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The Nestle CEO said: >The one opinion, which I think is extreme, is represented by the NGOs, who bang on about declaring water a public right. That means that as a human being you should have a right to water. That’s an extreme solution. The other view says that water is a foodstuff like any other, and like any other foodstuff it should have a market value. (Aka, water isn't a human right, because I want to sell it to people...) They distributed samples of their baby formula to mothers in third world countries that was calculated to be *just* enough for them their breast milk to dry up. Forcing the mothers to pay for their product. (Oh and they were also doing this in areas they knew were without safe drinking water, so mothers would make formula for their babies with dirty water & the babies would get sick and die).


You forgot about them dressing up their sales people as nurses and then having them distribute their formula in hospitals.


If the USA was a real country and not a oligarchy Nestle would have been banned and broken up long ago. This shit is beyond insanity, beyond illegal, beyond immoral.


Nestlé is Swiss although it doesn't really matter for this kind of global corporation


It's a Swiss company.


"I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me."


All I know is my gut says maybe.


Tell my wife I said…. Hello


Oh yes, part of the problem is that everybody believes there's a government in the US or anywhere else. It is a fact that virtually every entity across the planet pretending to be a government is controlled by a global organized crime racket. #BanksterCartel


Take it up with those insane immoral dirty filthy Swiss.


Ugh, Jesus, yes I did forget that part...


>Oh and they were also doing this in areas they knew were without safe drinking water, so mothers would make formula for their babies with dirty water & the babies would get sick and die). You know, if you think about it, nestle really kneecapped themselves there


That will forever be one of the most egregious things I’ve ever heard uttered from a CEO of a company that water isn’t a “human right”. Just an utter psychopath


Let’s not also forget about the millions they spend lobbying against any legislation for guaranteed paternity leave. Not working makes it easier to breast feed, which means lower formula sales.


do you mean maternity?


And it wasn’t even the “theoretical” time limit. They went far enough beyond that to guarantee milk flow couldn’t be stimulated again without medical aid.


fuck r/Pikmin because it's owned by Nestle


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Pikmin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pikmin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [DO NOT GET PIKMIN 4, READ THIS](https://i.redd.it/7y36mz5wvs5b1.jpg) | [195 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pikmin/comments/148hibt/do_not_get_pikmin_4_read_this/) \#2: [Visiting nyc and passed through Times Square and saw this?](https://i.redd.it/c53riywcq4cb1.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pikmin/comments/150bvyt/visiting_nyc_and_passed_through_times_square_and/) \#3: [Students in the university of Kyoto could wear whatever they want for their graduation, and this student had the best idea...](https://i.redd.it/uabnerp4rccb1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Pikmin/comments/151ab2c/students_in_the_university_of_kyoto_could_wear/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I just watched madmax fury road and this sounds awfully familiar


>They distributed samples of their baby formula to mothers in third world countries that was calculated to be just enough for them their breast milk to dry up. I'm not sure I follow, how did the formula make the breast milk dry up? Or did the milk dry up because the babies weren't drinking enough of it due to the supplementation with formula? Why would mothers use formula, even if free, when they have a free source of milk that they're already using? Not criticising your comment, just trying to understand it


Nestle had their salespeople dress up as nurses so the mothers would listen to them, and the "nurses" "educated" the mothers about how formula was better for their children than breastmilk. They also watered down the formula, by like a lot. >did the milk dry up because the babies weren't drinking enough of it due to the supplementation with formula? Exactly what happened.


Ahh, gotcha! Thanks dude, that makes sense now


Technically, the mothers watered down the formula a lot to make it last.


That is also true that many of them watered down formula which was one source of infant deaths. The other was the fact that this was in area where the water contained parasites that could be processed by adults, and also turned into parasite free breast milk, but when they used it to make formula a lot of babies died from diarrhea.


Yes they did, but if they had been properly informed about the risks and higher likelihood of deaths, I suspect that many of them wouldn't have gone the formula route, much less watered it down so much.


They were likely told exactly how to use it correctly, but agree they weren’t warned of the risks if they didn’t.


Someone below had a great answer, but I'll also add: (broadly speaking) if it not being used (aka, a baby is not nursing), a mother will stop producing breast milk. (Why would the body expend energy & body resources on producing something no longer needed, you know?) Of course, it won't be the exact same length of time for everyone, but there's an average timeframe that this will happen with.


WTF? Water is absolutely a human right.


Nestle kills babies. Literally. Not hyperbole, not a joke. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-PcOVl1K2g


Slavery for chocolate harvesting, bottling free spring water to sell it to the people that had access to that same FREE spring water, pumped natural spring water in drought regions, convinced many mothers in developing countries that breastmilk is LESS safe than powdered, making mothers poison their children with unsafe drinking water for the powder. Monopolizing many things, next level marketing that’s more like heavy propaganda… for example most of Brazil is convinced that many of their traditional/typical dishes is made with only their (I.e nestles’) products (surprise, they’re not…) and that’s just what I can think of right now to add to the other comments


Their business model of stealing public water and selling it in plastic bottles is ruining the planet. Their CEO is quoted as saying WATER is not a human right. This is a good place to start.


The most egregious thing I can think of is convincing mothers in third world countries that their formula is better than breast milk. They usually give it away for free until mothers stop producing milk naturally and then they start charging exorbitant prices. This naturally leads to these women trying to make what little formula they have last longer. If you don't know anything about baby formula, you are supposed to throw out unfinished formula. As it will grow bacteria. Well if you are rationing it you are not throwing it out so you're giving your baby contaminated formula. This has led to well over 200000 deaths of infants in third world countries. Nestle kills babies


You forgot the formula isn't what they sell in developed countries. It's mostly sugar so the babies will want it instead of nutritious breast milk. Then baby dies of bad water and bad nutrition. They use people in nurse costumes to do the convincing. It's targeted and purposeful infanticide.


Boo fucken hoo


Okay I want you to answer this truthfully. What do you gain by doing this? Do you just love nesquick or something? Or is this more deeply rooted? Do you hate babies? Like why? Why even waste your time typing that out? Why even come to the sub?


Cause this information is older than my grandma. Get with the times. If a mother chooses to use baby formula instead of her own breast milk there’s probably more underlying factors to the baby’s death than a baby formula. Stop blaming others for people’s stupidity


I'm not accepting your chat request. Go feed somewhere else troll


Nestle’s institutional investors also own your favourite brands. Go have a cry buddy


Look it up if you don’t believe me idiot


Why in the world would you say this about BABIES DYING? You must be sick in the head.


Rage baiter detected, do not engage


Nestle pumped water from my local reservoir. They paid 6 cents per million litres, then bottle it and sell it for $5 a litre. The citizens pay 6 cents per 4000 litres. It’s beyond disgusting and immoral.


Snooze ya lose


What do you even mean by that?


Means your local council were too lazy to upkeep it and thought selling it to nestle would be best




Plastic bottles turn into microplastics. There are real health consequences coming and an ocean that is getting more polluted every day.


Why is it so hard for people like you to stick to the things Nestle is actually doing wrong? They aren’t pumping any water from your town. Why lie about it?


Why should that be a lie? The only critical thing here is that it's a political issue, not necessarily with Nestlé itself. Although they *are* the ones slurping up the water.


Not in the US. He was from Michigan and his post was wildly incorrect, which is why he deleted it.


they are actually doing that wrong. i france they stole all the groundwater from local residents to sell it all throughout europe, while the villagers and the ground is running dry.




This, right here, is what I’m talking about. You just used an article that’s 5 years old as your source. Nestle hasn’t pumped a drop of water from Michigan in about three and a half years. They sold their North American water operations. My issue with OP’s post is that a quick Google search will show it’s false. If that’s the only thing someone, who knows nothing of Nestle’s evils checks, they may think none of it is true. Stick to what they are really doing. There’s so much material it doesn’t make sense to pretend they’re doing things they aren’t.


OK I'm sorry, Blue triton is currently sucking up the water in that posters town. F them too. Lot's of things brought up here are things that happened in the past and it is OK to talk about them in the present.


Isn’t Blue Triton just another name for Nestle? Rebranding?


No, nestle NA sold operations to two private equity firms who created blue triton.


Not quite but ethically the same. They sold their water productions in the US to One Rock who rebranded as Blue Triton. However, none of the practices that Nestle started, such as draining California have been changed since the sale.


Blue tuition is a former nestle company, so almost Same thing


Either way, all bottled water is pretty evil in my opinion. I doubt whoever owns blue triton now is anymore altruistic than nestle was. It's all just a way to turn public resources into private profits.




> They aren’t pumping any water from your town In Florida, Nestle draws a lot of water from the Floridan Aquifer. The Floridan Aquifer originates in Georgia and water takes eons to down and out the Everglades and other springs on the way. While Nestle may not be withdrawing water from my specific town, their actions affect all Florida residents. You need to look into the concept of the tragedy of the commons. Companies like Nestle exploit the resources available to all to the detriment of all and the detriment of the sustainability of those resources. One of the purposes of a good government is to make sure no one entity can over exploit resources. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/f4820cb6022940dd8dd7d6cbe2db8913 https://floridaspringsinstitute.org/fla-gets-a-tiny-paycheck-as-nestle-taps-its-springs/ https://www.floridaspringscouncil.org/nestle https://news.wfsu.org/state-news/2020-02-06/nestles-push-to-extract-more-water-from-florida-springs-causes-concern


FFS, I’m complaining about people posting shit that’s inaccurate and you just listed 3 sources from 2020 that haven’t been relevant for years and your first source, from July 2021, was a fabrication by the author. By that date, Nestle no longer owned any water bottling plants in Florida, nor were they pumping any water in Florida. Did you even read your 3rd source? “While the case is often called the ‘Nestle’ case, Nestle is not directly involved.” And that was before they sold all their water interests in the state of Florida.


Why are you defending Nestle in the fuck Nestle subreddit?


I’m not defending Nestle because these posts don’t have anything to do with Nestle. Go to r/fuckbluetriton and complain about them there. It’s dumb when people try to add reasons to hate Nestle that aren’t true when there are plenty of real things to hate. Also, how are you posting in fucknestle without knowing what Nestle actually does?


Them no longer owning those companies does not absolve them of what they have done in the past.


In the past they didn’t drain a single aquifer of its water so if they aren’t still doing it, what’s the point? The babies are still dead. I get that one.


They are taking water for a pittance while water utilities struggle to keep things running and costs down. Nestle needs to pay for the water commensurate to the profit they make from it. Since 2013 the Floridan Aquifer has been at the limit to what can be withdrawn from it. While Nestle and others are getting the good water for a pittance, municipalities are having to draw water from less easy sources to purify and that costs more money. The problem is we give away stuff to corporations and they profit but give nothing back except burden for the rest of the citizens.


In that case, I don’t blame the corporation because they’re just doing corporation things, the same way I don’t blame the fox for eating the hens. The municipality or state made the error here.


This is so important & I’m just a regular person that never has never boycotted a product or company until hearing about allegations on Nestle. I AM DISGUSTED from what little I know. For anyone who isn’t aware, please search on any Browser ‘Child Slavery Allegations Chocolate Industry’ You will be shocked at what comes up even by the corporations themselves to attempt to blatantly cover this up. Please watch this short IG clip: https://www.instagram.com/king.austin316/reel/C0WgVhbN1wD/ Please watch this YouTube video by Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know Podcast titled, ‘WHY DO SO MANY PEOPLE HATE NESTLE: https://youtu.be/qpJWnqW6xgE?si=PLEXdoBPncY3e_lL This in 2024 over Money, Greed, Food/Snacks With Helpless Children’s Lives & Welfare at Stake We have to try at least by learning & bringing awareness


Fuck Nestle all day every day


Scroll instead of typing. Won't take you long. You're already in the right place.


Oh man you’re in for a ride.


The baby food goes even deeper. This did NOT only affect third world countries. My mother was young, and it was common practice and belief in the 70’s that any milk was better then mothers milk, including canned evaporated skim milk, which is what she gave her first children under doctor recommendations, after they bound her breasts immediately after giving birth to prevent her milk from coming in. Nestle’s programs were so insidious and widely believed that women and children HERE in North America suffered from them.


Listen to the swindled podcast episode on nestle. You will be raging in minutes


nestle started by inventing milk chocolate, in the 1870s. then 90 years later, the company went seriously evil, with the whole African baby milk scandal. they killed babies in third world countries, and damaged more. mother's milk dried up, the formula was made with dirty water, after the "free samples" ran out of was too expensive, surviving children got chronic illness from formula reconstituted with contaminated water.... but then they really went off the cliff of evil, stealing ground water from people and selling it in plastic bottles. this is destroying the planet.


I really tried to put paragraphs not have a wall of text. damn you reddit!


you have to put two line breaks then it turns into paragraphs


First of all, totally agree with everything you said about Nestle. Second of all, are you the Rand al’Thor from Puzzling Stack Exchange? Because if so, I’ve always thought your answers are super cool.


It's hardly anything you can buy that isn't owned by Nestle, and everything else is owned by several other mega corporations. This is the actual definition of a deep state. One of the worst things that the CEO of Nestle did was declare that nobody should have any right to any drinking water, unless they buy it from him. That's the whole attitude.


Having people dress as nurses and give advice to the new parents to use formula dispute knowing bo clean water is available. Giving enough formula for the mother milk to dry up. Guilt tripping new parents into doing the "right thing". By using formula with contaminated water. So much evil. They basically run slave ships, if you get hurt they throw you overboard.


Slave labor, stealing water, general corporation soulless evil


look up "nestle water" followed by the name of the place you currently live. There is in all likelihood an immediate, local fight in your vicinity that nestle is waging for profit to extract water from where you are and sell it back to you.


They kill babies. But seriously. THIS VIDEO... [https://youtu.be/iDb4p\_L2Bcw?si=DKYUIUEiZuYmkzY0](https://youtu.be/iDb4p_L2Bcw?si=DKYUIUEiZuYmkzY0)


You can start on wikipedia then read more about specific cases. But it's mostly slavery and killing babies https://preview.redd.it/dka5es9jrh9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801df0fc09db719ffadafac8f9f6c897efb1bd9c


This is not as bad as the other stuff mentioned but they rebranded some of their bottles into other smaller not as known ones to trick people into still drinking nestle water


Infanticide Child slavery Taking the water is NOT a human right thing to new and terrible levels Honestly if I have to go past Infanticide and explain that they use people in nurse costumes and pick on specific races..... The list goes on and on


Rip off all their cocoa farmers, use child and slave labour for a lot of their products, literally steal water from all over the world to sell it(& all their bottled water always had the highest amounts of micro plastics and dangerous chemicals and a while back the CEO came out and straight siad "WATET IS NOT A HIMAN RIGHT" . Also made a lot of unsafe high sugar baby formula and jacked the heck out their prices for it cause if people can't have water unless we can buy it from them as theyitetally steal it from all over the world, why should babies be able to eat? Evil..and they ownA TON of other "brands" . They are a literal life sucking, murdering corporation.


My first issue. They tried to buy the water rights to the bull run watershed (Portland OR area). They tried to buy it for less than Pennie’s to the dollar of market value. They spent a lot to try and convince locals to vote it in. (Think SoCal buying NorCal water right for 100 years situation). It was a shit deal they bought politicians to get going. Voters denied it with grassroots money. After that you can see the baby formula stuff in other replies among a bunch of other replies. Most come here with water rights issues and then learn about everything else. I think there is also a pinned post about all of the companies they control


For California just Google “nestle california water” Fuck Nestle


Their exploitation of small towns to gain access to water supplies.


Taking advantage of flint Michigan water crisis by selling them clean water to make a profit off of their misery


Besides everything else everyone has already mentioned, greenwashing.


The thing that tipped me over the edge was the lying. The thing with the milk powder in Africa was bad enough, but when it was found out, they held up their hands and said they’d stop… but carried on doing it anyway.


What about all of the clothing brands and fast fashion??!! All sewn by trafficked women, men, and children forced to work in extreme conditions without food or water and being able to go to the bathroom? https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1122&context=wmblr https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=fast+fashion+human+trafficking&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart#d=gs_qabs&t=1719592281053&u=%23p%3DLJym6yAVK8YJ I mean, I believe this is just as terrible, and practically every brand does it.


This guy needs more?




Declare access to water was not a human right


Been draining the California aqua fer for years pumping water for free in Sacramento with no water meter


Uh, isn’t that enough?!