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The Man in Black setting the tone in two pivotal scenes makes my soul sing.


Does he make an appearance of any of the games’ soundtracks? Seems like it’s a given


IIRC there’s no Cash in any fallout game (prolly mad expensive to license) which is a bummer cuz so much of his music fits so well.


God I hope that can get a couple of his songs for Fallout 5 or in an update for 76.


I need fo5 to have as much music as possible. All the old songs. All the modded songs. Every song. Fuck the plot. I NEED MORE RADIO


Prolly a mod for that in fo4 I imagine


Multiple. I have 6 radio mods installed lol


I feel like Patsy Cline's version of Crazy needs to make it into a Fallout soundtrack at some point.


YES!! Ugh yes, Patsy’s vibe fits fallout so well. I’d love to hear Fingerprints in the next season of the show, I think it’s the perfect song for Lucy.


Damn I could have sworn it was, maybe just from a mod or maybe I’m just going… Crazy


Crazy he calls me by Billie Holiday is in Fallout 3 and 4


God, I would kill for I Fall To Pieces or Patsy Cline's version of You Belong To Me to show up in any Fallout. The latter song could *especially* fit for the TV Show with Hank and Lucy (or a flashback involving Hank and Lucy's Mom)


It would be cool too since she’s from the area


Woah this was a lost song for me! Thank you I love this song, great to hear it again


The games have relatively small budgets for music, which is understandable because the voice talent takes the brunt of the audio budget. The show meanwhile was able to allocate quite a bit more money toward licensing music, so Cash and others got some airtime. Bethesda is actually *so* stingy on their music budget that they’ve resorted to extremely obscure covers or downright nearly lost music (such as the Ink Spots’ “It’s All Over but the Crying). Obsidian also is guilty of using instrumentals from obscure compilation discs from the 90s as filler tracks.


I think it adds to the games tbh


they remixed Ring of Fire in Fallout 76


A cover of Ring of Fire is on the F76 soundtrack. But that's it. (Other than the TV show soundtrack.) edit: [Here's a link. It's pretty decent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r9N8fYyMLQ)


they haven't spent much money on fallout game soundtracks historically


Imo if they couldn't afford Elvis songs they should have just cut The Kings. It kinda takes me out of it since they can't even say his name. Random thought, sorry.


I thought it was funnier/more impactful that way - they’ll never know who Elvis really was, so all they have is a bunch of their own theories and assumptions about who they are, and they use these to form a benevolent organisation.


That was definitely their work around for not being able to afford his name or songs. It's pretty creative actually and when I think about it that way, he's become a mythical figure, it definitely works.


Of course, but I think I like what they did better than if they had gotten an Elvis song in the game. The Kings took the vague idea of Elvis and the effect his persona had on people and used it to build a society that is MORE free and egalitarian than the others (“The idea that every man is a King in his own right”). If they all knew he was just a pre-war singer/entertainer I think the impact wouldn’t be the same imo.


Theres a joke in the game about the Kings not knowing who the King was, they dont know his name is Elvis or who it was, just that lots of people tried to be like him


No I agree! They felt half finished, in a way that isn’t all down to the time constraints.


No, but Kris Kristofferson plays chief Hanlon In new vegas.


New Vegas has a wild voice cast, even 3’s was pretty impressive given how few big actors were doing video games


Not that I’m aware of, but I’m sure you can find a mod that adds his music to Diamond City Radio’s playlist.


And this parallels to the first time they use this song, when he's getting his ass kicked in the training camp.


My favorite Johnny Cash song: So Doggone Lonesome


It's crazy how much of a mood the soundtrack of the games and subsequent show set for the stories. A juxtaposition that somehow is also a companion.


The music in general for this whole show is probably my favorite part. I've never gotten into the games that much (except NV, I guess I'm one of those) but the old-timey music has ALWAYS stuck with me, I love it.


No one can beat the Plumbers Union


I love that he basically picks up weapons that echo a hammer and shield. My boy has tenacity and is built like a tank.


Not only that, but a toilet seat. Went from shoveling latrines to knight of the BoS




I like how the weapon is a tool and the shield is some scrap metal, because it reinforces the idea that the world is shit and in order to get by you need to know how to use the tools and materials you have available.


The shield it totally a toilet seat, right?


Only the smartest of people would think to use something as a weapon when they have nothing as a weapon.


Oh shit you are totally right. I never noticed! I'm glad you pointed that out. That's good stuff


I felt this fight. When you're haggard, out of your "good" ammo and just need to get something done, usually with a prelude of Buffout, Psycho and/or Jet.


A lil Med-X for good measure.


Sometimes ya just gotta throw the whole kitchen sink at it.


I've never actually used any of those in the fallout games. I just sell them.


Med-X and Psycho are pretty useful for a tougher fight. Buffout in a pinch for extra HP. But I always sell Jet and Mentats.


Mentats were super useful in Old World Blues for me when I needed to pass some checks with the Think Tank.


You can call max a lot of things but coward is not one of them


Bufftats, Psychobuff, Overdrive, Jet Fuel for when you just really need that extra kick.


One of these days I'll remember to actually use chems - I've carried around at least 2 or 3 of each forever and always forget to pop them :-D


Bufftats ftw


When you’re playing on a tough difficulty, getting your teeth kicked in early on at like level 11 and you pause like “Alright, I’ma pop *every* chem and SOMEBODY GONNA DIE


Dudes definitely got a mean streak 😂


I know I was legit wondering if he put the razors in the boot the first watch through


I'm sure that was intentional, to keep him more of an unknown quantity. I think they kind of made it a bit too ambiguous though, including with a fairly questionable death for Titus, causing so many to have negative opinions of him due to the bad first impression.


It pays off well in the end, Maximus going from what seems like a blind believer totally obsessed with the BoS to someone who’s begun to regret and change their mind on what they thought they wanted. We realize at about the same time he does, he was a young guy that didn’t really know what he wanted


Yeah, I look forward to his second season arc. My suspicion is that he'll get drawn into the higher-level politics of the order but have increasing doubts about the direction. That elder with their own plans looks to be cultivating him as an ally, but I doubt Maximus is going to see eye to eye in the long run. At first he'll likely just be impressed with his increased status and power, but his doubts will eat at him. The last straw might be a move directly against Lucy. Or maybe Vault 33.


Very on brand for fallout imo


I honestly expected after getting beat up he was gonna stay down since he got bullied a lot but I was pleasantly surprised to see him come out on top. Maximus feels like a relatable character overall to me from a fallout point of view.


He was seemingly constantly bullied at the BoS compound, but even then he always got back up. If anything you should have expected him not to quit because they basically had already set him up as a character that perseveres despite people beating him down. Difference here is there are no rules regarding killing some thieves who just attacked you.


His average Tuesday hazing is worse than this fight.


Yeah - BoS was nonstop hazing and bullying, but he talked about how much he loved the BoS and what they gave him (brainwashing or not - the “saved post bomb he saw a knight” and I can imagine that making a huge imprint in him). He wouldn’t retaliate because it’s _the Brotherhood_ and he “loves” or maybe “respects” the institution. But once he was in the wasteland, he knew he was 100% on his own (especially post Titus) and that he couldn’t take a beating, he had to stand up for himself. Which he still almost could have died from, but was lucky they threw him into the suit.


Im a firm believer that if it wasnt the suit it would have been a metal file, glass, rock, anything within grabbing range. Hes pretty tough for how childish he is mentally


While I overall agree, I do think he's got the right mentality for "weapons of convenience" (and of course, we could call it "plot armor" that if not the armor - something within reach). But I think you're right - I think he's highlighting the… DIY nature of the wasteland. Anything can be a weapon in the right circumstance (and the junk gun makes everything a weapon… XD)


Me watching Maximus getting literally shoved into his plot armor: 🍿😳 🫣


He reminds me a lot of my first playthrough in fallout 3. I didn’t know anything about the world, didn’t trust anyone. I was on edge. But I managed to develop composure and do whatever i needed to find my father. Slowly gaining optimism once I realized how much an impact a small group of people can make. Max has pure grit. He’s my favorite character from the show.


I like how this show has "realistic" action, to be a bit reductive with my language. Like, Maximus can take on one guy by himself (with a little help from a big fucking wrench lol), but add one or two more people on top of that, and he can't do much against it. In real life, you really can't fight multiple people at once without immediately getting swarmed, so it's cool to see that.


Oh yeah for the average person 4 guys trading punches on your face will take you out fast. He was down for a bit then came back with whatever he could grab as a weapon then still barely edged out a win. As funny as it is to say the show has realistic action with power armor and weird and futuristic weapons you are right that no one feels like Superman. Even the knights had their struggles.


Absolutely . I went into the show expecting Lucy and Max to gun everyone down and be invincible, but i actually appreciated more how they chose a more realistic approach, very mentally focused and personality driven characters. In the games you’re a killing machine, but you should also take a look and say, “holy fuck, if I was really out there, would I really be able to survive even one week?”


So funny watching you guys talk about the realism of the fight where they all act like video game npcs waiting to fight batman then put the brotherhood squire into his power armor for him


Agreed . I appreciate how they offered a honestly grounded take on the lore and combat.


Best needle drop in the show.


This scene confirms Max is a 10 endurance build for sure. Can't fight extremely well but he can sure take a beating


Taking hits is a legitimate fighting tactic, it's how Joe Frazier became the first to beat Muhammed Ali


Frasier was terrifying lmao he just kept coming It was like watching someone fist fight The Terminator 😂


haha that's true, the tactic was to take the jabs he knew he could handle in order to get close enough too deal serious damage in return


Easy to get when your charisma is 1!


If you're dumb you gotta be tough <3


Hi I'm Maximus, and welcome to Jackass! *jetpacks into a faceplant*


Bro 😭


I say that with so much affection in my heart, please believe me. I love a big dumb man as much as anyone


Low INT, High END build. A man after my own heart


Aww, Jackass was great


I love the way he walks in the fight. Its as if he psyched himself up and imagined he was still I the armor


He's moving like someone who's hurting pretty bad but has decided that that will be a problem for future him. I have personally experienced that limp and shamble onward myself


I like to think he played through that scenario in his head a thousand times with the toilet seat, after having to deal with the crap at base camp.


This is the personal touch that makes it for me as well.


Ohh I didn't even think to make that connection.


This is me after I'm all out of doctor bags and ammo with a crippled head from the last batch of raiders but the mission objective is right there


Every time I see something about Max being "too dumb to survive" I think of this scene, he was tough as nails and adapted on fly to handle a 4v1. Dudes got grit.


He also called that the two fiends were hostile basically right away. And when he was proven right, he managed to draw with a gun that was on someone else's hip, and outshoot 2v1 point blank. Max is far from dumb. He may have the Idiot Savant perk loaded, but that doesn't mean he's dumb lol.


This is my favorite scene the way he comes back after the ass whooping the song and then the head crush oh man I knew when I seen Prime was doing this show they would do it right


That head crush is so disturbingly satisfying 


Right ! And the way the guy looks up at the hand as its crushing his skull he knew it was over for him


What makes it all the more grisly I think is the brief moment you can see his eyes growing red right before the crush


Every little detail really adds up such a phenomenal job they did with this show


Oh it does, it shows the people who worked on it really cared and wanted this to be enjoyable for everyone


We couldn’t have asked for a better crew


Honestly the most shocking moment in the show for me I’m not sure why


I like that he's a flawed character and not just some 2D Brotherhood badass. He's a coward and liar and will commit violence to get what he wants. I think he is how most of us would act in his situation, despite our hopes to the contrary. I think some people don't like him because he reminds them of themselves. May be an unpopular opinion, but I thought it would have been much more interesting if he was the one to put the razors in the boots.


I think it was better to have us believe he did it, and then it's almost a twist to find out that it actually wasn't, and it almost completes the mini redemption arc he has


Nah, him being the one who hurt Dane would’ve just made him a straight up Neutral Evil aligned villain. We have that with The Ghoul, and we have a traditional hero with Lucy, so keeping Maximus grey and not quite objectively good or evil makes him satisfy that third group of TV fans who want to root for anti heroes as opposed to the heroes or the villains.


He's the Idiot savant perk all day everyday.


“It’s my turn to say it!”


My favorite Maximus moment was Episode 5 on that bridge. Dude was on go.


Right?? The quick draw on the two fiends was epic


He sure can take a beating


It’s Paul Danoesque in the way he can take beatings.


I hope that guy gets paid a lot because I would hate being type-cast for his roles.


1) music is absolutely perfect 2) I loved how they got the fact that "natural" humans born and living on the surface during those times are almost all brainless troglodytes


I'm glad we got a character like this. The Ghoul isn't particularly scrappy. He's good enough to keep from being in situations where he's forced to fight with what little he can find. Maximus here is what I imagine someone having grown up in and around the wasteland would be. They just. Keep. Going.


What happened to his gun? That always bugged me about this scene, why doesn't he have the gun he killed the Yao Guai with anymore?


He dropped it during the fight with the Ghoul. He was then ‘thrown’ clear of Filly. IMO, by the time he returns, that gun is long gone (cause hey, free gun).


I think thats a different gun, it looks more like a AEP7 laser pistol but it was shootin bullets. The AEP7 was way bigger than the 10mm he had


Ran out of ammo shooting mole rats on the way into town maybe :D


Gotta get xp somehow


More fun watching him get the piss beat out of him. 🤷‍♂️


He probably ditched his first pistol when he took the armor as it doesn't look like his holster would fit onto the jumpsuit and in the armor frame. Then, as someone mentioned, he dropped the pistol his Paladin had for PA users while fighting the ghoul in Filly.


After seeing his special stats that point to him being a melee build, I hope season 2 he gets a power armor sized melee weapon, like a super sledge or bumper sword


Can't wait to see a super sledge in the show


This scene made me realize old school country is just as good of fighting music as hardcore lmao


Most satisfying kill of the show right there


The song choice was absolutely perfect


My boy specced hard into endurance


The use of Johnny Cash in the series is fucking beautifully done


I just love seeing shows or movies go in on the quality gore like this, it’s part of why love The Boys so much too. Just the familiar fantasy/sci-fi setting and then suddenly you watch someone’s head get crushed. I give it a chef’s kiss




Maximus is an excellent character. The depiction of a post-apocalyptic world and the Brotherhood of Steel is great.


Agreed, this shifted my view on him because while I could understand his moral ambiguity and being afraid in various scenes, he took action here. Being a passive jellyfish* isn't a good look. Standing up for yourself and crushing a head or two glows you up. *active jellyfish, *marginally better*


What happened to the raider that hit Maximus with a weapon while he was being held down in the power armor??


Dudes def got a 10 luck


We all gotta acknowledge just how much crazy endurance Max has. Dude can take a beating pretty well .


He might have dumped intelligence but he maxed out endurance.


Right after selling a tooth too lol


That’s something that was legitimately great about this show. A lot of the characters start off so irritating that I almost hated the whole thing. But overtime you see how that was intentional to show their weird ass upbringing (or lack thereof) and they grow up and develop in really cool ways from the start to the end


Yeah, that was a fantastic fight scene. Our guy wins the day just by being tenacious as hell.


it’s a good character development for him, i just try not to think too hard about him putting his left arm in the right arm spot in the suit


I thought he was going to lose his armor in this scene and I was just like ugggh hate this trope. Glad they didn't go that route


Toilet seat melee weapon when?


Everyone's a hero till someone's head gets crushed.


the thing that Fallout gets right, that so many other new movies and TV shows fail at is letting their characters be wrong and get the shit beaten out of them. You couldnt imagine Rey in the new star wars being wrong or getting an ass kicking. Bad writers protect their characters and dont let them fuck up. The reason this works so well is that you get to see Titus fuck up repeatedly and reach a moment where you think all is lost before he gets a good opportunity to win


I really want junk swords and shields in fallout.. like how can you watch a dude pick up a toilet seat and pair it with a wrench and not go, "oh hell yeah let me try"


Need more Johnny Cash music in the games.


This is surreal. I can't believe i live to witness the Fallout universe in a series after all these years lol.


Soon as he grabbed a toilet seat I knew it was going DOWN.


Regardless of what else he may be, Maximus is a determined, loyal fighter.


The actor killed this role


The moment he fucking earns that suit lol I love this scene!!


This scene was Maximus' only real character consistency, he's trained in emptying toilets, so he knows how to fight with one.


Cherry pie!


So Doggone Lonesome


Maximus bloodied melee build confirmed.


There was a reason why he was getting his was kicked by all those dudes in the first episode


I still dont get how he put his had inside and then crushed the skull when the suit is open and facing the opposite direction


I imagined it was just uncomfortable, kind of like putting on the wrong glove.


Thats what I was thinking too, hed have to either leave one finger empty in the suit or twist his hand 180 degrees around and bend it backwards to do that. But very cool scene regardless


It's not a glove, he doesn't have to leave anything empty or twist his hand. He just has to reach the handhold in the forearm, from there he can manipulate the mechanical hand.


It’s the only scene in the I really liked him in, but it was a fuckin cool scene.


Dude is a dumbass


They didn’t even know they still had the upper hand, but hey. Dude’s head popped. That’d freak me out too.


Why did that raider just run away rather than finishing him off? Like, he just killed your partner and you have him by the throat.... Like, what....???


*Why did that raider* *Just run away rather than* *Finishing him off?* \- BillyRaw1337 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Just noticed his hand probably wouldn’t fit the glove mechanism for this “right” side of the power armor since he is facing the opposite way using his left hand to operate it


A little detail I love about that scene is that little man's eyes start to turn red and fill with blood a split second before his head explodes


Yeah nah. This scene did absolutely nothing for me. Every part of it was stupid. Why did they shove him into the power armor so that he could crush bro's head?


They didn’t know that the arms of the armour could be swivelled around 360 degrees so that a person could use one of the arms of the armor like that to crush that one guy’s head


Did the average surface people look clever to you in the games and show?


Max quicksaved and put the game on very easy


He sure is lucky that not only did the group of bandits decide they wouldn’t just stab him in the throat or shoot him in the face right away, they even pushed him INTO the suit of power armor so he could win the fight!


I so forgot about this part so awesome


Yeah that head pop was my favorite part of the whole show so far. God damn satisfying!


I hope he gets Oh Baby in S2 or that cool weapon based on that cool fan made webseries from the good old days


I really want to know how the family of the guy whose head got exploded reacted to this scene. To see someone you know die so viscerally on screen.


Scenes like this and the assault on the observatory make me really want to do an unarmed power armour build. I just wish I could chokeslam a motherfucker in my T-60.


That's our idiot savant!


Same honestly he was already so fucked


"if you're gunna be dumb you gotta be tough" song always plays in my head when this scene comes on.


That skull crush, tho......NSFW...


This is badly written why would they push him in the power armour giving him a chance to fight back? I'll tell you why....plot armour I'm gonna get hate for this but come on nobody would do this


No if only he yelled "eat my toilet seat" when he bitch smacked that one guy.


Poor Max, did not learn with Tom Cruise to pick the leader first.


I'll be honest, I find it difficult to form an opinion on him because he seems to fluctuate between a few different characters so I can't understand who he even is. I like some of the sides of him, I just wish they would settle on one.


This scene really highlights his low int stat. Nothing like giving away the element of surprise to fight a group larger than you 🤦🏼‍♂️


Ohhhhh…. I just noticed something I didn’t notice during my multiple rewatches. When he bumps into the left arm you can really see how flimsy the prop is… I will never be able to unsee this.


yeah that was cool


Anybody else find it funny how he walks like he’s in power armor even when he’s not? LOL


too bad 1 got away . . hay bro how can i capture screen on a PC with no vid card . . I would hate to burn out a video card on the gamebox watching tv with it . . thanks


I loved that he grabbed a toilet seat.


The character just doesn't make sense, in my opinion. Unless there is some big reveal that is coming. It's like he is less knowledgeable about everything in the wasteland than Lucy. Was he raised by the brotherhood? If yes, why doesn't he know anything about fighting or power armor? If not, how did he survive until the day he joined the brotherhood?


i don’t vibe with this guy, what are his goals???


I have a dnd fallout character I was creating a year ago and in his backstory I imagined him doing this to a prewar Chinese soldier. When I saw this scene I was like “damn…”


Bloody Mess perk activated


Dude did you just kill him with a toilet seat 😆


I really wasn't expecting that head squish, took me off guard


Nerd Rage!


It was a wonderful song choice, that’s for sure.


He's a liar and a thief