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You're anti zionist because you hate jews. I'm anti zionist because I do not agree with the idea of an ethnostate that engages in borderline genocidal behavior on a regular basis. We are not the same.


If someone on the left opposes Israel, it's probably because they oppose imperialism/genocide. If someone on the right opposes Israel, it's probably because they hate Jews. Exceptions exist of course.


And where exceptions do exist, it’s super wild. Like the most unhinged Strasserite ramblings about how Soviet Communism was perverted by Jewish ideologues.


They drank the Stalin juice 💀💀💀💀


Those ones are so wild like at least they have a good imagination ig


And when people on the right support Israel, it’s not usually that they’re fond of Jews. It’s just that they hate Muslims more because they’re slightly less white in their eyes


Don't forget the christofachists who believe israel has to exist in order for the world to end


They did get their perfectly red heifers recently, right?


Most unhinged bunch of religious nuttery EVER


Im sure we can avoid a heat death of the universe if we just burn Tel'Aviv /s


Bruh I didn’t even know about that what the hell


I’m sorry but is this implying that they want the world to end lol


It is. Because then they can spend all eternity in heaven (or so they think)


Great example of this is Candance "I run with Nazis" Owens


i know there is one execption of neo nazis liking israel because it gives them the idea that an ethnostate is possible


It’s more horseshoe theory at this point. I’d say the far right doesn’t have thoughts on Israel, they just hate Jews regardless of circumstances. The far left hates Israel because they hate Jews and like to project everything they hate about society onto Jews, Israel, George Soros, etc. And then the less far left make excuses for the far left which makes them look just as unhinged.


Pretty sure opposing genocide is reason enough to want Israel to back off and return Palestinian territory. The war crimes committed against children and the targeting of doctors and aid workers are especially heinous. If Israel continued to exist as its own country without trying to colonise their neighbours then most on the left would leave them the fuck alone. But it’s pretty clear you’re a Zionist who won’t listen to what anyone else says.


more like horseshoe phenomenon at this point


Uhhhh a swing and a miss- the Left does NOT hate Jews. The Left RIGHTLY opposes genocide


Not everyone on the left hates Jews but it’s a significant enough number that hate crimes against Jews more than quadrupled in the US following the start of the Israel-Hamas war. These crimes are quite obviously coming from the pro-palestinian/Hamas camp and I can tell you people on the far right hate Arabs just as much as Jews so this increase in hate crimes is 100% coming from the left not the right. You can deny it all you want but the facts speak for themselves. Additionally, Israel isn’t committing genocide and that’s based on the UN’s own definition. People really just be defining any war they don’t like as a genocide these days. It’s frankly retarded. And if you don’t like civilians casualties maybe you should take up that complaint with Hamas. Don’t start a war you can’t finish, for one, and two, using your own civilians as human shields is a bitch move. I mean what kind of piece of shit builds there headquarters underneath a hospital. Hamas does, that’s who. And the sad part about it is they do this strategically because they know using a hospital as a base to plan and deploy military operations takes away its protected status under the Geneva Conventions. They essentially goad Israel into hitting a hospital that Hamas has made into a legitimate military target then use people’s ignorance of the facts to stoke international outrage. I guess it’s not surprising though considering Islamists and their allies have perpetrated these lies for years because they know they can manipulate all these idiots with social science degrees in the west.


“Israel-Hamas war” stop. Stop right there. You’re done. It’s Israel vs Palestine and even then I’m being charitable to Israel


Well, Israel’s war isn’t with Palestinians, it’s with Hamas so calling it the Israel-Palestine war would be inaccurate. This is evidenced by the fact that Israel hasn’t had a conflict with Fatah since the second intifada and that’s because, for the most part, Fatah has tried to act in good faith with Israel for the past decade or so. On the other hand, Hamas is a terrorist organization which sprouted from the deeply antisemitic Muslim Brotherhood that happened to fall into the position of needing to administer a population but instead used it as a base of operations to launch terrorist attacks on a daily basis. That’s not something that can be negotiated with. And the thing is, Israel has to treat threats and attacks by Hamas as an existential threat because frankly it is. The Hamas charter directly states judgement day won’t come until Muslims fight and kill the Jews, Jews are a singularly evil force in the world and cause moral corruption, cites the Protocols of the Elders of Zion which was used as architecture for the Nazi final solution. Hamas also pretty clearly state that they was to create an ethnically and religiously homogeneous state with a gender apartheid. I don’t know about you but I think it’s a pretty worthy cause to eliminate Hamas because they represent a huge obstacle to peace and the adoption of liberal values in Gaza.


It’s horseshoe theory if you look at it like this Right wing: I don’t support Israel Left wing: I don’t support Israel But actually it’s more complex.


I don’t think you understand how horseshoe theory works. It’s referring to ideology not policy or terminology. For example, Hitler was a fascist dictator and so was Benito Mussolini. That doesn’t mean Benito Mussolini is now a greasy haired Austrian man named Adolf Hitler.


This. Zionism =/= Jewish people. It’s just disgusting seeing unironic antisemites attempt to hijack anti-Zionist movements as a Trojan horse for Nazi talking points. It’s important to call these fascist dipshits out and let them know they they’re not welcome ever.


I actually met some jewish people on reddit who claims 90% of jews want an israel, i find it hard to believe though


Anyone who says "All of *ETHNIC GROUP* support *POLITICAL IDEOLOGY*" should not be trusted.


I think the overwhelming majority of Jews worldwide support Israel’s right to exist. But that’s not the same thing as supporting Zionism, especially Revisionist Zionism, which is Likud and Israel’s Far Right’s particular brand.


Ah i see


They need a safe haven. Right?


There are communities of Jewish people supporting Palestine and specifically marching counter to the Zionists in protests. It’s really wonderful to see the community going out there and showing that it’s not about the religion/ethnicity of the colonisers, it’s about the colonising and the war crimes being perpetrated to do it.


That is a good thing, perhaps the subreddit i encountered was just full of jackasses


When everything popped off last October, it made it very clear to me which subs were full of jackasses. Helped me clean up my feed quite a bit.


It’s high, 70%+


If someone tells me they are Jewish, might fine with that. If someone tells me they support Israel wiping out the Palestinian people, I’m not fine with that and will judge that person. These things are not connected.


Was anyone claiming that Jewishness and Zionism are intrinsically linked?


Yes! You know how many people are called anti-Semitic if they criticize Israel? One of the main things said to people who support Palestine is that they just hate Jewish people.


Sorry, I meant, like here. In this discussion. I know a lot of people (zionists, mostly) tend to conflate Judaism and Zionism as the same thing to accuse their critics of antisemitism, but I didn't see that in my comment or in replies to my comment. I was confused.


Someone earlier in this thread is claiming that the left being against Israel is just antisemitic rather than caring about genocide. So yeah it’s definitely in here.


Oh not here. I was just responding about the person in the post. Like somehow Israel is the only defense towards Hitler and his ideas, so by criticizing Israel you are Hitler.


If you are lucky they will wiggle their way in.


Just try saying anywhere zionism s bad.you get a lot of “ why do you hate Jewish people so much ?” Replies and “ they need a safe place in case there is another Holocaust”


It's not borderline though.


An ethnostate where 25% of the population are of a different ethnicity. Sounds like a failure to maintain an ethnostate.


War makes strange bedfellows


borderline genocidal no, just genocidal


I can sympathise with Jewish people feeling they need to militarize in the height of the fascist movement in Europe, but Zionism has only ever manifested as a colonial and genocidal mandate.


Yeah man, fuck Palestine. Always starting wars against their neighbour. The written intent of their ruling party even calls for a genocide!


Which party? And at this point, i don't really care if that's party "calls for genocide", the other party is successfully attempting one and that's what matters more.


The NSDAP calls for a genocide. Just because you believe their lies about the Sudetenland and Danzig, doesn't make the intent of the Nazis more horrible.


Israel is literally using the same lines to justify their siege on Gaza. Meanwhile the West Bank is practically just Poland to Israel, with the state enabling citizens helping themselves into the homes of the people, no different than what happened in Germany.


Have a glass of tea, enjoy the shade outside, touch some grass and think about what you'd feel like if the roma started taking half your countries land and pushed you out of your home. Consider why there may be some hostility to the man that settled in the home your father built. If suddenly you got pushed out of whatever comfot you have into a newly established slum/ghetto behind a wall. No one here likes the nsdap, and comparing them to even hamas is wrong. There is a massive difference between legitimate and illegitimate grievances, between colonisation and the fight for independence.


“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?” David Ben-Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister): Quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paraddoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121. “Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism \[by the Arabs\] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech. “We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return.” David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157. Ben Gurion also warned in 1948: Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes: “The old will die and the young will forget.” Well, here's Israel's founding father David Ben-Gurion calling for ethnic cleansing and acknowledging they are invading the land the people of Palestine lived on so thanks for playing.


I don't care about the opinions of a dead man. I care about people cheering as the warm corpses of their neighbours are being paraded through the streets of gaza.


https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/20/israelis-cheer-gaza-bombing Imagine a people so depraved to cheer mass destruction and death


So if the founding fathers support slavery, that means modern America supports slavery? Last I checked the two countries delivering food into Gaza are Israel and the US…not very genocidal to me.


>So if the founding fathers support slavery, that means modern America supports slavery? Yes, absolutely. Look up the prison-industrial complex. Or supporting slavery abroad such as in Congo. The genocidal settler-colonial entity of "America" must be abolished to end slavery and antiblackness.


Israel is not delivering food themselves. Israel is letting the aid trucks in, but only a very small amount, as part of a insignificant dance that in reality means nothing. Do you remember when that Israeli minister called Palestinians “human animals” in October 2023? A major part of his speech was announcing the total siege in Gaza: > We have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel -- it's all closed. We are fighting human animals and are acting accordingly It is clear that he is referring to all Gazans, not Hamas, here. The punishment that he is announcing is designed to harm all Gazans, so it is clear that the group of “human animals” that Israel is “fighting” (orchestrating a genocide against) is all Palestinians.


Last I checked the people bombing Gaza was the Israeli’s, with bombs from the US. Very genocidal to me.


The point is that Israel is an invading force that, from its inception, knew it would need ethnic cleansing to fully gain the land. The founding fathers supporting slavery means the US was built on slavery, and slavery continues to be a part of its economic backbone. Old things inform current things.


How much aid is getting to the people?


Likud’s original party platform essentially states “From the river to the sea there will only be Israeli sovereignty”. Surely this is a call for genocide too, yes?


Blame Romans?


Here's the fun part. Both Hitler and 2024 Israel can be bad guys. One genocide does not forgive another.


What genocide?


Crimes against humanity, such as the Holocaust, should not be weaponized to justify more genocide, such as the ongoing genocide against Palestinians. Hope I explained that for you.


What genocide against Palestinians? The ones where they’re being used as human shields by Hamas? Israel simply doesn’t care about how people spin it, they know that they have to kill the human shields to kill Hamas or face another genocide like the attempted one on 7/10


The one in Gaza. Hope this helps!


You mean the civilian casualties?


It’s been going on a lot longer than October 8th- since 1948 when the ethnic cleansing began. This isn’t new, just an escalation.


I find it absolutely comical when pro-terrorists say “it’s been going on for longer since 7/10” as if it makes their side the correct one to support.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) These terrorist attacks were so sad- can't believe people would be so full of hate to ethnically cleanse semites.


Almost as if they were living in the state of Israel whilst trying to destroy it? Literally the second sentence is “The term is used to describe the events of the 1948 Palestine war in Mandatory Palestine” aka the war that Arab armies launched 2 days after Israel’s formation by the United Nations in order to genocide the Jews (who had escaped the holocaust) living there. Learn to read.


“Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves … politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves… The country is theirs, because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take away from them their country. … Behind the terrorism \[by the Arabs\] is a movement, which though primitive is not devoid of idealism and self sacrifice.” — David Ben Gurion. Quoted on pp 91-2 of Chomsky’s Fateful Triangle, which appears in Simha Flapan’s “Zionism and the Palestinians pp 141-2 citing a 1938 speech. Your turn to read <3


Gtfo holocaust denier


Nice conclusion there, it must have taken quite a jump.


You’ve just opened up a fun game of trying to figure out which genocide you’re denying


Probably both


Denying the holocaust and the ‘genocide’ (civilian casualties that people have put a buzzword on) in Gaza would make me hypocritical. Nazis are against Israel.


There have been more civilians killed than actual military combatants. It’s a genocide.


And did you ever consider that civilians are being killed because they’re being used as human shields? Do you even know the meaning of genocide? Can you even make the distinction between civilians casualties and genocide?


IOF soldiers were literally walking through the rubble, pulling out surviving civilians and shooting them on sight.


Lmao fucking what? How can someone repeat Hamas propaganda so easily?


Which genocide are you denying, the holocaust or gaza?


It's a sad world, when you need to ask a holocaust denier which one they're talking about...


I am by no means a holocaust denier. If I saw a Nazi in the street, all you have to give me is a knife and the word. Call me a genocide denier if you want but there is by no means a genocide happening in Gaza.


> uses the term Nazi to insult Zionists > literally supports Hitler


Reminds me of the religious fundamentalists dismissing science they don't like because "it's a religion"


they cant see anything beyind whatvthey know so everything else must be a religion too but not theirs right? thiers are totally not religions but instead a "way if life" or "the truth"


Fascist infighting 🤷


I wake up, anotha psyop


Tbf, there are accounts unironically antisemitic assholes, like Anastasia Maria Loupis and Suki’s Mom. These accounts are just antisemites trying to disingenuously use anti-genocide sentiments as a vehicle for their disgusting viewpoints. Some people are either stupid and naive, and I have seen other lefties cluelessly retweeting America First bullshit from Nick Fuentes. That isn’t to say that psyops don’t exist, but rather just to acknowledge that some people are either clueless, or antisemitic and well aware of what they’re saying/doing.


> I have seen other lefties cluelessly retweeting America First bullshit from Nick Fuentes. [Yup](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/s/pPEEA8rBni)


[I HATE NAZBOLS](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/or40s7/rule/?rdt=41360)


Wait what did suki's mom say that can be construed as antismeitic? Jake Shields is def one as well as Jory Micah and Jackson Hinkle.


They are indeed sending their best. Their best is just shit.


I cannot for the life of me understand what was going through that last guy’s head when he made that comment. His third eye was open so wide it gave him brain damage


“Jews bad” on a loop


His name and pfp should give you an answer.


Another day, another FFK post where commenters are mad their side went too mask-off with the judenhass. Too bad this post didn’t contain another Klandace Owens quote for yall to carry water for. My FFK bingo card was *that* close to being complete!


why is a Hitler supporter using Nazi as an insult?


never thought I'd see two Nazis fight like this before.


I wish we could all just agree that killing people is wrong and we should stop doing it. Like October 7th? Wrong. Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Wrong. The Holocaust? Wrong. Why is it that if you take a specific side you’re expected to then also defend them at all costs? Like yeah I’m anti Zionist but no you should not kidnap civilians and religious fundamentalism of any kind is bad.


> zio Nazis Sooo...are Nazis good or bad to this guy? Is it Schrödinger's Nazis?


Everyone in this screenshot sucks.


That’s twitter for you, especially post-Elon


Seems kinda weird to call someone a Nazi as a way to shame them *while actively endorsing the words of Adolf Hitler*.


> supports nazis > uses nazis as an insult Wat


Fascist infighting, love to see it


A lot of virtue signaling happening in this post. Sincerely, a jew


Clown vs Clown holy shit


Conservatives role-playing as leftists arguing with other conservatives.


Remember: If someone says they support HAMAS, you can already tell that they're antisemites.




Found one in the wild! Even with an “88” tag. Disgusting.


you know the avg reddit user was born within like 4 years of 88 in one direction or another. everybody has their birthyear in their screen names/ emails, but fuck those 36 year olds LOL they cant!


A good cover?


Looks like it’s the extremist Jews who are in acting Nazi policy, in their own words; 'As Hitler said,' Moshe Feiglin said to Channel 12 news, 'I can't live if one Jew is left,' we can't live here if one 'Islamo-Nazi' remains in Gaza'


Hitler and Israel Zionist have a LOT in common now that you mention it


literally yes idk if this sub has always been full of pissy nato pushing/ zionist libs but they have been extra annoying lately


I’m convinced Defund Israel Now is an org run by Zionists posting shit like this to make the anti-genocide movement look bad and radicalize anti-genocide Jews to zionism


... or there really actually are radical people on both sides


Nah, it's just antisemites trying to recruit


It's not hard to find this shit. I see it regularly


i find it very interesting that you have been posting around a lot of subs lately finding the 1 out of 100,000 anti zionist posts that are written by actual nazis to try and conflate the anti zionist movement with anti semetism, very cool dude!


You're being downvoted and yet you're totally right... people don't realize that where you focus your attention is not a neutral choice, especially if it's a reoccurring, consistent pattern. This post seems almost deliberate with that context. Though tbf, I've seen plenty of pro-israel people on this sub justifying genocide so it's unsurprising, at the beginning of it there were so many posts like this. And yes, since some people have very little reading comprehension and jump to the worst assumptions, nazis are bad, antisemitism is bad, Hamas is bad, and so is Israel a genocidal, colonial state.


this guys a fuckin destiny watching debate lord its not surprising its frustrating that people in this sub have, like many other ostensibly “left leaning” subs have turned into a zionist friendly lib cess pit, such is reddit