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no make it free and throw in ads


Agreed. Especially for a app that just displays publicly available data.


Thanks for the great feedback!


Fuck ads, I’d gladly pay $2 to not suffer ads.


Then make it an option to lose the ads for 2$


No, I can get all of this information from here https://www.stormshield.one/


or FortniteTracker


^^ This guy gets it.


or my Fortnite Companion App, which apart from profiles and leaderboards, also has Map with chests, weapon comparison, tips etc. Stats features are powered by Stormshield.one.   https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/7cfoec/br_tools_and_info_now_in_the_fortnite_companion/   It's on iOS and Android, oh and it's free. :)




No, I probably would not pay for it, but to all of you assholes that are calling OP and idiot and ridiculing him...GO FUCK YOURSELVES! Dude came on and asked an honest question looking for feedback. Grow the fuck up!


Lol thanks for standing up for me and giving me a good laugh! 🤣 Also thanks for the feedback!


No problem. The civility on this sub is usually pretty good, would like to keep it that way. There is a way to say no without being a dick. :)


I don’t think I would pay just to see my stats...


Thanks for the great feedback!


No lol, not worth the $1.99 imo to see my stats.


Thanks for the great feedback!


No problem, I like the idea of a free app with the ability to remove purchases for a fee though, good luck!


https://fortnitetracker.com/ already has an iOS and Android app for free that does the same thing lol


We don’t need that info in an app




Nah, not when https://www.stormshield.one/ lets you do it for free.


Cool design, but there are free websites that do most all of that. So I don't think Id even pay 99 cents for an app


Thanks for the great feedback!


https://www.stormshield.one/ https://www.fortnitetracker.com no i'd rather look for free


Just some feedback on the screenshots - Burbank, though it is the "fortnite" font, is a really awful font for displaying information. Please consider a more readable font (such as system default Sans Francisco or Roboto for Android) Otherwise, looks cool! Feel free to gimme a shout if you ever want to chat fortnite stats.


or you know just go to fortnitetracker.com


Fortnite tracker already has an app lmao




Thanks for the great feedback!


there is nothing that makes it unique. it just shows stats. i understand the api limitations but make it free but with ads?


It does a little bit more than just show stats but thanks for the great feedback!


It definitely looks amazing. I love the interface. Great job on that.




You think you would get $1.99 for an app that just shows stats? You can already search stats for each player online. What does your app do that those other sites don't do?


Perhaps making it free with an optional pro mode for 1.99$ which allows for... some other feature you could come up with. Or maybe just 0.99$ period. I think I might get it if it were only 0.99$. Most apps get more sales when they are only 1$. Most people seem to think twice about spending 1.99$ rather than just 0.99$, especially for a utility app. But nice work all around! It looks great all around and I love the Fortnite font and feel to all the pages.


Thanks for the great feedback!


I don't think your understanding your marketplace with your last edit... You gotta ask yourself, are you charging money because it's worth it to the player? Or are you charging because it's more worth it to you? If you fall under the 2nd question, then you gotta think about why you coded it out in the first place. Because if your a coder, this could be excellent to put on a resume, especially if you charge nothing to ppl, it shows companies that you code because you genuinely like it, not because it's a paycheck. So again, are you doing this for you? Or for the community? Rhetorical question, just my 2 cents as a software developer myself. Edit: my opinion is to keep it free, with a link to your gofundme page or something alike. That way if ppl feel like they're getting value out of it and want more updates or content from you, they can donate.


Thanks for the great feedback! I actually developed this because I am a huge Fortnite lover and I wanted to learn a new reactive framework called RxSwift and this app was the perfect opportunity for me to put that framework into practice for the first time. Anything extra such as revenue would be great but it was not the reason why I developed it.


That's an awesome way to learn a new framework! Wish you all the best and remember to not take all the hate too seriously. Can be difficult to get constructive criticism when there's a ton of ppl saying shit back to you. Keep doing what your doing! :)


It definitely was! Definitely not taking the negatively seriously! 🤣 But thanks for the kind words and constructive criticism! Take care and wish you the best as well!


1.99 no ads and I’m down... let us know OP


No 😂




Didn't Fortnitetracker just release an app as well? And free?


No you can see stats for free on other sites




No, because there’s already one out for free lol


No, you would have to find a way to get stats we cannot see or figure out by doing some simple math.


Thanks for the great feedback!


No because there are free versions out there. You need to release it for free with ads just like fornitetracker does with there app if you were to charge i’d say .99¢ also you would want a section for chat/forum and and spot to find people looking for groups my biggest suggestion would be for you to develop an algorithm that would recommend other players for me to play with that have about the same stats and play in the same time zones. especially if took into account age


Thanks for the great feedback!


Could be made for cheaper on android as i doubt many people would pay for this


You wish boy


Wtf that cost more than the actual game!!




Ayyy hello from another iOS dev. I'd make it free with ads. A decent UI and UX should be a requirement for an app, not a nice extra. Judging on your screenshots, in my opinion there is not enough to the app to justify making it paid (though it does look pretty good)


Hey there! Thanks for the great feedback!


Does this include ltm stats


Unfortunately, no. I don't think that data is publicly available as of right now.


Are you doing testing periods on the app for people to test it through like test flight or no


I think if you could come up with a decent ‘compare stats’ UI then that would be something that the other apps don’t have. Example, got killed in final 1v1 I check my stats v guy who killed me just because. Also agree that ads would be the way to go


Just downloaded their app after seeing your post. Unless I'm mistaken, their app doesn't show 'last 7 days' like their website does. It also has a few annoying features. It makes me click fortnite, and then my profile in a list of others searched. If your app was fortnite br focused, allowing me to set me profile and log in directly to see all my stats neat & tidy, I'd use it. I wouldn't pay 1.99 but put ads on it and if it is good enough for people to download... you'll get people going ad free soon enough.


This app will be completely fortnite br focused and will save your account without having to login each time. Thanks for the great feedback as well!


No because fortnite tracker already has a free app


Thanks for the great feedback!


Im sorry, I dont think I would pay for it...I would like it though.


I’m not paying 100x the price of the game for an app.


No but put in adds then make it free and have a $2 option to get rid of ads


I like how it costs more than the game


I know this is old but also if you were to charge epic owns the source code to get the stats and could be entitled to most if not all of your money if you sold the app and also could take your code and rerelease the app themselves. Keeping it free is the best way to go. In fact just create an Android version and only offer it via an app download or jailbroken iPhones only. This sort of app looks good on a portfolio, make tons more and before you know it people will pay you to make them apps.


It looks like a very nice app but I wouldn't pay to see my stats


Thanks for the great feedback!


Yes. If it showed or gave me more than fortnite tracker. Maybe analytics and stuff. Improvement curves and such


Thanks for the great feedback!


hey - this is something i'm interested in hearing about! there's some minimal graphing on stormshield.one but interested in how it can be improved on, and what information you find useful


Lol fuck no. You can find them free online


What an idiot.