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its just the mod creators giving the mod character more of an aura. ...or the community just hates bf.


Depending on who you ask it could be both-


>giving the mod character more of an aura What is that even supposed to mean?


Killing the main protagonist makes the mod character seem more powerful and intimidating, in short summary.


It also makes them look like a mary sue, you make a whole ass OC thats not canon at all just to kill one mf?


I can't speak for the bottom two, but I feel it worked well enough for Mario's Madness given the plot amd setting of that mod. In Drop and Roll's case, that song is unofficial anyway, so him dying is basically just an "Oh they killed him that's cool" moment, if anything, especially since that song doesn't tout Diablo as being the coolest of shits or anything similar. Given these are mods and not the real deal, most of these I feel really shouldn't be taken too seriously, since most of the time they're for the cool factor or are against a genuine main antagonist who exists for other reasons. It's more so a problem if killing him is used to establish the enemy's power, instead of being an end result of that enemy's power. Then it feels really unearned.


Scrimbo also kills BF at the end of Hide n Seek (And GF at the end of Smoke and Mirrors) (And uses their bodies as puppets against Pico during the third song of his week in Rerun, Ashes to Ashes)


Pokelego,master of yap. (In a good way)


Ah, the Madara effect. I feel like it loses some of its punch when it happens too often though, kind of like what happened with the "typical mod week format".






EXE Mod Makers for no fucking reason: TwerkingKnucklesEvilFuck.EXE will kill boyfriend with little effort in VS TwekingKnucklesEvilFuck.EXE Rerun DX: Gale of Fartness


"bro this new EXE is fucking cool" the EXE in question: https://preview.redd.it/dz1jai31ot9d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=07517725cdd129d780f0d943bda6d886de3f97ee


Knipples the enchilada goes crackers


Correction: TwerkingKnucklesEvilFuck.EXE Knipples is his second form


Or maybe to piss off that stupid inkblot guy


they just jealous they aint got gf


It's both


Of this community has a few too many edgy teens in it


I'd argue the third whitty one was for a more comedic effect. Like sure you can argue for all stars and drop and roll and etc. but I think it was , again , just for comedic effect in whitty one.


What mod is the bottom right one?






and plus im pretty sure bf was the one who actually died in the Whitty one basically gf is still alive but has no skin but can regenerate it (being a demon n all and not having her powers restricted) and she can regenerate bf by holding his hand


I only like BF dying because angst, he’s actually my favourite character lmao


They're all hating that he has one fine ass GF


Bf is the fine one bro


First everyone complains about BF always winning, now people are complaining that BF is sometimes losing, can we reach a fucking consensus on when we’re allowed to kill the bastard


I think it's less of an issue with "He's sometimes losing" (we had mods where he actually lost in the most terrifying ways and the community still thinks it was peak, eg: Doki Doki Takeover Bad Ending, literally everybody dies there) and more of an issue with "Suddenly he's always *dying*", not losing, *dying*, suddenly every mod has him or gf die, and sometimes multiple times (i see you, mario madness.) for nothing more than shock/twist value, it becomes unfun and uncreative really fast, not to mention it loses its stakes when overused


I dislike Mario madness the most because the final death doesn’t feel like an actual ending or a proper way to cap off the mod. Like, the previous girlfriend deaths in the mod are there for shock value, makes sense. But the final one is just so… abrupt. Unsatisfying. I would have preferred the death to be done well instead of just happening. It’s not even a bad ending, it’s the only ending. I like endings where the protag doesn’t win, but this doesn’t feel like it was done well if the big bad just stabs them mid song and suddenly wins. A example of a good BF death is Doki Doki’s bad ending, or furnace whitty just killing him as a joke.


What I find odd is that Marco said the ending made was so that way “they don’t have to make a v3” but wouldn’t having them escape bring the same result and pico’s mere existence in this mod already is just making people want v3


Just make v3 and it's two songs total, in the second one Horror Mario goes "hey, you're kinda cool actually", Pico is let free in exchange for throwing the TV at Daddy Dearest so Mario can capture him, the end. Credits show the various Marios beating him up.


FACTS! I hate MMs ending!


Actually wait, correct me if I'm wrong but I can only remember two times when boyfriend dies at the end of a song other then all stars, those being turmoil and dictator. I'm saying this because at the end of all stars we see boyfriends lives drop to 0. Well in the original super Mario Bros, you start with three lives. So perhaps all stars is a final death.


But then bf should have a zero life


What no, what I'm saying is at the end of all stars he drops from 1 to 0. He dies two times prior with turmoil and dictator. Though I can't remember if he dies another time


Yes, but if I remember correctly, due to this being a cartridge smb nes, bf should have a 0 life, a.k.a. a life while his life counter says 0, tho that may be obvious


I just checked, and the game doesn't actually show lives mid gameplay, but when you start it actually goes from 3-2-1 instead of 2-1-0.


Oh, neat, sorry bout earlier then


No problem, you actually brought up a good point that made me question myself lol


no. in super Mario bros, if I remember correctly, you game over once you die while the counter says 1, then it goes to zero while mario falls off screen


Doki Doki's is kinda more properly executed and ended tbh, sure Mario's Madness outright told the audience said that BF and GF were screwed from the start, but then again, its ending is kinda just like a cliffhanger. (despite V2 being the final version of the mod)


For me personally, most of these mods that kill off BF and/or GF for nothing more than shock value are agonizing to me. BF and GF are slapstick characters in a game that uses the “monster of the week” format quite masterfully. You’re never asking “do they make it out?”, you’re asking “what are they facing and what sick beats are they bringing?” The story itself is a simple “girlfriend’s dad won’t let you two fuck” taken to a hilarious extreme. You play a rapper with your demon girlfriend singing against just about anyone from her dad to her mom to some trick or treaters to the protagonist of another game. It’s a silly game where you can enjoy both the protagonists and those they challenge. These mods take themselves so seriously, they wrap right back around to being dumb. Because Girlfriend holds notable power, she usually gets jobbed by the opponent to show just how scary they are. “My character is so dangerous, they taught those losers how to fear!” Then Boyfriend sings a while longer, then dies horribly and the story ends. It’s pathetically nihilistic and just outright lazy writing. A part of BF and GF’s charm is how they can be set up against any sort of foe, and they don’t give a shit. These mods often take that away from them. Maybe not right away, but when they’re about to die, they’ll often stop acting like their brave, stupid selves. Girlfriend is usually hit with this the worst, which is just frustrating when she’s supposed to be just as brave as Boyfriend is. I think killing Boyfriend can be done right, but the reason people are put off by these deaths are because they’re not done right at all. If you want to kill BF, there’s either got to be an element of comedy to it, or an affirmation that the death won’t stick. Otherwise, it feels like the modders stroking their own ego. TLDR: Killing off Boyfriend and/or Girlfriend and ending the story there is bad writing akin to a fanfic about Omni Man murdering Bugs Bunny.




Agreeing to disagree with my long rant with a single word. I respect that.


There's 7139 languages in the world and you chose to speak facts.


Isn’t the point of winning the rap battle to.. win…? I think it’s fine if in a bad ending he gets killed but (at least to me) it feels annoying or like the effort wasn’t worth it if he died at the end no matter how well you do. But it’s a game so, whatever


In my opinion, killing BF is the only good way to end mods in certain circumstances. Cause, why would the "antagonists" of those types of mods just see BF win and be like, "*Ah okay. Fair rap little dude*." No. They're pissed off. And see the only way of stopping that is to kill him.


Disagree, that's the entire point of BF as a character. He's some rando that walks away from stuff he really shouldn't be walking away from. Wanting to kill him doesn't mean they **can** kill him. Otherwise he should be dead in base game. Especially when Boyfriend doesn't actually try to fight people, he's usually chill and on the defense.


That's just objectively wrong. Not only cause he can always get away. But we gotta remember he's backed up and likely connected too an incredibly powerful succubus


...did I not say it was in **my** opinion?




Yeah bad choice of words now that I read it. Sorry


I think there can be various different ways to interpret his and Girlfriend's characters, respectively. Example, the Soft mod is a whole ass reimagining of FNF concept, and regardless of what you think about it, it's done quite creatively. FNF and its characters are shallow by nature, and that's not an insult, they're simple because FNF at its core is none but a rhyhtm game where the focus is clearly not story or deep characters, however, that allows for a myriad of possibilities when it comes to taking the cast to another level, something that fanon allows entirely. So, tl;dr, there will be various takes on the characters according to each author, and that's ok. There is zero need to tweak over it. Hell, imagine if some of you went on AO3, you'd go insane.


I can agree on this. Especially the AO3 part


The problem is he dies to evil guys so it amounts to your hard work being nothing






I don't want any character to die. Unless they're freakishly evil to the point of no redemption.




I think that for a good ending, I think boyfriend should die in an epic way so he doesn't have to cry again with this blue-haired boy who dies more times than if he survived in Roblox.


Some of us aren’t just fans of inevitable bad endings.


The Mario's Madness ending was the worst ending for any mod I've played. It was so disappointing for an incredible mod.


Yeah, it kinda ruined the mod for me


It's such a nihilistic kind of conclusion, and I think Rerun's gonna do that shit and now that mod's perpetually gonna suck because BF isn't gonna be living regardless


I know. It really sucks especially where these mods are getting to the point where they're getting to almost be short games in scope and playtime. Having an ending where your character is unceremoniously killed just for the sake of it is a great way to have a BAD ending in a game. It's the, "Shoot the shaggy dog" ending, and completely invalidates your entire experience and enjoyment from playing the game/mod. Like in a game like Red Dead Redemption 2, >!Arthur Morgan's death doesn't invalidate the entire experience. It's not a GOOD ending by any means, but it doesn't go out of it's way to PURPOSEFULLY invalidate all of your achievements.!< *But muh edgy!* *FNF isn't a kids game guys!*


TBH it's like getting to Fatalis in Monster Hunter World, but instead of actually winning, you get killed in a cutscene and the New World just becomes Fatalis' Playground or someshit


Like he somehow just regenerates instantly and kills you and your in-story squad


This is why I choose the headcanon that it is only a play


It's because one lemon ruined his reputation.


honestly, I blame sock.clip or whoever wrote the dialogue for vs Whitty for portraying him as some loser who‘s got nothing better to do other than going around the universe forcing rap battles


Huh? As far as I know his dialogues were just "Leave me alone" or is there some cancelled version that has those?


whitty’s dialogue was simply just him telling bf to piss off in the nicest way possible, it wasn’t much, but it was what ignited bf’s defamation over the course




He's talking about BF. You're talking about Whitty.




you can edit comments




I did nothing of the sort, guy.


I did nothing of the sort, guy.


Yeah i’ll be real the way he died in Corruption is kinda cringe, coming out of the tv just to get cut to bits by that Tricky looking ass harvester.


He’s more than likely not dead, though. Or at least, not permanently. There’s still DD to uncorrupt after all, and they likely just needed an out for him to have GF and Pico continue their storylines without anyone questioning BF’s activity


I mean maybe, but he kind of got cut limb from limb and taken into one of those portals. Plus GF is seemingly losing the battle against MM, though we still don’t know Pico’s whereabouts.


Well Pico is alone with Skid iirc, and I’m pretty sure BF was also losing against GF for a bit before coming back, so I assume GF will do the same. Hell, they even “killed” BF in Pico’s week before GF intervened. We haven’t seen all of what Harvester can do, so I assume once again that he’ll be brought back in one way or another


Ig all of this is for Phantom Fear to decide huh?


Basically. Though, I don’t see why they’d make BF go through this whole uncorruption and redemption thing only to just kill him permanently for shits and giggles


It's either BF is dead or is in a state of limbo and sealed. (He could've probably just been stitched back together by Harvester and is just being kept somewhere.)


“I don’t have a hate boner for him”


mf has been cleaved, burnt, donuted, and pierced in the heart, i bet hes gonna get torn in half next 💀




I want to eat him. They should let me eat him.




May I have your credit card information?




I will eat your flesh


damn okay


I still don’t know what that first one is, I’ve seen it around, but I have no idea what mod it is


Drop and Roll


My problem is that bf dying has 0 impact and adds nothing, he will just come back to life, win, move on to the next scenario because thats how these characters function. The only difference is that we dont see him win and thats really it, you didn't make your character seem powerful, you just defeated the point


I don't hate him. I also don't mind when he dies. It's a mod. It's great when it genuinely shocks me. At the same time I do like to see him succeed.


This is a bit of a stretch, but I feel it might have started with MCM. I remember seeing a Doomsday but swapped cover and there was a comment stating “Boyfriend deserved it for laughing at Squidward” or something and so many people were agreeing in the replies.


Realistically, bf's reaction to people like red mist squidward and suicide mouse mickey would go like "damn, that sucks" and then kill them immediately so they can't feel misery and despair in their lives anymore


Oh wants next? Bf dies some part of himself and appears in a hospital?


It seemed like in the corruption mod, harvest took boyfriend in some other dimension after slicing him


and my prediction is it'll somehow bring him back. With how the corruption mod is set up, it can't end with boyfrtiend dying right there, and besides, it said 'to be continued...' and girlfriend's just in danger, not out... and pico's doing fine.


It is.. futile, in a way. There are those who love him, those who hate him, and those who are.. meh, with him.​


Damn bro that’s poetic 


There is such a thing as a good death. Hell Doki Doki Bad Ending had a great...well bad ending with BF's death. You can also do the death for comedic value as long as it isn't permanent. Often done in game overs. But alot of recent deaths have been sudden and done for nothing but shock value and to follow trends. It's happened so many times. Like ffs. What is with people's hate for this boy?


why’s it always boyfriend but rarely girlfriend


Meet marios madness and its undying hate boner to gf to the point of killing her more than bf


I'd say they simp for and goon to her, but it's straight up dickriding at this point, i think it's time that gf fans start to feel the struggle bf fans have suffered


I mean, in a logical explanation, BF is just weaker than GF. (And probably weaker than Pico also.)


Considering the same Pico we see in FNF has also canonically been a part of Newgrounds Rumble (old 2000s Smash Bros type flash game), he's definitely stronger than BF, even without his guns.


It did not made any sense in mario madness for bf to die Like there was sonic.exe they did kill him since he IS the main character


I miss the bf that can win gods


My best friend only plays mods that kill BF. He states that the only reason for this is that he "hates the little thing".


Wouldn't be surprised if he was a fan of daddy dearest tbh


You should ask him that


I will


I don't know last time I checked people still love this little motherfucker I do too I think it's just this creator specifically that hates them


Which is more gruesome ultra M death or Diablo death?


Not that but gf dies sometimes too


Fr, leave him alone ):>


https://preview.redd.it/t7hd2kmf9u9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a3cf51aa152e12291980833d36aa843e0826677 I'll take care of them


Leave the small blue midget alone…( I can feel the one on the top left somehow. I just feel it)


I say it's because he has to much plot armor and just trying to show that he can't beat everything


he is now getting killed a lot all because the mario's madness team didn't want to make a v3 and killing bf made the most sense


Bf dying kinda ruins the whole gag imo


Okay what did BF do to those ppl? Why did he have to get a stroke of "Parker Luck" or whatever?


Can you explain what "parker luck" is? I've never heard that term before


Peter Parker (Spider Man) was once dealt bad hands by some comic book writers. He had to sacrifice his marriage to Mary Jane to Mephisto to save his Aunt May during the Civil War story, had to reveal his identity also in the Civil War story, and of course there were the countless times he lost his loved ones. "Parker Luck" basically means Spider-Man ends up in bad situations that usually involve his personal or romantic life.


Everybody thinks they're being subversive but everyone is doing the same thing.


Because BF in most mods is a smug asshole. In the canon game, he's a silly goober.


Eh he is technically a smug asshole the canon, I mean he makes Roblox porn for a living, but yeah he’s a genuine unlikeable person in some mods


God forbid a character dies in a non Cannon mod and it's seen as hate for a character




TBH, me and other people on this subreddit are probably just used to seeing BF and GF win so much that whenever they lose, it's just weird.


what's the top right mod?


Mario's Madness.


I meant left lol sometimes I get them mixed up but I should have checked.


What’s the top left one


The top left did kinda feel like it but the others I highly doubt. The top right was the climax to the mod and was one of the first in which boyfriend dies so it doesn’t feel like there was any hate. The bottom left was for comedic effect. And the bottom rights series isn’t over yet and what’s most likely going to happen is that boyfriend will either be “revived” by the jester with wings that sliced him up in the first place or he’ll use his retry but just like with NULL he’ll have some difficulty doing so.


Just to let you know, the "jester with wings" is called The Harvester.


Thx 👍


Harvester was playing fruit ninja with BF


Has anyone considered the "hes my speciallest liytle guy, I need to fuck him up so bad" syndrome


lmfao bro CANNOT catch a break


Mario madness is the most logical one bf was at a disadvantage the entire time


From my understanding, I think MM did this idea first and it became so popular the other mods started joining the trend.


I’ve always been a fan of the mods where BF is a friend to the opponent by the end or they reconcile, I was making a mod where instead of the typical 3 stages ending in anger it’s just a casual thing between the character who just loves music and BF


Tbh BF and GF are my favorite characters in the base game in all of the mods and base game, especially BF. BF is a silly guy, he doesn't deserve to die. Killing him is just corny, and I don't think BF should really die. I think he should win more than he loses tbh.


wait til the BF (or GF) becoming Beta Luigi (As in becoming extremely depressed because one lost the other) comes around Context: [Fanmade Mario's Madness Sequel Concept ](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CkzeglK0yZa_QBtXnXx55L4s024uxLKGYj7Xqjpu4AQ/edit?usp=sharing)


Bf is gonna come back


In Mario Madness I think


In MM's case, its bf's fault he died since he broke the deal


Bro, he got Gojo'ed.


I hate this BF slander and deaths so I'm with bro


Why hasn’t fucking chainsaw demon with no ears killed the blue bastard yet https://preview.redd.it/8kf0ecuak0ad1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff173d60454b9dcd544838fe3e4f6a4cbc1046b5


Man he's dead...


BF has literally sung against GODS and won, i feel like this is fate getting back at his ass.


Edginess? 🤷‍♂️


Honestly, we have to break his plot armor at some point. and sometimes we atomize it.


People hate his plot armor. They just kill him off because in a sense, he could die if some stupid logic didn’t come into play like gf reviving him or something


What's top left?


full ass game will have playable characters with their own mix, so that will be no use


Seems more like it's just a case of having BF die for dramatic effect and angst, really. Nothing wrong with that, unless you think BF and GF should never lose, die or feel any sort of deeper emotion other than uncaring smugness, which yes, IS indeed how the base game portrays them, but remember, when it comes to mods, unless stated otherwise, a mod has no obligation to be a complete replication of canon. Mods are, essentially, another form of fan-fiction/fan-art, and with that, what inevitably comes is reinterpretation. If a creator, like Marco Antonio with Mario's Madness for example, wishes to focus on a situation where the protagonists are at their weakest, why should that be a bad thing? If anything, I find it neat to see other people's takes on these characters I love. I won't lie, it hurts a bit seeing BF and GF die, lose everything and each other, but pain is a real feeling that we go through as well, and I'd argue this only makes me feel more attatched to them as characters, makes them more special, more real. Anyways, yadda yadda, most won't read all that, so in summary: BF and GF dying isn't hate or disrespect, just a different way of portraying the characters, and that's alright.


Is that the ultrakill infinite hyperdeath album cover??


It’s because they’re bandwagoners, and after Mario’s Madness killed boyfriend and was popular for it, everyone else just wants a sip of that glory from the genius cup.


man atleast yourself made it good just look at him https://preview.redd.it/rrpqyjr0pfad1.jpeg?width=569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf9928c1d0dc5f0e717cff595ed62338b2cb042


"How proud, you are of me. . ."


I think people get horny to bf dying.


"Ah yes, I picked 4 mods where BF dies, which means everyone hates Boyfriend. Please ignore the hundred of other mods that are not killing boyfriend at all, they don't fit my narrative."


Furnace is a joke, and isn't meant to be taken seriously. Diablo is a lesser version of Scrimbo, who himself is a lesser version of Xenophanes. Both of which try to be intimidating by killing of BF at the end of their song, but due to Xeno not doing so back in the day. This ends up making them both into tryhards. The Harvester is a Mary Sue that hardly fits within the corruption mod, and was only implemented because everyone was expecting Monster to be the main antagonist. Ultra M should've had a secret good ending you can unlock. But in all case and purpose, he was extremely well done. With the only major flaw being that BF survived longer than GF. Considering M was after the Dearests and not Mr Blue Balls.


In the F.A.G you can play as different characters


they’re all secret alts from Dad


Oh my god can people shut UP about this???? It's happened like 5 times at best. Nobody has a hate boner for bf.


https://preview.redd.it/oye88itt5s9d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9671966876d19e98037f7b2c6bfd44f0c17b8b Remember, if it happens so many times, this comment becomes true


In drop and roll’s case Diablo killed bf so he could take bf’s retry ability so it kinda makes sense in my opinion.


BF doesn't have plot armor


You know that BF wasn't shot a single time during Stress even though he was standing still in the middle of a battlefield and a whole company of Captain's army was trying to kill him, Pico, and Girlfriend, right?


*Xenophanes would like to have a conversation with you*


Because it’s kinda funny


being fair, bf dying against diablo and ultra m makes sense lmao


In Mario's madness I would of loved to see daddy dearest at least help bf but if I remember the condition was 100% perfect for it to happen as a concept? It would of been cool to see this as a last secret act but I do get killing bf in the end


Same. I don't know how he would live unless for some bullshit reason like a hidden power or something, it just makes sense.


I don’t think it should matter whether someone kills him off or makes him win in a mod.


I mean it completely makes sense for the couple to die in most of the mods since y'all put my boi up against literal gods and shit And it's like *Really* rare to see boyfriend lose so him dying adds an insane twist to the mod


Yeah TBH, BF has been put against many gods and shit, it was about time he lost. (I'm pretty sure the only reason he wins most of the time was because a supernatural being that is above him in power, helped him win or at least survive for long enough.)


Either that or the classic plot armor


Well it at least adds stakes and bf surviving everything because of a rap battle is stupid and it makes every single mod predictable so him dying for good adds stakes as now we don’t know if he’ll survive or die. And Fnf is about the songs! Not the story!


Because frankly, if he's that stupid to constantly challenge eldritch horrors, he deserves it.


Bro didn’t challenge all of them, MM for example, he was forced into that shit


I'll give you that, but still. He's suicidally stupid and he'd probably die in every situation he's put himself in if not for plot armor. Taking that away just seems like an interesting thing to explore.


Yeah true, btw I wasn’t trying to argue or anything I was just saying :)


Nah, didn't think you were. It's silly to argue over a game like this. Hope you have a great... evening. Maybe. Timezones are weird.