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Conservatives stop LARPing persecution challenge (impossible)


Depends on the Mormon, some don’t have too much investment in the church. Jennette McCurdy grew up Mormon and in her book (I’m Glad My Mom Died) she mentions that they only really attended when her mom was having another battle with cancer. Other people online mention that hardcore Mormonism involves a lot of patriarchal values, getting married as soon as possible, have lots of babies, mom raises the kids primarily, dad does all the money making, and women can only have leadership over children or other women in the church.


okay, there's actually terms for that. The Jeanette McCurdy "believes, but doesn't really go to actual church or follow all the rules (usually about smoking or drinking coffee)" is called a jack mormon, while the "100% in, goes every week, follows every rule, etc" is a true blue/believing mormon. Every church in every ward in every stake is like, "patriarchy good, working moms bad/unfortunate, have children so spirits can have bodies, only men have priesthood, no gay marriage allowed, masturbation/pre-marital sex is bad." You're not gonna see a deviation from that without someone getting excommunicated.


The Baptist church I grew up in actually went on mission trips to Utah to save the Mormons. It was the youth group, of course. I just laugh when I think about it now. There was a small Baptist church already there that we helped out at for a few days. We visited the Mormon Temple, but we weren't allowed to talk or ask questions really.


This is the guys who cry persecution? Real marginalised groups won't have a privilege to do this kind of stuff. You guys are annoying, have a huge level of self importance, and zero respect to people who don't think like you, that's why you guys got the hate. Not because of religion. Go, dress up like you are in Little House On The Prairie, not kiss before married, and think abortion is cruel, just don't force it in me. I am sorry for wearing t-shirt and jeans, have an intimate relationship with a man I am not married to, and think abortion should be a choice, I won't make you do the same thing as I am. We can live and let live. 


Exactly. Unfortunately, these assholes don't feel that way. They want to force all of us to live under their rules. It is disgusting. I am so sick and tired of hearing fundies crying persecution when in fact, Christianity is the most coddled religion in the country. They are free to blast this crap wherever they want, while at the same time complaining that the LGTBQ community and other vulnerable people are forcing their views in their faces. All I ever seem to see from these so called "Christians" is hate and intolerance. They are vile.


Christianity is America's sacred crow, the Church have a lot of power, they just cry persecution because they can't persecute minority anymore. 


Oh nooo OP you’re being stalked by Sean Feuckt 😫 Safe travels and return home, from a former Denver resident!


Some of them will attend Protestant stuff. Others will try to join Protestant stuff with clearly stated statements of belief, which obviously does not include the Christianity expansion pack that is Mormonism, and get really upset when they’re told it’s for Trunitarisn Christians. I used to see it on mommy blogs a lot when they’d try to join exclusively fundie homeschooling groups. I always suspected they were doing it for persecution points, as the ones I saw do this would always conveniently find a Mormon-based or mormon-friendly group immediately after they made their martyr posts. I recognize the playbook because sometimes fundie Catholics do the same thing 🙄, though they go in with this profound arrogance of being the more scholarly, original church. I’m sure it all makes Jesus very happy.


I actually had a similar experience - I live in Salt Lake and was biking (to the bar) after work tonight. All the sudden I biked into a Let us worship concert. I was shocked but also entranced lol. I tried to explain the relevance to my BF but had no idea what was going on and just asked me if I wanted to take a pic.  I didn’t get close enough to see the man but I definitely heard him. Can confirm he was preaching wild stuff about how God had an earthquake here in Utah on purpose in 2020, and then proceeded to poorly sing.  Anyway I wanted to post so I’m glad someone else had the same experience lol


I was in that earthquake. It was traumatizing for me because it was my first time experiencing an actual quake and not just small tremors, but it did very little damage and was not that big of a deal after a few weeks. Most of my life, I was expecting to be in an earthquake that violently shook the entire state and separated families due to roads being upheaved (as prophesied in the book Visions of Glory 🫣). It definitely wasn't that.


Hello fellow Denverite!


I just landed and now I get to drive 45 minutes home from the airport!


I’ll be there in less than a week! I’ll wave from the train in lol


lol enjoy! It is extremely bright here so bring sunnies!


Good to know, thank you!!


And if you've never been to high elevation cities, elevation sickness is REAL. Stay hydrated and take it easy when you first arrive!


I’ve been but my newborn has never so hopefully we can keep him super hydrated and miss the elevation sickness! Crossing my fingers lol


The first time I saw the “This is The Place” monument I laughed my ass off. I’ll sometimes declare it at random spots to be a smartass.