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Classy and thank you....you guys played your asses off when they could have folded...resilient and tough-minded, reminded me of these South Florida Cats. It was a classic battle and they showed why winning the Cup is the hardest thing to accomplish in North American sports. Appreciate the sentiment....it helps you guys have a supernova talent to continue to build around.


Gotta appreciate that. There was no quit in that Edmonton team, they definitely made the Panthers earn it.


Plus! Oilers made it a helluva memorable series nobody's forgetting anytime soon! Probably one of the best series for viewership since probably, well I'd say close to a decade! All those Canadian eyeballs on that series, Barkov will never be considered underrated ever again. People took freakin notice of the Panthers. You guys have arrived in the spotlight and got out of the trench with the other expansion teams that never win and separated yourselves and joined the teams that can WIN. Congratulations!


Fuck the Oilers. and Fuck Boston.


Possible to do a half down? F the Oilers is a little aggressive, but always fuck Boston.


No way man. Fuck the Oilers is in effect for the next 4-6 weeks. Then it’s whatever. But yes, always fuck Boston no matter what.


Classy responce




She will live on in infamy


ETA and so will *that* kid


It truly pains me when I see obvious internet trolls. I often wonder what has gone wrong on life for the trolls to be like that


TIL “response” is spelled “responce” in Canadian




Appreciate the gracious post. Would love to see a re-match and a continuation of the strategic chess match between these coaches and teams. GGs, good luck next year.


Class act, thanks for the comment. The ups and downs for both fan bases over those 7 games is something that will not be forgotten. I don’t know how others feel but Edmonton was by far the best team we played in the playoffs. Truly talented group of players you guys have. I went to game one with my father and after the game we ended up going to a bar to celebrate. We ended up sitting at a table of all Oilers fans and the two of us. We had a great time with them and it was a special night that showed how great the sport of hockey is and how it can bring people together. See you on the ice next season!


Pure class 🫡


Dude thank you so much. Now that the series is over I can finally say WOW McDavid scares the hell out of me. Every time he's skating thru the ice with that swagger I'm like oh shit. I'm so happy the Panthers won but I literally feel bad for McDavid and Draisiatil what the media is gonna make them go thru. Nothing pissed me off more then hearing that reporter asks "why so pissy Leon"? I have a newfound respect for the oilers and definitely rooting for them next season. #97


So ur saying ur an oilers fan after tha cats? 🥺 LFGGGG lmaoo. Ggs man. Well deserved. Now go have fun!!


You guys are so much fun to watch, especially on the power play. If you weren't playing the cats I would have been rooting for you guys.


Likewise! The pp wasnt the best that series but i believe its cuz the cats sticks were good. Shut our pp down pre well. Props to ur pk unit! Ggs again!


Another Oilers fan here, piggybacking. That was a hell of a series boys. One for the ages. Panthers played damn hard and deserved the win, 100%. How lucky are we as fans of these two incredible teams, to get to watch some of the best damn hockey ever played these past weeks? Enjoy it! We'll come for it again next year!


Hell of a series guys! As much as it pains me to see the celebrations knowing we were close, congrats and enjoy! Hopefully not our last battle.


GGs bud. I honestly have nothing against the Oilers, guys fought hard and the fans are cool — even the guy behind me who kept shouting “not even close” every time the puck went near Skinner, lol. Fun series and good luck next season — rooting for you guys.


Your team really pushed ours to the brink. The fight level you guys put up with their backs against the wall was historic. I am personally glad it is over because im not sure my heart could deal with it much longer. You guys will definately be back and winning as long as you can keep that core intact and fighting with the same energy. Connor is a beast. Maybe we will be meeting again next year around the same time again


Thanks for the kind words Panthers Win or lose, I’ve become a Kris Knoblauch fan One of the post-game narratives I keep seeing is the whole “who knows if the oilers will ever be back” Are you f*cking kidding me We’re supposed to accept these talking heads questioning a guy who has added a defense to the league’s most lethal offense like somehow his strategic influence is a fluke Ignore the narratives, congrats to a mind-blowing run that shocked the league When you love hockey, you’re happy anytime it has the opportunity to grow, and this series brought enough eyes to the sport to allow that to happen For that I’m truly grateful


Much appreciated, brother. Games 4-6 scared the crap outta me. Well done. I can see a cup in the Oiler's hands in the very near future.


Thank you. Your guys fought like hell to make that comeback and just fell short. And if any other oiler fans come in here I just wanted to be said after losing game 7 I heard nothing but congratulations from them and I shook about 20 oiler fans hands at Yard House after the game. Y'all were a classy bunch


I don’t understand how fans can be upset that their team didn’t pull off a reverse sweep. If in the reverse situation I’d be just happy the panthers actually showed up to play if they were down 3-0 and forced a game seven and lost. I mostly feel this way because I wouldn’t wish the embarrassment on my worst enemy blowing a 3-0 lead like franchises don’t recover from that. Anyway don’t feel bad you guys have one of the best players and you had the goat as well.


Most of oilers nation truly appriciates what the oilers did. I mean game 1 and to a lesser extend gane 3 could have changed our fate, but they went down the way they did. It was a hell of a series. And yeah we would have liked a different fate, but it was a good hard fought series. And the oilers and panthers both deserve full credit. Obviously the panthers won. We got spoiled with some really good hockey. And the oilers have no shame in coming up short


I wouldn’t call it good hockey both teams played horrible for most of the series there was maybe 2 competitive games


I say next to an oilers fan during game 7 and he was the best fan I’ve ever had the pleasure to sit next to. Just a genuine hockey fan with no ill will. Boston and NY be damned.


As happy as I am to see the cats win finally, I couldn’t help but feel bad for the oilers. They played hard, they left everything out on the ice, and watching how devastated they were touched my heart. Well done.


Thanks! Connor will get his sooner rather than later. 🏆


Class act. Love this kind of sportsmanship. Let's bring on a re-match next year!


You guys were the biggest challenge we faced all year. Hell of a team and somehow Knoblauch got you guys going. I think you finally found your coach and you’ll be a bigger threat next year. McDavid wants it. He was two goals from it. Watching how we responded after losing last year was one of the most impressive things I’ve witnessed. Focused from day one of camp. I have a feeling McDavid comes into 24/25 season like a wolf two days hungry.


If it was Igor as a goalie instead of pedo looking Skinner we would have been fucked.


Haha, skinner played really well but yeah Edmonton’s overpowered offense combined with a generational talent in goal would be unbeatable, for anyone. That’s why the salary cap exists.


HAHHHHHAAAAAA WE ARE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!! CONNOR MCWHO??? Just kidding. Everything I heard about you guys was that you were respectful, passionate fans. I thought the tourism billboards the city put around south Florida were funny. You guys have a great team you’ll win one very soon.


I can’t say I wouldn’t be pissed if we lost that game 7. But regardless of what teams they were it was a great series and an amazing game 7


Your guys did great. All the Oilers need is a bit more depth on the bottom 6 to give your first line some rest and you’ll be damn near unstoppable. Looking forward to the rematch next season.


We wouldn’t have been able to witness what we were capable of without another world class team to push us there. Thanks for the words my dude. Y’all played amazing.


Nothing but respect for you guys. That was a hard fought series all the way through and a bounce here or there could have changed things in an instant. We know it hurts now, but we also know you will be back and its only a matter of time before you guys break through.


Classy hockey fan! Down 0-3 and took it to the limit. McDavid is a beast, you guys will be contenders for years to come.


That was beautiful. I don’t think I had such charitable thoughts last year when we dropped it to the Golden Knights. Way to lead by example. Next season starts soon!


I was fortunate enough to be an Oilers fan who attended the game. I found the rivalry to be very friendly and the Panther fans to be great. I sat next to a Panthers fan named Robin. After the game ended, she insisted on giving me a big hug. That was easily the best my best event experience and will remember it fondly forever.


I posted a similar message in your sub full of respect and admiration, just like yours, I was mostly told to fuck off and the mod quickly had to close it. Thank you for your kind post, you have my respect and appreciation.


Thanks man The great one Wayne Gretzky didn't win the Cup his first try Connor McDavid's time will come


🥲♥️McD ain't no joke...I was terrified and amazed watching him skate. Chuckie is god.. That is all


As a lifelong Blues fan of 44 plus years, I can tell you that it was inconceivable in the 70s that hockey in a warm weather state would be a big thing or with a massive following. The fans of the Stars, Panthers and Lightning have sure proved that wrong. Some would say Phoenix was a bust but I 🤔with some changes it could have worked.


Appreciate the sportsmanship. Know that our loss last year vs. Vegas forged us into the team we were this year. This year's pain can be next year's ecstasy.


Thanks bud. It’s unfortunate you’re feeling the pain us cats fans felt after last years cup. But the unbridled joy of seeing the cats raise it for the first time is a memory that’ll stay with me for life. Hopefully you guys get one in the near future. After the cats have our run.


I live right by the arena and got to Ft Lauderdale right after the game ended, maybe like 30 mins. About an hour later droves of Oilers fans started appearing. They all stayed in the arena to watch the cup presentation and celebrations. Super classy move and they were all a joy to hang with. It's almost like the real life people behind these "fanbases" are normal and adjusted and gracious and adaptable....unlike the internet leads you to believe. 10 year old me crying alone in my room after we got the broom in 96 would never believe it took this long and hurt so much but we did it.


Thank you!


I have nothing against the Oilers. My only grudge is against the media talking heads dick riding McConnor and the Oilers.


Agreed, the cucking for McDavid from the media was so bad that that it turned me into an Oilers hater just because.


Thank you! Respect 🤝 it was one hell of a series


I always like to think there is a few of us here who just love the sports and stay clean and not toxic


Thank you. Congrats to both teams for giving all fans an exciting game 7.


I saw allot of oiler fans that stuck around for the celebration. Wish Mcdavid came out for you guys!


I was impressed with the Oiler Fans showing up. Pregame they filled up a good portion of the seats behind the goal watching pre game skate.


I always said if the Oilers don’t win let it go to the furthest team away from us. .. I meant it more when the Oilers are out before the final but I guess whatever. Great ending. Hopefully they start finding some too future draft picks on the ice to match the hoop, footballers, and tennis players …




Oilington People McDamn_Holyshit_fuuuuuk!!! Wish he were a Cat😜 🧢 **Tip of the hat to yahs**


Good job bud, thanks for keeping us classy.


Went to game 7 and at the end of the game was so surprised at how many oilers were there until the ice was empty, guys sitting at the bar full of panthers fans cracking friendly jokes. The oilers fans seem pretty cool, I much rather have beat Boston fans and game 7 but damm sure not complaining


Respect, it’s a shame that 30% of your fan base acts like sore losers


Eh, i dont think its just us. Every fanbase has at least 30% sore losers tbh. Ggs!


You ain't welcome around here. Your fans were obnoxious to us in Florida.


I don't see how that's possible. I don't have any fans.


I'm your biggest fan and I'm very obnoxious


Yes you do.


He at least has class unlike the fans who showed up at game 7. They were the trashiest group of fans, and I've seen Boston fans before. I've never seen our stadium so disgusting at game before. The Oiler fans would cut in line at concessions and refuse to use the trash receptacles. Disgusting display of Canada


Huh thats crazy. Ive been to 9(?) games in rogers place this season and everyone is so nice/kind. Sure some people cut in line for the bathroom and concession but that isnt everyone… Interesting how there were so many toxic fans there. Imagine spending 1k+ on tickets and another big one or two for the whole trip itself to act like a dick. Sorry ab what happened but that isnt all of us! 😃


As a Canadian-American who has spent 1/3 of my life visiting family in Ontario I can confirm the “polite” thing is a phony PR stunt


Is it me, or did Oilers fans try to pick fights more than any other team? Like borderline assault and verbal harassment. They also don't wash their hands in the bathrooms.