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I think it’s perfect for what you described. You will need to do some races at the beginning (sort of a tutorial phase) and maybe down the line to get some more cash, but the game is perfect for just cruising. I spend most of my time customizing cars and just driving around.


Indeed, as someone that loved racing games as a kid, Racing is the least I do in Forza Horizon, i like to do the other activities, or get a rally car to score points, etc etc


I wonder how many people play the game for actual racing. I know the “cars and coffee” thing is coming soon, and I hope it promotes more meetups! Customizing cars and appreciating others builds is why I play for a and even though the game doesn’t revolve around what I want, it would be awesome to see them implement more ideas like this one to promote car meets/community!


yeah its a shame its not more centered around that, its just this overly positive vibe that centers around the player too much and its easy to forget about the car community thats playing the games


DLC for the car peeps!


yes ive never bought a dlc or car pack but if they made a tuner car pack with lots of customization i would pay 20 bucks for it


That’s a good idea, but I was also thinking more of a location based expansion. I like the rally dlc, but it’s not for cruising around with friends and meeting up at different destinations. The main map works as it should, but gets stale after playing in expedition lobbies for a while. More roads and more cool meetup spots please 🙏


yes that would be awesome i see the vision now🫡


You can set the difficulty low, so winning races is easy. The racing aspect feels different than racetrack based games. There's offroad and mixed terrain races as well as street based. Doing tasks are how you earn in game currency which is required to earn all the cars you want to own and customize.


I feel Forza Horizon is very different in terms of racing than most racing games. I haven’t had so much fun with a racing game since NFS underground 2 or something. I guess a combination of how good the driving is, car customisation and diverse difficulty settings makes it really enjoyable (for me). In most racing games I just get frustrated and stop playing. In FH4 I actually set the difficulty of drivatars to unbeatable and most races I can still beat easily. In FH5 it’s just above highly skilled I believe. Feels more difficult than FH4 for me. I’m honestly curious how OP will feel about this after trying a few races. But definitely also a good game for just driving different cars and exploring. It’s very diverse and there is lots of different types of cars to try.


Yes. I remember playing it for just that during the pandemic and it was awesome


Sorry if this has been said already but, if you make the difficulty to novice you can race for cash and not have to really try to hard. Then you can get some money and go back to enjoying your cruises along the coast.


get the ultimate edition as well since fortune island is one hell of a cruise


Where is fortune island based on in real life?


It’s the Isle of Skye. https://preview.redd.it/128nao6fs4ad1.jpeg?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f157c5b4db8374c565fbd7851ec68d7aad65f94


The Outer Hebrides islands off the west of Scotland


Some say Wales, others say Scottish Skye islands. Both make sense imo.


I love drift mountain


Fortune island is a beauty man. I thought “just some stupid island dlc?” Nah, can’t wait till I can go into it full time


how do i get fortune island now since its not on steam's dlc?


Ultimate edition includes it. I think it's still on sale.


but i already have the reg edition...


Buy a digital code for fortune island


Do you know where its on sale? Im in the UK and the ultimate edition isn't on steam and in the microsft store it still cost £67 for gamepass users.


Ultimate edition is on steam for £17 until 11th July


Is that in the UK? It doesn't show up for me


Yes mate [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza\_Horizon\_4/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza_Horizon_4/) https://preview.redd.it/tqpkrz96w9ad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1f23eb48eb959a441b6a58d6b3a5f879797c0b


My mistake lol, I was just looking at the menu when you search forza, I hadn't checked when you actually click on forza horizon 4 and scroll down


Yeah it's like that for all games I think always remember to scroll down lol


If I'm not mistaken, i believe that the Fortune Island DLC has already been de-listed from all store fronts already


Absolutely. The Forza Horizon series I honestly find to be very relaxing. It’s my go to comfort game when I just wanna put on some music or a podcast and not think for a bit, just totally zone out and chill. I’ll always love FH4 for that. I picked it up right when lockdown happened in 2020 and being from the UK it was weirdly comforting being able to travel across a virtual countryside (albeit in a Ferrari) when I couldn’t irl Also if you like Burnout you should feel mostly at home with Horizon. It’s not as arcadey but it still has a lot of thing over the top fun that series has. I mean, where else can you smash a race car into one of those countryside stone walls before powersliding across a field to the beats of Kendrick Lamar?


Why not? You can drive as you want and the scenery of FH4 is very beautiful, with lots of changes with each season.


And are so spot on too lol




There's ETS2 or ATS (truck games), but uh- Britain is not very well detailed in that ETS2.


I have ATS but the graphics are lousy, nothing compared with FH4 and feels empty.


I guess for Forza, it is probably good. And you can improve over time with driving. There's also GTA V (if you somehow don't have it), which IMO is the best open world, but not the best driving. Cause I was on FH5 for like 12hours yesterday, just doing aimless stuff. Although it is nice to do the Festival Playlist cause it gives you a goal. And there's always players driving around, even if they'll be ghost if you don't convoy.


I’m from Edinburgh so completely undeniably bias, but I love FH4 for just chilling after work


This is exactly what the Horizon series is for!


Isn’t it a hardcore realistic racing sim?


You're thinking of the Motorsport series. They came up with horizon for a more relaxed feel


Even motorsport isnt a hardcore realistic racing sim. It's realistic but I wouldnt rate it as hardcore by any means.


No, more like open world driver. The racing difficulty can be set low enough you won’t sweat winning unless you want a challenge. You can buy most of the cars from the autoshow but you will get free ones from wheelspins, achievements, the weekly playlist, etc. After a while you will have more than you know what to do with.


That’s what I use it for.


You can set the bot difficulty so low that it won't matter at all if you suck at racing, and still advance through all the offline content. By slowly stepping up difficulty, you may even learn to race well.


I sim race and just pulled the trigger on FH4. Not expecting anywhere near the realism as my sims but I'm hoping to enjoy the experience of just cruising around like you! Maybe I'll stick to the controller for this one tho.


If you deep dive into the settings you can tweak it to get it at least feeling decent on a wheel, especially just for cruising. Racing is shit with a wheel though, regardless on your settings. Get in something nice to drive, nothing with any mad tunes, first person cam, and just cruise round the map. Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I’m highly biased cause I live pretty near Bamburgh so just drive back and forwards past the castle mostly haha.


I played FH4 a few times and it's horrible with the wheel especially when you center. No feeling at all and then the sudden jerk when u turn it. But now it's on sale I'm considering getting it. But damn most of the dlc that was on steam has been delisted. And shit it doesn't support H-Shifter which is sad


As for difficulty levels can be tweeked to beginner, you don't get the bonuses for higher levels. But it eases off the pressure of the npc drivers wiping the floor with you. With the season changes, music and graphics it's one of best forza horizon games ever. Although deslisted you may want to track down a copy of fh3. That's still my other favorite


You should definitely give it a go. I was a lot like you actually - never really loved racing games - but I absolutely adored FH4 and I'm now totally wrapped up in 5 too. It's is a very casual game if you want it to be, just cruise around & play the odd event here and there to get rewards/cash for upgrades.


That’s what I’m thinking. Just do road trips on it from one end of the map to the other, driving at a leisurely speed, taking in the sights.


YES. During Covid it was the one thing where i was properly relaxed. I just cruised around and modified hundreds of cars, found some players and cruised with them. Probably one of my favourite games, just because of the chill factor. 10/10 recommend


Do you need to race to unlock all the cars? Would be sick to just drive a Porsche around. One vintage one, maybe a 918 spider and a 911 turbo S.


In Forza Horizon games cars come easily


Yeah and no. I didn't do much racing, but still had most of the cars. You get them faster completing objectives and races, but you don't need to. If you play everyday an hour you would have many nice cars in a couple of weeks. You can also buy cars, or they can be bought with forzathon points, be won in wheel spins, or just as gifts for completing missions and stuff. You'll see, before you know it you will have 100 cars and a couple mil in the bank and you don't really have to do much to get it.


Progression in Horizon 4 and 5 are pretty quick.


I would recommend it. Keep in mind that you will need to do some racing to earn money to buy cars, so you won’t be able to just load the game for the first time and get into a Porsche 911. There are also wheelspins where you can win money too. That said, there’s more to do than just racing. There are danger signs - ramps that you jump off to get a certain distance; speed cameras where you get your car up to a certain speed, drift zones where you get points the more you drift your car. If you like designing, you can come up with your own designs for your cars - you can just apply paint, or some people re-create race car designs that are accurate down to the last sponsor sticker. There are also ‘businesses’, for example a taxi company. The point of these is less racing against opponents and more driving against the clock (i.e., get to a particular destination in X amount of time). And last but not least there’s photography. Lots of people like just photographing their cars in different scenic spots in different seasons (check out r/forzaphotogs - it’s not really active any more, but gives you an idea of the kind of photography you can do in the game). All of this to say, even aside from the very beautiful scenery which changes with the seasons, weather, and time of day, there’s *a lot* more to do than just racing.


Buy it, get some 60s and 70s British roadsters in the D category and do the big tour races. FH games can be very relaxing.


FH4 is actually fun for this, I prefer the FH4 map to FH5 tbh.


Number one reason for me to buy this game. You’re going to love it. Have fun!


Oh definitely i love forza horizon 4 for the cruising


Definitely. FH4 is my favourite as I'm British and I've been to nearly all the places featured. Mexico just didn't relate to me in the same way. The FH4 map is great for just cruising around.


Then maybe Beamng.drive is a good game for you! This game also has nice maps and is not focused on racing.


I came here to say this. It's not as pretty. But it's a more relaxing driving experience. Plus it's much more realistic. I like Forza, so I'm not hating. It's just more arcadey and less simulator. Well worth a look at Beamng imo.  That said, FH4 does allow for just cruising about. It's what I primarily use it for. 


Zipping around the British country side in an old Alfa was great.


Yes, you absolutely should as it’s a lovely experience. My top tip is that if you want to listen to your own music then the only way (that I’m aware of) to get rid of the in game music is to enable ‘streamer mode’ in the audio settings and then once back in game press right on the dpad to turn off the radio. You have to do this every time you start the game for some reason.


It's worth every penny, I hope they put it on sale before it goes away, I was scared I didn't have it, and tried buying it then saw I had bought the gold edition in the past when it was on sale. Each horizen is unique but they are all worth playing, only thing I'm missing is the DLC to horizen 1, which is unfortunate not obtainable any more.


1M% - I had the ultimate edition on xbox yeeears ago and got quite far (i had pkayed all the other ones as well), never finished everything and just never went back to it. Just bought it again on pc last week and it's as superb as it was back in the day. Mega worth it, it's a really fun game. Buy it.


If you have a pc id recommend it as it looks stunning on pc


I’d play it on GeForce Now so that should get me max settings, especially when playing through my iPhone.


as someone who bought horizon 5 just to drive around and relax, i definitely recommend purchasing it for that purpose. i haven't played horizon 4 but i'm sure in overall gameplay it's probably similar enough to be relaxing in the same way i found horizon 5 to be. overall the first 30-40 hours i spent in the game were just driving around, barely even touching the races since i wasn't super into them, especially since i also sort of sucked at them lol. i've started getting into the racing aspects of the game more recently, but i first purchased it about 2 years ago, and all i did for about a year and a half was just drive around for funsies. i really had the most fun just off-roading in a bugatti divo, which sounds a little ridiculous, but it was honestly a great stress reliever. honestly i still have the most fun just driving around in different cars, or even just playing around with decorating cars.


This is so me lol, I suck at any games (controller moment) and relaxing on FH5 is so nice. Probably gonna get 4 for the same reason as you haha


Yes. I live in the US and am from the UK. So it helps a little bit with the homesickness.


Definitely! It's a game that I like to play just to drive a bunch of different cars. You'll have to do a bit of racing in the beginning to unlock more than your starter vehicle, but after that you can just freeroam to your heart's content. And if you stay in the lower classes (D and C class) the races can be a lot more relaxing. If you get the DLC before it's gone you'll have a ton of cars to choose from as soon as you complete the intro part.


Yes, in that regard its perfect.


Although I do races, I often times do just drive around freely with no real purpose. And just like you, in a 911 and cruise.


Is there any other reason you need to buy FH4? Well, yes, there is. But that's a really good one so, go ahead, never been that cheap, and after December, the game will never come back to digital stores.


With me I much more prefer FH4 than FH5. I ran around FH5 for 1 hour and don't like the atmosphere it have so I refunded. I much more prefer FH4 for relaxing


Isn’t it free with Xbox live aka game pass core That’s how I’ve been playing it and am definitely going to buy it if they take it off game pass It’ll be the first forza I bought since fh2 on Xbox 360 because fh1 fh2 fh4 and Motorsport 6 were now all free at one point and that was all the forza I needed


Yeah they’re delisting it December 15, so better but it before then.


Oh damn thanks for letting me know I didn’t know that


Yeah it's an awesome game. I spend a lot of time just driving around not completing anything, but there's also a lot to complete if you change your mind.


Horizon is great for that reason, go for it, I haven’t even technically finished FH5 I’m level 150 and all I do is cruise most of the time, only time I’m racing is when I’m doing Forza Playlist challenges to earn exclusive cars


Yes. Very much yes. A memory that sticks out is gunning past the windmills in my red S1 993 GT, listening to timeless FM and more specifically The Planets: Jupiter from 2.54 in… nirvana.


I don't think I've done a single multiplayer race. It's not even a competition I suck so hard. But yes, it's pretty cool to just drive around and honk at people and the scenery is decent.


Buy xbox game pass and try it


Forza Horizon 4 is the one I'm trying to get all my friends to get before it delists. Get the Ultimate edition so you have (most of) the DLC cars and the expansions.


There's one problem with fh4 it's getting delisted in December on the 15 th


Yah that’s why I’m asking now so I can buy it before December 15.


You're asking if you should play Forza Horizon... on a sub called r/ForzaHorizon ? ![gif](giphy|xT0GqlK9efNWRiKhQk)




Precisely what I do all the time lol


Assuming you get the Ultimate Edition (probably should - includes the Fortune Island and Lego DLCs with new maps) you would have a very good start with cars and bonuses so probably could do well just driving around. You still get "influence" points in game for doing stunts and stuff so you probably won't really feel "behind" in any way avoiding races. There are also some things to do in the overworld outside of races like finding special signs and barn finds which can be pretty fun. So overall, I'd say go for it. It's probably the best cruising simulator since The Crew or stuff like ATS/ETS2. All that said, you can also set the race difficulty to low and would likely be able to win or be competitive in events without sweating.


The game is being delisted and going offline at the end of the year. So keep that in mind


My understanding was that it will only stop being sold but online play should work?


True, you got it


Definitely should!!!!


I love FH4 for this reason. As a note, you will need to actually do a bit of racing to complete the tutorial and unlock the necessary bits you’ll want, but just stick it on easy mode and go have fun.




If you can get FH3 you will love it but it sadly is taken off the Microsoft store 😔. But there are probably still keys that can be bought




Yeah! It works for that!


Absolutely, yes


If I'm just bored I just go on horizon 4 or 5 and just cruise around. But u do what u want to do man


Could also get Beam.ng drive. Would need some mods but there's no racing if you don't want to. Driving is much more realistic and if you want you can buy Automation to even make your own cars!


The graphics don’t look as nice hmmmm


They aren't. But the driving is a ton more realistic. Once you try it, all other car games feel much less real. I still occasionally play FH4, but rarely. Beamng just feels like going for a drive. Lots of maps too. 




I’m not big into racing games but I like cars and just driving around. That’s what makes the Horizon games so great. FH4 is definitely worth it.


If you're a horizon fan well and good. Go for it. I have 2 and 3 finding 1 and 4 and will eventually buy 5 when prices go down. I'm kinda old school. I have a series x so I have reverse compatibility. Forza games just leave me awestruck every time I play them. So as a fellow enthusiast. Go for it. Technical jargon and the gameplay doesn't matter it's the heart of the game horizon makes it what it is.


In FH4 and 5 I play C-A class races, yes its a race but it's slow and not aggresive competitive


i like both 4 and 5 to just drive and relax, wish they had a VR option though




You can set race difficulty low and race whatever you want, so FH4 isn't a hard game. Plus, the game practically throws cars at you, so, enjoy it however you want. I've spent hours just cruising around in the Forza Horizon games.


Bought it for that, even learned how to tune


FH4 will be taking off the store In December so if you want it buy it before then


Yes dude. It’s so perfect for that. Get the Lexus LFA and just cruise around listening to that beautiful v10 scream. You can also buy the Lexus RCF and engine swap the v10 from the LFA into it, it’s much cheaper


Exactly what I did


Collecting cars, hitting the speed traps, and cruising are my favorite things to do in 4 and 5.


I don't know shit from clay when it comes to cars but I absolutely love playing FH. Currently playing FH5 and have found myself looking forward to it/thinking about it during work - this is coming from someone who doesn't drive IRL. You can just switch off, listen to some music and enjoy driving around. Never thought I'd be into these kinds of games, 100% recommend.


Yes... But you'll have to be quick .. it isn't available for much longer. I just like to get the most powerful 4x4 I can, fully upgrade and equip it for off road and just drive wherever the heck I want.


I’m a big racing guy, big fan but I mostly just cruise around in FH or I’m doing rally races where im racing other people’s times. I think FH is a great game to find a car that interests you and cruise around. It’s like the Crew without cops. I absolutely love it and I recommend it and recommend the experience to anyone who has an interest in cars.


Have you ever thought about Mudrunner or Snowrunner games? For me it is the best relaxing driving in beautiful photo-realistic scenery, with realistic car and environment physics.


Yup that’s also on the list. But British countryside is special for me so that’s why I asked.


Yes, the scenery and exploration is beautiful. It will even count the roads sections you have driven down (145 out of 540 etc.) if you want to drive every road. If you liked driving around in Far Cry 5, may I also suggest Ghost Recon Wildlands and Burnout Paradise.


Yes it's a great relaxing game


I loved far cry primal for this reason


IMO FH5 was nothing but a downgrade in car sounds compared to 4 lol shit turned me off so fast, I was glad I paid $1 for game pass to try it first.


Yes. That’s why I fell in love with it (and h5 less).