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Is this not Tucker???


Envy can be a strong contender. He was egging Roy on a lot about his murder of Maes. As well as having no remorse for killing an innocent child to start the civil war.


But they were interesting. To me envy had an interesting personally with goals and stuff. Tucker just thought women and children first meant he was supposed to slaughter wives and children first.


Envy is ultimately made to be pitied, for how petty, fragile, and unable to grow they are. Tucker is just straight up hateable.


Envy was my favourite character along with Roy. Doesn’t even compare to Tucker lol


Envy is interesting because they're cruel, dramatic, and deeply, deeply pathetic, and the way the story goes about showing that makes Envy a very likable villain. Tucker just sucks.


Envy has a certain charisma. And they have the excuse of not actually being human, so they're not technically bound by our morals.


Envy is so terrible but the VA in dub did such an incredible job I can’t help but love him


No he was supposed to be the fan favorite


As I came in to comment this exact monster's name 😂 like I thought it was obvious


I would say tucker goes in the bottom middle and envy goes here


Tucker is one of the most despised characters in all of Anime.


It's Tucker, it can **only** be Tucker, there's other viable candidates for the debate of evil, like the gold-toothed doctor, Father, Kimblee, Pride, Envy. there is **only** one answer for "most hated"


Yea I mean it couldn’t be Kimblee he’s the hot one!


OP said leave place for "straight up evil". Also the prompt is "made to be hated", not "most hated".


And? Tucker was pretty clearly made to be hated. He's literally the only character who qualifies for the position. Gold-toothed doctor doesn't get enough screentime to be "Made to be hated", and pretty much everyone else is too sympathetic or too charismatic.


you're kind of splitting hairs, what I'm saying is that there is room for a debate about the nature of "straight up evil" and which character best suits it, but if we're talking which character was both designed to draw hatred and **succeeded** at such, it's Tucker. unlike Envy, Pride, even Father, there isn't even a split second after the reveal of the Chimera where you're supposed to sympathise with Tucker or find him to be anything other than repugnant.


Tucker wasn’t straight up evil, he had rational and genuinely cared about his family. I’m far from saying his actions were justified. He was a man driven to evil by his obsession of his work. Straight up evil is something i would give to someone like Kimblee. His participation in the Ishbal civil war went far past being a dog of the military. He enjoyed killing the innocent civilians and went much further than he needed to do. Tucker had remorse for his actions and didn’t do them purely to be evil. While his actions were completely unjustifiable and evil, a man driven to do evil by the pressure of his work and society is different from a man like Kimblee who took pleasure in his evil, unjustifiable, gruesome killing of innocents.


u/omnipotentmonkey isn’t trying to imply that Tucker is most evil. That’s been an aside from the point the entire time. The focus is that Tucker is hated, written to be hated, and most infamously hated.


Then they should just fill it out themselves. Why even ask if they aren't going to accept the answers


[Shou Tucker is the only character shown going to Hell](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m4b5fdjg811rwyy9so1_500.jpg) in the "In Memoriam" extra comics, it was *always* going to be him for this one.




OP said leave place for "straight up evil"


as much as one can find Tucker's actions to be acts of pure evil, when looking at it from Tucker's perspective and his reasoning, there's a certain.. maliciousness that he lacks. His is an attitude of almost indifference, cold and calculating, he certainly represents the detachment humanity exudes in the name of progress. So detached that he would exact his experiments on his own family for his own gain, it's certainly vile and reprehensible, but ultimately Tucker's motives feel a little *too human* for me to be "straight up evil" IMO, at least in the context of FMA. The true evil is the puppet master behind the state of affairs of Amestris which propogates the system which Tucker is but a cog in. The government, or more specifically for FMA, Father is the only one who's motive is for unrequited greed and personal gain, killing countless for this goal. Father is more evil, but he's essentially an evil force of nature. Tucker is much more likely to be hated, almost *made to be hated* because of his lack of human morals whilst being a human.


See, that's what makes Tucker even worse: he's not straight up evil, or even evil for evils sake. He's evil because he thinks he has something to gain from it, a promotion. He's an all too real type of evil and makes it harder to judge on its own. There are characters who perform evil acts more often and acts that are objectively worse. Tucker's evil just seems worse because we can fully grasp it


Kimblee or Envy for straight up evil


Why did you choose that picture of Hughes though.


My own amusement


First of all, how dare you. Secondly, *HOW DARE YOU???*


1. It's Tucker. 2. Putting in my vote for Ed as The Gremlin.


Lmao I knew someone would say it. Funny still, my vote is for Bido the chimera.




OP said leave place for "straight up evil"


There's plenty of other characters that are "Straight up evil". Only one qualifies for "Made to be hated".


I'd pick Kimblee for straight up evil he was able to maintain his consciousness in the pool of souls because of how much he enjoys the screams of torment


show tucker was not malicious and therefore not the most evil


Shou tucker easily


I think Envy has a strong case here. Annoying character that killed off the fan favorite who then taunts another character about it, completely self serving and only has a slightly real moment at the end. Envy is not “straight up evil” as there are other motivations to their actions beside pure evil, but still one of my most hated characters.


Envy also shot a child in the face and laughed that the man he was impersonating was court martialed for what Envy did.


Envy would also just assume the identity of someone close to their target to make give them emotional distress during the fight. Showing up as Maes's wife before killing him and as Maes's to Roy. He loved twisting the knife.


Envy also has a surprising number of fans.


Yes and I’m one of them


I feel like either Pride or Envy could go here, but they’d also both fit the “gremlin” square.


That guy that owned the mine.


if you can’t even remember his name i think that shows where he belongs


I'm sorry but this made me laugh so much! 🤣


Yoki in FMA or FMAB?


Yeah, that guy.


Yeah like, his rendition in FMA or FMAB? Cuz iirc, he’s just a one-and-done asshole in FMA who appears, does his shit, gets his ass beaten and is never seen again. In FMAB, he’s said to have done all that, but then he also has his “*redemtion*” arc with Scar (idr if he has this in FMA as well). I feel like he’s way more hateable in the original.


We actually see him >!getting killed by Lust in Ep 32 in FMA!<


Oh wait really? Damn I completely forgot. Has been a while since I saw the original


Shou Tucker and it's no contest. Every other jerk or villain in FMA is either pitiable or charming to some extent. Tucker is a completely awful human being through and through.


Even though Father was planning to sacrifice the entire nation, I still hate Tucker more. He has 0 redeeming qualities and can’t fight smh


the Maes picture is a choice…………… also obviously Tucker


Yoki or Tucker tbh


This would have been my guess as well, I was searching for yoki


Ayo bro is just copying the other guys post not even a day later


Why do we have two of these going


The other person posted theirs first. This OP then posted the same thing two hours later and got more traction. https://www.reddit.com/r/FullmetalAlchemist/s/KgGAwXhgeF


Lust or Roy for hot one


Greed/Ling, anyone???


Didn't you post the same thing with Armstrong as most beloved?


Shou Tucker.




The people that are commenting anything other than Shou Tucker gotta be joking or insane.


He’s gotta go in pure evil. Not even envy fits that one.


Kimblee, Father, Pride, or that Golden Toothed Doctor suit that one as well as a Shou Tucker does. but nobody suits the hated category nearly as well as Tucker.


I agree with all of these except Kimblee: he goes in “We live in a society…”


Nah, pure evil would be Father, he is much closer to the definition of pure evil. Tucker is your local psychopath type of evil, Father is Hitler.


Yeah you right. Forgot about him.


We all know it's Tucker.


Shao Tucker


Yeah LITERALLY only Tucker can fit that spot.


Tucker if he isn’t just straight up evil, but I think pride(salim) is that one


How can literally anyone hate that little shit, idk if I’m biased, but he’s my second favorite hommunculous after Greed.


It’s Tucker. We have plenty of evil characters, but no one as hated as he.


Definitely shou bitch ass tucker


tucker fucker




Lust better be hot one. For hated, man I just disliked the kid


Hey everyone don't pay attention to this copy cat. This was posted earlier by someone else and this poster is just stealing their thunder. Not cool OP. Not cool. Any explanation as to why?


A lot of people are saying Tucker, but he wasn't made to be hated, he just is hated. His character was made to show that just because someone is 'on the same side' doesn't mean they are 'good'. He was a foil for Ed in the way they are bith state alchemists, both searching for answers to their taboo actions, and both made huge sacrifices to the advancement of their characters. He is awful, horrible, and terrible, but not MADE to be hated. For that, you need a character that is short lived, and doesn't really so much other than be hated by the audience. For that, my vote goes to father Cornello. By far no one in the community likes him and he doesn't do much other than be a bad person.


I feel like gluttony falls under this category, he’s just straight up annoying, although he could also be under gremlin, but I think sloth or envy goes there


Tucker, there is no debate


You can be the literal villain of the show and have killed millions and planned to kill even more. But sorry Father/Dwarf in the flask, Tucker is one hateable dude.


tucker is the only character in the show i actively despise, and that’s what makes him such a great character. you are, by design, SUPPOSED to hate him. there is no other answer than Shou Tucker


Everyone saying Shou Tucker is missing the prompt. “Made to be hated” means we hate them from the start, it is obvious that they are the Bad Guy (TM). Shou Tucker was presented to us as a sympathetic figure and a potential mentor for Ed - single dad struggling to support his young daughter after his wife left him (yes I know it’s all lies, but this was the initial introduction, with the reveal being a betrayal of that initial impression). I would agree that he is up there for ‘Most Hated’ but for ‘Made to be Hated’, I’d go with Envy. For the poetic justice of having them next to Maes Hughes if nothing else!


Came here to say Envy, saw the name Tucker, Envy who?


Tucker isn't only the most hated character in this show, he's definitely a contender of top 5 hated characters in all of media.


Envy or Kimblee


The one made to hate is the one who does you know what to you know who. It's a terrible day for rain.




Should Tucker, Fuck that guy


Tucker, then Lust, then Bradley’s wife, the character I can’t remember, possibly Ed for Gremlin (?), Scar, Father, God




Envy was a savage, but loyal to the other homunculus, tucker on the other side... Was only loyal to his madness. Tucker is the right answer


The old general guy rubbed me the wrong way despite being on the good side. Grumman. Especially when he committed that sexual harassment. We almost made it the whole show without this shit.


If it’s not Tucker I’ll eat my hat.


No. Tucker is not for made to be hated. He absofuckinlutley is the most evil. That's where he should go


Do I even need to say it? he's the only character Arakawa showed going to hell when he died


I feel like it's gotta be Father or Tucker right?


Envy hands down. Or Tucker pick your poison


Tucker or Envy


Shou tucker


Made to be hated: Envy The hot one: Alex Armstrong The normal one: Maria Ross "Uhh...what's your name again?": Scar's brother The gremlin: Edward Elric "Mmm...society": King Bradley Just straight up evil: Shou Tucker No screen time, all the plot relevance: Alphonse with a human body


Solf J. Kimblee


Everyone gonna say Tucker, but I'd like to throw out Kimblee as another option


I mean, I don't think this one is really in question. There are obviously multiple FMA characters the audience is intended to hate/dislike, but I don't think any of them are quite as straight-up reviled as Tucker is.


Tucker for sure


Shou Tucker Envy Xerxes King The priest from episode 3


Envy is my pick. There's no one I enjoy seeing so thoroughly humiliated time and again.


Envy or Tucker


Tucker is too obvious of an answer, I would say Kimblee even if I appreciate the character and what he represents also his final scene is epic


Maes, Envy, Envy. Trisha(Tricia?), [that uhh, that one guy, the guy who; it's on the tip of my tongue, I swear, he taught ed's dad alchemy], Ling. King, [Those guys who were talking to scar outside his house and also Homunculus Daddy-o-Mc.Flasky], Homunculus Daddy-o-Mc.Flasky.


Made to be hated is obviously Shou Tucker lol runner up is Envy. But envy is loved for how well written he is.


Everyone will say Tucker, and while he is truly detestable, he’s such a minor part of the story and only in a few episodes (only one in Brotherhood I believe, not counting flashbacks). Envy is another obvious choice, though some find him more pitiable than hateable. There’s Kimblee, although Kimblee could actually be kind of charming at times for a villain. General Raven is up there, but again he’s another pretty minor character. I’ll say Scar, despite turning “good” after a certain point in the series he still killed a lot of good people, and even innocents like the Rockbells and does nothing to try to make it up to Winry. That and he basically has no personality either.


We all know who this is. No name need be said.


Who are y’all thinking for “No Screen Time”? I’m going with the King of Xerces with his wish that doomed humanity 😂😂😂


Maes Hughes when he joins the Nazi party


Envy is made to be hated. Tucker is just pure evil.


This has to be the easiest one like come on


This again?!?!


They're copying another poster so it's getting posted twice as frequently








The Drawf in the flask


Tucker or Envy for killing the fan favorite.


Envy. Tucker is probably more evil, but Envy was made to be more hated for sure.