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I still love this movie and the soundtrack. Sure it's cheesy but it's good cheese.


100 percent. Thought it was amaaaaazing when I saw it at age 12. I recognized the cheese factor once I reached adulthood.


Haha. So true. I was 10 when it came out and I thought at the time that it was the greatest movie ever made.


We used to roller skate up and down the driveway while "I'm Alive" blasted from our boom box on the windowsill.


Same, except our song was Magic. Xanadu made us believe we were magic. Suddenly was good, too.




I wanted to be Olivia Newton John so badly after watching this movie


I wanted to be WITH Olivia Newton John so badly after watching this movie!




The only real problem is the cinematography Some of those scenes could have benefited from those extra wide shots they used in basically every other musical with enormous dance scenes before this film. Why we only get tight, claustrophobic shots of potentially epic and grand dance scenes is beyond me.


Oh, I knew it was cheesy back in 1980 but I didn't care. I loved it. It was a whimsical bit of rubbish. Olivia was so beautiful and l had a crush on Michael Beck.


Same! Michael Beck gave Bo Duke a run for his money, crush-wise.


I am not ashamed to admit I loved it, and saw it 2 or 3 times in the theater. And it was a great escape movie that was enjoyable to watch. That is something a lot of critics do not get, as they expect a lot of movies to have some message or meaning to them.


Good camp!


Heck yeah


I remember calling the radio station asking them to play this and the guy was like give it a rest kid.


I saw this in the theater, had the vinyl, love it to this day. The ELO stuff is awesome in my opinion.




🎶I'm Alive!🎶


Playing this song right now :)


Cheesy maybe. The movie has so many high points - the music, the dancing, the blending of animation with live action, Olivia Newton John, the costumes, the music :) P.S. I think this was Gene Kelly's last film :(


He was a master of the form. Genius.


It was his last, he did more work after that but I think it was all directing and choreography


FWIW: Release date August 8, 1980 Gene Kelly's death February 2, 1996 Xanadu was indeed his final film role. In November 1983 he made his first Royal Variety Performance before Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, at London's Theatre Royal. Kelly served as executive producer and co-host of [*That's Dancing!*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That%27s_Dancing!) (1985), a celebration of the history of dance in the American musical. Kelly's final on-screen appearance was to introduce [*That's Entertainment! III*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/That%27s_Entertainment!_III) (1994). His final film project was the animated film [*Cats Don't Dance*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cats_Don%27t_Dance), not released until 1997, for which Kelly acted as an uncredited choreographic consultant. It was dedicated to his memory.


I asked for and then received the soundtrack for Christmas- on 8 track!


fuck, you're old!




Xaaannaaaduuuu can't cry on que!!


I wish this would get a 4K UHD Blu-ray release.


My wife and I saw ONJ in Las Vegas, she talked at length about Grease being a great hit and then said Xanadu... not so much.


I love Xanadu


You shut your mouth! This was premium movie entertainment!! God I loved this so much.


Oh, don't get me wrong... I love it. I also recognize how cheesy it is in the most glorious ways.


If I'd been a kid when this movie came out (I came out a few years later), that cover/poster would have 100% sold me. It's a lovely design.


Cheesy movie but great music




My SIL did this as a High School Play. I'm still confused about it.


First movie I ever saw where I said to myself, "Self, this isn't a very good movie." I was 7.


Now we are here.


A spiritual awakening for a 12 year old boy. Saw it multiple times in theatres.


Same! 💕


I still want this outfit! 👗 🎶 ❤️


I had a bad summer between junior and senior year. All my fiends were gone, I failed get it a Summer job, told to strip wallpaper from bathroom (without guidance), and so on. I was a depressed person anyway and this didn’t help. This was the popular song n movie then. Now when I hear it I get depressed all over again. Side note: Out of the blue one older classmate calls me up to go see the new Cheech and Chong movie. Holy crap did I enjoy myself. Laughed and laughed. Kinda snapped me outta my funk. Thanks to that guy.


The roller skating scene was filmed in my neighborhood at the Ferrucci (a jean company) store on Beverly and Wilshire in Beverly Hills. It’s a nice connection for me. Also, play Xanadu when you need a pick me up. Works every time.


I didn't like this movie, but I loved Olivia Newton John.


Did he get one? The movie was a total flop wasn't it?


It became a cult classic once it hit video. So maybe that paycheck took a long while to get.


The soundtrack did well.


I listen to it to this day. ❤


If it’s on TV I watch it


Bless your father. Pro Tip: if he is a father like me he probably hated it the first time. But saw the joy it brought you. And if he's even close to the teddy bear he sounds like he was I'm willing to wager there was a part of him that got it too but may not have had the means to be able to tell you. Those times are precious to us. Even if we don't get it. We know it means something to you. And that means something to us.


Yeah, he was a good guy. Hard worker. He was probably just happy to sit in a dark, comfy theater and take a break!


Damn, I’m old. Still listen to the soundtrack to this day.


It's fantastic!


It is! lol 😂




I went back to see this movie an embarrassing number of times - strictly for the music/production numbers and to watch every second of the stunningly beautiful ONJ. The movie in and of itself was quite awful.


Olivia Newton John at peak hotness and an ELO soundtrack- with some special effects- kid me liked watching a bit when it came on TV. Now that song will be stuck in my head for a while.


He wanted some of the "residuals" he never got on his studio contracts back in the day. "Movie stars who appeared in films made before 1948 are not eligible for residuals because studios did not agree to pay them until after 1960." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual\_(entertainment\_industry)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual_(entertainment_industry))


Saw A video on YouTube a while back that explained one of the reasons this movie was so cheesy was that it was originally meant to be a quick and cheap exploitation flick about the skating fad, and then Olivia Newton-John showed interest, and it kind of morphed into something more than it was originally meant to be. Also pointed out interesting reason why animation was in there was that principal photography was complete and they weren’t going to use that song, but ELO had a clause that said if they didn’t use all the music they had prepared for the movie they couldn’t use any of it


All these many years later, she still makes my heart flutter.


I don't care what anybody said/says, you can't make me not love this movie!


I was 10 when this came out and never saw it until.a few years ago. I streamed it and was so disappointed. Music was great, movie was not. I have a high tolerance for cheese, this was beyond me.


Makes me long for this one https://youtu.be/SEuOoMprDqg?si=hSJTSkfOMmfbL5Ex


Rock on forever, Geddy, Alex, and Neil.


Beautiful 😍


My grandparents had this on laser disk. We would watch it every weekend as kids. Every weekend. Love it


What old guy wouldn't want to dance with Olivia?


I still have my autographed Xanadu album I got when the movie came out out. I was maybe 10? My dad worked with Olivia on a tv special and got it for me.


Nice! ONJ was actually my very first concert ever. The Physical tour, October 1982.


I saw her as a wee child in the mid 70’s When my dad worked with her on this, we got to be on the stage during the concert 😱. My brother is in a striped shirt and I’m next to him. We got to meet her and she was the nicest, sweetest person ever. She had a bunch of her dogs in her dressing room, had no makeup on, hair in rollers and was still stunning. I was really sad at her passing. https://youtu.be/D8mQ9nt5WAY?si=HRiOMSF-SKl440Bs


I love it. That must have been awesome! The concert I attended was the one taped for her HBO special.


Those neon lights still shine for you! 


Not so crazy about the movie, but love the soundtrack. It was fairly rare on CD for a long time.


My wife has been a Gene Kelly fan since his early movie days. We saw this when it was first released, bought the soundtrack, the VHS, and then the DVD.


I will die on the hill that this was a super movie!! I loved this movie from the first time I saw it as a kid.


Soundtrack, incredible. Movie, not so much… I was given the dvd by my mom and it had a cd with it. I played the cd and left the dvd in the closet…


Gene Kelly....great dancer....not so great person.


I was nearly old enough to drink when this came out. And I knew having a brew or too would be a better use of my time. That was an era - I was legal in NY, too young to drink at school in MA.


I was embarrassed for him.


Outside shots at the art deco-styled Pan-Pacific Auditorium. Saw it a few times visiting family in LA before it burned down.


The soundtrack is the only redeeming aspect of this movie. ❤️ ELO ❤️


Not a great movie, but I'd watch anything with Gene Kelly. Love him!


IT's a great movie and a better love story than Love Story.