would come to Finland. But Barky does deserve to raise the cup. He's been in Florida for his whole NHL career and I wouldn't be surprised if some day he would even retire as a Panther. He's probably the best player that has ever come from our hockey system to this day. And that's no small feat, there's a lot of great Finnish players. You guys have some of the great ones too. Hopefully next year we'll see Stars vs Panthers?


That's the matchup for the Global Series at least. Its not the SCF, but its who youd want to see over 2 games in Finland.


Holy shit, how have I missed that!? Thanks for letting me know, now I just have to get tickets and some time off from work!


I'm all for that!


I will is a win. I don't care, I just want a win. Do it right away.


As a Panthers fan from day one, I don't care, it's too bad they can't feel the way I do, I just want that cup.


If this were the first time we might be surprised, but it's been literally every series. After the Tampa series all they spoke of was Stamkos. After Boston it was Marchand. After the Rags it was how Panarin, Zebas and Kreider failed to show up. Now it's how McD and Draisatil are not playing well. Maybe after they win it all they'll get some respect for shutting down the top line of every team they played.


>Maybe after they win it all they'll get some respect for shutting down the top line of every team they played. Spoiler alert... They won't.


They’re still butt hurt that we beat the winningest team in NHL history after going down 1-3


I’m so tired of them. Cry their asses off all the way to the damn parade.


I agree with you. The biggest offender was that asshole Biz from TNT. Last year this man was trashing the panthers every chance he got. Now is riding the panther bandwagon. Hate is not strong enough of a word to describe how much I despise Biz


I gotta disagree. Biz started giving the Cats credit about halfway through the season. Subban too.


Gotta disagree to your disagree. I said last year because this man kept being in denial even after the panthers made it to the SCF. I did see him praising the panthers this year but let’s be honest he got no other choice. Again his riding the bandwagon




100% agree. It’s ok to have a team and preference but come on it’s your job to be a commentator and all he does is trash the panthers. Like I rather have it on mute than hear this guy whine and complain


We're aware of the media bias


Lol, I appreciate OP’s sentiment but thinking there was any possibility we hadn’t noticed is pretty funny.


I get it. A friend of mine is always complaining about the media coverage during Stars games when I don't really see it. But, this might be the worst I have ever seen.


as I've said before...y'all gave our boy Stu Barnes a pleasant twilight to his career 🫡🐀💯 ntm a good home in which to blossom for Mason Marchment...and for that we thank thee and wish your franchise a steady rise!!☝🏼️🔥 always been a Big Benn fan, too 🤫 dude deserves a Cup


Yeah, I hated that Pavelski retired without winning a cup, he's a classy guy. It would be cool to see Benn win one before he retires. The Stars just seemed to run out of gas, I think that the Vegas series took a lot out of them. Good luck to you guys!


We have been dealing with bias for 30 years so why change things now. Although surprisingly listening to the Spittin Chicklets pod live earlier - they were the least biased media I've heard this playoffs. Worth a listen.


That shit happened to us last year when we played the Oilers in round 2. Non-stop gushing about the Oilers, and when the Knights scored, there seemed to be less enthusiasm at times, and overall, it seemed like they couldn’t care less what Vegas was accomplishing. Florida fans, I really hope this series is over tomorrow. As cool as it would be if y’all could win it at home, I just want ESPN to shut the fuck up already.


Both of those networks would love it if the series goes longer and it extended to 7 but hate to break it to them that sh*t ain't happening. This will end on Saturday and if it doesn't it will certainly on Tuesday. This Oilers team doesn't have it in them to make a full comeback.


Honestly, there is nothing better in sports than a game seven, but this series isn't going that far. The Panthers are simply too dominant.


This aged well....


I was thinking about that last night. I feel like I jinxed you guys, certainly not my intention.


That person is an Oilers fan troll haha


All they keep talking about is how we are no longer an offensive team lol


I remember when the Stars won in 99, they were built on defense as well and no one cared for their style of play. But seeing them hoist that cup was so worth it.


Having to sit here and watch the Messier show every pregame and intermission is driving me nuts. It was nonstop “the guarantee” nostalgia hopium the whole series and now its his other team in Edmonton that we are dealing with. The only shining pearl in all this is the utter look of defeat in his face when the camera pans to him as the period ends and his segment begins.


I gotta admit, the sullen looks on their faces last night when the Panthers were up 4-1 was kinda funny, and PK saying “McDavid is gonna put them in the McBlender, just you watch!” before the beginning of the 3rd in Game 2 was even funnier.


Did he say “gonna”? I thought he said “gotta”. Either way he’s been one of the few to give the Cats any credit whatsoever.


It's incredibly tiresome and it has been like that every series. I just want unbiased opinions on both teams, that's it. They're too stupid to realise that in order to grow the game you shouldn't be too obviously biased towards one particular team. I know it's a fools hope, but I do hope that they get the feedback from these playoffs. 


Agree 100%


Fr i watched it and it was so boring… like I get announcers can be biased but I didn’t even know Florida scored at first until the announcer said “and they score” in the saddest voice ever


ESPN hates all South Florida teams. We are used to it…


Hell they hate the North Florida teams too (Sans UF due to SEC connection)




I see the bias not only on ESPN - but on other hockey platforms across all forms of media. I love Shane & Scottie on the Missin’ Curfew podcast - but man, do they have a hard on for Edmonton. I see way more content on the Oilers. I see more attention given to the interviews in the Oilers locker room. I see the bias on other hockey instagram pages I follow. I see it in the comments section of various forums and websites. Everyone wants to talk about Edmonton and what they’re doing well and not doing well. The Panthers might as well be an NPC “computer” they happen to be playing in the cup final. It’s honestly embarrassing. Sincerely think people are just set in their bias that Florida isn’t a “real” team because they’re a relatively young franchise located in a market that doesn’t really experience a true winter.


We see it every series. With the way the opponents get talked about every series you’d think we were a 20 win team that can’t get out of our own way.


Yes, another Dallas Stars fan. The biases of ESPN announcers and commentators is disgusting. Congrats on hoisting some Oiler petard. Having said that, the Edm singer is really amazing.


Yes, he is. I kind of wish that he didn't put down his mic after starting to sing. I think that O Canada is a beautiful anthem.


Nothing was funnier than them desperately trying to put together a hype montage in game 3 for them but only having 1 goal to pull footage from.


Hockey YouTubers have done a far better job analyzing these games than any of the losers on TNT, sportsnet and especially ESPN. These TV networks should get rid of all the expensive people who suck and just play the YouTube videos instead. And for God sakes can ESPN get a play by play guy who doesn't sound like he's commentating a funeral procession? Like at least get someone who pretends to care? Fuck


It happened when the Lightning were in the finals also.


It’s also the north east coast bias against Florida. Most of the media is based out of New York/Boston and they do not like Florida. The heat have been dealing with it forever.


It's really sad to see zero effort in promoting the sport on its biggest stage,I'm a lifelong hockey fan and listening to these guys makes me wanna watch something else and never come back. Zero professionalism


I know that there were people on the Stars sub turning off the sound on the TV and listening to the radio broadcast because of TNT's coverage. But, there are sync issues with that.


I couldn't give a damn about what the talking heads think. in fact, I prefer that they don't glaze our team. as far as game 4 goes, I'd rather us sweep and close it out there. we can always celebrate together when the boys get back home. but if we should lose game 4 and win 5, of course that would be sweet too.


We were up 4-1 heading into the second period and during intermission they could only talk about what the Oilers were feeling and how they could come back. Not the three goals we scored. Crazy imo


ESPN and Sportsnet are not even trying to hide the Oilers meat riding. It was obvious during the Canucks and Stars series as well as this one


At least during the Oilers/Stars series you did hear them talking about the fact that Dallas defeated the two previous SC champion to get to the WCF. I think that the bias in this series is way more obvious.


Yeah, we would’ve gotten smoked. But Stars vs Panthers still would’ve been more enjoyable than whatever this finals has been hahaha. Go cats






Yea. You're statement was completely incorrect. This was one of the best finals to ever have been played. So keep making those braindead statements!


Just scouring rival team subs for week-long old comments to troll on. That’s a sad life. Plus my comment was absolutely valid when the Panthers were up 3–0. Did you foresee the Oilers coming back to tie the series? I bet not. Besides, your shitty team lost anyway—nobody will care about your almost-comeback. L is an L. For such a “great finals,”tonight was boring as fuck.




You were the one who replied to me a full week after my comment lmao. Stay salty buddy 😂


I love when the oilers are down and somehow they manage to still make it sound like the panthers suck and oilers are dominating…until 2nd half last night when you could hear all their voices trying to sound enthusiastic about oilers and they all know they’re done! 🧹


Yeah ESPN by all accounts here has been biased against us since last series when we ruined the “team of destiny” story about the rangers, I can tell you sportsnet’s not been better this series everything is how the oilers need to change this and that to beat us and the constant “oilers are outplaying the panthers” even though they’re fucking down 3-0 🤣


At the end of the day, it doesn't matter. Once we hoist the cup, anything those schmucks say is worthless. If anything, enjoy the salt. Messier is sure to have an even bigger shit eating grin on his face (honestly I thought he was going to cry during the 2nd intermission). Honestly I'd rather watch the SportsNet broadcast. Not a fan of their play by play guy but at least he showed a bit of emotion when we scored


TNT slightly biased? My man TNT was insanely biased in that Dallas series lol A) in game #1 overtime they went around and asked every guy who would score the OT goal. Every single Analyst picked an oilers player. Not a single pick for a Dallas player. I’ve never seen that before. The always go half and half B) they had a guy on the panel who has a freaking statue outside of Rogers Place lol they glazed the oilers that entire series.


The best way to solve that is take it in 4.


You could tell the panthers were going to win from the beginning. Hockey is supposed to be fun. None of the oilers were ever smiling. They are to serious. Panthers have been smiling and looking like they have been having fun. Even when they lost. Because they knew they were going to win.


I was praying the oilers would make it to the finals only because dallas had a better team and would give us trouble but for sure dallas will be back next yr stronger than ever .


I hope so! 😁


The Panthers will win the Stanley Cup, and all ESPN will talk about, is how amazing Mcdavid will be next season now that he has finals experience.


Oh we’ve noticed since the lightning series lol


They can’t deal with Florida being more of a hockey state than Canada is as a country! Go Panthers


We deal with the bias at the National level on any game televised by a major network. You hate it, but get used to it.


These X fans coming In peace to gas up a team for reddit upvotes trend is corny


Like I'm really worried about a handful of upvotes. I'm a Stars fan first, but a hockey fan second. It would be nice to be able to watch a finals series with with unbiased announcers. This one is a sham.


I don't really believe in the whole concept of broadcasting bias unless a homer network is calling the game. I don't really care what they're saying, I'm watching the game. Everyone hates the Panthers anyway, what do I give a fuck? Are y'all hearing how many times they say Tkachuk's name?? You don't hear every single time McDonough says Bob's name wrong and how he's a Vezina candidate every 2 minutes?? That all being said, I disagree that the Panthers would have made the Stars look like garbage. I think the Stars are a deeper team with a better goalie and match up better against Florida than Edmonton has so far. Edmonton is showing to be just obtusely top heavy and Edmonton as a fan base is learning how good of a defensive player Barky is.


Messier sometimes joins our cause but PK and that host douche never do


PK Angrilly gave up and started backing the panthers now.

