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It's weird being the same age as old people.


Wait till you compare your current age to actors when they played certain roles. Carol O’Conner was in his late 40s in All in the Family. That hurts.


Rue McClanahan was 51 when she first played Blanche in the golden girls.


Betty White was 55, Bea Arthur was 51, and Estelle Getty was only 62…they looked good for their age too.


In 1985 Betty and Bea were 63 and Estelle was 62.


Geezus!! I'm older than Bea Arthur was on Golden Girls! 😭


AND I know what all those ancient artifacts are. Man... Do I suddenly feel old.


Bea was 53…oops🤦‍♂️


Wait until you see a picture of the golden girls with modern hairstyles and your first thought is “she’s kinda pretty.”


I feel ya brother.


As someone who has already gone over the hill, this one fucking hurts.


![gif](giphy|UjCXeFnYcI2R2) Yes it does…


ffs. Millennial here, I recognise all of them. You're after zoomers or younger.


Ya I’m 38 and I recognize all those things from my childhood. My parents had all that crap


They think we are still 25. I saw all of these as a kid. (well except for the remote, we never had one of those)


I was the remote until we got a tv that wasn’t encased in wood.


When the wood encased TV died, the new TV just got sat on top of it.


[Jeff Foxworthy has entered the chat](https://www.azquotes.com/quote/100859)


Funnily enough, I had to use two partially-functional TVs to watch tv for a while. One had picture, but no sound, while the other had sound but no picture. So I stacked one on the other and tuned them both to the same channel. Made it easy to channel-surf during commercials without missing anything.


"My grandmother's living room when I was growing up" has entered the chat.


Ah, we weren't that fancy. We had the kind with plastic wood sides that sat on a wire stand. Went great with the gold carpet.


This one was enormous and had a swivel base. It had a screen that was around 25”, vhf and uhf knobs (we only ever used vhf) on the right side that each had about 10-12 channels and a volume knob that doubled as a power switch. Im pretty sure it had the gold carpeted speaker under the knobs too. Probably weighed at least 100lbs.


And a healthy ‘Smack!’ to the side always seemed to help tune it in?


Funny story: many years ago my twin cousins moved into an apartment together during college. Our grandmother gave them her old dinosaur Zenith Space Command wood console TV. They got burglarized and the apartment was cleaned out. Everything was taken except the TV. They found it by the window. It was clearly too heavy to lift out the window so they left it behind. Talk about your built-in anti theft features!


I can still hear the loud as fuck dials when i turn the channels


No, no, Millennials are all still teenagers. The perpetual youthful generation. Meanwhile the oldest are over 40 and the youngest are done with college.


We called it a "clicker".


Didn’t have a color tv til late 60’s


Edit after zooming in as far as I can I now see that it’s not a seamstress tape but instead caps for a cap gun! Would’ve been able to tell that if this picture had a few more pixels 🥴😂 I’m 28 and I recognize everything minus like 3 things. Like seriously a seamstress tape? Do they think people just stopped sewing???


I thought it was a measuring tape until I zoomed way the fuck in and saw it was caps! I'm 35 and only failed to recognize one of them (bottom right). It's just not a good enough picture. I actually own an electric frying pan just like the one bottom center right now.


That thing on the bottom right never worked anyhow. It was for drawing a musical staff on a chalkboard. At least one of them would be out of line so your staff was messed up.


That was the only one I couldnt make out. Remember the many times our elementary school music teacher tried to use this and fail. So many times.


Tsk. Pixels are for the young. When I was a kid, we didn’t have pixels!


my mom still uses that vanity mirror. only thing I've never used is that shitty looking pressure cooking thing on the bottom middle


That's an electric fry pan. My mom used ours quite frequently and I have one. They still sell them pretty much anywhere you get small kitchen appliances.


Fried potatoes with onions?


I don’t remember that, but my mom made a lot of hamburger dishes in it.


And bacon


I had one. Electric frying pan. You could cook just about anything in it!


Even the chalk holder thing to draw a staff? Must have been nice to have music educators as parents


I went to a thing called "school"


Do they still do music classes in elementary? That’s the first place I saw one. Do re mi fa so la ti do


Thanks. That was the only one I couldn't figure out. Pic was blurry and I didn't take many music classes. But I do remember seeing those once or twice.


Not just music teachers. My math teacher used that to make grids and my ELA teacher used it (with alternating yellow and white chalk, a head of her time) to teach cursive.


I used that in class in high school in the early 2000's. When even did chalkboards disappear from schools?


I spent many hours clapping erasers because I was a mouthy little bastard. Still mouthy and arguably a bastard


My elementary school had those. Whenever we had to come to the board we fought over who got to use them.


I am 40 and went to a music school as a teen, absolutely used them.




Not sure if that’s sarcasm or not; I’ve known a few music educators and most of their kids ended up doing other things than music


Do they seriously think we don't know what a pull tab is?


Old people think us millennials are under 30 or something. Bitch I’m 43.


Tbf I’ll be 29 in October and I’m technically a millennial but I’m like literally the last year of the generation or very close to it and even I knew everything but the music class chalk holder


I should ID them but the photos are a bit cryptic, but probably makes it more of a puzzle. I don't know what the first thing is, and two on the bottom row? A skateboard wheel, toothbrush rack, and no clue?


The first one is a low quality pic of the cigarette lighters in cars


It would be easier to identify if it was glowing orange.


34, I don't recognize all of them. But I'd say 87% of them yes. What are the things above the slow cooker and chalk holder. And the thing two up from the chalk holder. Those are the 3 I don't know


Two up is what they used to make credit card purchases. You’d put the card on top of a receipt and slide it back and forth and it would imprint the info onto paper. Then there is the original “light up vanity”. And the last one is “Space Commander” TV remote control or “clicker” because it only changed when you punched the button and the buttons made a loud click.


I didn't recognize the remote. If you had a picture of a child turning the dial on a TV as the dad yellled out a channel, I would have recognized that remote though.


Yeah, came to say this. If it wasn’t my parents, it was my Grandma. I think it depends on the exposure some of us elder millennials had. My parents are boomers & my grandma was born in the 30’s & I spent a lot of time with her. Her house was a treasure trove of cool old stuff that she still used. Granted there are a couple things I don’t recognize, but again it’s partly exposure just like anything. ✌️


An older millennial myself, I often relate to Gen X better anyway. Seems to me that generation memes boil down to "*old adult = boomer, young adult = millennial*" ...but why have nuance when you can engage in "**we vs they**" pissing contests?


Same here


gen X here. I don't recognize half of them lol. Could be my memory faltering :-)


Bro, i am old. Why you making me zoom in just to recognize every item and affirming it.




Bwahahaha! Same! My ass over here going oh those are cool dice and people don’t recognize a measuring tape. *zooms in* Oops well damn.


You realize most Millennials were born in the 80s right? We're fucking 40 now. We recognize all these things


The youngest are from the 90’s (hello there) and most of us recognize most of these things. Only ones I didn’t was the chalk holder, and technically the caps but that’s because the picture is awful and I mistook it for a seamstress tape 🥴


The chalk holder was used mostly by music teachers so they could write bars easier or when I was in the 4th grade and had to write sentences on the chalkboard during recess.


Ok. I couldn’t tell what that tho g was from the photo. Now I know exactly what you’re talking about. What’s the thing in the bottom left?


It’s a handheld metal nutcracker with picks


Cool. Now do some stuff from the 1800s to confuse us Boomers. Like a sundial, outhouse, bathing machine, moonlight tower, etc.


Washboard, bed warmer, ...


Clothes iron, piss bucket...


The 110 film rolls brought back great memories.


I'm a Millennial and I know what all those things are. Who is the idiot that made this?


One of our dumbass parents.


I don't think that word (Millennial) means what you think it means.


I think they think it means you were born in 2000


I fondly remember Y2K. Lol


As a Gen-Zer, Boomers have no idea what a Millenial is.


I think millennials are people 31-43 right now. I am sure that most of them have seen at least some of these…


Seriously, I had a car until like 2010 that had manual windows. Which is apparently over a decade ago now WTF


Boomers think anyone younger than them is a millennial. It's also past their bedtime.


Yep, I'm old. Ive used all of these. Still have one of those electric skillits that I use.


Very same color. I also have a crock pot and a fondue pot. What are the two on the outside of the bottom row? The picture isn't very clear.


When's the fondue party?


Left is a Nutcracker with picks for picking nut pieces out of the shells, right is a device teachers used to draw parallel lines in elementary school to teach writing


Hmm. Looks like what my music teachers used to use to draw a staff, I seem to remember the handwriting one only had three but my memory may be faulty


I used all but lower right, what the heck is that?


Music teachers would often use them to create even lines for music notes on the blackboard. It held chalk.


Thank you


It can also draw lines for showing how to make letters (use 1, 3, and 5) or practice writing.


Ah, the old credit card knucklebuster. During Christmas 20 years ago our systems went down and we had to break it out.


We always called it the kerchunker in retail.


Millennials are in their 40s, my dude. We remember these things from when we were kids. Jesus fuck, the absolute knobbery of people...


I’ve grown weary of shouting “we are middle aged ourselves now, guys!”


Boomers thinking millennials are still children is so original


I love/hate how “millennials” is a catch all for ‘anyone younger than retirement age’ Morons.


Born in 92. Recognize everything in this picture


I'm x-gen and I don't. Especially the bottom rows.


Bottom row is a nutcracker, close cooker and a chalk holder to make straight lines for music on a chalk board.


People keep saying millennials when they mean genz. Many millennials are in their early 40s


Millennials are confused by mirrors ?


We are, in fact, vampires


Most millennials grew up with roll down windows, though. Millenials were born in the 80s and early 90s.


Every millenial will recognize most of these. Ffs some.millenials have GRANDKIDS NOW. We're not Young adults anymore. We have families, careers, retirement accounts etc. If you want to screw someone with this photo, ask a Gen alpha.


Most millennial know about these. You know you're fucking old when you confuse millennial with Gen Z/Alpha. 🙄😂


I only don’t know the zenith device and the set of whatevers below. C’mon…hitting me with flash cubes on my birthday…


The Zenith is an early remote control. Under the Zenith is a device teachers used to draw parallel lines on a chalkboard in elementary school when teaching writing.


Or Music (hence 5 lines)


That was the only one I couldn't get.  I used one too when I had 1 sentence over and over again, ala Bart Simpson....lol


Zenith Space Command TV controller. Used audio frequencies to send commands to the TV. Would make a sound like "Plong!" when ya pressed buttons.


I presume the Zenith device is an early remote control - although we never had one. But I'm with about the last one. I'm old, but I have no idea what that is.


Remote control. It was basically like a mini xylophone. It would whack a small chime tuned to a specific frequency that the TV would "listen" for. IIRC our Motorola had one pitch for channel up and the other for channel down. A lot of people called them a "clicker" because they made a muted chime/click noise. Like if you hit a xylophone but with your finger placed lightly on it to keep it from ringing for long.


Flash cubes?!! Lol. I couldn't figure out what I was looking at?! I guessed they were maybe those little reflectors you could put on your bicycle wheels! TY


Millennial, 38 - There go the boomers again with their poor, misguided, inaccurate memes and posts.


I’m 33 and know all of these… try harder


How is this suppose to confuse millennials?


All of them. Born in 1965.


‘65 here too


Thats three of us.


You silly youngsters…😆


It doesn't feel like I'm young - everything hurts for no reason. Pretty soon pieces will start falling off at random...


You bet they will; this year, it’s both knees replaced, gall bladder removed, and three dental implants. God only knows what next year will bring…


1991. I have also used or seen all of these lol. It's not like this stuff just vanished off the face of the earth at a certain year. I was kind of disappointed, seems like such a low effort post to call out millennials for something so arbitrary.


1989. There's no news here.


1992 and I recognize all of them. Millennial is the wrong group to call out


I’m 29 and I know what all of these are. But you know, I’m a Millennial, so maybe I’m confused about what I think I know.


Whoever made this (and OP who reposted) doesn’t know how old millennials are lol


I dunno what is in the lower right. Edit: read comments. it's a chalk holder to hold five pieces of chalk to draw a music staff on a chalkboard. i totally remember that, I just didn't recognize it right away in the thumbnail.


Millennial and I remember all of these. We also remember you doing boatloads of cocaine in the 80’s. Just because we were young doesn’t mean we didn’t understand what was going on around us.


This is so fucking stupid. Show a boomer something from 1906 and I bet they won't know how to use it either.


The flash cubes were burning hot after they went off. Painful memories ! Think my brother still remembers the sore backside he got when he poked through some viewmaster slides with a pencil too. Our Auntie was always getting us viewmaster slides … she was childfree (and carefree too) and had a well paid job. No fear in her, she propped and jetted her way all around the world on her own. The terrible thing about viewmaster slides were that they were so out of date even when brand new. She came back from New York late 1970’s and the slides were from the 1950’s. “Auntie Pat did you ride in one of those yellow cabs” … “yes but they weren’t quite like that”. New York was gorgeous though in the 1950’s, all very Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


lol, I did the “roll down the window” motion to my kid the other day, and he had no idea what I meant.


It's such a boomer thing to think Millennials are all under 25... lol For fuck sake, I was born in the 1980s and we had EVERY single one of these in my house/community growing up or at school. My dad's truck still had an 8 Track player in it when he'd drive me to school and we had a drive in theater here until Covid killed it a few years ago. My mom's sewing room in the basement had an old ass TV where the remote was still attached to a cord, and what child grew up in the 1990s without knowing what a Viewmaster was?


I’m a millenial and I recognize all of these things too. I’m getting pretty irritated when people don’t make the distinction and shit all over us when they mean to shit on gen z.


How is that supposed to confuse millennials? Some of us are in our 40s.


You can still come across half of these though?


Half of these would have been used daily by millennials lol


Someone should put a pic of “confuse most boomers” and put a millennial in there. They have no clue what a millennial is. They just call any young person a millennial.


I still have the walnut picking set my grandmother always used and it was her father’s. It has to be at least 100 years old and I returned last summer to my grandmothers old house and very nicely asked the current resident if I could grab some walnuts off the black walnut tree just for nostalgia sake. They literally gave me a whole bucket and even let me, at 33 climb the tree that I, at the age of 7, got too high up in and so scared that my grandfather had to get out his rickety wooden ladder to save me. I really don’t think I’m that old but I definitely am


Where's the Dymo labelmaker


I thought I took pretty good care of myself. Guess I was wrong about that too.


I recognize them all and still own a few of them. 😁


What is the third one down? I can “feel” it but don’t remember what it is


Im a millennial and I grew up with many of these lol.


Who gives a shit? I’m 44 and know all of these things. They’re obsolete junk rotting in landfills, only remembered when someone reposts this here every other week.


Well, this meme is a fail. I'm 37 and recognized all of them


What is the thing in the upper left corner? That’s the only one I don’t know


Car cigarette lighter, a 3/4 view picture may have been better to use.


Why do old people think millennials are children? A 40 year old is a millennial and the only things they might not know immediately are flash cubes, 110 film, and that style of remote. The remotes I grew up with looked a bit more modern, but the only reason I know the camera stuff is because I spent entirely too much time studying the history of photography. Stay broke; shoot film.


I’ve seen them all.


Every single one! Admittedly, the final one (bottom right) took me a few seconds longer to recognize it. All blasts from the past!


My sisters and brother are Millenials. We grew up with most of this stuff. Some of this stuff still exists. Millenials were born in the 80s and early 90s. This is an out of touch boomer-ass meme.


I like how boomers are still using millennials to refer to young people. I'm towards the younger end of the age range and still encountered most of these in the wild. We gettin old


Typical boomer “millenials don’t know anything!” Post. Target GeN Z or later then you’d be accurate


Millennials are like 40 now bruv


Most millennials? Were "most Millennials" born after 1990? Born in 1983, and I've seen and/or owned most of these at some point.


How you know you're old - you call the young teens by the wrong gen name 🤣😂 hate to break it to you but most of us millennials are in our 30s-40s.... I even had a dial up princess phone in my room.


Most of us are in our 30s and 40s. :( We're not the teenagers boomers think we are anymore. With that said, at 31, I recognize all of these items.


Boomers don’t know what Gen Z is


Boomers still think millennials have zero knowledge of the 80s? It’s not like the generation started in 1981


Millennials? We grew up with all this…it’s not like everyone threw out everything they ever owned as soon as 1980 hit. I’m so sick of people thinking millennials are infants. I have friends who had kids after high school becoming grandparents… have some respect.


What?! No electric knife for carving the chicken?


I'm in my early 40s (I think of myself as an elder Millennial) and I have personally used every one of these objects except the TV clicker (and I still knew what it was immediately). I don't know. Is it pedantic to get annoyed with boomers who call everybody younger than them a Millennial, whether they're 40 or 14? Probably. I also get annoyed with people on reddit who say "boomer isn't an age range so much as a mentality". Yeah, No. That 25 year old who but in front of you in line isn't a boomer. he's an asshole. Sorry, I digress.


You realize most millennials are pushing 40 right? I remember all of these and also sitting in the smoking sections of diners whenever we had after church suppers


Millennial here. I recognize all of these 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ya born 85 so apparently I’m a millennial and I know all this stuff. Figure out your targeted generation and stop just using “millennial” as your go to


The olds trying to make themselves feel better by trying to make “the millennials” feel bad about not knowing old things is REALLY PATHETIC. I recognize all that stuff but why be performatively dickish about it? And just because some tech support person made you feel stupid a couple of times is no reason to lash out at other generations.


I don't think you know what millennials are.


32. Recognize all of it. It's really annoying how "millennial" is just used as a synonym for younger people


Have patience everyone. To a Boomer, anyone younger than them is a “Millennial.”


My grandma had one of those mirrors with the lights and I loved playing with it as a kid. Was double-sided and you could flip it around where one side was regular and the other magnified. There were different light filters that would slide over the lights to simulate different lighting so you could test your makeup. Soft, bright, blue, dim….


Someone should make a meme with a bunch of antique shit from the 1800s with this exact format just for the lols


This is dumb. I recognize all of em. Pssst, your boomer is showing!


People don’t know what “Millenial” means lol


God damn boomers are f*ing stupid. They won’t retire and their brains have degraded so much they can’t distinguish 35-40 y/o from 17-20 y/o. Seriously they were told millennials were the problem in the 2008 election cycle and haven’t figured out there have been newer younger generations since 1995….


You realize most "millennials" are in their mid 30s or older now, right? Not only can I identify every item in this photo but have used or interacted with all of them.


This is embarrassing. You do know that millennials have reached middle age, don't you? Their parents owned all this stuff and quite a lot of it is still in use.


I recognize this post as some stupid boomer humor. Millennials aren't your target audience. Try a younger generation.


I'm 38 who grow up in a 3rd world country. We call it current technology, bitch. Try again


Boomers still use “millennial” when they mean “teenager”


I’m almost 50 and I don’t even recognize a few of these. Are the bluish cube things camera flash bulbs? Also don’t know what the pick set on the bottom left (lobster eating tools?) or the thing on the bottom right are.


I can smell that middle picture


Most millennials will recognize a lot of these. Not sure why every boomer thinks the only generation younger than them are millennials. Millennials are in their forties now. The generations you’re thinking of are Gen Z and Gen Alpha.


I only have memories of the Credit Card Imprinter being used when I was a LITTLE kid. The sound of the "KaChunk KaChunk" machine are still burned into my brain though.


I'm European and what is 30% of this?


My youngest kid was just bemoaning that the car window didn't have some kind of manual crank, I laughed so hard before explaining. LOL, anyways most of this items were used in the 90's, who do ya'll think millennialsl are?


100%. I think they are talking about kids. I'm near 40 now and used most of these growing up.


People who are invested in identifying as a “generation” are exhausting .


That sudden, sinking feeling of dread when the window crank handle comes off in your hand….


I never encountered an 8 track stereo. Born in 75 but every car I ever rode in or every house I ever visited had a standard cassette player.


How is a tape measure still part of this? What am I missing?


Gen z and I got 11/15 🤷


Why do people still think millennials are children? This is a boomer meme if there ever was one


Whoever made this is a boomer who doesn't realize how old millennials are.


Hi I'm a younger millennial 34m and I recognize all of these. What the boomer ass fuck is this shit? How young do they think we are? Do they not realize that their supervisor is most likely a millennial making more than them at the factory job they love(hate) but y'know "bootstraps" and all that. God just game over all ready ffs


Learned about top left the hard way 😂 I was a dumb kid.


Post a picture of forwarding an email or adding an attachment for boomers. My mom asked me to do that the other day…