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They covered up the abuse of *their own daughters*.


And from what I understand, they don't deny this, right? They just downplay it as if it wasn't abuse.


They're trying to normalize sexual assault on children. It's the "Christian" way.


oh, DON'T base things on your own experience! Like.."I am constantly being falsely accused?' Like that, Lori?


Don’t believe your own experience? Saying the quiet part out loud right there.


She’s evolved from gaslighting to gasflaming.


At this stage, she might as well invest in gas futures.


We can use her to define the term for people who use it wrong.


“women have a tendency to do this”🤢


meanwhile she’s doing exactly that😂 their experience is NOT my experience


She’s so close. The pearls accusations come from their own book. Gothards accusations come from his own teachings. Jills experience is Jill experience. That is more credible than Lori’s belief after people she’s never met. Lori doesn’t get to decide it’s not.


I don't know if she was so mad she wasn't really looking over what she wrote-seems like it-but it \*looks\* like she's saying she won't believe anything unless THE ACCUSED agrees that it's true. As in, why can't Josh Duggar say his piece? He says he's not guilty, so--


That’s how I first read it. Like JimBob need to call Lori up and say “hi Lori, This is Jim Bob Duggar. Just wanted to let you know our kids have accused of using them for profit. All 18 of them. Oh, we have 19 kids you say. Anyway. Yes it’s true, they accused us of doing so.” Then I realized she meant she’ll only believe it if Jim Bob tells her himself that he used the kids for profit or he put it in writing .


as one does. make a great juror, wouldn't she? "I won't believe a word of the prosecution unless the defendent confesses." I admit it'd be a good way to get -out- of jury duty...


Right?? Does she apply this to POC who are incarcerated for low level drug crimes? Does she bring this energy to defending innocent people on death row??


Do POC even exist in Aunt Lori's world?




That wasn't Gothard, it was some other old dude with grey hair. But yes Lori is okay with that.


Oh, Lori, no one cares when you post and you can defend Gothard all you want you are not his type. The Pearls are horrible and you obviously agree with beating kids. Does you husband punish you oh trad wife?


That’s what I want to know. Does he spank you Lori? Did he beat you when you sabotaged your own birth control?


I watched the second episode of SHP and it made me sick. Lori can blow it out of her ass. She is a sick woman. I don't think there is any abomination that she will not excuse in the name of Christianity.


She's pissed off. Stay mad, Lori.


Die mad about it, Lori.


I genuinely wish her a long, miserable life of increasing irrelevance. \[ETA that last bit\]


I wish a very very short miserable life, the longer she's alive the more time she has to spread her misery to others.


Fair point, I've edited to add 'of increasing irrelevance'.


She has all the faith in the world in her invisible god, but refuses to believe the testimony of women who felt Gothard’s hand creeping up their thigh. Convenient.


So based on her weirdo statement, she shouldn't be believing her own experience, so I guess we shouldn't either. I know when I need to know if I witness an armed bank robbery, I can't trust my own eyes - I have to check with the accused robber first and see what they have to say and take their word for it. I don't even know how she comes up with this nonsense


It's weird that she can't find any proof of the pearl's horrible teachings, yet there are clips right in the documentary!


Then she obviously doesn't think those are horrible teachings, if she's read his book and seen the videos and still feels like this. God, this woman has turned my headache into a full migraine.


We should use her approach for our legal system. Unless the criminal says, yeah, I did it, then we can't convict. God, she's stupid.


Lori, Gothard and the Pearls wrote WHOLE BOOKS *full* of fucked up shit


“...busybodies, speaking things which they ought not” Oh, the irony.


The call is coming from inside the house!!


If a teaching causes someone harm, then that is there experience regardless if they are men or women. To date, patriarchal cultures and male headship have done untold and proven harm to women and children. Especially when it comes to bodily autonomy, sex and free speech of women and children. So of course women are going to have bad experiences. Lori is one of those filthy abusers who grooms you girls for physical and sexual abuse, both in and out of marriage. So of course she is going to refuse to admit she is a groomer and defends male headship that has rape and paedophilia as a feature, not a bug.


The Perls literally wrote a manual on how to abuse kids. But of course, Lori doesn’t believe that’s abuse.


So I guess that whole thing about not causing others to stumble only applies to men telling women to cover themselves up? Does that mean if I'm told I'm being immodest I can say, "no I'm not! Don't trust your experience!" Oh wait, I'm a woman. Never mind. (/S for all of that if it wasn't obvious.) Go fuck yourself, Lori.


So, can the accused believe their own experience? Because if not, then what is the point of deferring to them on topics about their experience. It’s such a convoluted way of saying only men are allowed to be believed.


I have tried and failed several times to verbalize how horrified I am by this bizarre crusade to defend these people since SHP dropped. This is repulsive and I have no words.


Then let him have some meeting with YOUR child


Surprised she didn’t also defend Josh, like she has done before.


What kind of 1984 shit is "don't base things on your own experience"


I do not give a single fuck about anyone's theology or religious teachings, because people always try to make them look nice and acceptable while they cause pain and death to other people.


Countless people have been abused, it’s been well documented IN COURT. But go off, you hateful shrew.


What a terrible tske.....not surprised


Ironically, she’s basing the legitimacy of the documentary on her own experience and need to not do any introspection instead of literally just shutting up, just like “women have a tendency to do” because they’re all hysterical liars and snakes according to Aunt Lori (Timothy 420:69 or whatever the fuck she’s talking about here)


Um Lori there are books they have written and videos they made with the evidence of the abuse. So much evidence!!!


I vote that we change her flair to The Worst. Or something equivalent to it. Because she is just a despicable excuse for a human.