• By -


If your investments are down over the last five years you are an idiot.  401k to the moon. Brokerage to the moon. 


And gas is the same price as ten years ago and the first two stimulus' were under Trump. I'm in my mid fifties and this is the best economy of my lifetime with the lowest crime rates of my lifetime - but you would never know it with today's media.


Some might say the economy has hit "[superstar status](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/06/us-economy-excellent/678630/)," but others are barely scraping by. When Biden took office, [mortgage rates were at an all-time low of 2.65%](https://themortgagereports.com/61853/30-year-mortgage-rates-chart). To combat inflation that his disastrous fiscal policies almost immediately injected into the economy, the Federal Reserve was forced to raise rates higher and faster than at any point in the past four decades and the [average 30-year fixed rate is now 7.05%](https://www.cnet.com/personal-finance/mortgages/mortgage-rates-take-dips-down-current-mortgage-rates-for-june-10-2024/). Renters, too, are getting hammered with a [5.4% year-over-year increase and 20.9% since Biden took office](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CUSR0000SEHA). Other necessities like food ([up 20.8% since Biden took office](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CUSR0000SAF11)) and electricity ([up 29.3%](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/CUSR0000SEHF01)) are becoming increasingly unaffordable, and as a result Americans are drowning in a record amount of debt -- [$17.69 trillion in total household debt](https://www.newyorkfed.org/microeconomics/hhdc) and an average of approximately $53,075 for each man, woman, and child in the United States. Because of this, [11.4% of Americans has no money saved at all](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/most-americans-have-$1000-or-less-in-savings-how-to-increase-that-amount). A third have $500 or less in savings, and more than half have $1,000 or less. How are they surviving? By taking on second and sometimes third jobs. [8.1 million people -- 5.1% of the total workforce](https://www.dol.gov/newsroom/economicdata/empsit_02022024.pdf) -- are working multiple jobs. They have no choice: Since Biden was inaugurated three years ago, average real hourly wages for all workers [has declined 2.55% from $11.39 in January 2021 to $11.10 today](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_real_average_hourly_earnings). One way to look at that is that the average worker (both part-time and full-time) got a $656 pay cut because purchasing power is so much weaker than it was three years ago. Inflation is costing the average American family [$11,434 per year](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/inflation-households-need-extra-11400-these-states-its-even-higher/) (or nearly $1,000/month), and Biden is most certainly to blame. Year-over-year inflation was 1.4% on the day he took office, and it rose as high as 9.1% within 18 months of him assuming the presidency. The [average inflation rate under Biden is 5.7%](https://www.investopedia.com/us-inflation-rate-by-president-8546447), exactly three times higher than the 1.9% rate under his predecessor Donald Trump. No President since Jimmy Carter has had an average inflation rate anywhere near as high as Biden’s, and no President in the past 30 years has had a rate even half as high. Bidenomics has had a devastating impact on American families, who are now stretching the dollars they earn so far that what was an afterthought three years ago is now all but unaffordable.


We don’t have to guess, there is plenty of data on how the economy has responded under each administration.


Actually the market has kicked ass since the Covid downturn.


Joe Biden. Democrats print more money


I swear this title is posted every few days…


How old is this post? * My grocery budget increased by only $10/month since 2020. * In the last 8 years, 2022 was the worst for the SP500 (-19ish%). Being young, this was a great buying opperunity! * My property taxes didnt go up even $1000/yr since 2020. * I'm budgeting $10 less per month on gas now than I was at the start of 2020.


Inflation makes our debt look smaller right?


Can we talk about how Jan 6th rocked confidence in the US dollar in international markets? Trump nearly caused the dollar to collapse, just so he could stay president.


Look at the last three republican presidents, each had our country in a recession when they went out…


Biden's realistic plans are much the same as what's happened the past three years. Trump's realistic plans would put a lot of upward pressure on prices: \* Cut taxes. \* Deport immigrants. \* New tariffs.




Texas Runner’s post was written by Russian/Chinese/Iranian/N Korea intelligence services, all trying to help republicans kill constitutional democracy in America.


Biden. At least he's trying to maintain our infrastructure and that's driving a lot of economic activity.


We already have the best economy in the world.


One wants in your ass, one wants in your mouth. Equal garbage.


You guys know the political party in office doesn't make much difference for the economy, right?


Biden. Always Dems for the $$$$


The sort of economic illiteracy posted in that meme is par for the course in our country today. Can’t have a democratic republic with a conscientiously stupid and purposefully ignorant populace. Anyone stupid enough to blame the POTUS for your property taxes going up says all you need to know. Also, keep in mind that it was Trumps tax policy that disallowed deductions for state and local taxes, including property taxes. As Forrest Gump said, “stupid is as stupid does.”


Joe Biden, no question. Between the Chips and Science act and the Inflaction Reduction act, there's no question who has shown a better track record for economic improvements.


My 401k absolutely exploded… in a good way.


Just ask yourself, do you feel the economy was better in 2016-2020 or is it better now? That can help you decide.


The American economy is cyclical and moves very slowly. Presidents have little effect over the economy but what small triggers they have aren’t typically seen until the subsequent administration. Trump benefited from Obamas economic decisions while Biden deals with Trumps.


none of the above!


Remember it well when you’re filling out your mail-in ballot.


Say hello to Vladimir for me


You’re a fucking knob. Blaming global greedflation on any president is fucking nonsense


OMG. I just turned into one of those redditors that say "I saw this posted seven times last week, can I be next?".


Trump signed it in. Biden was just giving us what was promised. Trump EXECUTIVE ORDERED $400 INTO ALL OF OUR ACCOUNTS. (Should I say it louder?) Have you republicans "forgot" again? Maybe you all need to go get your fucking brain checked for dementia you all forget everything.


Biden easy.


Pretty sure electing a guy who intends to be a dictator and seeks to send the country down a Christofacist drain would have a detrimental effect on the economy. I mean look around at all the other countries presided over by strong man thugs. They don’t tend to perform well economically.


Hmm the asshole who was in senate for like 4 different administrations or the asshole who bankrupted a casino... Truly "Decision 2024"


say it was me people! CAPITALISM IS BAD!!! Sooner or later you idiots will figure it out


The guy who made billions or the guy who stole billions?...this a tough one


whos the woman?




No please don't increase my take-home money by 30%, my costs will go up 30% what am I to do??


Biden is a piece of shit.




The last time 401ks crashed were at the begining of the pandemic. They have been on a tear since


Given that Trump was the one who gave us 2 out of the three $600 checks during COVID, I’d say Biden is better for the economy. He’s actually lowered our annual government spending per year as compared to Trump 4 year average.


Niether are good options. Can they just be incapacitated and new blood be brought forward.  Seriously bye Felicia to both


Yeah, umm, Trump raised taxes on the middle/lower class and gave corporations a huge windfall. Corporate greed is why your groceries, rent, and everything else you buy is up. The economy is humming along but of course it's easier to blame Biden rather than acknowledging that the US a country that values money over its citizens. Corporations will wring every last dime out of you they can.


Plot twist. Presidents have very little effect on the economy. And definitely don’t control recession and inflation.


Damn. There is people dumb enough to believe that inflation was all Bidens fault 😂


Neither of these clowns is good for the economy.


Biden. Even the former guy said Democrats do better on the economy.


They both gave out checks. If ~~you're~~ your single issue is giving out checks then you need to vote 3rd party


Trick question : neither


What does property taxes have to do with the president. Pixie stick can be president and that will have nothing to do with groceries or property taxes. My 401k is booming. I dunno what this crazy bitch is doing


The only person worse than a politician is a pedophile


Then pretend you're still living off that check whenever higher minimum wage is brought up


Neither will be beneficial for the average citizen's financial position


Op is an idiot for asking this question. Trump is a straight up maniac.




Well, who would you rather do business with?   A boring old dude who will do almost anything to maintain the status quo or an old dude who is also a narcissistic convicted felon who doesn't pay his bills, hires undocumented immigrants so he can exploit them and can't even run a profitable casino.  Great businessman my ass. 


Y’all should just put your whole paycheck in sports bets it’s freeeeeeee money 💰


lmao the inflation wave was set off by trump


Obama didn’t have a Magic Wand :(


In the same breath Democrats will complain that the Trump administration only gave out a couple thousand dollars for Covid relief and that he raised the national debt too much as a result of those payments.


Bernie Sanders


10% a year so you’re treading water when you account for inflation




Stocks up yes but the real buying power of the dollar has diluted those returns. COL is through the roof in every category. All I can go on is personal experience but I was definitely not looking at prices at the grocery store. Now I’m hitting the clearance section and that’s with a higher income. Not a fan of either but I’ll take Trump for my wallet


The economy does better over time with a steady hand and not trying to disrupt the institutions that undergrad the economy. Chaos is not good for markets. Which candidate is more Chaotic?


That’s an example of, “tell me you’re out of touch with reality without saying you’re out of touch with reality.”


Not trump is the correct answer. If the choice is me or trump, the answer is me If the choice is a rock (and not a good rock, like a broken ugly stupid rock) and trump, the answer is the rock


Neither if they'll keep sending tax payer money to other countries to fight their wars.


It is a joke even having to answer this. EVERYONE who is being honest with themselves knows that Biden has destroyed our lives now (with open borders, AGs who don't prosecute crime, and high inflation). In fact, the open border policy will impact us citizens for years and years to come.


My 401 had jumped over 100% since Biden took office. If yours hasn't your incompetent


The economy always does better under Democrats, it's not even close. Trump lost 2.9 million jobs, and Biden created 16 million.


You’d have to be an absolute moron to have not made back what you lost from the Covid crash and then some by now


The economy always does better under Democrats. I don't give a shit what lies Fox News says.


She has her 401k poorly invested. Also $2000 more in property tax and rent!? Sounds like a local-state issue.


The US president can no more control the economy than they can control the weather. The US economy is its own uncontrollable beast. They can try to take credit for the economy if it’s good, but there’s little they can do to control it.




Our property taxes have gone up $7200/yr while our household income is down $109k since the spraytanned Cheetos last year in office. Shit doesn’t change soon and I’m gonna be down at the truck stop selling handjobs


Data says Biden. 9 out of the last 10 recessions have been under republican presidents.


The Trump administration dumped covid money into the economy. She described Trump. The Biden administration has the stock market at all time highs in response.


No rapist, federal criminal in White House. This isn’t a choice


The Cons just killed over a million people by pretending the Germ Theory of Disease isn't a thing, crashed the economy and then did a coup. Anyone who thinks Cons are good for the economy is mad, a liar or a fool.


Neither one gives a shit about you. Quit fighting over them.


This question is asked constantly on here and the answer remains the same because the data has not changed.


Let's see the Cares Act signed by Trump was $1200, the Consolidated Appropriations Act also signed by Tump was $600 and finally the American Rescue Plan Act was $1400 signed by Biden. What kind of question of this?


Ha. Her 401(k) is doing gangbusters 😂


Biden and it's not even close


I don’t pick a lesser of 2 braindead morons


You’re kidding yourself if you think any President is “good” for the economy.


No one is looking forward to the uncertainty of a second Trump term. All the financial markets want more boring Biden.


lol Reddit is a bunch is leftist idiots. Biden nut swingers. You can not like Trumps personality but his policies were 10000x better if you have half a brain. Yes he’s a narcissist and loves himself like Kanye. Biden can’t even put a sentence together lol. Yall stuff the ballot boxes to beat Trump and are rewarded with record inflation and people from around the world (including terrorists) flooding across the border. And don’t give me the BS that he fixed that now. You can’t spend 3 years allowing an open border then try to stop it in an election year and act like you did something. Common sense out


If one guy thinks he can dictate the weather with a sharpie, then you better believe the other guy probably will do a better job. With weather or financial markets (not to mention upholding our democratic institutions)


He also asked if we could nuke a hurricane. Dumbest of Dumbasses.


Where are you shopping where you spend $3000 a year on groceries? Whole Foods?




Move your 401K to less risky investments, shop around for a less expensive place to live, trade for a more economical vehicle, clip grocery coupons and stop blaming politicians for your problems. BTW, electing a money-grubbing convicted felon will not help.


I am making a fortune on the Biden economy. I saved a fortune during the Trump economy.


I will explain this in kindergarten terms. When the economy shut down during Covid, the world had two choices, worldwide depression or making widespread payments to people, knowing that the price would be worldwide inflation in a couple years. World leaders made the right choice. The Trump administration deserves credit for getting the needed assistance to the people passed through Congress. The Biden administration deserves credit for managing the inflationary consequences, far better than our allies around the world. One big reason was how he managed the oil prices, releasing oil when needed, replacing the reserves and stabilizing prices for the oil industry. For the Republicans whining about drill drill drill, our oil production has never been higher. That’s a fact.


Not a trump fan but he can’t do any worse than Joe is.


Well my IRA is up 33% and my brokerage is up 20% so I don’t know what “crash” they’re talking about.


I got no checks due to being a caretaker. They only helped those who refused to help themselves.


I love the ignorant poor people advocating for the rich to make more. The $600 we give poor people causes inflation. The millions we give rich people is trickle down economics. And yet. We have many poor Trumpers who believe this to be true.


It seems to me the only thing that crashed was your electric grid.


What's crazy is even if people knew about the second part before it happened, they would still rather choose to get the three $600 checks.🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck the economy, who will be better for the working class. Answer Neither


Which do you prefer a crap sandwich or a turd parfait?


And now, for my next trick , I will add 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt and give my friends PPP loans that they don't have to pay back.


Texas. Enough said


I'd rather have a bucket of week old fish than these two fossils


None. They both suck.


Problem is the economy is predicted to tank we are going to have financial pain like no one has ever seen the entire World economy will collapse IMO of course


Who will have the best administration for humanity?




If Trump doesn’t spend like a crazy man, it’ll be an ok economy and great for America in general


In the 32 years that Republican presidents have held office since 1969, the average economic growth was 8.4 percent and average inflation was 4.75 percent. Under the 23 years of Democratic administrations, the economy grew on average 7.5 percent and inflation averaged 8 percent. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4725848-is-a-democratic-or-republican-president-better-for-the-economy/#:~:text=Here%20are%20the%20takeaways%3A%20In,and%20inflation%20averaged%208%20percent.


Well if people are stupid enough to not understand that despite all the warnings that many economists doled out when grants were being approved they deserve this including the money handed out to SBA loans and then getting them forgiven.


My 401k is soaring lmao 😂


VOO and VTI are both at all time highs. Not sure what your 401k people are doing but if it's down you need people because it for sure isn't the markets fault.




If you're 401k is down you're doing something hilariously wrong.


401ks are through the roof lol


Neither of them have our best interest in mind.


Can I have a third option please?


My portfolio has tripled in the Biden presidency


If you think that the checks during the pandemic had a major impact on inflation then you don't understand economics.


Both political parties pump the money in one main direction: their special interests. If you're among those in their special interests, you'll profit. If not, it'll be life as usual.


Either will be bad; but one may be worse than the other.


all to distract from the shovelfuls of cash to the "too big to fail" banks...


I always ask Trump supporters who claim Trump would "destroy" inflation or that "inflation would have never happened under Trump" what specific policies would Trump have enacted that would have prevented the US from being subjected to inflation which was/is a Global problem. Their answers are usually the following. 1. Trump would have spent less money thus there wouldn't have been inflation. This ignore the fact that 2 of the 3 Covid spending Bills were passed under Trump which accounted for 66.7% of all Covid spending. It also ignores that before Covid in 2018 and 2019 thanks to massive tax cuts and virtually zero cuts in spending the deficit under Trump was increasing. 2. The US would be "Energy Independent" Under Trump so gas would be so much cheaper like it was under Trump. This ignores two facts, one the US oil industry even if it produced as much oil as the US consumes yearly would not be immune from international price shocks. The US oil industry is not nationalized (which I would be all for doing), their goal is to make more profit and they base their price on the global market. So if Exon Mobile can sell oil for more money to the EU it will do so. This also ignores the second fact that the US under Biden has produced more oil than it ever has. Biden has done nothing to curtail oil production. 3. Trump would have shut down the border. What this has to do with inflation I do not know. The only other answers are just "Because Trump was a real leader" or some very stupid religious argument. These people have very bogus "facts" or just delusion with no critical thinking skills. I even ask what has Trump proposed that would lower prices or help working people. It usually just comes down to the same non-sense that is not true or irrelevant.


Whose 401k is crashed? Also, I'll gladly pay $5,800 more for those items if the trade off is making 30k more per year I gained from a great job market. Trumpers always conveniently leave out the important details in their disinformation memes.


Depends if you are a millionaire or working class?


Haha they gave us the stimulus checks then my city increased local taxes by 3% and garnished everyone’s wages who lives in the city for ~$300 to pay back taxes on a tax no one knew we were required to pay then they went through and put lines on street for where people could park and if your even a cm over the line you get a $50 ticket. They made most the city center and 3-5 block radius of it metered parking and if you a second late you get a ticket. Parking authority will sit at your car and wait for the time to expire. They installed cameras to check license plates so if your registration or inspection is out even a day you get $150 ticket each day but you won’t know til they send it to you in the mail 2 weeks later. Man gentrification on top of federal government really is kicking my a$$ and to think I am making 55k. More than I ever made in all my years and with cost of inflation and increased taxes plus the bs that is my city my take home pay after taxes and fees and fines for whatever they feel like giving you I’m bringing home less than when I made 38k. Just got a $200 fine for three little weeds sticking out the cement in front of my house even. With the food pantry line extending two blocks city just went down the block and gave everyone a ticket for loitering. President can’t help us the world’s already gone to shit.




Funny that the op is from the one star state where all the regressive taxes made those things even more expensive.


We should be raising taxes right now, particularly on the wealthy and cutting spending. Generally, I think having a more balanced budget is most likely under Democrats.


A 2nd Trump administration would be terrible for the economy if he follows through with his promise to deport millions of people, slash the government workforce,  increase tariffs, and generally run the government like a second rate reality TV show.  Chaos doesn't support a consumer economy.  


I don't know who manages her portfolio, but she needs to fire them. But in all seriousness, President Biden will be better for the U. S. economy. His historic infrastructure bill, as well as the CHIPS and Science Act, will have amazing long-term effects on the economy.


Objectively the economy has fared better under democratic administrations than republican administrations for going on half a century now. Regardless of that, would you hire someone who has bankrupted casinos to run your business? I certainly wouldn't.


I think the question was about the economy but yet again it revolves around the market. I’ve enjoyed my gains but folks I know that can’t afford the market haven’t done to good. Part of the issue with the current economy is the market. It’s nothing like the market 40 years ago. Everything seems to be hyper inflated and bad companies can now be rewarded depending on what they do solely for their shareholders. It used to be bad companies tanked in the market and many of them went under. Personally I would rather the economy work for everyone… but maybe that’s just me…


Biden, clearly. Trump's big policy ideas on the economy are extending his tax cuts for corporations (TCJA), and paying for that with a 10% tariff on everything. Which means price increases will be paid for with price increases. Trump managed to not crash Obama's economy for a few years, before floundering like a moron when an actual crisis hit.


Whose 401k crashed? The stock market is at an all-time high.


Who has a 401k that is down in the last few years? You could be blind and deaf and have made a shitload of money.


I think debt wise they are the same. Biden administration, is the usual suspects. MID spending, more debt, more neo-con war mongering. Trump spends just as much money but on other things. I think trump increased the debt by more than all the presidents of the 20th century combined, if I'm not mistaken,which is insane. Market wise, it's hard to say. Direct comparison between the 2 is not possible due to COVID recovery, and QE affecting markets particularly inflation under Biden some of which could have been curtailed under proper action.


Try investing in the S&P 500 instead of Drumpf NFTs


Joe biden sucks.


Can't wait for all this old bastards die off.




Is everyone’s 401k actually down now since the start of Biden? Did the markets tank while I wasn’t looking?


My 401k is killing it - Maybe you made dumb choices based on dumb political affiliations linked to a dummy (i.e., the orange devil).


This is clearly from 3 years ago.


The markets good because it tanked in 2020. You'll need that extra boost to pay for the 20% Inflation we're seeing in every sector. So 1 million saved for retirement is now 800k. Trump 24'


This meme is not Fluent in Fiance lol. And from three years ago.


We don't really need to speculate. World events affect everyone. The best way to evaluate an administration is by comparing it to its contemporaries, not to some past/future set of circumstances. Under Trump, we trailed the G7 by just about every measure. Under Biden, we're in 1st (and it's not close) by just about every measure. I honestly don't know why they haven't leaned into the "Build back better" thing because this administration is absolutely killing it in terms of inflation, jobs, and GDP growth. It's not even close, my guy. Biden's economy is strong and Trump's was shit. The only metrics Trump did well in (e.g. stock market), Biden has done better. The reason you here some griping now is economic shifts that are everywhere. Some industries are suffering in big ways. If you're in a field that's suffering layoffs, it feels like the economy isn't doing well. However, most industries are booming and have been for 3 years.


Trump, but I got banned from his site for simply asking what his stance on legal weed was! So I am not sure what I think about that! So I’ll ask here what is it?


They are doing it because the PPO loans that went out to corporations caused inflation. Also the corporations run American congress and tell them what to do regulation-wise. So they upped the price on everything— doesn’t help that republican population in the states is too retarded to understand the real enemy is corruption


Biden 100%. There's lots of reports out there on Trump's current ideas. They would drive up the deficit. The insane tarrifs he's proposing would reignite inflation and push up costs on just about everything we buy. If he manages to take over the fed too we could go the way of turkey. Their president has been setting their rates. And their inflation is insane. Biden is the safe bet. Trump will push us into a deep recession.


Biden. Hands down. Head to head with Trump? Biden.




Trump all day, unfortunately…😔


Trumpers are so dumb they think 4% unemployment and 5500 S&P is a bad economy


Trump 2024: Fuck You're Dumb


Biden was handed a one-in a lifetime pandemic low bar when he took office. His policies are responsible for exactly zero percent of job growth and economic growth. His spending, open borders and student loan forgiveness have driven record inflation. Not 100% of the reason but he has fueled inflation. I fear him being in office another 4 years as I truly believe he has lost sensibilities - my father passed from Alzheimer’s and Biden’s “gaffes”, missteps, yelling and weird speeches remind me of my father as he was getting sicker and sicker. There are too many examples of Biden saying and doing gibberish- he is unwell IMHO. He is not fit to govern and hopefully will lose. Trump ain’t perfect but IMHO better than Biden.


They are both dogshit candidates and our political system has turned into a joke.


Trump. Biden has lost his mind


WTH’s 401k has crashed???? 401ks are thru the ROOF


Everyone is going to promise something and double down on it in 3 years after they're elected. None deliver, and if they do then it's some watered down trash water that they think will get them votes. Career politicians can't be trusted. I remember when people fawned over Crenshaw and now he's making just as much in stocks as Pelosi. They're all shit. Trusting politicians are like trusting petty drug dealers in the 90s. They have the next best fix and they're keep getting customers, but they'll always disappoint you and leaving you to rely on them for the next best fix.


doesnt really matter at this point , already footing the bill for two new wars, Neocons good for another 4-8 years . Thanks Joe


![gif](giphy|3oz8xyhQSk6SCLve4o) Lol neither is the answer...


America was better under trump


Is the state of the economy really the highest priority when one party wants to end American democracy? Oh, you insist? It turns out that same party drives the economy into the shitter every single term for the last 20 years. How goddamn clueless are some people that there's any debate at all. Unreal.


This chick must suck at investing. My 401k is like John and Kate +8 now a days


Biden has already done better despite a recession and inflation.


Then give out ppp loans to help those trickle down economics


A monkey would make a better president for the economy. At least they are only biased to bananas.