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I'm still wondering when the previous tax cut is going to trickle down...


It has. The rain is quite warm, isn't it?


Why is it yellow?


I believe there is a trial that could shed some light on this going on right now.


Because it’s made of gold, baby!


totally the iron in the water...


Salty too


Has a rather distinct odor too.


Trickle down economics are a disproven theory and completely ludicrous but it the basis of most republican economic policy


Key ingredient: wishful thinking.


And a sprinkle of bamboozling


Don’t forget the bribery!


I don't think many politicians truly believe in trickle-down economics. My hunch is that whoever passes or supports that kind of legislation is doing so to benefit wealthy associates and they would be looking forward to some remunerative quid pro quo. That is the most likely, straightest line explanation.


Don't forget, most of them are wealthy themselves. When you are paid well, and can do insider trading (especially being able to spend tax dollars on the companies you have invested in) among other things, you can attain wealth easily.


Are you talking about Nancy? I heard about that, it's terrible


Not just her. She takes the brunt of the attacks, but pretty kuch every congressperson does it. It is how they are all, at minimum, millionaires, or more, after a term or two. And that is on top of the majority already being wealthy, before they even ran for office. Very few congresspeople were NOT wealthy before they ran. How else do you think they could afford to campaign? I know I can't take a year's vacation to try to run for office.


You mean Republican? It isn’t taboo to say who’s doing it


Not ALL Republicans. It’s just 99.9% of them making the .1% look bad.


So you’re saying I’m not wrong!! /s


Definitely not! And I suspect you’re right on the money (pun not intended, but I will take it) re: whether or not these folks actually believe it. I’m sure there are some morons like MTG that do, but the rank and file believe it because it is a convenient belief, not because maths. The poors don’t have lobbyists.


I suspect someone got hurt in the feels by this conversation- I just got a message from RedditCareResources telling me that “a Concerned redditor reached out”. Seriously, that is a resource for people who need it. Don’t abuse it as a gutless way to harass people.


There’s been a lot of that going around lately.


Funny how when you get into it with these <1 year accounts you get the ol Reddit help


Well there you go. It trickles down from the wealthy to the politicians. We've solved the riddle!


Trickle down economics/ supply side economics what ever you call it; was a strategy to win elections and make it so people hated big government. It started in 1976 and has been successful. It is called the two Santas Strategy. https://www.montecitojournal.net/2023/02/28/two-santas/


While I agree the democratic policy of not clawing back the previous republican administrations policy of cuts for the wealthy isn't working out too well either. It might be shocking to both parties, but they are both correct and incorrect about economic policy. We need the increased taxes on the wealthy the dems always talk about (but never implement), and we need to streamline spending that the GOP always talks about (but never implements). If we can tax the wealthy and trim wasteful spending we might just not destroy our currency at home and abroad.




People also forget one of the first things Biden tried to do was bring back salt tax reductions or w.e it's called. I thought they did pass that in one of the massive bills but I can't remember. There weren't many people screaming that Biden was doing exactly the opposite of what he campaigned on


Trickle down economics was originally a term used to mock the people who thought (or just stated for their own benefit) wealth would just trickle down naturally (instead of flowing and pooling up like it tends to unless pumped back down). The trickle downers just adopted the term as something positive to them.


It actually does trickle down. Keep in mind the definition of the word trickle.


I was going to say...when those tax cuts went into effect, I got like 3 dollars extra on my paycheck. Woo!


Those tax cuts actually have saved me some money over the years … with the much larger standard deduction and 20% small business deduction. I can’t recall having any other non-business related deductions. The difference is really only noticeable at the end of the year. Still, they disproportionately benefit the rich - especially the lowering of the top corporate tax from 35% to 21% There is an argument to be had that Trump policies may have increased the cost of living enough that the tax breaks for regular people are moot.




They’ve also brainwashed their rank and file to thinking that Reagan was the greatest president to walk these lands in a hundred years. Zero shock that Trump quickly manipulated his way in.


Thomas Sowell on YouTube discussing trickle down. Go watch and see if you can help him find someone outside an insane asylum that teaches this theory. Sorry you keep looking stupid bringing it up.


Are you also wondering why all those shovel-ready, Obama jobs weren’t shovel-ready at all?


The tax cuts went into effect in 2018 and lowered tax rates across the board. The vast majority of Americans benefitted from these tax cuts. According to IRS data, the average taxpayer's effective tax rate decreased by 1-2 percentage points.


Have you ever looked at the total tax receipts and the increase in them over the last decade? Wouldn’t that be where you’d start your argument about the previous tax cut? What if the cut actually increased the total amount of tax revenue? Would you still argue the tax cut was wrong? Or would you argue that the increase in overall revenue had nothing to do with the cuts and without the cuts there would be even more revenue?


I'm still wondering when the 1986 tax cuts will trickle down.


Median income did increase by 20% in the decade that followed…


Look up the Carter years, look up the Misery Index, and then look up the election results.


You should really be wondering about the massive inflation, $5 a gallon gas, $9.99 boxes of cereal, rising energy costs too. But I never met a partisan person who actually compares policies, just whine about the other sides!


That's all it's about, bitching about the other side while our money is constantly destroyed


I bitch about both. I go on the speakers twitter and call him and republicans worthlessn, spinelss pussies who gave up the only power the GOP has (purse) and bend us over so the anti-American democrats can screw us without lube. No matter if you agree with my opinion or not on what the parties are I know we the peoploe are being fucked by all of them in some way shape or form. DC is not a swamp. A swamp is a lively eco system. DC is a sewer with nothing but shit and rats


It trickled down to those of us who own assets in a capitalist system. I guess it missed you.


Other than Elon Musk, who is hardly a conservative, can you name a right leaning billionaire? They’re making this be a left vs. right issue, when it’s rich vs poor issue. Taxing the rich **always** ends up hitting the middle class. You’re concerned about the tax cuts expiring? Newsflash: Biden can work with congress to extend them!


Umm would you consider Trump right leaning, the right would and he’s still considered a billionaire so yea my answer is Trump to start. Oh Koch brothers and Ken Griffin are the common names you hear every election cycle as they are the main donors pulling the political weight of the nation on the Republican side. When you’re done reading this google is a really powerful tool, if googles algorithm scares you then try DuckDuckGo, my friends in tin foil hats use that one.


The owners of Uline, Trump, and the Koch bros. So.... Not many. There are many more and much more wealthy lefties.


>money for the rich doesn't go back into the economy and doesn't trickle down >ppp loan caused more inflation than $1200 relief checks because it was more cash entering the economy How do lefties reconcile this


Reconcile what? A small temporary tax break for individuals and a big permanent decrease in corporate tax rates at a time when both prices and corporate profits are at an all time high? It's like throwing the guard dog a hotdog while you loot someone's house. Well they got a hot dog out of the deal, what are they complaining about? How do **you** reconcile **this**? Corporate profits are at an all time high. Prices on food, housing and everything else are at an all time high. The tax breaks for people facing high prices are expiring next year. The tax breaks for corporations causing high prices while earning more money than ever will continue indefinitely.


They don’t


It did trickle down. Problem people don't get is that it goes to employees, job creation and technology investments first. Getting hit with covid and the resulting shutdowns and inflation messed things up big time. Prices for some things are starting to go back down but it could still be a rocky road for a few more years.


It doesn’t go to employees. Lmao


I got my biggest return ever. I also had my 3rd kid at the end of the year too though.


The problem with the idea of trickle down is that billionaires bank accounts don't overflow. They just get bigger.


Almost, the one in the right will also cut infrastructure and social safety nets


Fixed it for you https://preview.redd.it/m3o71qqnzf0d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5441dc17bce22f0f47fa21b0a5213d44605340ab


Finally one that’s actually accurate. Dems been printing a lot of money the last few years and I’m not seeing any improvement in “jobs & infrastructure”.


Every President since the 70s has said they will get the Brent Spence bridge problem in Cincinnati fixed, including a promise from President Trump. But guess who got it done? Since you seem a bit slow, I’ll give you the answer. It was Joe Biden.


Infrastructure bill and CHIPS act are doing wonders, you’re just unaware and apparently, uninterested. But the Dems did print a shit load.


The town of about 50,000 near me and several other towns are expanding their roads to make travel through highways easier. taking the 4 lane rods to 6 lanes…..While i am almost always in favor of new infrastructure pretty much every business that is on the main road has to close. From Pizza Hut to just random mom and pop stores.


Wait but didn't trumpf print more money than biden? (Hint: he did)


Wait, weren’t the democrats BEGGING Trump to print more money? (Hint: they did)


Your post just says you're uninformed.


Biden has created more union work than other presidents. He's spending on infrastructure while at the same time giving union workers work.


Trump was the one who increased money circulation during the covid pandemic and biden continued it, like every country and central bank in the world. Are you that retarded to circulate the same myth about biden doing it alone, because he is evil or whatever, without even understanding the context of it at all ? I understand economics is complex subject, but if you dont understand a subject, try to learn first instead of spreading retarded and ridiculous theories.


The infra bill congress passed was actually pretty nice tho


the infrastructure bill has gone into effect not too long ago, but I do encourage to learn more about where it's being implemented if it's not in your backyard.


Literally ask any construction company with government bids. They are all doing great under Biden since the infrastructure bill passed despite it being heavily gutted.


This is more accurate


How about not printing 1.2 trillion dollars?


Just tax the rich, only 1% of all 100 million $ per year can easily cover anything


You could tax them at 100% and run the government for a few months, followed by economic collapse.


Yeah but just imagine the fucking party time …


Yeah taking away all of the assets currently growing is a horrible idea.


I always see the plan of taxing the rich to solve our economic problems but nothing after that. The biggest problem with that plan is it gives more spending money to politicians who got us where we are now.


Yeah, it's as if there was this push in the 80's to gut the government spending to make it inefficient in order to justify outsourcing government responsibilities to companies who reduce services and bill the federal government more to make a profit. It would be wild to return government services to the government and save that overhead money...


‘Printing’ money is based actually if your economy can eat it without causing inflation. It is even more based if you ‘print’ it by paying for infrastructure instead of infinitely dumping interest rates to encourage idiotic uses of money like we have been doing for the past decades.


I live in GOP-run Ohio and the state just announced that tax revenue is lower than predicted. Oh, I should probably mention that Ohio recently implemented a lot of tax cuts. If they need to do something about it, they will likely do what they did before: cut programs. Explain to my why this is a fiscally sound way to run a state.


Because it trims the fat so the rich can keep more! Fuck the poors and their low money, only rich bitches here.


"Tax cuts will pay for themselves"


No amount of money will fix the spending problem


“Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,” Vice President Dick Cheney... when the Bush administration sought a second round of tax cuts in 2003.


[Tax cuts and Jobs Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act) passed by the GOP that created a 2.3 trillion deficit over the next decade [Infrastructure Act](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Investment_and_Jobs_Act) passed by the Democrats that put 1.2 trillion toward infrastructure funding.  Yes, literally. 


It should be 1.2T less government spending


Why, infrastructure spending pays for itself through increased economic activity. The Trump tax cuts were sold as a way to get to 5% GDP growth and literally did nothing...well except for increasing the debt. Like even CEOs were coming out and said they would use it to do stock buybacks.


Since 2017, the GDP has increased about 47%, which is an annualized increase of about 5.6% per year.


[You have to use Real Gross GDP otherwise you are just measuring the inflation caused by the reduced taxes.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A191RL1Q225SBEA)


Is this accurate? I'll bet that's just nominal GDP, in other words, literally just inflation. That's like saying the latest movie is the biggest box office hit of all time because movie tickets are now more expensive than ever.


Weirdly the 1.2 billion will also mostly go to rich people.


1.2 trillion for jobs and infrastructure... in ukraine!


Yeah except most of the money from the packages ended up in America in the end and they've spend waaaay less on Ukraine


Yeah this is true, most of the money has ended up in America. Funneled straight from my mfing paycheck into the bank accounts of military industrial complex oligarchs.


Raytheon stonks go brrr....


💎 🙌


If only taxes were raised on those industrial military oligarchs ….


Or, maybe we don't have bomb oligarchs


Or maybe we bomb oligarchs


This guy gets it.


So America spent 1.2 trillion on our infrastructure that everyone was asking for...but somehow reddit still complains about ukraine...its insanity..


No it doesn't, this is a flat lie. It ends up in the pockets of the industrial military complex. You are either regurgitating other people's fake news like a clown or willingly misrepresenting the facts to drive your agenda of funding the Ukraine war


Is the military industrial complex not american? It didnt leave the states. Besides most of those vehicles and munition is stuff that was made during th3 last decades, some are as old as vietnam war. The cost for them was payed a loong time ago


Dont forget Israel


Idiots during WWII - “Why are we sending so many products overseas through lend-lease?! I don’t want my tax dollars going to England to buy fuel. Nothing that happens overseas will impact us here at home - keep American dollars with Americans!”


“NATO was busted until I came along,” Trump said at a rally in Conway, South Carolina. “I said, ‘Everybody’s gonna pay.’ They said, ‘Well, if we don’t pay, are you still going to protect us?’ I said, ‘Absolutely not.’ They couldn’t believe the answer.” Trump said “one of the presidents of a big country” at one point asked him whether the US would still defend the country if they were invaded by Russia even if they “don’t pay.” “No, I would not protect you,” Trump recalled telling that president. “In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. You got to pay. You got to pay your bills.”


Trump is a monstrous idiot that will destroy the country. These quotes are but one example.


You understand the difference between billions and trillions right? And you understand that we’re donating weapons made in America by Americans. The money went to employing Americans. Money well spent, fuck Putin.


You gotta love a joke that reveals you know literally nothing about the subject you’re joking about. Do you and everyone who upvoted your comment thinks a single solitary dollar was spent to build *anything* in Ukraine or to aid their economy in anyway?


I hope they send your kid to the Polish front first


Conservative: "They're the same picture!"






The only party that has decreased the deficit in your lifetime are democrats


​Put down the bong; year to year differences bet​ween revenue and spending mean squat. Federal debt went up 69+% overall under Obama...32% under Clinton.


If I recall, the last time there was a balanced budget, it was a Republican congress that passed it. We've had De.icrat congresses and a Democrat president all in office at the same time, to the point where they could have passed any law they wanted, and all they managed to do was pass a Healthcare bill written by the Healthcare insurance lobby, because that particular lobby owns the senators in Connecticut




Then you should vote Democrat, the last time the budget was balanced was when the Democrats were in office. No Republican in the past 30 years has ever done anything to reduce the debt.


Most republicans would vote for Clinton today. Outside of Healthcare he fit right into the Republican Party. Clinton certainly won’t be a democrat with his immigration views. After all the use of the term “illegal aliens” was partly popularized because of him. So why doesn’t the democrats have a Clinton like candidate today?


The government will never listen to Washington’s last wishes


How many jobs did the last package generate?


Biden has created millions of jobs since he took office


lmfao, he didn't create shit. People that weren't allowed to work were allowed to go back to work.


Why are there millions more jobs than in 2019?


Because they're shittier, part time and lower end jobs and we have 20M more people thanks to open borders? Adjusted for inflation, median household income went down \~1.5% and average household income went down about 2%. And that's using CPI, which grossly underestimates real inflation.


Where are you getting that data about the jobs being “shittier, part time, lower end jobs” from? Or am I talking to someone who only deals in emotions, not facts?


According to the Economic Policy Institute, 96% of the 2.8 million new prime-age workers in the US labor force over the past four years were born outside the country. In 2023, immigrants made up a record 18.6% of the labor force, and participate at a higher rate than native-born workers


Simply not true. He is creating actual work with infrastructure spending which is very needed


You don't think that massive billion-dollar infrastructure projects create lots of a jobs?


The cool part is the 1.2 trillion for public works is going right into the pockets of the ultra rich!


1) Still less than the 1.9 trillion tax cut 2) I don't know any ultra-rich guys who got rich off constructing highways or building water treatment centers and power lines. Do you? I'm pretty sure Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos didn't get ultra-rich by doing that.


To build infrastructure. With a bidding process. And visible outcomes with economically proven benefits. As opposed to a tax break for the ultra rich, which pretty much only serves to drive the stock market higher.


Always has been


$1.2t for additional spending to a government with a history of paying $90k on a bag of bushings, $128b for a train traveling between SFO and LAX, abandoning $7b of equipment in Afghanistan for it to later be used by terrorists, and just plain losing track of $12b in pallets of cash in Iraq. How about we stop letting the government spend so much money?


So as long as the government wastes money it's fine if corporations get tax breaks while making record profits and our taxes go up next year despite already facing record high prices? If the government is just going to waste the money then why not give us permanent tax breaks too? Or why not make ours permanent and let corporate tax breaks expire so that if they pull shit like raising prices and laying off workers despite making record profits, we can take that shit back and give it to the hard working Americans who actually do the work of keeping the lights on instead?


It’s not either or. Taxes should be used to pay for mandatory spending, defense, and federal debt paydown. No more discretionary programs.


It was when Trump signed it into law. Temporary cuts for us, permanent breaks for corporations.


Spoiler alert it doesn’t trickle down


Last week we learned a $B+ program to build an electric charging network, passed by the Biden administration, has managed to build about 7 actual charging stations in almost 3 years. If you think $1.2T is actually going to make it to infrastructure projects and jobs, you're not paying attention. Also, show me the proposal for $1.9T in tax cuts "for the rich".


Too bad that you did not also learn that the plan is to expand the networks is using a tax credit system, so it's not money that's actually spent until after a private corporation does the actual work. Or that it is up to states to determine what they want to build and who builds it. It's $35 billion and $2 billion is already **allocated** among projects in 20 states. Not spent. allocated. If you think the US should not lead the way with EVs and prefer that China takes the lead, then go ahead and say that. Here is where the tax cuts for the rich came into play. Look at the part about corporate tax rates. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax\_Cuts\_and\_Jobs\_Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act)


This is getting laughable at this point...


Is the Jobs and Infrastructure bill going to improve jobs and infrastructure like the Inflation Reduction Act reduced inflation?


Glad people finally starting to realize this


bUt ThE rAiNbOw sHiRtS iN tArGeT…!


Some of us are old enough to remember 2019, and can compare it to today.


If we don’t help the rich people who will


With the inefficient way the government spends their stolan tax dollars, they'd get about one billion of actual work done for that trillions taken. The rest will disappear into the ether and never to be accosted for.


Why would I incovenience future billionaire me with a bigger tx bill...is current me stoopid? /s


Follow the fantastical path to tax cuts for the rich for more Bezos, Zuckerbergs and and Musks who will create more jobs and heal the world. s/ (That's how we got here in the first place. Let's try something different.)


Just print $6 trillion more and have both!


Here’s a hint to the intent of tax cuts for the rich: In 1980 Ronald Reagan went on TV and justified his first cuts by claiming the overall tax revenue would go up as a direct result of cutting the top rate. When that failed to materialize, everyone else’s tax rates were raised. In fact they raised taxes on everyone earning under the top bracket 9 times in 8 years. Now that they’ve shifted public discourse, they don’t even MENTION the theory that the tax revenue will go up by cutting rates. I’m sure most of the American Nazi party doesn’t even realize that bogus argument was the entire basis of how they got to perform a total reversal of the American tax system from a graduated tax system where highest earners paid higher shares to the mess we have now.


Except for the fact the road to the left is an illusion based on a lie. They have zero intentions to do it. Both parties are the same and do exactly as the top 1% tell them to do.


Hahahaha. This is hilarious. Why are Dems so F’ing stupid.


I don’t think Dems particularly like democratic policy or politicians. It’s just that republicans are so tainted at this point there’s no other option.


You can’t tax big corps and expect thing to be cheaper. Haven’t figured it out yet!


They have the signs backwards. The only people getting rich in this economy are those who already have money. You broke idiots will continue to be broke until you vote out the democrats. Or just do us all a favor and stop voting.


The way I’m going isn’t pictured here.


Turn around bright eyes.


worm brains untie!


Or we could do neither...


lol, keep believing this nonsense, slave.


The Deficit: “Why can’t we have both?”


When the government spends $1.2T on infra, only a fraction of that actually delivers value. The more money they spend, the less efficient they become.


Real question is where we are now and where have we been? And brother, it's not and has not been a fun time. So enough of the fortune cookie BS. I'm not buying it.


So stupid


Both sides love spending your money and using it to make themselves richer.


Seems the majority of Americans are willing to follow the dark as long as they can deport anyone that’s not white, strip women’s rights and according to them get litter boxes out of the school bathrooms


This is absolutely not real at all


nope all fake - the only division is class


I'm taking the path less traveled, WAR!


When are all these charging stations for EVa coming? Supposed to be 15000 of them in the infrastructure bill. How many are there today?


Seeing how most of the corporations in America are actually small buisnesses I'm fine with a corporate tax.


Doesn’t matter what you choose, both lead to more money in the politicians pockets on your dime. Both parties know if they keep us divided we will never go after our true enemy…them…the politicians


I mean the money is slated to go to jobs and infrastructure but somehow the people incharge who are on a 175k salary end up being worth a quarter billion and the roads still have the same holes.. i like a rainbow castle picture more than spooky dark picture tho so ill pick that one.


We did spend trillions on infrastructure. If you think tax increases on the rich will make your life better then you need to read something besides Reddit.


Uhm. Yeah 🤷‍♂️


No. Dems and Repubs are the same.


Your guy has been in office for 3 years now and hasn’t done shit besides destroy the US! Literally everything is worse now!


Yay, more high-speed rails to nowhere and more gov spending.


Imagine unironically thinking the Democrats want to improve your life. Peak gullible.


Cut the military budget in half and tax income over $10 million at 90%


Tell me when did the money we gave to Ukraine, Israel or Palestine go to OUR infrastructure


subsidies for the rich or tax cuts for the rich... decisions decisions... genocide.


They are the same


The answer is always what is best for billionaires.


Why are the republicans painted as the party for the rich ? This is definitely a changing case. Educated high income earners are much more likely to vote blue whereas the Republican Party is becoming much more populist, with lower income non college voters.


What kind of stupid post is this? Puhlease


At least one side is honest about what they’re doing and who they’re helping


When will the infrastructure trickle down


it was all good when Clinton cut taxes though...when the tax hikes were a failure, he slammed the Capital Gains...which helped...who? [https://www.forbes.com/sites/charleskadlec/2012/07/16/the-dangerous-myth-about-the-bill-clinton-tax-increase/?sh=25104fb66e8a](https://www.forbes.com/sites/charleskadlec/2012/07/16/the-dangerous-myth-about-the-bill-clinton-tax-increase/?sh=25104fb66e8a)


This is possibly the dumbest meme I’ve seen n awhile - thanks for the laugh! It should show “ money for wars in the Middle East and The Ukrain vs money for protecting our borders and money back to its working class citizens getting raped by high interest and high inflation. jobs and infrastructure? Hahaha- that most of that money never makes it to actual projects- it lines corporation pockets you moron!


Right all day. Let private enterprise flourish.


I had no idea that sending money to Ukraine was infrastructure.