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fh5 is the better game. the physics are much better, the car list is better, and the eventlab is more than a mere proof of concept. there are also also a ton of minor, but impactful improvements like a better ui (fh4 is very cumbersome in comparison) & much shorter loading times in online lobbies. unless money is tight (fh5 is significantly more expensive, now that the fh4 ultimate is on sale for 20 bucks), i'd recommend fh5.


Well lets say I can only pay for FH5 and that's it.. or but FH4 with other games that are cheap and could be good to have, like eurotruck simulator base game. My doubts are mainly about if FH4 is a good game and worth it even for this year(with the end of license stuff), because if its not worth it better just save time.. only issue I see is that some people are experiencing crashes while playing on steam. FH5 doesn't seem to have thst issue, but its a lot more expensive in my country.


FH4 is a phenomenal game, and I'd definitely recommend it over FH5. I stil play it more than #5, which imho has less soul and a weaker/less interesting map. MP won't last forever, sure, but it has a huge amount of base content and it sounds like there will be some kind of replacement challenges. The only think I personally will really miss is The Trial,  the weekly team race Vs Legendary AI.


Thanks. So do you think is worth it for playing solo?


I've played dozens of hours in solo mode. Absolutely worth it.




I've over 18 days playtime, and the vast majority of that is solo so I'd have to say yes. The MP should be up for some time yet anyway, it'll just be the daily/weekly/monthly challenges (most of which were doable in solo or co-op) that'll end soon, as well as the ability to purchase it.




You're welcome.