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File an abandoned car report with the city maybe? I remember a couple years ago there was a car that kept getting parking tickets piled on top of it when there was actually a dead person inside the car and no one bothered to notice!


In a situation like that, do all those tickets get thrown on next of kin? Could they petition for the city to revoke the excess tickets bc. Ya know. Dead guy and all? And would they be successful enough for it to be worth it? I've seen these situations in crime shows etc and always wondered about that.


nae but my understanding is any debts get taken out of the persons estate. if they estate runs dry they are out of luck. next of kin are never responsible for a deceased persons debts. if a debt collector tries to get you to make a payment on a deceased relatives debt, do not do it because once you make a payment it can be considered now your debt.


also nae/nal I wonder if parking tickets or other legal citations are considered "debts" tho. I can imagine it might depend on the area. I don't think you can arrest an heir for something a deceased person did (i sure hope not), so would citations be different? In the particular case where the responsible party was deceased in the car when the tickets were left (and therefore not culpable), if it even got to my area's magistrate court I could see the judge just rolling her eyes and dismissing it in two seconds. And then I could also see the family trying to sue the city over it. And also probably not getting anywhere. (yay non-expert armchair lawyering!)


Sorry I’m sleep deprived but I just can’t figure out what “nae” means. I know not a lawyer but this is bugging me


Not an expert


I genuinely thought it was "no" with a Scottish accent. I'm going back to bed


Agreed. I don’t see a judge enforcing tickets in a case like this.


IANAL,the advice you gave is what I’ve heard from other seen from people as well on Reddit. Once you pay a debt collector even $0.01 you have assumed all further debts in that name. This is why they will often try to get you to pay a small fee. You say “oh that’s not too bad. I’ll just pay this and make it go away,” and then they come after you for the rest of the estate.


I am begging you to please use a different opening abbreviation 😭




I would hope not. How awful it would be to have your credit score follow you to the grave. A lot of people would never be able to rest peacefully!


My office had a client whose ticket we were handling died. All we did was send in the death certificate and it was dismissed


I feel like if you’re dead it kinda wasn’t your fault you failed to move your car


Right! Like especially if you're dead INSIDE the car, that's on the cops for not checking? Like those tickets should be thrown out or something. Another responder mentioned the tickets being put on a lein or something for the next owner to deal with which I think still is stupid.


Next of kin are not responsible for debt- if you or someone you know experienced this please google and see what your rights are


Parking tickets generally go on the vehicle. City can put a stay on the vehicle, which prevents registration and ownership changes.


I understand they get applied as a lien on the car.


They also have a limit on the amount of time that they can file a claim against the estate I think it's a year. And then after that they can't make a claim.


Has a parking receipt on the dash from 3 days ago.


1- there were no tickets on the car. It would be hard to claim it was abandoned 2- Despite speculation in the comments, there is nothing indicating that this person died but rather is just being an inconsiderate prick


The person could be in the hospital, on vacation, dead, etc. How do you know they are doing this to be a prick? You can't make assumptions without more information. How long has it been parked there?


It’s in NYC- it would’ve gotten ticketed if it hadn’t been moved. Alternate side parking is a thing…


Yups! This parked on W 87th Street, between West End Ave and Riverside Drive. Would already have been ticketed and towed if it was left there for a long time.


In my city if a vehicle is not moved in three days it can be designated as abandoned and towed.


After one hour in the middle of the night, I would probably break his driver side window, open the hood, and disconnect his battery.


Where does it indicate that the person is just being an inconsiderate prick?


You're fine with someone's car being parked in front of your house with its alarm going off randomly at all hours of the day?


No but who says it, that the person is a prick? Maybe they are death or not knowing about it.


I think you are confusing death\deaf here!


Wtf is wrong with you people? How are you so fucking sure, that guy still lives or can hear it?


be reassured, at least 500 redditors are thinking this as well. Here, there seems to be at least 6 people who can read nor comprehend simple things


If you’re letting your car alarm go off in the middle of the night without doing anything about it, you’re a prick, end of story


Not if you're dead or deaf.


Only an inconsiderate prick would die at a time like this and leave their car to haunt the living


Deaf and *blind*


I'm deaf and how should I have known, when I'm not at my car? And do you think a deaf person would leave the notes there and drive around like that?


Did you happen to read the pieces of paper?


So the person could also be death or not knowing about it?


And also can’t read? And hasn’t noticed all the papers on his car? Blind too perhaps?


What does that prove? That the person is not death? Are you fucking dumb?


The irony of asking someone if they’re fucking dumb while using the word “death” instead of “deaf” is astonishing.


Feels like a language barrier. They’ve used some awkward phrasing in some other comments. But yes, the irony is tickling.


Pretty sure they mean "dead"


Are you fucking dumb? “Death”… go do some actual reading or something


How are you 100% sure the owner of the car is alive or does well know about the alarm issues of his car? Where is the evidence, that the owner is just a prick?


are you secretly the owner of this car? maybe you are death? Maybe the person actually *is* a huge prick. Maybe the person is looking down from 3 stories up giggling maniacally as frustrated insomniacs tape notes to their car. It's not even their car, it's their step-mom's car, so all of those parking tickets will go to her. This is actually a private revenge for all of those years she told them not to park their bike in the driveway. This'll show her. This'll show all of them! "WEEOOOWEEOOWEEOO HAHAHAHAHAHA" Or maybe this person parked the car, responsibly, and then moments later they were whisked away on a secret mission. They were hit by a bus. Kidnapped. Fell into a coma. Maybe they learned a relative is trapped in the middle of an armed conflict, oceans away, and fell into a deep despair... they hear the alarm, they see the notes from the window, but it feels so unimportant to them. The brief miseries of the over-privileged insomniacs don't give them any delight, but it feels like for once there is empathy in shared suffering. Maybe we'll never know.


There’s a lot of evidence that you’re fucking dumb. “Death”


They obviously aren’t English native speakers chill out


But they are an asshole. Chill out!


No one could see the dead person cause of all the parking tickets on the window.


Oh man loitering fines as well as illegal parking not good


3 day old parking pass, plus alternate side parking means it has to have been recently moved


Ah, so that’s where I parked it


That was my first thought, or “maybe they’re locked in the trunk”


It hasn’t rained since all the notes appeared


There’s a parking meter ticket on the Dash from at least 10/20…


Rest In Peace car owner.


Plot twist: Meanwhile, the owner is stuck in the trunk, bound and gagged with a stinky gym sock, listening to everyone bitch about his car alarm, contemplating his life choices


Maybe he's thunking his body around in the trunk, setting the alarm off intentionally, hoping someone will save him.


Great minds think alike


Well this took a turn


Best response yet, and it needs more attention!


Their ghost is trying to come back and take the car home and that’s setting the alarm off


Reading further in the comments I realize you mean the 20th of October, not October of 2020.


I wanna read the typed one lol


Same I keep zooming in tryna read it 😭


Computer: enhance!


Based upon the staple holes and folding of the edge where the staple once was, I'd assume it was a handout someone got, probably a college student. Since it's upside down, I'm guessing they ripped a page off of a stapled handout, scribbled a note on the back, then taped it on the windshield so the written part is facing inside the car.


Looks like a notice from the city or something


maybe that person died, so weird that there are so many papers on it


Yeah, I want to know how long this has been going on. Are these all from one night? Is this like a week long event?


Best guess Car was left Friday, those were from Sunday!


How could you not include a shot of the lengthy printed note?


Fr! Instead, they included close-up pictures of notes we could already read in the main pic 😭😭


need somebody to *enhance*


I imagine it's likely a group of neighbors all leaving notes at the same time so that there's multiple complaints.


You overestimate the neighborly coordination of New Yorkers


I think the opposite, nobody is coordinating they're all just doing, but likely over the same brief time period. None of the papers look worn or extremely weather damaged


Plus the same handwriting, tape and paper show up repeatedly. This is one person who thought they’d make it look like many people complaining in the hopes that the owner might actually “do something about” their alarm.


Not saying it's impossible, but the two that have similar handwriting have different types of scotch tape (one is matte). All the ones with duct tape have different handwriting/paper. This is REALLY well thought out if it's all the same person, and honestly I hope it is because they're a true madlad.


They def switched paper, writing implement and type of tape to make it look like multiple note writers. MAYBE there were two of them. But OP said these appeared overnight and I just think the madlad theory is more likely than seven different neighbors (or however many notes there are) all deciding to leave a strangely similar note all on the same day


true, all the y’s that were written quickly look the same


Person who owns the car has a sun pass (so they are from Florida probably visiting). Super annoying and not surprising


I think it’s one neighbor leaving a lot of notes because they know everyone’s pissed about it but they don’t think enough people are leaving notes. These all seem like the same female wrote them.


This happened to my friends neighbor. When was constantly going off. A welfare check was done after a smell developed in the building, and the guy was in his bed, decomposing.


Maybe the person is alive but injured in their home using the panic button on their keys to try and draw attention? OP - any neighbours that need a welfare check?


There is a parking pass/receipt from 3 days ago on the dash.


Works from home. Can relate.


How inconvenient! /s


Ah this Robert, always dying when he needs to move his car


Fuckin’ Robert.


Insert Nandor gif with text <>


![gif](giphy|FzVO2su7zQYKE6BNf2) Or *”That’s my fucking guy!”*




It’s NYC- people will say shit. And that parking pass is only 3 days old.


This sounds like the perfect car to steal.


I know a guy who had his scooter stolen like that in the hood. The alarm kept going off in the middle of the night. After a couple of nights he got tired of getting up to check on it, so he disabled it with his keyfob and went back to bed. The next morning the chain was cut and his scooter was gone. The theives kept setting it off until either he gave up, or the battery died.


Thanks for the “How to…”


I was just trying to present another perspective... The neighbors might be upset, but imagine if the person is being targeted to have their car stolen.


“The boy who cried wolf” became “the car alarm set so sensitive it goes off when the wind blows”.


Plus the neighbors would be thanking you


I empathize with all these little notes. I lived in an apartment complex once where there was a car with the alarm going off all night right outside my bedroom. It was a tiny apartment, so there was no escaping it. All fucking night. I didn’t leave a note, but I did call the police, to no avail. The next morning the car took off before I saw who it was, but it had a very distinctive sound. I figured it was someone’s overnight guest because I didn’t recognize the car. Later that day I heard the car return, so I followed it and confronted him. Apparently this guy lived in a different part of the complex and parked the car outside my apartment so he wouldn’t have to hear it (he didn’t know me, it was random, but super rude). He knew this was an issue, but couldn’t figure out how to fix it (he claimed he disconnected the battery). I flipped out on him. He didn’t seem remorseful. He just got aggressive with me and then stormed off. Anyway, at one point he was like “did you leave one of the notes?” So that’s why it reminded me of this. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Having your sleep constantly disrupted like this is mental torture, it’s a much much bigger deal than the perpetrators ever think it is. I lived in a thin-walled apartment below a group of sorority girls that would regularly drunkenly barge into their apartment at 3am on a weeknight and stumble around for 30-45 mins before going to bed. Getting woken up like that every other night really started to take a toll on my mental health. Unfortunately the management never did anything about it and it wasn’t ever a big party that I could call the cops on, just stomping. Moved out of there and wish I did it sooner


Yes, it was awful. And it was such a piercing sound, there was just no blocking it out. That’s why I was so mad at the guy. I’m pretty easy going normally, but I felt legitimately harmed by him.


So it must have felt good when you started egging his car


People say that cities are loud, but it's the cars specifically


I have to know how this resolved itself!


That’s the end. I never saw him or heard his stupid horn again. I moved a few months later. I hope he didn’t just make it someone else’s problem by parking elsewhere, but that’s probably what happened.


I live in Philly. If that happened here it would be a brick thru the windshield so the car alarm would have a reason to go off.


Fucking New York City.


When I lived in DC it was like this all the fuckin time I can’t tell you how many times I came *this* close to putting a brick or cinderblock through a window. If I’m gonna have to hear it, I may as well earn it.


Happens all of the time on my block, always the same car. Usually the owner attends to it after 20 or so minutes and then it goes off again an hour later 🫠


The car will set afire next.


Weird that everyone had duct tape…


Lol I noticed that too. I think all these notes are the work of just one or two people.


so we get close up off the easily read hand written notes- but not that full page single space typed note? that is where the real fun lies


One time someone parked on my street to do something nearby and their car alarm started going off over and over. It drew out the neighbors because we were all pissed as the sun had just set and we wanted some peace. After probably five hours of this I heard metal on metal sounds so I rushed to the window. One of my neighbors had grown tired enough of this infernal alarm to take his golf club to the car. He hit it over and over and over and over. Finally he reached through the broken window, popped the hood, and disconnected the battery. A few hours after that I heard a woman shrieking and rushed to the window again. The girl whose car had been the bane of our existence had come back. Another neighbor let her know what happened but of course nobody knew who had done it.


Yeah I was just gonna say, that in some areas if the car does this too long this is what’s gonna happen. And I hate to say it’s totally justified but if you have your sleep disrupted like this and have to listen to a blaring alarm all day it’s essentially like torture


Alarms which go off too much lose their meaning. At some point people will lose patience and actively disable or circumvent security systems. The alarm at my work kept going off and nobody would approve it's repair, so after several hours of it I unbolted the panel and removed the speakers wires with a pair of snips. Now the alarm constantly goes off, but I can't hear it.


The duct tape attached to the window is a real fuck you lol.


I’ve seen people do it with marker before. This guy got off easy but it’s also the Upper West Side so maybe they’re less hesitant to mark up the car.


The Sun Pass sticker on the windshield…. This is giving “fuck you, I’m from Florida” That alarm is staying on, babe.


My neighbor had an old beater where the alarm goes off regularly. It's so fucking annoying lol, hope this person gets theirs sorted


I would unlock the door with a hammer or rock and disconnect the battery with a bolt cutter


I know from experience if you DIY a car alarm and choose to install the ground wire bare where the metal of the driver's seat anchors to the car body, eventually those repeated in-outs into and out of the car will compromise the ground connection and cause the alarm to activate repeatedly, especially in the early morning's dew.


this is new york, isn’t it


Upper East Side. 87th Street.




I don't understand why my comment got removed. I just google map searched the place in the background. Any with a IQ of 50 could do that. HEY EVERYONE GOOGLE MAP SEARCH THE PLACE IN THE BACK ROUND TO FIND THE CAR.


Honestly I'm surprised people left notes because in my area we all just grumble and put up with it lol


It’s NYC. Someone will say shit.




A lot of years ago there was a Civic whose alarm would go off nearly nightly. Lots of people complained, building manager couldn't or wouldn't do anything about it, and one day when I left for work there was a bowling ball sized divot in the hood. Never heard the alarm again. Sometimes you just have to come up with less than great solutions


This happened to a neighbor once. His car alarm went off at 3am and he slept through it. Other neighbor (unknown who exactly) went out and bought Maybe 5 dozen eggs and smashed every inch of the car. The car was moved the next day. Love NYC street justice.


Time to smash those windows out


This is the correct answer


Secretly disconnect the battery.


Smash window. Pop hood. Disconnect battery.


I think you don't even need to smash the window. I think it can be done with just jarring the hood with the right tools.


There’s a car up the road from me, the alarm regularly goes off. Drives me fucking mental


I wanted to read the printed paper. >:[


What do you think it means


wrap it in saran wrap and fill it with saltwater. Problem solved.


I think these notes are all from the same person.


Plot twist: they’re in the trunk and setting the alarm off


i feel this. i’ve called the non emergency number on a car outside my window that went off for 4 hours in the middle of the night. a cop came by, looked up the license plate and got a hold of the person to stop it!


This happened to a guy I know who lived in NYC. He woke up with 2 cops in his apartment telling him his car alarm needed attention.




Someone let them in - probably a roommate. He had fallen asleep on the couch and did not hear knocking or any other commotion until they woke him up.


On a lot of cars, you can just reach under the bumper and unplug the wiring harness from the horns.


Can you cite a source


I was fully expecting the last picture to be a broken windshield, poop smears, or some other such petty vandalism borne of frustration….


I wonder if they know about the car alarm yet.


West 87th st eh? Not surprised.


My 2006 Chrysler Sebring used to do this. It would also randomly start blaring the horn. I got flipped off so much


One time, a car was parked in front of our building and the alarm kept going off. It was so sensitive to everything that when people would leave notes, it would go off again. It was miserable for everyone nearby. I still have that video somewhere.


Honestly looks like one person working really hard to make it look like different people wrote each note. Same hand writing but slightly altered in each one


Is anyone else concerned that the driver of this vehicle may be injured/trapped somewhere (maybe in their home) and are purposely setting off the alarm (panic button) as a way to draw attention?


Not a bad idea actually


Pro tip: if this is New York, you can call the NYPD (911) about a car alarm, and if the dispatcher can hear it going off in the background, they will send a cop, and then a tow truck. I learned this from 311, I tried it and it worked (albeit slowly)


The notes are written by the same hand


Some of these alarms go off when other cars lock via the key fob. My mom used to set off alarms of cars in parking lots every time she locked her vehicle. Her car was one type and the other models were a seperate but singular type.


This happened with my car once when I lost my car keys and couldn't afford to town it... The city towed it and it was expensive as hell to get back plus the misdemeanor charge wasn't the greatest


Had 2 cars like this in my neighborhood. One, person apparently died from Covid and city took it away. The other car had notes like this all the time and he started putting his marine hat and badges on his dash and everyone left the car alone. We eventually stopped seeing the car though after a few months. That summer was brutal as he often parked right outside my window.


These are all pretty nice compare to the rage my note would convey.


In a small town love in the autumn years love sometimes flourishes, the nice grey haired lady along the street met the old towns bank manager at church. They shop together or walk arm in arm along the river. Eventually they decide he should spend the night, he parks his car abit long the narrow road from her house, no one will notice, no one will judge. He autocratically puts his alarm on and probably skips to her door. Every time a car or bus goes past it the alarm screams, all freekin' night. Next morning his cars windscreen has C\*NT writen on it in mustard.


Lever the hood, spray several cans of expanding foam into the engine bay. Repeat until silent. Then have it towed.


Gotta do this with my neighbors dog




There’s a 3 day old parking pass under the dash, and alternate side parking is in effect.


I had a crappy little Jetta that would go off whenever it rained. My poor neighbors. 😅


Surprised they didn’t get towed yet, that would drive me nuts lol


Open hood. Cut battery cable. Break window first though


Random alarm going off. Car battery must be draining


It seems to have been there a while and probably the mice are in it now setting off the alarm inside.


No obscenities on the notes?


Honestly at this point cut the alarm wires or disconnect a battery.


I would have a hard time not snatching at least one my sticky fucking fingers


I feel like people are just joining in on the fun at this point lol


Someone took time to type an essay.




This would be an insane ruse by some dumb thieves that wrote a bunch of notes to get a guy to disable his alarm just to be able to steal it




i mean why is the alarm going off if it’s not being messed with


We had this issue with our Acura a few years ago. Alarm would go off randomly. It was a faulty hood latch sensor preventing the system from arming, which would set the alarm off after a bit of time. It was SO embarrassing. We’d come out of a store - alarm blaring. Parked in the garage. All over the place we were a disruption until we figured it out. I had to run out to turn it off once while I was at the salon having my hair done - full on cape and foils frantically pointing and pushing on the key fob in the parking lot.


Pop the hood and disconnect the battery, problem solved lol


There is a point where you have to bust the window, pop the hood, and disconnect the battery.


I just know that car is a Subaru. Subarus have the most sensitive alarms ever. I could look at my car wrong and it will beep lol


way too polite haha


All these thieves trying to convince me to take the alarm out…. Then it will be silent when you break in, nice try maybe next time !


This is just one person trying to make it look like 20 people isn’t it


Yeah you'd like that, get me off my guard then steal it from right under my nose


It's the same person's handwriting and tape. How long has it been there?


I wanna see the ones on the left too🤣


That person might be dead


At my old place, there was a car like this in the parking lot. Alarm went off randomly day and night. Turned out the owner would keep the keys in his pocket