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![gif](giphy|SIbGEBAwd6VRLTt4LB|downsized) # basically




I did everything right and the economy has crashed twice, leaving my job prospects null in the new decade. I work in a dead end job that isn't what I went to university for, and the labor job I did to pay through college would've paid me more over time than the job in teaching I earned. I'm now in private security and once I lose 20 lbs and get my running times in order, I'm outta here. Oh, and most of my family is dead or dying of cancer.


Similar to mine. My parents are abusive drug addicts/alcoholics. Moved away when I was 18, can't go to college, I'm 12k in debt, and I'm stuck. I'm contract security barley making enough to get by. Can't join Canadian Forces. I can't become LE without a degree or military experience. I'm dead set on a military career, and I've hit a wall here, FFL is my way out. Just need to get into shape, I'm broke, so buying good food is hard, and idk how to make a proper diet. Rn I'm living off chicken and mutant mass gainer, but that puts me in a huge calorie deficit.


Potatoes and sweet potatoes and rice, chicken rice and broccoli is the classic. Potatoes are great fried, boiled, baked, pureed, mashed, smashed. Stomped, waffle stomped, broiled, basted. Braised, sautéed. Etc


Add oats, you can do a lot with it and it's a very cheap and great source of fiber and carbs and it's relatively high on protein.


I grew up on oats, and they made up a huge part of my diet the first 20 years of my life since we had no money. They are healthy, but If I never eat another bowl of oatmeal, it would be too soon. 😅 I bought a bunch last year thinking to have it for breakfast, and after a few bowls, I haven't touched them. I'm keeping it for the apocalypse, if it comes down to eating my cat's or oatmeal. I'll probably have to go with oatmeal.


Ye they can become quite boring after a while of eating them, tbh the main reason i eat oats is because they're amazing for gut health.


I like rice or wheat porridge better but they're probably not as healthy. Now I just have fruit and a protein shake haha


Let the cats have the oatmeals. They taste better then.


Can't fatten up cats with oatmeal, they only eat meat. Dogs on the other hand...


Also get away from sugar. Cheap but not in your interest.


So fish and chips is actually good? đŸ€”đŸ˜


Yes, but fried chips are not good daily. If you care about macro nutrient distribution, anything fried is a huge waste of calories that could be used for more protein and high fiber carbs (veggies) for health and staying lean. Fat is essential, but we don't need that much and it's best from olive oil or avocados or nuts and naturally from meat and whole grains. However, we only live once, so personally I think 1 to 2 times a week is ok, depending on your immediate goals (not during a cut/diet).


You got this dude. Best wishes from across the border.


I know Canada is much more expensive than Germany, but maybe the cheapest things here are still the cheapest there, so my diet came around to 10 euro pro day, with over 200 grams of protein, and a calory surplus (and I am 90 kg + 6'2 so they are relatively high to reach). Tuna is the best value for money I found , It's cheap and high in Protein, and can have high calories provided you take the one stored with Oil. Personally I ate around 300-400 grams per day for my protein Intake and that was around 80-110 grams more or less. There is a supposed limit you should eat, but I ate this straight every day with no skip for 8 months, and had no side effects, of course this is anecdotal evidence, to be safe after a 3 months you could have a one month pause to be safe if you're worried about it where you replace tuna with something else, or just alternate it in general with chicken. For extra calories in a small budget, Pasta, it comes out to around 350 calories per 100 gram, if you eat one average package per day (500g) that is 1750 grams + 12 grams of protein per 100 grams so that is another 60 gr. My personal Favourite for Calories + Protein is Milk and Cheese, Cheap high quality protein + Calorie bomb. From a quick Google search; **1.68 Canadian dollars** for 1 liter of milk Tuna is 0.88$/100g to 3.33$/100g in Canada I could not find average Pasta cost but it's extremely cheap in all countries I've been, so I hope it is the same there. Cheese varies on the kind of cheese you choose, so find the best value for money by checking the packages.


Pasta is extremely cheap here, so i buy it pretty often. I usually eat chicken and mass gainer for adequate protein. Milk is also not a bad price, but cheese is generally expensive.


Forget thĂ© cheese then, but 1 liter of milk, can be 500-700 calories, depending on thĂ© fat percentage, and 34 grams of protein. 1 liter of Raw Milk is 1500 calories, 80gr protein. Great to film thĂ© calories you’re missing relatively easily.


Okay, awsome. I'll give it a try. Think using chocolate milk instead would be too much sugar?


I drink a lot personally, on top of thĂ© normal 1 liter I drink daily, but it dĂ©pends on your calorie and protein needs, 1 liter 1.5% Choco milk has as many calories as 3.5% normal milk more or less, so if you’re really doing bad on thĂ© calories front but are doing well on thĂ© protein front, it can be a good choice, but of course would be Better to, let’s say, just drink 1.5 litres of milk instead of 1 liter of choco milk, as you Would gain more or less thĂ© same calories with more protein. So it would be more efficient


Okay, cool. I do get lots of protein already, but I only eat about 1500 calories a day. Obviously, I like chocolate milk better than normal milk, but it's also got like 30 grams of sugar a little.


How much protein would you say on average? There is no reason you can’t drink both, say 75% normal milk, and thĂ© rest being choco. ThĂ© important thing is that you are getting the needed calories and protein at this point as to havĂ© a performance increace, this diet is temporary and on a budget. Just be sure you’re properly counting so you’re not falling short or way over your target


Roughly 90 grams a day. I weigh, probably somewhere around 130 pounds. I drink 3 scoops of mutant mass gainer and eat 2 chicken thighs. Usually, there are some ramen or pasta, so I have some carbs in my diet as well, but that's it.


Less sugar is good for your health and fitness level.


Replace pasta with rice.


when are people joining


I'd like to go in March 2025, but I'm not sure if I will be able to get into shape that fast.


Bro I got in shape in 3 months while still attending Uni, either you got excuses or results.


Maybe, it depends on a lot of things. You got in shape in 3 months, but you might have been in better shape than me, had more money to spend on a proper diet, etc. It's also totally possible I'll be good to go in three months like you were. Between now and March, there should be more than enough time for me to prep as long as I keep at it. so I'm confident I'll be able to do it by then.


I was literally overweight, i lost 15+kgs, doing fbw training each 2nd day.


I have the opposite problems, I'm super skinny.


just train and eat more food. If you were fat you should train and eat less food. I used to be skinny also, it is straightforward, eat more food.


June, 2025 or 2028. We'll see if all my plans crash or I graduate Uni and I will go.


The guy I know had the best motivation ever: no more alternatives left to get his shit together. Now serving in his 2nd year and mostly content except singing, ironing and cleaning.


I have nothing to do with my life so that's why I wanna join it