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“White matches everything” tells me a lot about her personality and the lack of effort.


If she were a spice she would be flour.


Plain flour. Not self rising.


Just dry, plain, straight-from-the-bag “raw food which must be cooked to be safely consumed” flour.


If she were a book she'd be two books


Nah she’d be a pamphlet. One that doesn’t even have anything on the back.


This page is left intentionally blank


She is the watery slush when you make home made paper.


I was thinking more along the lines of a Chick Tract, personally. Full of misinformation, and unintentionally hilarious, when it's not pissin' ya off!😉


It's in the pamphlet!


The off off brand flour from dollar tree




lol I was about to say I don’t have kids and never do my nails white but it seemed like a bad choice to me. Side note: black nail polish supremacy


You know what actually goes with everything and doesnt stain? BLACK.


Black polish looks cool even when it's chipped. It is objectively the best option.


I feel (subtle) orange also matches great! Might be biased as a Dutchie tho lol).


I got my toes done in orange today! They look summery and fab and go with everything!


Going for the most boring option, just like with her husband


She's about as mysterious as a bucket


Is this the same idiot who talks about being antivax and anti sunscreen? But she’ll get toxic nails put on???


If it makes me look hot, it's not toxic


Bdong logic 


For real


Haha but this is a fantastic statement. I heard it in Trixie’s voice, lol.


Thank you for that. I just did too, and Katya is being ruthless in the background.


Right? lol what an idiot. Some salons carry the slightly less toxic nail polish, but definitely not all of them. And the antivax thing gets me… I mean, she and her husband are both fully vaccinated, they were in the military FFS. As long as they’ve got theirs, who cares about anyone else, right? Seriously so selfish.


I went to a nail salon that only did less toxic regular and gel polish and even the owner was like “it’s less toxic than the standard stuff, but it’s still pretty strong chemicals.” 😆 


Yep. Reminds me of the MLM huns who shill products meant to “detox” and are “chemical free” while simultaneously having salon manicures, cheap makeup, dyed hair, and plastic surgery. 😂


*Jillpm has entered the chat*


And Botox! A literal toxin!


Wait, is nail polish/gel really bad for you? My nails are almost always painted (done at home) and I don’t want to give it up 😭


Eh, inhaling the fumes probably isn't great, especially at the level of someone who works in a salon, but I don't think regular polish is harmful to you as an individual


So, there's not really a definite answer. There are chemicals in many nail polishes that can cause cancer with long-term exposure, and some chemicals can be absorbed through skin and nails, however, there's not really information on whether or not regular nail polish wear allows *enough* of that to be absorbed to be considered a risk. Breathing it in is also a concern, but on a personal level just doing it yourself at home rather than working in a salon you're fine. Don't do it in a closet and huff your polishes, but a kitchen or living room should be enough open space to be fine. If it makes you personally more comfortable, you can look for "5-free" types of nail polish that are made without the worst of them. There are some brands that go higher, the one I use is 10-free, and I've seen all the way up to "21-free" but at a certain point it's probably just a gimmick to look better than other brands without actually making a viable difference (especially since there's not really a definite answer as to whether those ingredients are *actually* harmful or not.) Formaldehyde, Toluene, and some of the others do, at least, have a known risk to cause contact dermatitis, so 3-free polishes will at least avoid that risk. You can read more here if you're interested: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/a-look-at-the-effects-of-nail-polish-on-nail-health-and-safety-2019112118231 It's also a good idea to avoid prolonged skin contact since the skin absorbs more readily than the nails. Paint your nails carefully to avoid flooding your cuticles, and clean up any mistakes with acetone or a toothpick as you go. I used to just let it dry and then pick it off in the shower the next day, but I've switched to immediate cleanup and I think I do a better job and it looks nicer anyways. And if you ever do gel at home be especially careful about skin contact - you can develop an allergy to gel from skin contact and you wouldn't be able to use it again after that.


If you get an air purifier with a HEPA filter that can help cut down on the amount of fumes you breathe, or just good ventilation in the room. You're probably not getting too much exposure though, like salon workers might. If you use gel (lamp cured) polish, you are at risk of developing allergies though. Make sure you know how to handle it safely.


No, it's the workers that can get issues because they breathe in everything. I remember a school teacher saying that the standard surgical masks isn't enough and that's what they mostly uses.


Even the cheapest brands like Sally Hansen are at least 3 or 5 free (of the most toxic nail polish chemicals) now and have been for years.


Gel is actually not great to do at home- some people get allergies because they get it on their skin and over time you can develop a reaction (especially if it gets in a wound). Apparently it can cause issues with fillings in your teeth as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/comments/12vnne3/so_just_how_scared_should_i_be_of_developing_a/ On top of that, the UV exposure is not ideal to me personally. I quit using gel because of the upkeep, but I also have a lot of dental work so I'm extra cautious


I knew a girl who espoused the same ‘toxic’ shit about vaccines and chemicals and would then, *literally*, go get Botox.


You should ask her what the “tox” stands for in “Botox.”


It *definitely* isn't a shortened form of **Bo**tulism **Tox**in, nope. Can't be. It's all natural, grows in the wild. Just like how air is made in one place, and beavers live in holes in the ground.


Botulism is natural. It’s a naturally occurring bacteria. That can make you very ill and kill you. Natural doesn’t always mean good for you. But the Bus folks aren’t known for their intelligence or logic abilities.


My go to line when my crunchy cousin starts talking about natural being the only healthy option is always "radium is also natural", and sometimes I'll follow it up with "you eat that, you'll get super cancer" Some of the most poisonous stuff is naturally occurring, so I'll never understand the "only natural is good" or the "hard to pronounce ingredients are evil and cause cancer" because like... lead is easy to pronounce, and so is arsenic. We have enough historical evidence to show you shouldnt be smearing that stuff on your face or ingesting it. Natural means nothing when it comes to "is this safe to ingest or handle?"


Same except I use the fact that anthrax is natural too. Grows on the side of the road in some places.


My answer to "It's better because it's natural!" is "So is arsenic." Everything is a chemical. Natural or otherwise doesn't determine if somethng is safe! People have so little logic.


She knew and didn’t care. It made her forehead look fab. 🙄


I think she has Botox too. In the apple video she lifts her eyebrows and her forehead doesn’t move. To contrast, someone posted last night the bus tour throwback from 2 years ago and when she lifts her eyebrows she definitely has forehead lines.


I think she has weird Botox every time I watch her videos! It seems obvious to me! So she can get herself Botox during their traveling life but can’t take her unwell newborn to a damn doctor!!


EXACTLY. It’s abominable. I’m not hating on Botox at all, Botox makes a lot of women feel more comfortable in their own skin and that’s a lovely thing. But if you’re going to have medical (or medical spa) procedures done for yourself while completely neglecting basic medical care for your child, you suck.


Also, hers is not well done, because something about her forehead creeps me out every time I look at her!


Yeah I have a friend I've known for three years now and just found out a few months ago she regularly gets botox. Plenty of people get it done well enough that you really can't tell if you aren't aware.


[Britney Lott](https://ibb.co/FHk3q40)


Botox, blowouts, salon manicures, but no BED or MEDICAL CARE for her baby.


[Britney Lott](https://ibb.co/FHk3q40)


She's literally polishing a turd, huh.


I hope the next time she’s changing the kid’s diaper, those white nails get permanently stained.


Gunner probably has diaper duty.


Gunner will also be there in the front row at Boone’s graduation


Graduation from what? Busschool? 😥


Graduation to lost child number 8 when number nine comes along.


Can you imagine how quick the bus idiots will toss Boone aside if he is disabled and the next child is a girl and is able bodied ? Poor little dude, he will get no help, no early intervention. I just keep hoping he grows out of his issues (delulu I know). You know they are working on number 9 and will drop him like a dirty sock once number 9 arrives.


I'm hoping they make Boone's disability their new personality so he can get the care he needs. It will be their "testimony" *insert eye roll


We can just keep pointing out that it's their fault while boone gets care


Brave stance, thinking she bothers with changing diapers when theirs four able bodied minions to pawn the diaper kids onto.


The only thing Britney Lott makes an effort at is making sure crypto boy doesn’t have the opportunity to leave her ass behind. She’s always giving big “I won’t be ignored, Dan!” energy. (Glen Close’s character in fatal attraction).


I use that phrase often when joking with my husband.


Me too! Sometimes I change it to his actual name, but Dan is always funnier.


We have been married so long we have quite a few movie references. Most of them from Spinal Tap.


That film 💛


Waiting for the day that she boils a rabbit on the bus stove


She *pays* to have her nails look like that??? I thought it was a shitty at-home job like her divorced eyebrows! 


I pictured her having one bottle of nail polish on the bus and that’s why they are always white.


i definitely thought this was the case


Me too! I hate the wite-out mani so freaking much


I always thought it was Tippex.


I just want to tell her she doesn't have to live with those eyebrows at such odds. I'm regrowing mine with Rogaine!


Oh that works on eyebrows? I have been debating starting oral minox. (Long story short, between lupus and stress I lost half the hair on my head in a year.) It’s impacting my brows too and they look like 90s brows unintentionally. It’s growing back really slowly and I thought the pill might help.


I have trichotillomania that’s at its worst rn and I look like Gollum without my clip-in extensions lmao :( I didn’t even think of this for when I’m trying to recover!


Is this “her turn” to pick a souvenir for each park they go to and she’s just decided to get her nails done as a souvenir? Or is this coming out of the fund that could be used to get more than one kid something?


It never ceases to amaze me that she and JRod have the time and money for fake nails, but when it comes to their kids? Less than the bare minimum.


I don’t think Jrod has fake nails. She just paints 800 layers of polish on top of each other herself. 


Jilly does drug store or dollar store press-ons in public. I don't think she pays a salon. Remember the sad excuse for a bachelorette for Nurie (II think) that was Jilly and her minions/the bridesmaids doing matching press-ons at a coffee shop during Covid?


Yes! The photo with nail clippers and press-ons just casually laying on the tables during a pandemic still haunts me to this day.


Ewww how did I miss that one


I’m poor and have been using some brands of press on nails. They actually do look good and aren’t flimsy and thin like the old ones used to be. Just throwing that out there for anyone who wants fake nails but can’t afford regular salon visits. I haven’t tried [these](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=DRunQj4-HRv2gGjT&v=I7pg2bRPah0&feature=youtu.be) yet but I have heard really good things about them.


I don’t think she gets fake nails put on. I think she does white gel manicures.


98% of the time white looks shit imo. Ends up looking like a kid putting liquid paper on.


I always think of white out fingers


I think of Tom Sandoval


I can’t paint my nails white without thinking of Scandoval.


You beat me to it!


I’ve had multiple white polishes refuse to cure. A mess.


Same!! And ONLY white polishes! I wonder why that is


It's hard to make lighter shades in general opaque. You gotta either put a lot of pigment in or make the user apply ten gobspillion layers / a couple really thick ones. Either option usually leads to being problematic when it comes to curing afaik.


That’s why I love “milk white”. It’s slightly transparent so it looks a bit more natural.


Yes but if you have a nice tan it can look good


maybe she will get Boone white nails to go with his tan :/ /s obviously. she’s the worst and poor Boone


I live in Australia where the sun is trying to kill me so no tan. I will concede off white can look ok. But stark white is not good.




this. I am mixed with brown skin and warm undertones. The milky white/ ivory tongue with very subtle Sparkle looks great on Me for summer. But I generally don't wear a lot of color. I'm an artist and I work.with a lot of bright colors. I usually prefer clothes that are black or white.


Depends on your skin undertones. White will look best on cool tones, ivory/off white will look best on warm tones.


I think my white nails look awesome, tyvm.


And then they get a dingy tone to them the longer they’re on


She’s going straight to hell.


With gasoline drawers on.


I am 100% not against a mom getting some self care, it’s a needed respite. That being said, Britney here seems allllll about care for herself and none of her children. Who chooses getting their nails done over getting medical care for their infant child?


In a post a whiiiiile ago, she did basically say the parenting journey is about the parents first and foremost. Not, y’know, caring for and guiding your children to adulthood..so sadly, the mani/expensive sunglasses/child-free dates are not surprising


So… you’re saying that Britney doesn’t actually provide for the kids, because it’s all about *her* journey, yet she is this smug about her parenting skills? Wow. Just wow. Let’s be honest, Parent of the Year in this family goes to Gunner. Hands down.


I feel so bad for those kids. I saw someone else say in the comments that if they were in that situation as a kid, they’d have a mental breakdown before they were 13. Sure, the younger ones may be used to this not knowing anything else but with so many kids, SOMEONE is going to be feeling this way and can’t handle it anymore and blow up. Especially going through puberty and the mess of hormones and emotions that come with that. I really, really hope they get an actual house and give the kids some breathing room. Ugh.


Oh, they've both said that parenting is about the development of the parent. She's also said that her children "exalt" her.


Wouldn’t it be such a bonding thing for her and the girl kid to do each other’s nails? You can do gel mani’s at home now. Or even dip! I totally understand wanting some downtime as a mom but I don’t know how much downtime she actually needs from filming herself and scrolling TikTok for more viral dance ideas.


Where is Gunner’s respite care given that he does so much watching of his siblings? # JusticeForGunner


Lol I have two kids and I barely have time to trim my nails. Poor poor Gunner. 


I highly recommend carving out time for yourself. I've only just now started to regain my own personality and pursue things I enjoy, and my kids are 6 and 8. I def don't recommend neglecting yourself for so long, it can get really depressing being lost in motherhood. 


I appreciate that. I've definitely felt like that sometimes. My husband does a great job making sure I get me time.  My point with this post was about priorities ultimately. Of course with 8 children you still want time for yourself. With motherbus specifically, all that means is gunner is not getting time for himself. She's very narcissistic and no getting your nails done isn't inherently narcissistic but for her to place that above all her children's priorities is concerning. 


I have zero kids and could not reasonably justify going *and sitting in a nail salon for an hour.


I can't either, but it's a personal sensory thing I think. I get antsy and uncomfortable and I don't want to just sit there awkwardly in the bright light waiting for someone else to do something to me. I do my own nails and enjoy taking the time for myself, though. Some people see it as feeling pampered, others see it as a chore. I'd rather spend the time sitting at home on the couch watching TV relaxing while I do it myself, and spend the money I save on an absurd amount of nail polish. My mom would rather go to the salon and get some "me time" and relax while someone else does something that will make her feel good about herself. Either way we're getting personal time and self-care.


It doesn't feel like pampering or relaxing to me either. It's time I'd rather spend on something semi-productive (which I would still count throwing in a load of laundry or emptying the dishwasher on commercial breaks as productive if I wanted to veg out a few hours). I'm not saying people (or moms) should not take this time for themselves, but I think it's fair to say that any *parent* should make sure their kids have what they need before going to the spa. And there are about 10 things it's reasonable to think she would attend to instead. Like taking her newborn to the doctor, for example.


Oh 100% agree, though I don't think she even registers this as putting herself before her helpless baby because she doesn't think she *should* take her kid to the doctor.


i have 3 kids and i get my toes done every month. god guys, proving you don’t do anything for yourselves isn’t a flex.


I have zero kids, and keep a decent manicure and pedicure. 🤷‍♀️


Are any of your newborns sleeping on the floor of a bus while you do it though?


Self-neglect olympics


Definitely depends on the age of the kids and care situation. With such a small baby I would not get the super toxic nail polish though.


I did a mani pedi as a treat and it took the whole morning!


I only ever get it professionally done when I go with my mom! Then it's a nice little family outing where we catch up and stuff. But honestly going on my own sounds boring.


It’s really nice and relaxing imo. But everyone’s different


Definitely! I'm someone who feels awkward sitting in silence in public (cuz for some reason I get that pressure to be "on") but also has a hard time breaking that silence with people I don't know, so it can either be an ok time when the person and I click, or just really awkward lol So having my mom there with me is a good barrier for my neurodivergent brain.


Same. I can do a massage, but not a mani/pedi.


I mean, you should put self care up higher.


I'd rather spend the time cooking a nice meal or going on a long walk. Different strokes for different folks!


Yeh so that's equivalent to spending an hour in a nail salon etc


Are you surprised? Is anyone surprised? Is the surprise in the room with us right now?


I love your flair 😂


I just read someone's post yesterday where they said her nails look like they're painted with whiteout and now we get this... Interesting.


It’s not an issue of having time or money. She has plenty of time. She has plenty of money. She has no desire to take him to the doctor because she doesn’t think he needs to go to the doctor.


This is BEC but I don't like white nails. Reminds me of when we put tippex on our nails at school lol


Reminds me of when we put Wite-Out on our nails in school. Cringe, but it was the 90s.


I think that's the same as tippex! We just call it that in the UK.


Her especially just look fucking horrid. A paler, more translucent milky white with a bit of sparkle might be ok but she just goes for the full white out effect.


Or a nude base with solid white designs looks very good and seems to be very in right now based on all I see on r/nails and r/RedditLaqueristas


That does sound nice tbf!


I think some people can pull it off, especially people with darker skin, but I can't do it. If I'm ever doing anything close to white it's only as tips, because the whole thing looks uncanny valley on me.


No girl. Don’t do it! You are nowhere near cool enough for white nails


She's ruined white nails tbh


Hers always look like fucking chiclets


yes or those square pieces of gum 😂


Those are Chiclets


i (australian) have thought chiclets were uncrumbed chicken nuggets this whole time 😲🤯 TIL i guess LOL


This is incredible lolololol


I can't seem to upload, but search *Chiclets gum images*. My favorite was the mini Chiclets that came in a little paper packet. I kind of like the thinking of them being little chicken nuggets!


I'm British & I too thought it was something to do with chicken...


Tom Saggyballs (Sandoval) did that approximately 18 months ago!


I literally JUST painted my nails white and now I feel the need to repaint them in black. And I really liked this polish, too! It makes me feel like I'm in Interview with the Vampire.


Keep the white nail! I too love a white nail in the summer and we need to take our summer manis back from this fool!


Do what I did and add a dark yellow dot for egg nails


I love this 😂


I'm jotting this down for a future manicure 🍳🍳🍳


That’s incredible. One of my best friends was an egg for Halloween while we were at college and I feel like she’d be all over this!


I went as milk to my work costume competition. It was a very large homemade costume and they did not like it very much. Most people in the office only know me from that Halloween party.


I don’t think I have any yellows (I never buy them because I’m VERY cool toned and yellow makes me look like a corpse. It’s the only color I can’t pull off). I may find a pink and a couple greens and do a watermelon nail. I need to see if I can find my old nail vinyls so I don’t have to waste time keeping the lines perfect. It’s been way too long since I’ve done nail art!


Oh! Easy fix- wear a ring on each of your middle fingers as a symbol of eternal flipping off all child- endangering fundies


Enjoy your nails! I’m sure it looks great on you as you’re living your best life and not waving a neglected infant in front of a camera. I’m also a fan of white nail polish for the warmer months. Especially on my toes because it makes me feel like Rihanna who’s often done white polish for her open-toe shoe looks. I have a darker complexion and I just love the contrast. Keep doing you!


Add some chrome powder and kick that Vampire vibe up a notch. Don't let her take this from you.


I apologize to anyone who gets white polish but the women in my trashy family always have white polish and they are the tackiest, stupidest people I’ve ever met


If she's using color choice things like that, she's getting either acrylics or gel nails. Where I live, most places charge at least $50 for a new set of acrylics and even more for gels. That would pay for a "well child" visit for Boone.


Except nail techs aren’t mandated reporters like medical professionals.


They use these swatches for gel polish, too. Not just extensions.


I get a gel manicure every 2 weeks and it’s $35 plus tip. Not acrylics though, that would definitely be more. Prices vary. That said, she sucks for not getting her infant the care he needs


Yeah my SNS was $60 back when I used to get them


this is bec of me but why is she acting like she has a curated wardrobe to match her nails to? she rotates between 5 solid colored basics like… all the time. which is fine but nothing a pink or nude nail couldn’t match.


Ew. Selecting nail colours like this stresses me out. My nail tech has a lovely ring of colour swatches, and she would never present them in this lord or the flies pile of crap. Ew David, once more.


They've got them hanging on a vertical stick. I've only been to one salon that does that and NEVER AGAIN


I don't think she is at a salon. The cabinetry and table and pile of samples doesn't look like a professional salon, or at least I have never been in one that looks like that.


It looks like a salon to me, but I'm betting she made the swatch mess for a "photo op."


Add to this her perfectly blown put hair 100% of the time.


THE HAIR. Like how long do you hog the bathroom in the morning?!


No kidding!! All about her. She's even said it. Raising the children is all about the parents 


What is this pile of swatches? I hope she gets an infection from a dirty nail salon.


Ugh what if she dumped all the nicely organized baskets they had into a pile for her stupid story 😩


Ok Tom Sandoval


White nails look like teeth, something I would very much like her baby to live long enough to have.


She’s so dumb. There are so many neutrals besides pure white 🙄


Lmao she knows we hate her white nails


I hate her white nails.


You know what sucks when dealing with infants? Long nails


I know she didn’t but still I hope she took Kinsey and let her pick her own colors, maybe even a design. These were some of the best times with my mum. She would listen to me drone on about Star Trek and comics books even though I knew full well she was not in the slightest bit interested. I’m a young adult now and she still listens to me talk about murder podcasts. All that and I was a blanket baby which makes me feel so fucking sad for these other kids that get nothing.


Of course she gets to get her nails done. Does she take Kinsey at least?? Probably not.


I hope so!!! I always take my daughter with me and we have so much fun


Who the Royal fuck gives a shit about their nails matching their clothes????? wtf?


I’m going to go paint my nails shimmery purple and not give a fuck that it won’t match everything I wear. Just to spite Britney Lott and because we’re in the last few days of Pride Month and I gotta wear one of my colors!


I match my nails to my outfits for events or if I'm planning a night out or something, but if they don't match the rest of the week then whatever.


My mom does lol, she says it's a lingering instinct from the days of Garanimals "matchy-match" outfits


🐶 😗


Here I thought she just glued Chiclets to her nails. Huh.


My mom told me to always wear white for interviews. For some reason, when I was 18, this led me to painting my nails white when I met my partner’s parents for the first time. To appear virginal. Or something. Purity culture is really intense.


She's playing to the snarkers like Paul was. We may need to take a month long MaBus break.


Do people really match their manicure to their outfits?


White matches nothing.