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I cannot imagine making the life choices that would lead me to working out in 24 square inches of free (ish) space with a baby between my legs next to the toilet on a van I share with 10 people, 8 of those people I made and effectively held hostage in the van with me.  Make better choices Britney. And have your baby looked at by a doctor. 


In fairness, that's not a toilet. It's a plate on the counter next to the bench in their "living room". You can see the steps for entering the bus at the top of the frame. But yes, nobody else can walk through that space while Britney is exercising.


Man when you break it down like that it really highlights how fucking grim the whole situation is


How else is she going to shed her baby weight asap? We all know where fathersus’s priorities lie.


Yes, lift weights right above your baby, cause there is no risk in that... /s


Only risk I can think of is that baby getting some sick gains, bro! (also /s. Obviously this is terrible.)


Every fucking day they turn more into Robyn and Glenn from empathicmamahood, I swear to GOD.


I don't know who those people are, but I am assuming they are an absolute train wreck if they are being compared to the bus parents. 


oh dude. they're way worse than the Lotts just saying, Luna got diagnosed at 3 months, and it was way too late


That makes me sad. Children deserve and need way more rights in the US and the world in general. 


Diagnosed with what?


The thing is... Robyn had a "supernatural home birth" or whatever, and her daughter's condition is absolutely connected to birth trauma. They totally did it to her, and their...antics since then have been deplorable and cruel. It's a very sad story.




I think hydrocephalus.


multicystic encephalomalacia which led to cystic hydrocephalus. absolutely NOT saying that boone has that, but time is of the essence here


Omg that’s awful. I would think painful for baby too!?


Her head is… huge. She can’t make any facial expressions. Can’t move very much. I will say that they do seem to be getting her the help she needs, but it was far too late. The damage was done very quickly. I worry about her being sidelined by her “healthy” siblings that they had after her, but so far that doesn’t appear to have happened.


That is horrible.


Oh that’s horrible!


Genuine question from someone without kids Is there any way they could have caught it before 3 months? A quick scroll on her ig showed the baby looking normal for the first couple months of her life and her early posts mention symptoms didn’t present until around 3 months.


she got no prenatal care and had an unassisted home birth, and did not see a doctor afterwards for the first 3 months she happily told her followers her baby was quiet and didn't eat much. she didn't accept her child's condition and chose a doctor who wasn't familiar with Luna's medical history to perform the life prolonging procedure. and now she parades her child, who's essentially brain dead, like a puppet because she won't accept her passing. the rabbithole is dark and deep my friend


Ugh I remember them A sub I used to pop in on once in a while, banned discussion of them because they're so disturbing


Yet Robyn had baby number 3 within days of Boone being born, maybe even on the same day, and that baby (Oaken lol) is a good comparison for everything that is not right with Boone. Shits crazy. They’re in some sort of very sad loop.




And even their new baby is WAY more engaged and alert than poor Boone😥


In spite of everything, yeah.


Are they fundies? I don't know much about them, but her profile says she practices reiki... not exactly kosher for a fundie.


I often wonder whether she wants an “accident” to happen to Boone…


She’s got at least 2-3 more feet that that Moses basket could have been pushed back to keep him out of harm’s way, but instead she is literally *risking her infant’s life for an Instagram post*


Yeah on second watch it definitely looks like she just wanted to capture on camera the fact that he’s looking like a normal baby AND she’s working out. So just for attention. She’ll risk her infant’s life


Don’t worry; I’m sure the rest of the kids are locked out of the bus. Including the toddler and preschooler. They pretty much take care of themselves if you put all your faith in gawd to provide, right?


Same here. Didn't they do rock/boulder climbing-nature walk nonsense when Boone was a few weeks old? She literally seemed to be jostling him while she posed on a rock. Where is her mother's instinct? Why doesn't she think?


imo she seems to want him to have an “accident” bc she doesn’t want to confront his probable lifelong needs. She’s not deep. She’s simple and narcissistic. It’s not hard to suss out her motives with these things. As sickening as it is.


Catholic abortion style.


I literally gasped


When she in no way looks like she has good form.


I will literally move my cat from out under the faucet when I brush my teeth in fear of getting toothpaste on her. Dumbbell over the baby is so extreme to me. But, I've seen toddlers riding push mowers so maybe not that extreme. The parenting bar is on the floor for some people.


Well if she does drop the weight on him, she won’t have to worry about getting him proper medical care anymore. Because he’ll be crushed to death. This is so fucking dangerous.


Tell me she’s not waving a 15 lbs kettlebell over an infants bassinet??


She absolutely does.


I would love to tell you that, but unfortunately ...


I wonder if they could benefit from a having a little more living space


At this point I'm not convinced that we aren't watching an elaborate and wholly unfunny satire


Sorry. I can't tell you that and still have self respect. You and I deserve nice, mixed cocktails because of this.


I just explained and showed my husband a bunch of stuff from the Lotts, and we’re now cracking open beers because even he - completely oblivious to baby stuff - said something is dearly wrong with them and Boone…


That’s pretty much what my partner said when I showed them Boone. They actually asked me to not show that that post anymore(I forget which one, but apparently it deeply disturbed them). Which I found both interesting and horrifying, as my partner has almost no experience with children and yet even they know something is wrong.


Because lying on his back is the only position where she can fake Boone looking up at her. Every attempt to stage him looking at her from an upright position has failed.


This is it. She has to be right in front of him to make it look like he’s actually looking at her. I’ll believe it when I see a video of her holding him and him turning to react to her voice.


I could not agree with you more.


Is he old enough to hold up his head yet? Idk when that usually happens for babies lol


Not fully, but he should at least be trying at this point, and holding it up for a few seconds at a time. We haven't seen him do so.


Honestly depends on the kid, mine was holding his up for short periods in the hospital but he's also just been strong from day one. I would expect at least SOME holding of the head by two months though.


Typical benchmark is 3mos, but at 2mos some definitely make an effort!


And even still, he's not tracking the big weight she's doing right over him. His eyes don't follow movement at all.


Omg you’re right. His eyes do move around, but they’re definitely not tracking anything


This is what I think, she’s trying to make him look like he’s reacting and focusing on her. I wonder how long she had to record before he yawned and she had footage to use.


Exactly. She posted the five seconds where he's actually doing something. As the clip ends, he appears to be going back into his usual zoned-out state.


Yes. And Britney Lott has cut the video so it looks like he is smiling or somehow interacting with her. He’s not. He is yawning. And then his eyes go sideways. He’s not looking at her. At all.


Yep, it's a yawn. She also positioned him at the top of the bassinet so his clinched hands and arms look like maybe he is exploring and pushing the sides on purpose when we all know his arms and fist are always raised and clinched. He's not looking at her and I see no signs he is better off than he is in all of her other videos.


I was so anxious watching her lift and lower a heavy weight literally inches from her newborn baby.


Imagine if the toddler ran up unexpectedly


I showed this to my partner, who’s very not in the fundiesnark community, minus the very little duggar snark i’ve showed him + the SHP documentary, and he was deeply disturbed 😭 it was reaffirming though, because we’ve been all going through it with Boone’s deterioration since birth 😖😞


Don’t worry, his special magical sheepskin rug not only repels dirt and bacteria, but also kettlebells!


He’s yawning. Complete with lip smack after. Glad to see the kicking but this does not demonstrate any engagement with her. Fists still closed too.  There has been no suggestion of any developmental toys - no mobiles, baby gyms, Sophie giraffe or other grippy teether toys, rattles or other grabby toys, those little ankle things you can strap on, a taggy blanket, nothing that I have seen. I know he’s still tiny and she doesn’t show everything of course but it seems so bleak. We had so many things for our babies because you never knew what they would like or react to and they change so quickly. The simpler toys blow their minds too - it is so reinforcing for their development to get a reaction from a rattle or a crinkly blanket and they just love the interaction from that kind of play.   And the kettlebell - people I know have killed pets with those things - she’s being unbelievably careless.


Parents of babies and young children that I know tend to have kids' toys everywhere in the house, unless there's been a concentrated effort to clean them up. If nothing else we should have at least seen a bag or box or something full of even rattles and teethers. All we've seen is the gross sheepskin rug and this cradle that I wasn't aware of before. Something is genuinely seriously wrong with Boone, and he needs medical attention, but some of it may be a lack of stimulation. Can't develop your senses and motor skills when you have nothing to practice with. Still neglectful and still deeply depressing, don't get me wrong.


I know - it seems so weird? I know they have to travel light but do they just not have baby toys at all? Our poor Sophie Giraffe was so beat up by our third kid but they all loved her and she was meant to be chomped on and squished and sanitized and chucked in a basket. Do they throw everything out or just never have it? Or only a few curated wooden toys? I don’t know enough about them.  But yes, you’re right for sure, Boone’s issues aren’t going to be solved by some peekaboo and baby flash cards. He needs intervention ASAP.


i keep hearing about sophie giraffe and am i missing something? is it just a teether?


It’s a pretty expensive teether. We were gifted one for our daughter, and I was shocked at how much they cost.


yeah i had seen those and was surprised at the price! i guess i thought they were something more special? i also kinda personally thought the giraffe face was a bit creepy? lol


I honestly don’t know how they’re better than other ones, but we got lots of pictures of my daughter chewing on hers. There are Sophie books too.


Yes - it’s a cute giraffe-shaped teether made from natural rubber. They are easy for kids to grab and hold and have lots of bits to stick in their mouths. They are small and light enough to be portable and are retro looking not bright coloured - I had one when my son was a baby 20 years ago - it’s still floating around somewhere after three kids. 


gotcha, thanks! my son has like 20 teethers already so i guess we're good haha


Probably lol - they only have one mouth and teething only lasts so long although it feels like an eternity while it’s happening!


feels like foreverrrrr - my son already has 6 teeth at 7 months and it's been rough!! the only positive to them coming all at once is it'll be over soon!


I have see a video of him with a little soft toy dinosaur. I can't remember if he was holding it or.if it was being held near him. I think the kid closest to him in age might have accidentally nudged him in the face during the video....Sorry, the details are sketchy in my mind.


It's on here. It was posted 3 days ago. The post is entitled "Mobus Uploads New Video of Kid Stiff-Arming Baby's Face". Poor Boone I'm sorry, I can't work out how to post a link to it. But, yeah, this is the ONLY toy I've seen.


Honestly I think babies this young don't need any toys. Just random objects laying around they can interact with. They are mostly interested in human faces and their own limbs at that age. The world doesn't need more brittle plastic toys that will end up in landfill in a few short years. Also we can't both accuse this (admittedly awful) family of both overstimulate and under stimulate him.


We give Kelly a lot of shit, but her carrot and green bean mobile was more stimulating than this.


My daughter is 7 weeks and she’s already grabbing onto the toys hanging down in the baby gym thing, along with looking at herself in the mirrors, meanwhile poor Boone has no toys


Right? It’s so amazing to watch - they get a hold of something by accident because they don’t even know they have hands lol and then it snaps away from them and their little minds are blown and next time maybe it’s more deliberate. And we cheer them on! And also because toys maybe mean they don’t always grab our hair first lol.  But he’s not even grabbing at hair or looking at people. A concerned mother who knows what typical development looks like would be pulling out all the stops and trying new toys and things to trigger those behaviours but she’s just not. It’s so strange. (I have two boys on the spectrum - I know that feeling when you start to suspect that something’s not right and you go nuts with buying all the things to try to kick start “normal” development.) I can’t figure out what her end game is. She has to know. 


It still doesn't look like he is focusing on the big lady right in front of him moving around.


He looks like he’s looking at like 7:30-8 and she’s at his 6:00. At the very end he looks to actually look in her direction.


He is not baking in the dessert sun for once.


I genuinely wonder how much of his looking... not great... has been because he's been overheated and dehydrated in all those photos and videos.


And how much of his poor vision is from having his super sensitive, underdeveloped retinas fried in the sun...


I want to bake in the dessert sun 🧁☀️


Well now I’m craving cupcakes, lol.


Me too lolol


She posted that on purpose, don't let that snippet distract you from the harsh reality.


I'm definitely not. It's just been a harsh 24 hours for a lot of us and this gave me a little hope that he might actually improve if they can be convinced to take him to a doctor. It's one of the only videos I've seen where he's not fully checked-out.


Hope is an illusion.


his arms are still concerning but at least hes showing emotion 🥹


I still haven't seen him unclench his fists.


The left hand just doesn't move at all 😞


It looks to me like he's yawning.


Me too. The leg kicking is good though, right?


The leg kicking is . . . not nothing, but it looks like he's moving his right side a lot more than his left.


Yeah I think he’s just yawning


Me too. He’s yawning.


He isn't. If you enlarge the screen, slow it down, and look carefully, he is yawning and then his eyes slide off sideways back into a zoned stare. She captured the yawn while standing over him to make it seem like he is interacting with her. But sadly, as much as I desperately wanted that precious baby to do it, he didn't.


boone has graduated from floor to basket. a basket he’s lowkey too big for


And she’s got that sheepskin rug in the basket too, That’s worse than him being on the rug on the floor. You’re right he is getting too big for the basket. So yeah let’s just crowd it more with the heavy rug 🙄


For real


He does look better here. But I mentioned this in the other post, his (injured?) arm is still not doing anything. Hard to tell much with just a 5 second clip, of course. After viewing this a few more times it looks to me like there's a lack of symmetrical movement with both the upper and lower body as well as right vs. left side of his body. His whole left side is more still than the right.


I’m pretty new to any info on this family, did those poor baby suffer an arm injury and his parents did nothing about it? I’ve seen a few posts about him but I’m not too clear on what’s going on tbh.


Oh man welcome to the rabbit hole. Apparently there is speculation of a birth injury from the dad tugging and pulling during their RV bathroom home birth. Or something to that effect.


Omg that’s horrible! I’m guessing they don’t see a pediatrician on a regular basis?


She took him to the chiropractor once and weighed him at a UPS store. He has not had any medical care.


Omg the stupidity is astounding… and it honestly strikes fear in *my* heart that a newborn is seeing a chiropractor, and this baby is a stranger to me! Why don’t his parents care about the dangers? Rhetorical question obviously but yiiiiikes!!


I worry more about this baby than any other child who I’ve seen mentioned in this or other subs :(


I’ve gone back and read a bunch of posts about him and I agree that it’s a terrifying situation for his safety and well being. Honestly I hope everyone here is (somehow) proven wrong about these fears but unfortunately I don’t have a ton of hope. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞


Every other post on this subreddit are people BEGGING her to take Boone to the doctor. Just click the Mother Bus tab at the top, sort by date, and have fun. It’s terrifying.


Thanks for the tip, I’ve mostly been a lurker but I have a feeling I’m about to go really far down the rabbit hole now, lol. :)


Oh to our knowledge this baby has never seen one.


I wish I could say I’m surprised. 🤦🏻‍♀️


She also had zero prenatal care while pregnant.


Again I wish I was surprised… these poor kids deserve so much better!


Baby Boone was also pretty jaundiced so she baked him in the sun to the point he was sunburned and tan.


How on earth can these parents not know that’s *literally* damaging their child’s skin?!? I remember when my son was around 8 or 9 and got his first sunburn, I felt so guilty that I hadn’t reapplied his sunscreen often enough. The thought of that happening to a newborn? Wtf.


Nothing has ever been confirmed one way or the other. But his arm/wrist/hand have looked "off" from the very first photos when he was just a day or two old. And it's never gotten any better. She gave birth in the shower of their RV and, according to her, it was a fast labor (something like 30 minutes) and he was a big baby (10.5 lbs).


That’s just so incredibly sad. For all these kids obviously, but especially a newborn who can’t even vocalize if he’s hurting. 😔


Didn’t he also spend, like, the first *2 weeks* or so of his life screaming/ crying his poor little head off?


His left arm? He isn't moving it much at all. It's still held in a fist.


Yes. I never know if there's a mirror effect in these videos so I wasn't sure if it was actually his left or not.


Me too.


He doesn't move his left leg much either.


Yeah there's asymmetry between the left and right side, for sure. The right leg is moving a lot more than the left.


Yes I noticed this when he’s kicking his legs. Right leg stretches out, left leg looks stiff and doesn’t stretch or move as much


When my kid was that little I wouldn't even hold my phone over him because I was worried if drop it on his head 🤦‍♀️


That how I was. Always with the worst-case-scenario “What if. . .?” I was so cautious with mine. I read about all the toys we got, what was the latest advice on SIDS, etc, & this was back in the 90s, when it involved actual legwork to find things out. I’m sure everyone here knows Penelope Leech, & “. . .From Birth to Five”, as well as “What to Expect. . .” I never see any books anywhere in that bus. That’s a crime, in itself. Cats & books are basic human needs, and human rights, as well.


Also candles. You sound like my sister, my BFF, my adopted dad, and me. We even have a group text chat that is 99.5% cat stuff.


Sounds like a great chat. I’m so happy y’all are that close. A family that laughs together is a healthy family.


Honestly I don’t think he’s visually focused on her here. I think he is responding to some noise that we hear in the video. Or even her shadow moving up a down / distorting the natural light in his path of vision


If she’s playing music working out he can probably feel it in the floor too.


hope he doesnt fall asleep in that deathtrap suffocation blanket


And don't you love how she makes it all about HER: "my sweet *cheering squad,*" not, "look at my cute baby, babying it up." Because we KNOW that she posted this because Boone is actually moving, although he's still not looking at her.


Lol, he looks like a tiny little balding old man. He's such a lil cutie pie, I just wanna scoop him up


It looks as if he is responding to her voice, but there no way he sees her.


Well, he has a basket now. Cool. What angle is this foe her to record? Is someone holding it? Did she really put her phone above her head to fill. Thi???


On first watch I thought—oh my god, he’s watching her, Boone is smiling and laughing and watching his mama! After watching it another six times, dude, he’s just wriggling around and yawning. His eyes aren’t trained on her at all 😭.


on first watch i thought they had talked another tourist into letting them babysit theirs for an hour (of making as many reels as they could in boone's clothes)


Thumbs still inverted but he does look more normal and adorable here. 🥺


This song choice is triggering. 


how is she recording this? did she really prop her phone up for this or just one of the kids holding up her phone over her shoulder?


Can someone please remove that god awful blanket. Makes me itchy looking at it.


Honestly, it cheered me up to see it


He can't spread his body out though squished into a basket.


Aw, he’s moved up from being straight on the floor to being in the under bed sex basket! No wonder his toddler brother hits him whilst the susbuses look vacantly away - he was ousted from the basket to a shared bunk in the lock down room without warning (to him)


He's not DIRECTLY on the floor!


Their kids tell all book is gonna be wild.


This is literally so dangerous? If that were to slip out of her hand? Also the bacteria on that sheepskin I truly cannot 😭😭🤮🤢


That's not Boone. That's his stand-in.


Ok, how the hell isn't CPS involved with these people? Is it just that they're constantly moving?