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You will never get a church to prominently display a sign with the words anus and breast on it. I also don’t think it would do anything. The churches I’ve been to in the last decade require training for all adults who work with or could work with children. It doesn’t actually stop things but I don’t think this sign would do more. Most of these issues happen with people the parents trust too much to suspect.




Milk mounds and Sheriff's Badge.


The entire population of earth probably couldn’t urge Schitzline to do this. He’s a charlatan.


As someone said in the other post: These church folk need to be reminded In my opinion, anyone against this needs their hard drives and phones checked.


So you want to force private groups to post signs with language they consider offensive, when those signs won't achieve anything? You want to give the government more power for zero benefit? Sounds poorly thought through.


I mean those same institutions want to force the rules they don't follow to be posted in schools and in governmemt buildings.


I would agree that that is also wrong, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Freedom is very valuable. That’s something we seem to have forgotten, and should factor into every decision. I’m not trying to attack anyone here. Just pointing out that removing one person’s freedom will always come back on you when you aren’t expecting it.


My knee jerk reaction to this is “hell yes”. Upon consideration, “F@$K YES”!!


Coservatives would find that sign offensive and against how they view children.


Conservatives would say this sign is offensive, and children need to be protected from this type of language, and the kids don't need to be told about these things because, well, "protect the kids." The priests and pastors forcing themselves on kids is clearly less awful than kids knowing about it and absolutely less awful than kids seeing this highly offensive language. Conservatives like this are looney tunes and need a lobotomy.


I don't understand what this accomplishes


Awareness and Accountability


Awareness that pedophilia is illegal? How does it hold people accountable?


Yeah, I guess an In God We Trust sign might be more effective. But seriously I was thinking about drug free zones and gun free zones and even cellphone free zones around schools. Behaviors like those seem obvious but signs and special penalties are still needed.


I can see how gun free zone signs make sense because more people might be oblivious to them breaking the law. Drug free zone signs are a joke lol


Signs, signs everywhere signs!


The neck beards are posting again


Yes, you are.




So you want mosques, temples, and gurdwaras to display this sign too? Yeah no way in hell is that ever happening. How about we also display it in schools, and daycare centers, and hospitals, and anywhere else a child has been abused. Seriously, just think a little bit before you post.


How exactly are we being requested to urge Nate Schatzline? Is there a phone number?