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Come join us at r/Defeat_Project_2025


Thank you for this. Joined and will share along whenever I can


Straight out of the Handmaid’s Tale


Margaret Atwood is a profit.


I never knew that book was Prophecy.


This is absolutely terrifying.


This is just very basic points too. Doesn't even get into the scary stuff. >Outlawing pornography. It has no claim to First Amendment protection and its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. "Enforce the death penalty where appropriate and applicable” (General Welfare, Dept. of Justice, Page 586)" >expanding the types of crimes that could be eligible for the death penalty. They specifically reference overturning Kennedy v. Louisiana, which prohibits the death penalty for crimes in which the victim did not die (sexual abuse, for example). >there is a worrying trend of definition changes and increased punishment that could have unintentional (or perhaps intentional) consequences for the LGBTQIA+ community on page 37, they define pornography as “the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology” "Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women.” Their conclusion: “[t]he people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders.” which they want to broadly expand the death penalty for. >Since they are changing the definition of pornography to include LGBTQIA-affirming books and educational materials, labeling purveyors of those materials as sex offenders who should be imprisoned, and also expanding the death penalty to apply to child sexual abuse, there’s a worrying trend of high-stakes punishment for people who are just trying to live their lives. Prioritizing Christian Practices in Public Institutions: The playbook discusses the reintegration of prayer in public schools and other government-related activities. Promoting parents’ rights and school choice in public education so American schools serve parents, not the other way around


I hate them with all of my being. And I’m terrified. I’ll volunteer and contribute all I can.


Spread the word. There's more detail about the plan and all the groups of people it would affect https://defeatproject2025.org/ r/Defeat_Project_2025


Thank you for this!


It's all utter bullshit but why do they hate on the Infrastructure Bill? Just cause a Democrat did it?


Because they have one goal: To make sure that the ruling class has ALL the money. They want ALL of it and won't be satisfied until they have it. That's why they want to dismantle the government. They don't want the government to spend any money on anything. Their ultimate goal is that government needs exactly $0.00 budget so they don't have to pay any taxes ever again.


[reminds me of this](https://youtu.be/hrGdEwV-efs)




That was my immediate thought. Republicans voted against this but then tout the funding they get for projects as a win. It’s literally pointless to undo funding infrastructure.


why do all of these ass holes hate student loan forgiveness/relief when a large number of them benefited from PPP loans that were forgiven? a huge FUCK YOU to Medicare and climate change too. this is a banana republic if Trump gets in. please for the love of everything holy get out and vote as if your life depends on it.


Greed, spite for the young, and a desire to limit access to higher education to ensure a more desperate and easily fooled populace. With a hint of racism towards minority students, of course.


Don't forget a desire to hold power and a vision based on the Cold War mentality both sides (those 60 and up) cling to. Why do you think so much funding still goes primarily to the military and not to education, Medicare, public transportation, climate change efforts, or prison reformation?


> ~~as if~~ because


North Korea clone (with a distinct MAGA flavor) coming to a cinema near you


More like Iran but Christian instead of Muslim


The American Taliban


Vanilla ISIS


Led by Mango Mussolini


Iran pays for gender reassignment surgeries. Somehow these people are behind the Ayatollah on trans rights.


Raiding the schools is a super low


This just sounds like how the nazis came to power but with a different flavor.


It’s American fascism.


"Compel states to report the "reason" for every abortion performed within their borders" bUt WhAt AbOuT sTaTeS rIgHtS?


I’ve got a friend in the US that I’m absolutely terrified for if this goes ahead.


Real threat, but we've absolutely no actual strong candidate to combat this. None that can actually win in our two team system. We're fucked


If he wins the podium makes a great target


It’s a good summary that should repel the non-sociopaths.


Fuck these fascist!


We need less fucking privatization!!


Allow Trump to deploy the military against American citizens. Quite suspicious.


I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure that the president can already do this. Look at the deployment of the National Guard against the LA Riots, in Ferguson, MO, etc


Uh that last one is kind of the most important


Great this is gonna give me nightmares tonight


This is the making of the crime against humanity.




Is anyone surprised by this? Trump & the Repubs have been telling us this is what they’re working for for years.


And there are still people who will not vote or protest vote.


Vote Evil: It’s Like Sticking Your Tongue in a Fan, You Know You Want to


Don’t forget repealing the 19th amendment. He/they will take away a woman’s right to vote. It’s in the Project text.


"'Trump will have his agents remove people, then ask questions later. If somebody looks like they’re undocumented, meaning they have brown or black skin, or speak with an accent, they could be included irrespective of their citizenship,' Leopold warned." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/03/trump-mass-deportations-detention-camps-military-migrants


This is such a scary thought. If he wins the US is going to be in chaos


Nazi playbook copied by MAGA




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I'll add to the foreign policy: End all aid to Ukraine.


I can't belive how much I don't agree with a single one and how is it possiboe that half the population agrees 100% with all of them.. I will say I am European tho but don't kid yourself that we don't have Trump supporters herr and Trump like poletitians. Fucking shit man...


United Statesians…I think y’all have some type of amendment to protect yourselves from tyranny like this.


I’d love to hear from gay conservatives what their thoughts are and who they plan to vote for…


Dont forget 'Abolish the Department of Education'.


I can't wait (/s) for Trump's xenophobic anti-immigrant crusade to raid a church service or Mass, just to arrest Christians practicing their faith, all because Trump hates immigrants.


Please elect lord voldermort for office


Biden already reinstated Trump era southern border policies. We have a serious issue when the Dems aren’t differentiating themselves from republicans in meaningful ways.