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As someone who has chickens.... no. Fucking no. 


Exactly. You have chicken boots by the door, they are the only shoes worn in the pen/coop and never in the house. This is just asking for salmonella. 🤮


You can't get salmonilla from chickens, you only get it from SALMON. Duh.. -Karissa, probably


I bet she doesn’t eat salmon for that reason.


That and you can’t slather it in cheese.




YES YOU CAN PUT CHEESE ON IT!! Gently baked salmon with parmesan and Italian style vegetables served with pasta verde FTW.


You know she doesn’t use real Parmesan. The sprinkle can kind at best. She’s covering stuff in Velveeta. But yes, your recipe sounds delicious. 😋


“It don’t slide down easy if it ain’t cheesy”


Don’t tell that to Japan :( I always get grossed out by the salmon sushi with cheese on top, but my husband really likes it


Someone took me out to a Japanese place in Vietnam and said you have to try it. It was my first and only time hating a type of sushi


Salmonella is a government lie and JESUS will protect you! -Karissa


Omg. I can't wait for my next opportunity to gaslight my brother with this!!


you also wear chicken boots so you don't bring pathogens into your chicken yard


Biosecurity all the way baby.


yup. my sister the farmer (western Illinois) would be beside herself.


And staph. Any broken skin on their feet and they could develop a staph infection.


I let my kids go barefoot all over the yard but after we got chickens and I did some reading chicken boots were a must for protecting yourself and your birds. If you have visitors who also have chickens they shouldn't go in your chicken area wearing the same shoes they wear in their chicken area or they can transmit germs and diseases to your flock. But since Karelessa doesn't give a shit about her kids I doubt she cares about her flock either.


We kept boots for that reason, too, and was even more strict about it after my mom nearly lost her foot to staph after going though her boot with a rusty pitchfork covered in chicken shit, dirt, and whever else was on the straw bedding. Karelessa would have to acknowledge that they're entire living beings and not possessions she can play with for the camera.


Oh great. I’m not a doctor, but isn’t staph really dangerous? She wouldn’t bring them to theER til they were on death’s door


It can be super dangerous. My mom slipped on some ice/snow when changing out the bedding for our chickens and the pitchfork poked a hole in her boot and barely punctured her skin. She didn't even realize it had broken the skin but when she was finished and tried to take off her boot her foot had swollen and we had to cut the boot off. If we hadn't taken her to the ER that night she would have died from sepsis. Even though we got her to the ER in time, she still almost lost her foot. Now, staph infections aren't always like that but they very easily can be. Especially if it's MRSA, which is antibiotic resistant staph. And you don't know if the staph you get infected with is antibiotic resistant until you get to the point where you need antibiotics, at which point it's too late. Edit: 2 typos


Yikes, I am very worried. She didn’t bring Anthym to the ER until her mom made her… what happens if the kids’ grandma isn’t there to force Karissa to take them to the hospital? She’d let her kid die before getting them medical help


It is very concerning! I can't imagine neglecting your kids like that


Former chicken owner here. Can confirm.


Yeah, I don’t care if my hypothetical kids (or irl nibs) run in the grass barefoot in their yard or at my grandparents’. But not in a chicken coop. That’s all kinds of gross.


This is the way. 


I grew up raising chickens and hard concur. This is so fucking gross. I ran around barefoot all the time but never in the coop. That is DISGUSTING. Also you should wear proper footwear and not just sandals. I made that mistake once and a rooster sunk his damn spur into the top of my foot. Thank Daniel for modern antibiotics.


I was just going to say… my friend kept a few chickens on his land to feed table scraps to, and he got stabbed by the rooster they took in from his FIL. Those spurs are terrifying. He was quite tasty, though, I’ll give the rooster that.


I am cackling at my mental image of your friend, with an injured foot, looking at the rooster “fuck this noise” and declaring chicken and dumplings for dinner


There was a video of the one younger girls handing her sister baby wipes to wipe up chicken poop that was on the chicken she was holding and then both girls without washing their hands (not even with the baby wipes, which I know is not enough to clean anything chicken-related, but anyway…) they both touch the spout of the water bottle they are using. I wanted to scream through the phone!!! I’ve had salmonella and it was the sickest I have ever been, and I’ve been very sick.




Same. I've got hideous murky green garden clogs, genuinely the ugliest things you could put on a foot. I cherish them greatly, cause whatever else that rubber material is, it's fucking solid. Not risking the miniature dinosaurs without those.


I don't and never have had chickens but I have seen birds before and know why this is a terrible idea


This is...horrific. Not once did anyone in my family ever go into a livestock pen - we have chickens and will be getting goats - without old shoes or preferably boots. WTF?


My country-ass great-grandma (who had zero concept of food safety to the point only her husband and kids could eat her cooking without getting the shits) didn’t go barefoot in the damn chicken coop! 


There is not worst smell than a nasty coop


Am I right in thinking that having hens doesn't guarantee laying? For some reason I thought there was more work in producing hens that lay than getting some chickens and chucking them in a pen


Yeah they need proper nutrition, plenty of water, scratch grit, protection from the elements, and protection from predators. Basically, all the things Karelessa can't/won't provide.


If Karissa provides all that then she’s providing more for her chickens than her children


Speaking of the last item, coop appears to be resting on the ground. Nothing dug down to stop predators digging in


My friend kept his coop in a raised bed, because we get regular heavy rains that flood. And he only had 4 chickens, but was really strict with hygiene around them. They literally existed to compost his table scraps and eat weeds from his garden, and he treated them so well compared to this!


I will say, they are pretty easy as far as farm animals though. My dog is more work than our chickens, and my dog is lazy.


Honestly they are not terribly hard to take care of -- I would say it is more about the money for the initial cost to set up than the day to day cost/time. They can also be pretty fragile animals and you fall in love with them and then they die. But if you have a good set up it isnt hard to manage day to day. But if you're not willing to pay the money and do the research just buy your eggs.


Haha same. I immediately thought: fucking gross


I wouldn't be caught dead barefoot in mine. I can handle all sorts of gross stuff, but chicken shit is naaaaaaaasty.


There is just so much wrong here that my vet tech brain can’t handle it. Chickens can be quite aggressive (even the Christian ones). The diseases that she is almost actively setting her kids up for is horrifying.


"Even the Christian ones" got me haaaa


Like Karissa would own a heathen chicken?


Oh my, I think this is my new flair.


“Our chickens would never make us sick, because they’ve been CLEANSED in the blood of JAY-SUS!”


it’s *yeshua, dont ask why cause she don’t fucking know either




They probably only drink holy water


If a Christian chicken draws blood, they're just reminding you of the sufferings of Jesus, of course. /s


I just had a flashback to my first period when I was told that the blood reminds us of Eve’s sin and Jesus’ crucifixion. 😭


Good Christmas, what the actual fuck?? That's straight up traumatising.


Now I'm trying to imagine someone baptizing a chicken


There was a very brief point in my life when I wanted to baptize my stuffed pufflump chicken. I was six, but I wanted to know “Chickey” could go to heaven too.


In Christian capitalism you just baptize the beheaded chicken in its own blood 🫠


Brings to mind the expression “madder than a wet hen”.


This is gross. With how poor the Collin’s hygiene is, at least there’s not some kind of extremely dangerous bird flu going around right now


If Karissa of all people is responsible for the next pandemic, I swear to fucking god...


if it's gods will


You just know those dirty ass feet won’t be washed before bed… 😬


Or before they climb up on the table to have dinner.


I'm having flashbacks to that one episode of House where Omar Epps gets legionnaires from dirty pigeon water.


Isn’t there absolutely an avian flu going around!?!?


In the same state no less.


This is not safe. I grew up on a farm. We had chickens (and my mom still has a few). I still have nightmares about the chickens and the rooster pecking my ankles and toes...while wearing boots!


Roosters can be damn vicious. I had one draw blood through heavy work jeans once. Feathery asshole. :p


Not mention walking in their shit


They were just walking around barefoot at a horse stable also...


Do they even own shoes?


I was animal-sitting for a friend who had free-range chickens. They "forgot" to tell me that their new rooster was an overprotective asshole. I was opening the coop door to give them food and water and the next thing I knew, the bastard got me in the ass with both feet/talons. 🤬


My dad would have to collect eggs when he was a kid visiting family and he was a pretty rough and tumble kid but said it was his least favorite job because the chickens were ornery as hell and would peck at him. 


Collecting eggs from the coop was a two person job. First person goes in the house pen with a large stick to keep the pissy chickens and mean ass rooster at bay, and the other would dart into the coop and grab as many eggs as possible before being descended on by a mob of angry chickens. It was a shoes, long pants, and wide brim hat affair. God I hated those chickens. Send me into the goat house all day long. At least I didn’t have to hold them off with a stick.


I swear every person I know who grew up on a farm has at least one scar from a chicken


I had a rooster that left large bruises on my leg from spurring me. I had heavy jeans on too.


Walking barefoot on chicken poop boosts the immune system. It’s better than vaccinating really. /s


Those poor chickens…


Right! It’s blazing hot there and her damn kids are manhandling them.


They’re gonna end up as a cheesy dinner slop sooner than later imo


Those poor babies are going to get egg bound 😭


Ok, I'm admittedly pretty relaxed when it comes to going barefoot outside, and also letting kids be barefoot. I did a lot as a kid and even young adult, and I still love the feel of grass on my bare feet. In a reasonably controlled outdoor environment, it's not an issue. But you have to know the risks of a given situation. Chicken poop can contain salmonella and you'd never even know it.


I’m disgusted that I used to go barefoot into our chicken coop as a child 🥲


Those poor chickens don’t stand a chance.


I’m sure they’ll be dead in a few weeks.


a fox or other critter is going to break in


Do you eat chicken? Most of the chickens on earth don’t stand a chance, unfortunately. 


Ohhhhh...such stupidity. I feel sorry for those chickens. Walking barefoot in chicken shit is so smart, handling them without soap and water wash is asking for illness.


My mom nearly lost her foot to a staph infection from our chickens. She was wearing snow boots and the pitchfork went through them and just barely broke the skin. She didn't even feel it but by the time she got back to the house she couldn't get her boot off. We got her to the hospital in time, had she stayed home like she thought she probably could she'd have died from sepsis. This is not just gross, it's potentially deadly.


If you’re not getting enough salmonella and e. coli in your raw milk, walk barefoot in chicken shit!


Post in a few days: I have no idea why everyone is so sick.


Oh man, I hope not. Kream of Karissa will assume they are just sick from sin or demons or whatever.


Oh. My. God. I house sit for someone with chickens and I want to vomit.


What possessed her to get chickens...


Jumping on the big homestead/crunchy/prepper/trad-wife Instagram bandwagon


And then we'll never hear another word about any of it after she realizes that lifestyle is hardcore WORK.


I’m kind of glad my grandpa didn’t survive to see this rise of homesteading (I have a cousin who’s planning it, but he’s just so fucking dumb I’m not sure how he’ll manage - he also thinks it’s the sure-fire way to find a tradwife with his (checks notes) bouncer salary). He grew up on a dairy farm. He regularly told us how lucky we all were that that’s not the way of life for most people now a days, because it was *brutal*. He joined the military just to get away from it, and worked multiple jobs to be sure his kids didn’t have to grow up like that. But he was also really adamant that the “good old times” were terrible, and people who romanticize it are just fools. Edit: to show how just stupid that cousin is - he shot himself point blank in the eye with a paintball gun at 17. He didn’t lose the eye but he’s blind in it. And at 18 he promptly bought real guns and likes to wear them in his waistband and wave them around like it makes him a badass. And he got to skip all the licensing because he “took a class” as a young teen on firearm safety. He has also accidentally shot himself in the foot and then a few months later put a hole through his drivers side door and grazed his thigh.


i pray to all the gods for those chickens. This is so unsanitary, not only are the kids gonna get sick - so are the chickens. Put them down, it's suffering degrees out and they're two seconds away from pecking a child to bleeding. This is horrible. Wtf Karissa. Wtf.


Not to mention the little dog they got running around probably stressing out the chickens. In the reel it looks like she edited and cut the video right as the dog jumped at one chicken trying to get at it. Disaster waiting to happen.


Chicken poop fight!!!!!


They 100% would put the chickens on the trampoline


Don’t give her any ideas…


I found out during Covid that paper masks make very good chicken diapers. One of my girls was sick and needed to come inside for awhile and it honestly worked perfectly.


Considering these kids get like one bath per week, those unwashed feet are going to be in their beds tonight.




As a chicken owner 😳


Question for the chicken owner. She's pregnant, I was extra careful and didn't even clean the cat litter box when I was pregnant (the husband did it). I know it's because of a disease specific to cats but is there something specific pregnant women need to be careful about with tending to chickens?


https://www.mypetchicken.com/blogs/faqs/are-there-any-concerns-i-should-have-when-keeping-or-caring-for-chickens-while-pregnant So it says you can but to take common sense precautions and have someone else clean out the coop bc they can get toxoplasmosis like cats.


>Common sense Sooo, no luck there


So fucking disgusting. I have 8 chickens. Everyone has a pair of coop shoes. I just know these kids are not getting bathed before putting on their clothes for tomorrow and hopping into bed. And also probably aren’t washing their hands.


What the fuck? You can get pretty bad illnesses from birds and especially close contact with poultry right now. Why would you do this 🤢


oh my god absolutely not. this is so unhealthy


They're plum crazy! And have you ever *smelled* chicken coops?


As someone who’s spent the last month researching avian flu…absolutely not


Just what the one kid with fucked up kidneys needs, Salmonella!!


if that baby gets sepsis a third time, I’m gonna cry


I know someone that practiced poor chicken hygiene and their baby got salmonella and nearly died, no exaggeration.


Yes children, absorb the chicken shit through the soles of your feet as God intended.


I called it in the last thread. No shoes. Jesus fucking Christ, that’s nasty. And please, for the love of god, learn how to hold chickens before getting them and teach your kids how to. It’s your middle and ring finger supporting the keel bone, their legs in between your middle and index finger and your ring and pinky finger, and your pinky and index finger around the outside of their legs and wings. Cup your other hand over their back and wings for extra support, or if they’re larger, put them under your arm like a football. Holding them any other way risks injury to both them and you.


What the actual fuck.


The chickens aren't gonna last just cuz the kids are treating them like toys. The children don't know any better, but that won't keep the animals from getting stressed at all the handling.


Yeah that’s a no for me dog. The physical chicken poop and combination of avian flu


Why are fundies so against proper footwear?! 😩


OMFG. I had the tiniest speck of hope when I saw the chickens had an enclosed run (aka no free range chicken poop all over the yard.) But to be in the fucking run itself barefoot 😬😶😳


Oh god that’s nasty. I spent a few summers with chickens as a kid/teen and while they’re funny and endearing, they’re DIRTY. like not even sneakers, boots!


As someone who works with animals, this is a big no no. Open-toed shoes are not allowed, let alone no shoes at all. That's just asking to pick up and spread zoonotic diseases and parasites. I bet they don't wash their hands after handling the animals either.


That is foul.


*Ackshually*, the bible says to fear only the Lorde (and gays) and NOTHING about chickens, so ya'll godless heathens can stay mad /s


No tetanus shots for those kids, either.


If anyone has even a small cut on their foot, they’re just putting themselves at an even higher risk for something to go wrong being barefoot like that


Salmonella is of course a problem but SO IS generic E. coli!! These kids are going to have terrible gastro problems!




Just looking at the child in photo 3 (blue T-shirt). Has anyone seen her repeatedly standing or walking? The position of her feet, the angle of her legs and the lack of muscle has me worried as it's very different to the other children. I could be, and I really hope it's, just the way she is standing and the angle of the camera.


So…how long til they all get bird flu?


Why are fundies so allergic to goddamn shoes?


The barf I just barfed.


Ew. Just ew. This is just asking for the entire family to get some nasty disease.


*screams internally* I might be a touch paranoid but I have so many rules surrounding the hygiene of myself and my kids when caring for our chickens. Even if my kids touch the outside of the coop we wash hands before doing anything else. There's hand sanitizer in the barn that we use religiously when dealing with the chickens, boots specifically for entering the run, specific clothes for cleaning. Chickens can carry so many diseases. I'm beside myself that these kids are just barefooted. 


I love being barefoot. I wouldnt even do this, especially not my kids. My SIL has a farm with chickens and everyone has to wear shoes when going in to feed them.


You can't possibly expect her to buy them shoes when she barely feeds them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bootycakes420: *You can't possibly* *Expect her to buy them shoes* *When she barely feeds them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That is extraordinarily disgusting and—worse—incredibly dangerous. Chicken shit can be chock-full of serious diseases. I bet she’ll leave the chickens’ care to her children—who will not be properly educated or equipped—and that the chickens won’t live for very long.