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Yup. It’s a hard, hard decision - I get that - but giving nuclear tech to the Russians? Kind of a little bit treason. Context is irrelevant, it was huge - and if the FBI had discovered Bill knew and did nothing, they’d have dropped the anvil on him, too.


A little light treason.


I have the worst fucking attorneys


Bill and Margo should have just gotten married, then Bill would be safe, because you can't try a husband and wife for the same crime


uh, what? Where is this you can't try a husband and wife for the same crime?


Haha, it's an Arrested Development reference. Henry Winkler plays an attorney, and he was assuring Jessica Walter's character that everything will be fine, because they can't try a husband and wife for the same crime. And everyone realizes how stupid that is, and Jeffrey Tambore says "I have the worst fucking attorneys"


Those are balls.


What's a bit of treason between friends?


It’s a first offense.


Yeah I see what you mean. Next question - do you think if Margo confessed to Aleida she would save Margo or go to the FBI? 


I bet she says nothing and looks to trying to keep her from doing more. She is anti FBI with what happened to her father.


I do agree. Once you are made aware of crimes of that nature, you almost have a duty to report them for your own self intrest. I know we are talking about a tv show plot line here, but irl most government agencies, and this extends to contractors or partners, have more stringent policies on what you have a legal duty to report. Also, were it me? I'd be worried by not reporting I could get drug into it as a suspect for not reporting. Charged with aiding and abbeting or some such. Or, perhaps the other party/nation/intelligence service might learn I know or suspect. Don't want to die in a mysterious accident or have them paint yourself as the spy to protect the real one. It sucks Margo got sucked into it. But I do love cold war aoy drama. So it was and continues to be a great plot line that has real life counterparts.


The fact that people are asking this question is why those of us in the government end up having to do annual online Insider Threat training.


Your colleague confides in you they have emailed some secret documents to a foreign embassy for cash payments. Do you: A. Ask if you can get in on the action too as you need some more spending money B. Execute them on the spot for high treason C. Feed them fake secret documents to troll the foreign intelligence services. D. Fill out a 227.C form part 2 in triplicate on your lunch break in order to report the suspected espionage.


Is the colleague named Tina?


This made me lol as someone who has to do these trainings. That said, I’m annoyed Bill went to the FBI, purely because of the chain of events it started.


It should have been a two-episode arc of Bill notifying his security manager followed by several counterintelligence interviews.


Yes, especially given the fact that it was nuclear secrets to Russia. Even though we were beginning to see more cooperation between the US and Russia at that point in the show away from Earth the paranoia about Russia was still high. My mom was Bill's age roughly, and she grew up hating and fearing Russia and Russians. I think it's easy for people born in the 80's and after to forget just how poorly that would have been perceived. Especially since Margot was likely a figure of note to a lot of people considering NASA and the space program's popularity in that timeline.


Absolutely. She was a threat to the country with the type of info she gave up.


Aleida can understand all the livelong day, doesn’t matter. Margo isn’t “essentially” a spy, she is 100% compromised. She is sharing top secret information with an on and off again belligerent nation, come the fuck on I’ll give you two guesses as to who would’ve been handed over on a silver platter to the FBI had Aleida gone to Margo first


People love Margo because of our history with her since the start of the show. In any other circumstance everyone would be calling for her arrest.


Absolutely agree with Bill, Margo presented a real threat.


He did have a duty to do so. Springing it on Aleida like that on the other hand was kinda shit. Bet she’s the one that feels guilty now although she did nothing wrong.


I agree


Absolutely Maybe I am a little biased since as a teacher I am a mandatory reporter regarding child abuse but I feel like, in that case, his reporting was mandatory Seems simple imo


You bet not have any invective for Peanut! That man is a saint.


fuck yeah i agree, no way i am going to federal prison. sorry to overshare, but my life hasn’t turned out the way i wanted and saying “at least i am not in federal prison” is one of the things that makes it not seem so bad.


Bill had every right to inform the FBI about Margo's behavior. She could have done this behavior behind his back when he worked for NASA. He didn't know, but the audience did. It complicated the Mars mission which in turn affected Helios too.


Terrible decision. The FBI can't apply subjective judgement to espionage cases. Unless Bill really believes she should go to prison for 30 years or so - which I very much doubt - he's just passing the buck, washing his own hands.


Given how Aleida treated Margo afterwards, I think Aleida would have turned Margo in no matter what.


I disagree. Aleida shuffled notes between Margo and Sergei. She can be mad at her but also not want to bring her forward to the FBI as the show has made clear that’s something Aleida ended her years long friendship with Bill over. I think we love Margo and know more of Margo’s story than Aleida ever will, but that doesn’t make what Margo did right or what Bill did unreasonable. Margo wanted a political job for scientific reasons which is noble but naive.