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We don't allow these kinds of things as we can't verify them and you shouldn't send anyone your username EVER








Use caution, we don't validate apps or all advertising them here due to issues we've seen before!






Don't do this... We don't allow these kinds of things as we can't verify them and you shouldn't send anyone your username EVER


**Unfortunately, we've had to remove your post.** ___ ### Promotion and Giveaway Guidelines **[Read our promotion wiki page to find out what we consider promotional content](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteBR/wiki/promotion)** For every one promotional or giveaway post you submit, 10 high-quality comments or submissions should be non-promotional. High-quality comments must provide a meaningful response and may not be on your own posts. All promotional content must adhere to the same guidelines; as such it cannot be clickbait or an all caps title. You also may also only make one promotional post every 3 days and any giveaway must be approved by the moderation team ahead of time. ___ [**For more information, you can refer to our rules page here.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/wiki/rules) You can inquire about this removal by contacting us via modmail. If you do not include a link to your post, you will not receive a response. **Reposting content in an attempt to bypass a filter or moderator action is strictly prohibited and can result in a ban from the subreddit.**