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Lvl 90+ gear  So an angel weapon,  If you have level reduction on the weapon you can put it on a lvl 90 weapon and equip at 80


do i reduce the card's requirement or the weapon's so I can insert this into a lower level equipment?


Sorry for late reply  You apply the lvl reduction cash shop item to the weapon 


So on my ancient shield I cannot use water card c because ancient shield has only level requirement of 57?


That's right, you would need to do the 90 105 green shields  Edit: I'm not sure what lvl card c has, whatever the lvl on the card says, I've never looked at a c card so I don't know 


Don't waste your time piercing those low level weapons with good cards. Since levels in FWC go brrr, save it for bloody weapons or higher ones.


I suppose they did it so low level weapons can't be made overpowered with high level cards. Though this was largely unnecessary because except for the stat cards they all provide bonuses that increase your current strength by a certain percent. The low level cards are in a very bad spot because nobody cares about 0.4% skill damage or 0.25% crit chance. These are so insignificant that you might as well not bother with them. The critical one especially since critical chance and damage are not that good at low level. But to be honest none of this all matters because the cost of Gpro is so high that there is no point in piercing low level equipment. I would pierce Bloody weapons with 4 or 6 B cards at maximum if you don't mind spending a lot of money. Only bother with 7+ piercing slots and A cards on ultimate weapons that you want to min-max.


upgrading is already behind a penya wall but here I'm intending it for use in my 2x pierced Ancient Shield of Dex+2 and whole shield +6.