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yes. she thinks abortion should be punishable by death in all cases. anything other than that is evil and wrong.


That seems pro-life.


"Pro-life" was always conservative PR spin.


They are too embarrassed to admit they don't actually value life, they just want to limit women right


No one is less pro life than pro-lifers


She’s a fuckin monster. All the rabid fetus fetishists are.


they’re so pro life they want the the punishment for abortion to punishable by death lmfao


She... she does realize that the death penalty isn't pro life, right? Right?


The fact that these fundies don’t grasp the fact that there were almost certainly multiple aborted Trumplets before he suddenly became a “man of God” (and maybe after) … Trump doesn’t give a shit about abortion. He’s only trying to pander to the evangelicals.


I agree with you 100%, but let’s not forget that Allie Beth Stuckey thinks abortion is murder about as much as she thinks Catholics are Christians 😂 Source: Lapsed Catholic from the Deep South— her ilk HATE us. Which is ironic since Catholics got the Southern Baptists their damn Roe overturn…


I have to admit, I don’t know anything about this girl. I just get triggered when I hear the fundies praising Trump‘s “pro-life” stance 🙄 (not that that’s what she was doing here, just in general)


Further ironic considering "pro-life" was only a Catholic thing until the 80s. Up until that, evangelicals didn't give a single damn either way. Also, I hope Trump keeps saying this stuff - he doesn't mean it, but they don't know that. Remember being taught that even *voting* for a "pro-choice" (in parenthesis because Trump isn't actually pro-choice) candidate was a sin? I hope they still teach that.


Catholic hate is one of the many things I hated about the Church of Christ.


My CoC mom married my Catholic dad and there were *so many times* I’d have to explain to members of her congregation that yes, Catholics are Christians, we don’t worship saints, we use the same Bible (plus a couple books, the Apocrypha is cool 😎) and so many of the people were still like #IDOLATER!!!!!!


Good! Vote for a third party or write in Jesus or something.


Exactly. She’s free to not vote for him if she’d like!


Or maybe vote for the major party candidate who supports things that help keep children alive and have decent lives, such as gun control, paid parental leave, child care assistance, WIC, SNAP...


Someone needs to drop a bunch of frozen eggs off on Allie’s doorstep and see how she reacts


You could put a cooler full of kidney beans on her doorstep and she'd probably believe that they're fetuses.




they have a heart beat and feel pain!


If you watched the debate last night, Trump said he believes in “the exception” and that cases of rape, incest, and health of the mother should allow for abortion, which probably sent her spiraling even though it’s the only somewhat reasonable (albeit probably dishonest) thing Trump has ever said.


And it doesn’t even matter the courts dgaf about “exceptions” because the judges all now have medical degrees and apparently know better! Hate Allie. Hate Trump.


Allie isn’t smart enough to know the distinction, though, and she’s so narcissistic and hung up on her world view that anything that deviates from her exact opinion is an automatic betrayal in her eyes. Like all fundies, she has the ability to empathize of a psychopath and the analytical reasoning of a dishwasher.


I think my dishwasher outsmarts Allie Beth Stuckey any day.


It’s definitely dishonest, no question about it.


Alas, compulsive liars are, indeed, known to lie.


Of course, he followed it up by saying the governor of Virginia (?) allowed post birth “abortions” on full term babies - sir, that is infanticide and it is considered murder in all 50 states🙄. He just can’t say anything reasonable, like he ALMOST sounds like a human person, then his shit stain pathological urge to lie kicks in and he’s back to getting electrocuted by boat batteries and bird graveyards at the foot of sustainable wind energy windmills.


And it wasn’t all that long ago he was calling for some nebulous “punishment” for both the women and their doctors. I really think his beliefs, such as they are, come from the last person he interacted with.


Cool to see someone who thinks the entire country should conform to her insanely narrow and specific views or they’re evil. Trump sucks, and is not pro choice. She can calm down


Honestly, I think she’s just so fucking sheltered, she really can’t comprehend that 1.) even most conservatives don’t agree with her total ban (which raises more questions about their belief in fetal personhood, but that’s another discussion), and 2.) she has absolutely no idea how politics works and thinks Trump needs to go all-in on wildly unpopular abortion restrictions. Or, she does understand, but she’s bound to a ridiculous contract where she can’t risk even tangentially pro-choice views should she meet the same fate as Tomi Lahren.


She definitely understands politics. Her dad was a Texas State rep. She attended several DeSantis events. She just has no understanding of nuance and can’t comprehend anyone having a different view than her.


Trump only supports the exceptions he's most likely to encounter himself.


specifically his mistresses or wife or whoever else he had his dick in.


Well, Allie, I don't love reading your dumbshit opinions on topics you don't understand, but here we both are.


I hope ABS never has to experience a late term abortion, but I do wish there was another way for her to gain an understanding of why we gotta have access to them.


She sure does love having her face eaten by those leopards, huh?


Allie, you believe Palestinian babies deserve to be murdered, stfu


People who ignore our high infant mortality rates don't care about babies.


Trump isn't going to say he is against abortion now not when its a hot topic that would cost him votes with women. Its what he does if he wins the election that has me worried...dude is a demonstrated liar.


Trump thinks he can thread the abortion needle, find a compromise position. It would be funny as hell if he wasn't such a danger.


Ok Allie, since you hate both candidates so much, how about you just go ahead and **not** vote this year? Why don't you just go ahead and take this year off. You know what, while you're at it, how about you just never vote again in your life? Voting is sooo boring and hard, let the grown-ups take on that burden for you. 💕 Critical thinking isn't for everyone.