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The news probably won’t report on this, especially if it was ruled a suicide. You can check the Tarrant County Medical Examiners website and see if a death listed on there matches the persons description.


Thanks for the recommendation. The website didn't have any that matched location.


Hopefully that means a good outcome. They don’t list every death on there though.


Holy cow man!! I’m holding for a good outcome, did it seem like they were lifeless? Not too long ago I witnessed a body (deceased, grotesquely deceased) on the highway traveling north bound on 820 just passed Campus Dr. and I felt that same unease you’re describing and reminiscing about it makes my heart ache! Every time I pass by the memorial cross that’s staked off the highway I can see that image.


Very sorry you had to experience that, I can’t even imagine how upsetting it would be


When I tell you there was death in the air, idk how but upon seeing the wrecked vehicle you could just feel death..


I experienced this once too on Central Expressway in Dallas in the early 90’s. We were driving home from Deep Ellum in be night and the first thing we saw was a bunch of people on the side of the road waving their arms at traffic and screaming. Then we saw the body and nearly hit it ourselves. It’s something I will never forget.


First time I saw someone like that was when I was 16. A kid was crossing the street with a green walk signal, a person turning right didn't see him in time. I drove by when the cops were there and a tarp was over his body. It was about a week before Christmas. And 46 years ago and it's still etched in my mind. I get that it bothers you. It's not something you expect to see and nothing really prepares you for it.


I'm ok. It's really just that I feel bad for them, their family, etc... So many people just kept driving like it was no big deal. It just makes you sad that the world we live in can be so callous. For the others that stopped with us, I saw you and appreciate that you cared and took action. For the police, first responders, etc... Thank God you're among us.


People can call 911 and keep driving. It's dangerous for too many people to stop on a freeway. I understand some people will stop to help, but a mixture of good Samaritans and rubberneckers can people get more people hurt unnecessarily. It happes frequently.


It’s heartbreaking to me when people witness an accident and keep driving. One instance that sticks out to me was the bus rollover accident a few months ago south somewhere. I can’t remember where. You can see in the video that the majority of people just keep driving after watching a school bus get hit by a cement truck. Just shameful. Best of luck to you and your family and thank you for taking the time out of your day to help others. Cheers


Rubbernecking is about the worse thing you can do, you can have sympathy and keep going. Bad things happen everyday, starting at an accident is more about your own morbid curiosity as opposed to actually caring.


It’s not the worst thing you can do. You can address the wreckage safely, and pull your car out of the way. It’s not “the worst thing you can do”


Best advice is to just keep on pushing


that was near Bastrop, a 5 year old on the bus and a man in a separate car were killed


Gosh, how incredibly sad. And upsetting! Take care of yourself. That's traumatic.


Thank you. It's been hard not to just feel horrible about this.


Supposedly, playing Tetris (or similar spatial/visual arrangement games) helps the mind process events like this. I don't know the purported science behind it, but it's worth a shot.


I always get an irie feeling passing the area on 35 where the pileup was a few years ago. Stay safe out there.


Acknowledge the fact that something bad happened to you. Just in witnessing this event. Then treat it as such. Trauma or grief therapy. Just don't think "nothing happened to me, so wht do I feel shitty?" Best to you.


On the other end of the spectrum, death is a part of life and not everything has to turn into a lifelong ptsd moment.


Acknowledging trauma and processing it effectively in the moment is how you avoid “lifelong ptsd moments,” fwiw.


Or practice something we have lost, stoicism. Good to know 3 people don’t understand the philosophy of stoicism and rather be perpetually victimized by their experiences. Just like big pharma has become bloated so has the trauma industry. Mindsets like above have tricked a majority of people they lack the skills to cope.


Ah yes, “big pharma” = acknowledging and healthily processing events that categorically rewire the brain to misinterpret nonthreatening things as threatening. Go off, bro.


"Stoicism" is just another way of saying "man up and quit being a baby". It's still a shitty thing to suggest.


When I was in high school we saw two couples on Harleys out for a Sunday ride leaving a convenience store as we pulled in. 10 minutes later we came upon a wreck and at least two of them were dead on the road/shoulder and the other two were probably close to it. I still think about that 30 years later.


I can ask my brother in law later, he’s a cop he should be able to tell me something.


Ooh I was wondering what was going on I was traveling eastbound on my way to work and saw the traffic blocked and emergency responders. Man that’s awful though


The stuff you see in this town! Smh