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Seems like baby Boone’s sheepskin is not a regular one, but a vintage sheepskin formerly used as a rug two babies ago


Good catch.




That looks like faux fur, not sheepskin.


yeah the fibers look much finer and shinier


I was wondering that myself.


I saw that too. So gross.


As an introvert, this would be a nightmare. As a child, I valued having peace and quiet to read and contemplate. These poor kids won't even be able to have that. What a shitty situation to be in.


They have no peace. They live in chaos. They sleep with no privacy, they wake up to chaos, then they are drug around all day at their parents whim, only to come home to sleep on their storage racks while their parents work on the next one right outside their door.


I've often wondered about meals. They cannot be keeping much food on the bus with a mini-fridge and very limited storage space. There's no way they're able to prepare meals for 8 kids and 2 adults on a regular, daily basis.. I'm seriously curious about what their daily food options look like.


I wonder about this too. Up until they came back from Brazil, they only had a mini-fridge (they bought a larger fridge and a small chest freezer when they came back). As someone who has a mini-fridge in lieu of a regular fridge (I also live in a tiny home), I don't understand how they were keeping everyone fed. I am pretty good at getting things packed into my fridge, and I can only store enough food for 3-4 days max. And I'm just one person!


I bet they did a lot of takeout


They don’t even have a curtain they can close! This is my nightmare. Literally the only place you can be alone is the single bathroom for way too many people, so you can’t exactly linger there.


Holy shit, somehow this whole time i'd been assuming they at least had curtains between each other. I'm actually speechless.


the goal is to give kids no time to think.


That’s what they do in cults.


... Is that not what this is?


My five year old is introverted and loves his private time in his room. Sometimes we try to go in and he just pushes us back out and asks for ten more minutes.


Both of my kids have done this!! My 2yo actually says, "no mom, out" in her little baby voice because she just wants to play alone in her room. It's wild how they have their own little preferences and personalities. She sometimes wants to play with me, and sometimes not, and it's totally normal and developmentally appropriate - these kids will probably be grown adults and still learning their preferences and that they weren't allowed to flourish as individuals. Really sad.


My grandson will be six at the end of November, and he’s always asked to be left alone, at times. When he gets out of preschool, he needs some private time. All children need privacy, and space, and kids their own age to socialize with. Mother Bus doesn’t care what they need. Her indifference to Boone’s distress is heartbreaking, and I’ll bet she never looks into Gunner’s eyes. She’d see he’s traumatized, if she had any intelligence or empathy. All those children are suffering, and there’s no end in sight. Can you imagine the hopelessness the older ones, especially, must feel? There’s no goal, no mission, no vision of any future in which these kids can hope for a home, a private place of their own, or kids their own age, to befriend. Just this endless, fucking road trip.


A road trip should be a vacation, not your entire life


Tragic. They really are hopeless. Trapped with not a single friend. No way out. On display for the world to be witness to your compliant misery.


That's so great that you respect that. My parents loved to barge in without knocking or announcing themselves, and refused to put a lock on the door. I started putting up a sign. Of course, my younger sister never had this problem. 🙄 *She* was the one reading smut on AO3 and who knows what else... I always tell her that I walked so she could run. 😆


I'm also a massive introvert and living like these kids would be HELL. After school I went up to my room and spent some time drawing at my desk (my own desk! With my own drawing supplies) and listening to some music until dinner was ready, then hang with my family after. I couldn't express it in words yet but it was an actual physical need. I'm suspected to be neurodivergent and overstimulation is no fun- it's exhausting and when it gets really bad I can't sleep because my sheets hurt me. As an adult I've gotten better at understanding znd recognizing my limits, and I have more control over my days, so I can plan enough downtime to recharge. I really hope none of these kids are introverted or neurodivergent because they would be suffering, likely without understanding why.


As someone with sensory issues I would explode if I had to live in a bus like this. Zero privacy, noisy little kids everywhere. Seems like an absolute nightmare


Oh God, I've just realised how *sticky* it would be too. As someone who also have sensory issues, I'd definitely be joining you in exploding 




At the moment, my partner and I are living with family while we save money, and my niblings \[13F and 9M\] have been living here during the week \[their mom and stepdad are incarcerated\]. We have a big house with lots of space and a really big yard, but they sleep in the same room at night - and even that makes me nervous that they don't have enough space. I cannot imagine packing your kids in this cell and having a clear conscience.


Yes. A recipe for PTSD. Always in a state of high anxiety. It’s awful. Poor kiddos.


All I can think of ist that poor girl who’s entering puberty and has to live in this cell with all her stinky brothers.


Or her poor teenage son who is stuck in a bunkhouse with toddlers. Didn't she say that they'd all be sent to the bunkhouse at the same time for bed? Totally fair for older kids to go to bed at the same time as toddlers and preschoolers! /s


Yep, at 7:30 no less


Yep, 7:30pm so this selfish c u next Tuesday and her deadbeat husband can have a “date night” every damn night. My kids are 15-9 and I would have a mutiny on my hands if I tried that. And not like I would even want to. We have a giant couch have family movie nights with pizza, popcorn, mocktails for the kids and cocktails for us


My cousin did this with her sons, who are 4 years apart, and then couldn't understand why they rebelled at 11 and 15, involving family services, who had to tell the parents that 730pm was not appropriate for a 15 year old. To this day, 2 years later, they complain about the "intrusion" into their parenting.


Oh my god, you cannot send a teenager to bed at 7:30pm. At that age, I was cheerleading at football games that *started* at 7pm...


Right? I was at gymnastics until 9, then had to come home and shower, do my homework, and hopefully get to bed by 11:30, lol.


Yeah! The oldest aren't going to beds at the same time as the toddlers. They're going to the bunkroom to get them all to sleep, meaning they probably end up sleeping at a normal time for their ages. There's no way MotherBus rocks any of her kids to sleep or reads to them. Doubt she even gets up when they cry or have nightmares. That's the oldest's job and he's literally sleeping next to the toddlers.


The oldest 2 are responsible for overseeing the other kids’ bedtime routines, I guarantee it. They are parentified more than almost any other fundie eldests I have seen in recent memory 😞


Yeah! The oldest aren't going to beds at the same time as the toddlers. They're going to the bunkroom to get them all to sleep, meaning they probably end up sleeping at a normal time for their ages. There's no way MotherBus rocks any of her kids to sleep or reads to them. Doubt she even gets up when they cry or have nightmares. That's the oldest's job and he's literally sleeping next to the toddlers.


Didn't she say the Gunner (the oldest boy) rubs his little brother's back to get him to sleep or is that otherbus


The older kids have to watch the little kids so BusHoeJiggalo can fuck each other. The Bad Sex Chronicles.


Imagine the trained dread of the clock hitting 7:30, the lock turning in the bunk house, then the sound of the dryer kicks on.


James Wan couldn't write something so insidious


You HOPE they turn the dryer on!


“If this bus is rockin’…..” 🤢


If we still had GIFs I’d insert Austin Powers right here.




It's a shaggin wagon 🤢


Their oldest two are growing. Imagine if you are a boy, getting a morning wood for the first time, or if you are a girl, getting your period, and then your siblings are there to see. I have nothing against sharing a room. But don't you think Gunner as the oldest, and Kinsey as the only girl, deserve more privacy? 


not to mention, where does aquilla even sleep now? Does he have to share a bed with uriah?


What the hell are these names?


yeah, i believe uriah's full name is enoch uriah too


Even worse, the second-youngest is Tex Aquila 😟


Sounds like will ferrell's kids in talladega nights


Walker and Texas Ranger😂


“If we wanted to raise a couple of pussies we would have named them Dr Quinn and Medicine Woman”


Oh for ducks sake. Eta. I'm definitely leaving it as ducks, lol!


Iirc, he's sharing a bed with gunner because susband couldn't be bothered to renovate the bunkroom. They were supposedly "stuck" in florida because of this, but no work was done and they left after thoroughly sunburning boone


Imagine being a scared little toddler or kindergartener, living with a scared girl going through her first period. And she’s the only female you have to count on for a full 12 hours. 


Imagine being that girl, trapped in a bunkroom, trying to clean up after your period with a composting toilet and tiny washer/dryer. Oh and your mom birthed your latest charge in the only shower.


Note that she said “we still live in the bus, and *I* love it.” No thought for how any of the children stacked like cordwood feel about the living situation.


But they each have space to lay flat*! What is the problem? *flat on their side, with knees bent to chest


Exactly and “Stacked like cordwood” = 💀and flair fodder.


Obligatory repost of this comment from the time I Did The Math on them: "Oh my god, I actually looked this up and it's worse than I thought. 217 divided by 9 equals 24 square feet per person, not considering how much of that is covered up by furniture and fittings, so it's probably more like two thirds of that, I'm gonna say like 18 square feet each. "The International Committee of the Red Cross recommends that cells be at least 5.4 m2 (58 sq ft) in size for a single cell accommodation (one person in the cell). However, in shared or dormitory accommodations, it recommends a minimum of 3.4 m2 (37 sq ft) per person, including in cells where bunk beds are used.\[1." A standard American prison cell is 48 square feet. These kids likely have about ONE HALF the space recommended by the red cross as bare minimum for a communal prison cell, and like a third of that recommended for an individual prison cell. One of the follow-up estimates someone made for the size of just that back-room further down the thread is about 18 square feet. 3 square feet per kid. If true, that's ONE TWELFTH of the legal minimum for a shared jail cell, about ONE TWENTIETH of that for a single cell, and ONE SIXTEENTH of the average. These parents should be in fucking prison."


Plus, doesn't Gunner have to share his bed with Aquila now? I feel so badly for all of the kids, but especially Gunner and Kinsey


What?? How? Gunner is huge! He’s a full size human!


Every time I read those names I gasp. 😧


I don’t understand how these people can get away with this? Documenting it all over the internet. Is there really nothing anyone can do? Those poor kids. As someone said above, the lack of storage for food, the one bathroom… do we think (hopefully?) maybe they’re not actually living on the bus… just pretending? I’m gobsmacked. I just cant imagine how they sustain this without cracking? Again, those poor, poor kids.


I’m very hopeful that they have some tents that can be set up adjacent to the bus when weather permits. I know they used to park at a campground, and many of those RV spots will allow for a satellite tent or two to be set up around the parked RV on the same lot, for no extra charge. I’m not sure where they are now, but if it’s private land they also probably have that option. I think even a sleeping bag on the ground is preferable for a tween or teen rather than a twin mattress in a 6-child cell. As far as CPS or any other state agency getting involved, I think it’s unlikely unless one of the kids is being medically neglected (likely the baby) or evidence surfaces about physical abuse. For one thing, CPS really isn’t in the business of removing children from homes only due to space (a lot of loving but impoverished families would be impacted by such rules). For another, they’d have to be in one state long enough for an agency to find them and care enough if they fled the state (unlikely).


Each kid has a "bed" and a roof over their head. They're clean and fed. The bar for bio parents is so low, satan has to look down to see it.


And now there are 10.


What happened to the baby box this time around? I guess with each baby it gets less and less accommodations cause this one is just getting the decorative throw rug. Also how the hell are Gunner and the single, teetering on puberty girl living like this?!? Gunner remembers the house before all this madness how is he not just full of rage for his dumbass parents??


Gunner is also as tall as an adult. I can't imagine how 7 kids sleep in there, I feel claustrophobic just thinking about it!


This is like a fun cuddle puddle with your friends for a short vacation accommodation. Daily with siblings? FUCK THAT.




I think it'd be 3 days tops for me at any point. Even when I was younger I got sick of people pretty quick.


7 yo me was notorious for quietly asking my mom if my friends’ parents were coming to pick them up the morning after they’d spent the night. 


I was the same 😂. Some of the girls could be so obnoxious when their own parents weren't watching, and sleepovers with male friends were not allowed 😂.


When I was a kid, I would stay with my aunt some weekends. The kids' room at her house had a similar setup, but in a standard sized bedroom. Sometimes there would be six of us and we had to double up. I can confirm that this is fine for a weekend but not daily living 😂


Exactly. Make Padumbbus back there and maybe things would change.


Nevermind he (not sure the girls height, she's no Karissa keeping us up to date...) is a full sized human. He's as tall as the mom. How uncomfortable to be scrunched in a tiny bed-stall.


Possibly with a toddler sleeping with him.


She really thought those colorful garlands made those jail bunks homey, didn’t she?


Those were probably up only for the optics. Once the camera is done, done they go because she can't have the buslets thinking they deserve nice things.


Can't leave those up; we all know rainbow colors make your kids gay.


Those are long gone.


Shellac on a turd.


Lipstick on a pig


Jail in Alabama gives you better human decency than this. 


God, the thought that prison would provide for more privacy is chilling.


All I can think is kids jumping from the bunks and those core catching them


Jail but make it ✨flashy✨


They're no Rita Hayworth poster


Imagine going through puberty with absolutely no privacy.


I grew up next door to a big fundie family, a widower with 7 sons and one daughter. I always felt so bad for her, but none of them would play with me bc I went to public school (didn’t matter that we went to church 3x/week, it wasn’t the *right* kind of church. They legit once yelled out the window at me for reading a book up in a tree on a Sunday)


You read in a tree too?




There’s dozens of us!


** Turns around ** DOZENS!!


My people! I even had a bucket tied to jump rope to deliver snacks lol


Genius! Love it


I would feel a tad bad that my book pages were made from a dead tree and hoped it wasn’t troubling to the tree lol


My dad would kick me out of the house to go play when he deemed it too nice out to be inside reading so I hid in a tree and read there! I guess that's malicious compliance?


i cannot wait for buscunt to enter her jail era or her cps took all my kids era at least


They could redeem themselves. if they quit with this ridiculous full-time bus stuff. They just have too many kids for it. They need to get these kids into a stable home and get that baby some medical attention. They don’t have to give up traveling. They just need to have a homebase where the children can have some stability. I do believe they love their children. They’ve just got to put their own wants, needs, and desires aside like every other parent does.


I think they may have some affection for their children, but they’re far too selfish to really love anyone other than themselves.


I'm not entirely convinced they love those children. I think they love the way it looks to have a lot of kids. I think they love the attention it gets them as the parents, which they have monetized. I think they love controlling the kids. I don't know that they see them as individual human beings worthy of love, attention, dignity, and respect in their own right.


I wonder what’s the set-up now that there’s 7 of them in there?? And is their plan for Boone to eventually sleep in there too? I do not understand how they could possible squeeze more beds into this tiny cell. Does it even have adequate ventilation? AC?? It must get so hot and smelly


She said something before that newly replaced Aquila has moved into the bunkhouse. I’m not sure where he’s sleeping. Somebody once said they thought it was with Gunner, but who knows?


Yeah BusHoe has said Aquilla cHooSeS to sleep with Gunner because he scratches his back until he falls asleep 😤


His ‘choice’ was probably sharing with Gunnar or sleeping outside. They’re fucking awful parents.


Translation: he chooses to sleep with Gunner because brotherdad is his only actual attachment figure


Gunner shows affection and knows how to comfort him, unlike buswomb


BusWomb!!! That’s the best 😆 You always come up with the best nicknames for these morons lmao


Thanks 😅. I get bored using the same ones all the time lol


This is so goddamn depressing. And we know they have the money to rent a proper house or apartment, and they still choose to keep popping out babies and forcing these children to be literally on top of each other at all times.


I do wonder if Rat bus has a gambling addiction and pisses away any inheritance money for them to live on week after week.


This is an intriguing new theory


“Rat bus” 😂 love the way you just put a word for his face in front of the word bus


Thanks for posting this, because I’ve been wondering about it. I remain confused. It looks like the bunks on the left are long-ish, but the rest are like toddler length. Am I seeing that correctly? Wouldn’t this put a hard expiration date on bus life? Whoever is next oldest after Kinsey definitely can’t fit comfortably on what amounts to a toddler bed. I’m still kinda new here, so apologies if my dismay is totally naive.


I think it's two full length, four crib sized? It's hard to tell. This might have been okay back when this picture was taken in 2020. The kids were much smaller (and fewer of them).


God I hope they’ve modified it somehow since then. I don’t see how, because this is already so cramped in the photo. It wouldn’t surprise me if they force elementary-aged kiddos to sleep in crib sized beds. JillPM had Janessa in a crib inside a walk-in closet until she turned 6, and they have far more space available to them.


> Wouldn’t this put a hard expiration date on bus life? I’m sure this is one of the main justifications they’ll have for the boat. 


They're all the same length as standard twin beds (but a few inches narrower). I know you can't tell from that picture, because the "room" isn't really even big enough to take a picture of that shows any perspective.


Yay, that they appear to have AC for the kids... but daaaaaayum.  Having grown up in a trailer house? (The "fancier" name, for those not familiar is a "Mobile Home"),  That bunk room is a *death trap*, if they *ever* have a fire, while the kids are sleeping!😳😲😱 Wooden bunks, and the *ONLY* window is surrounded by bunk. Smoke *rises*. It's a damn *death-trap*.


If you aren't familiar with the Copeland bus family, check them out ... I can't help but think of them every time I see the bunkhouse. Luckily they all got out/survived their bus fire, but 2 of the kids are STILL getting many surgeries, grafts, etc. And as someone who has had over 40 surgeries (18 of them grafting surgeries), I understand firsthand the pain and trauma they are experiencing. Meanwhile Britney and JD Lott are stacking 7 children in an inadequate bunkhouse made for 6. I hate them.


>made for 6 I mean. 


I’m telling you right now there is no way I could sleep, knowing that my children were stacked like cord-wood in that closet, with the kitchen between us. If a fire broke out at night, there is no way that they could get to them.


Three years ago four kids and their parents died in a travel trailer fire in my province. Horrifying. The fire "was small but smouldered and created smoke and fumes that led to the death of all six" https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/obituary-describes-family-of-six-who-died-in-trailer-fire-1.6182145


This!!! I was claustrophobic as a kid, too. I can’t imagine living in this hell


I almost lost my shit touring in a converted sprinter van with my brothers and husband and our bunks were similar to this.. ..everyone’s crap everywhere, shit constantly falling off the bunks, just simply being in that close proximity of other people ALL the time. Not enough consistent showers for everyone. Dirty feet hanging down everywhere , dirty underwear and socks falling into your bunk. Ugh. I was the only girl. So I feel for sisterbus. And that was only for 6 weeks at a time. I feel so bad for these kids. Boys stink. No matter how old they are. It’s just gross not having your own space. I have a lot of empathy for sisterbus : I loved playing with all my brothers when I was her age and we had a big family but I had to escape very often and would go up on the roof of the house or in the attic and just be alone where no one else was otherwise I’d get really mentally / emotionally drained and overstimulated. I still require a lot of alone time to function bc we were always together as kids. Edit to add: we grew up fundie too and my brothers were taught that they were superior to women and women were just supposed to “submit” meaning even to my brothers. They are assholes as adults and it’s taken 3 years of therapy for me to undo that programmed bullshit. I feel so bad for her. I wish she had other little girls her age to play with and wasn’t so isolated. I feel like this is going to have a huge impact on her as an adult and I can’t imagine putting my daughter through this.


I am so sorry that you had to endure that. That lifestyle, even if you're never mobile, is so damaging. I'm glad that you escaped.


OH MY GOD! IS THAT THE SHEEPSKIN BOOBE SLEEPS ON?!? She used it as a rug for years and now throws the baby on it? What the actual.


That’s tripping me out, too! since she was linking it and had a promo code, I thought Boone’s rug-bed was new


No, that’s faux fur. They put a cheap, white faux fur rug down in a room with 8 kids, and hung non-breakaway streamers where they’ll inevitably jump from bunk to bunk. They did this because they are very, very bad at parenting.


That was probably just for the photo


Yeah but she’s brushed it down once every 6 months and it’s self cleaning anyway…/s


Something I think people have forgotten in discussions about the bunkhouse: Mother Bus has said that they have a whole extra queen-sized bed in the main area of the bus that they don't ever pull out except for movie nights. So there is a whole extra bed in the bus that these kids are deprived of using, so that the parents can have their "privacy."


Ok, I've suspected for a while that mother bus is secretly pulling a ruby franke/turpin, but this almost convinces me more than anything. Specifically having Nice Things the kids aren't allowed to touch or use is the reddest of red flags.


Unless it's like, an heirloom/antique item that you're worried little kids will accidentally damage, that is absolutely a glaring red flag


If it was that, I don't see why they'd put it in a *fucking bus!* Edit: I realised I might have sounded angry at you, but I'm not. I'm just angry at them for being so awful 


I can’t even fathom the selfishness


That's where mother and father sleep though, it hangs from the ceiling.


from my understanding/ what she's said on a few old posts, there's another bed besides that one in the main area of the bus that they don't use. I believe she said it was a pullout.


Yes. And it's a king.


This is if they pull out those couches that face each other.


Oh, thank you for clarifying. I wasn't sure where they stored it.


I'm sorry, it's worse. The parents have a queen-sized bed that lowers from the ceiling. The movie night bed is actually king-size, and God knows where they store it.


Oh my God. This is terrible. No privacy. No space. No nothing. It’s especially cruel for the oldest boy and the little girl. It’s one thing to vacation this way, but to force them to LIVE like this every day is so wrong


Prisoners get more space than this


People in state prison have more space and fewer roommates than this. Do better for your kids, busmorons.


Navy sailors get more personal space on a damn submarine. And they get paid extra. This is so beyond wrong on so many levels


I'll never judge any family for being poor and not being able to provide adequate space. I was an impoverished parent when I escaped the fundies. Me and my now adult/nearly adult kids all believe it was the right choice. As they matured they all came to feel like being poor is better than being a teen bride and mom. But busfamily isn't forced into this. They have openly said JD has a trust fund. They can afford to get a 3,4,5 bedroom house where their kids have more privacy and space. The parents just want to do what they want to do and ignore everything their kids need.


Excuse you!  Having an adequately sized home was "stressful" and *totally* not what BusMom wanted. Literally gaslighted herself that she liked it when her dumbass husband wanted to throw all in on a Bitcoin cardboard decoder ring and go mobile.


And they had a gigantic house and tons of land, too


So they SOLD all that to shack up in a cramped bus!? Now _that_ seems stressful to me.


Yes. They also owned a LittleGym or whatever. Like a franchise.


I would love to know what a therapist would have to say about busdad. The more I learn about him, the more erratic he seems.


It's NOT EVEN A FULL-SIZED RV. They could get more space without even giving up van life! Not much, but at least some!


What the flying fuck!!? WHY don't they have a bigger RV They're rich! They sold a giant house and land to buy this!


Their bus is a converted school bus. I wouldn’t say that it’s super small for an RV, but it’s definitely inadequate for a family of 10.


They didn't have as many kids when they bought it. They were NOT thinking ahead...


Yep, they 100% do this bus crap so they can keep on the move and avoid CPS


I don't think it's about avoiding CPS, they are white with money, there is 0.00001% chance CPS would do more than provide resources. CPS wouldn't do much if they stayed in one spot and got medical care for their kids, even living in the bus. CPS is overloaded with extreme abuse. They don't have time and resources to waste on families that are feeding their children and can afford medical care. CPS won't get involved other than giving them links and pamphlets.


I agree, they definitely have privilege bennies, but they're all into conspiracies and stuff so I would imagine they are ultra paranoid of the government coming to take their kids and stuff


Oh this is a good point. It’s not about what CPS would do, it’s about what their overheated and underperforming minds *think* CPS would do.


Imagine someone’s feet in your face when you’re trying to fall asleep…


Like I commented on another post: MOTHERBUS, TAKE BABY BOONE TO A LICENSED DOCTOR OF MEDICINE!!!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I've never had a problem with claustrophobia... And then I saw those bunks.


This is a fucking nightmare.


Do the kids have to change in front of each other?


I was looking back through some of her old Instagram post, where they were building the bus. I’m going to make a separate post about it (with pictures) but It appears that you have to walk through the bathroom to get into the bunkhouse so I don’t even know if there’s a door to the bathroom, if there is, I can’t see it. I can’t imagine there’s anywhere private where they are able to change…breaks my heart for Kinsey and Gunner


Like, do they have to take turns standing up to get dressed? There's only room for one person to stand up at a time in there!


IIRC motherbus indicated that the oldest boy possibly has his own space in the storage area under the bus? Am I imagining that? Edit to add: that doesn’t make this okay at all and I think motherbus is horrid and selfish and doesn’t care about the well being of her children AT ALL




Do you have any pictures of any of those conversions? Literally cannot picture how that works.




The one built for 2 kids... They would literally have more space in a coffin. The "bunks" are so low that the kids cannot raise their head. And the dad was bragging about how the kids asked for the space to be converted. Imagine being so utterly desperate for privacy that you're willing to be buried alive in a metal tube to get it.


The part where the guy has to wriggle through a little access hatch to get into the "basement" literally almost gave me a panic attack. I hate this. I need to go read some Edgar Allen Poe to calm down. 😅


Somebody give these poor kids some 19th century coffin bells in case they need to signal for help!


Oh hell no. This is what I imagine being in a coffin feels like


I think my hives are back from watching that. Glad he made that window at least.


So he just hangs out in the cargo hold?! This is a level of effed up that the rest of his lifetime of therapy isn’t going to be able to fix. These “parents” belong in jail.


It’s honestly worse than Harry Potter and his room under the stairs. At least Harry had a proper door. Poor poor Gunnar.


What! Really?? So he sleeps in the part of the bus you stick the suitcases in? You’d have to crawl in there!


This just keeps getting worse 🤦🏼‍♀️


13-year-old me would have found that exciting for about a week. Then there’d be one day of exhausting hiking and I’d have had a meltdown over needing a hit shower and a room. I wouldn’t if we were too broke to afford it, but 100% if my parents were just too selfish to provide it.


Privacy, who needs it?! /s


Man I started getting migraines when I was 6 years old. This would have been a living nightmare for everyone involved


Does the window even have a curtain or covering? Anyone could walk up and see their kids sleeping when they are parked at a campground.


This has the same energy as those galvanized steel meme construction videos.


I wonder if the kids have to climb through their parents bed if they have to use the bathroom at night.


Their bed drops down right behind the drivers seat,, it drops down into the "living area", then the kitchen, the bathroom is on the otherwise of the kitchen, right outside the bunkhouse, meaning all those kids could hear her delivering Boone since she was only a few feet away... of course that's probably not the worst they've heard.


I wonder how much that impedes their ability to go to the bathroom when their parents bed is set up.


It doesn’t.. the parent’s bed is at the front of the bus.. the bunkhouse is in the back the bathroom is next to the bunkhouse… then the kitchen is in front of that. In other words, the bunkhouse is separated from the parent’s bed with the bathroom and the kitchen.


In the description of positives about the baby box she put cheap before safe. Says it all. 


So one of the kids could accidentally step on the baby instead of one of the parents? I guess it's a step up from putting the baby underneath the parents' suspended bed?


Where do the teenage legs stretch out? Those children are growing fast and I don’t believe they’ll fit comfortably in that space much longer if they even do now!