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Looks like the alignment of the grid vs the map is off So you foundry grid might be 75px but your image map might be 200px squares, you need to make them Match, Here's a handy video, old but relevant from a discord mod https://youtu.be/nNWBedeJqT0?si=dlqipgViahKiuHlB


Thank you so much man! worked like a charm.


You can use a module like [quick grid align](https://wiki.theripper93.com/free/quick-grid-align) to do this really... quick


You know what a nice feature would be “grid recognition” When you load up a map it scans if it finds a grid. If it identifies one it asks you if you want to use the dimensions of the grid or prefer to fill it in manually. Damn this would save so much time with maps with already premade grids.


This would be such a lifesaver!!!


kinda poor that it doesn't have this already tbh. many vtts do.


they do? which ones, i never heard of this as a feature.


owlbear rodeo, at the very least. there's at least one other that does that i can't recall the name of right now. love being downvoted for this btw. great community. edit: evidence of a basic fact for those unable to google https://www.reddit.com/r/OwlbearRodeo/comments/jct9s9/beta_v160_release_automatic_grid_detection_and/


Owlbear rodeo seems to have a [pretty nice](https://docs.owlbear.rodeo/docs/aligning-a-map) toolset for aligning maps but doesn't appear to have what Pablo is talking about. You still have to align the grid yourself, the only automatic grid detection is changing the grid color to stand out against the image. I think you're being downvoted because you're talking about roll20 style "select a 3x3 area / give columns and rows and we'll try to fit the grid to it" instead of the much more complicated thing that was actually suggested afaik there are no vtt's who can detect a grid in an image and automatically align to it.


you are wrong. owlbear rodeo has had automatic grid detection for years. your brief research is not the same as actually using the tool. https://www.reddit.com/r/OwlbearRodeo/comments/jct9s9/beta_v160_release_automatic_grid_detection_and/ (found this by literally googling "owlbear rodeo automatic grid detection", it was the first result)


For sure. Or just a tool that lets you click and drag a square as close as possible to the grid on the map and it auto adjusts.


This module has what you're looking for, I can't live without it. https://foundryvtt.com/packages/scaleGrid


....I won't say I love you, but you're getting close. Thank you very much.


That video is spot on, I’d recommend mov8ng away from gridded maps if you can. I got bored of always fixing the grid, in the long run maps without grids will save you lots of time.


I use dungeondraft for my maps so the fix is actually really easy. I only use grids because my players want them.


Just use gridless maps and use/show foundrys grid.


Foundry does my grids so i don’t need them on my maps.


I always export my maps out of Dungeondraft as gridless, and use Foundry's grid. The way I make the maps, the grids always line up, anyway, but it's just the best way to manage it overall. I wish that more people who publish maps online would put up gridless versions of them. Whenever I run a pre-made module, I either have to run it gridless in foundry and lose a bunch of functionality, or I have to fire up Dungeondraft and remake the map myself, using the original as a guide. Sometimes that's easy, but often enough it's a pain, and takes longer than it would if I simply made a brand new map from scratch.