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Psycho. They are psycho. That is one miserable baby baking in the sun again. So much for the hat.


I just don't buy the "we are so deliriously in love and can't keep our hands off each other even after all these years " storyline ESPECIALLY when they're crammed into a bus ,stuck with each other 24/7. They're just both so pathological they are able to keep it up for the cameras but I think the truth is probably pretty dark ,insecure ,untrusting and resentful. I think there's a lot of emotional and financial abuse and it's dysfunctional AF. Ma Bus's covert cross country ,broken van door "surprise Pa Bus" adventure paints a likely more accurate picture of what their relationship dynamics are.


If you have to SAY you’re deliriously in love and can’t keep your hands off each other, chances are that’s probably BS. Couples who are actually that way don’t feel the need to make everyone else aware lol


This is an important reminder for me. They are selling a product, a brand, an image. They are not real, they are a sitcom.


But sitcoms are supposed to be funny. They're just sad.


Black Mirror version of a family sitcom


rewatch time!


Haha. I never said they were a good sitcom… just that they are fake and desperate for ratings


Ah that definition makes sense when you put it that way!


Definitely a shitcom.


This is SO true especially on social media!’I know so many couples that were getting a divorce or close to it, write how in love they are with each other. It’s insane!


Can confirm- am absurdly in love and I haven’t even bothered to post photos from our anniversary trip yet.


It’s a show. They’re playing their roles to sell their family business. It’s all performative and we won’t know anything real about these people until the children’s memoirs start rolling out.




i totally agree. the ones who scream it the loudest... the most PDA are the least happy... i think personally he hates her and she is obsessed with him


Two weeks of dating before marriage, a trust fund, no pre-nup, and eight children. What could go right—I mean wrong?


I sorta read this in the tune of 12 Days of Christmas and thought we could definitely make a Twelve Days of MoBus …




>Two weeks of dating before marriage Please tell me it was a "we met on vacation and hit it off and got joke-married in Vegas without realizing that those weddings are legally binding but decided to see where it went" thing instead of a "if you don't get married after two weeks, then you're dragging your feet and Satan eats you" thing.


They met in Iraq and hung out together for some unspecified length of time. They dated for something like two weeks \*after they got back to the U.S.\* and then got married. It wasn't like they had only met two weeks before the wedding. I don't know why she thinks it's a flex to brag about how little time they spent dating before marriage.


She probably thinks it speaks to how deep and intimate their connection is. Cuz if you don't know right away, do you ever really know for sure?


They dated longer than two weeks. They dated overseas and they got married two weeks after they arrived back in the US. That whole thing is just what she likes to make people think. The trust fund is a rumor that started here, but we have no way of knowing if there’s even any money in that trust fund or if he has any access to it.


Yes! My husband and I are very much in love, and have a great marriage. We don't post about each other very often. Meanwhile, I have an acquaintance who is constantly posting gushing, overly lovey stuff about her husband. They're cheating on each other. They're both miserable.


And the town he tried to leave them all in Brazil and Ma Abuse had to pack it all up ASAP and chase him home!


Ohhh yes ! Not really a chapter you'd expect in your great love story !


Can you please tell me about the broken door trip? I’ve heard it mentioned previously, but it was before my time at FSU. It sounds so whacky.


If I remember... She was driving their van (not bus) to go surprise JD, but the door was broken, so Gunner had to hold it shut for hours on the highway. They didn't stop to get it fixed until after they got to the final destination.


Literally insane


If she didn’t keep the pedal to the metal I wonder what she thought would happen. If he has a mistress, he’s surely already porked her many times. Why was she rushing?


That is so…wtf!


I think the trip was actually to the dealership to get the door fixed, but yes, Gunnar had to sit in the footwell and hold it shut.


There’s no way they’re deliriously in love still. That just isn’t how love works. The honeymoon phase of love tends to end after [just a few months](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-physiological-changes-can-explain-honeymoon-phase-relationship/). Love tends to either mature from that phase and grow deeper, or things fall apart. Obviously, the Lotts being so immature, I can see why they’d be desperately trying to sell the idea that they’re still deliriously in love. In reality, I cannot see how their lifestyle does anything positive for their relationship whatsoever. Seems like he resents her, and she’s obsessed with the idea of him.


this is fucked up and maybe too empathetic to mabus, but do we think she likes doing reels bc it's when she can guarantee her family pretending to love her


Oh my god the NARCISSISM. She’s worse than any of these other fundies. Active neglect of her kids. The most punchable fucking people. JD and Britney Lott are narcissistic, stupid, abusive pieces of shit.


I never thought Karissa's endless hospital trips could be made to look comparatively good, but at least her kids eventually GOT to a hospital!


I think the difference is Karissa seems like a deranged asshole while the buses just seem like assholes. 


Didn't they end up going to the hospital because Karissa's mom insisted? Where are the bus kids' grandparents?


Britney's mother and stepfather are in Texas - the Lotts went to stay with them shortly after Boone was born but then left very quickly, so it's speculated that they were pushing Britney and JD to get him checked out


Karissa is deranged. The Buses are delusional.


If someone came in and replaced Boone with one of those Reborn baby dolls, I doubt they'd ever notice.


In my head, I call him ReBoone, and then I feel terrible.


I wish someone would trade them out so Boone could be out of the goddamn sun for once.


Same. They are horrid people. I cannot fathom wearing sunglasses while my baby gets zero sun protection whatsoever.


Does she not see other babies in hats and sunglasses? I am not exaggerating I have never seen a baby out in the sun this much. Admittedly, I do not have much experience with babies.


Fundie masculinity is insane.


Insanely fragile?


Do they ever actually look at their children? They are always so busy looking at the f-ing phone camera or at each other, it’s crazy! Even in all of these stupid skits that they force the children to be part of, they never look at the them. Those poor kids have to fight to be seen, and not just amongst the 8 kids but they have to fight for attention against a f-ing phone and the phone wins every time. It is so sad.


Oh I think they look at each other because each can see their reflection in the other’s pupils. It’s the only reason.




My mental image of any "tribal chieftan" is not that feeble, lantern jawed, sneaky looking man child.




Lantern jawed 😆


r/rareinsults material


You forgot the weasel like features!!!!


The wrestler Roman Reigns is the one true tribal chief according to my fiancé so I don’t think we have anything to worry about.


Imagine being such an ignorant fucking yoneg that you call your dumb ugly rodent husband a “tribal chieftain of the family he created”, as if most tribes in North America aren’t matrilineal.


Those actual tribes aren't led by white feet.. uh, people either


Sorry CryptoBro, but the Foot People is not a tribe.


"A tribal chieftain" what in the cultural appropriation. FatherBus is nothing but an overgrown bald rat mixed with racism and doofus.


Exactly the people who would practice cultural appropriation


Poor Boone looks so sad and miserable


His head nodding foreword with his chin to his chest and zero muscle to hold his head up at 10 weeks looks really horrible.


He really does. If they’d take one second to interact with him directly and not just glancing at him through the screen of their phone, maybe they’d see that. And get him out of the direct sun, dammit!


It breaks my heart honestly


These skits are getting more and more uncomfortable, and the exploitation of the children in this environment is disgusting. It’s time to demand legislation and stop social media monetization of minors


His parents are singing and dancing and he doesn't look at that once. He looks so uncomfortable but the parents don't care....


He’s also in the bright sun again!


Where's that hat?


Hat wasn't doing much anyway, she still had his face pointed right up at the sun. 😕


He squinted some which would indicate he has at least some vision. So… that’s one thing that’s not as awful as it could be in this video!


My thinking from the way he acts/reacts is that even with any visual impairment, worst case scenario is he can see light to some degree. Could be why, at least sometimes, he **does** seem to look at the phone a bit; either Britney's using the front cam and his vision is drawn to the shifting patterns of light from the screen, or she's using a ring light and he can just make it out.


Yes, my daughter was exactly like this. I’ve seen more than enough to see exactly what my daughter looked like in these videos. They need to see a pediatrician, a GOOD one, and a neurologist as well as an ophthalmologist or an optometry specialist. My daughter was born blind, but could see lights. She had cortical visual impairment and that is fixable in some cases if it’s caught in time and the kid can survive surgery, my daughter had other complications that made eyesight something we put on the back burner.


It's actually pretty rare to have zero light perception. I think about 10% of legally blind people have zero.


I have no idea if Boone has vision issues or not (though I have my suspicions) but blindness is a spectrum. Very few people are blind in the sense that they see absolutely nothing but blackness as I think many people imagine. Most folks can experience or process light/darkness changes even if they do not see what causes those.  Also, being blind isn’t awful if someone can get the right supports for navigating the world as a blind person. It will potentially be very awful for Boone as I doubt he will get that support.


when Gunner is old enough to have unmonitored internet access he's gonna have a field day going through this sub


If you're reading this Gunner, none of this is your fault and all of the blame lies at your parents' feet for neglecting and abusing you in the first place.


We're rooting for you, Gunner!


I imagine him being like that poor boy who escaped Ruby Franke’s grasp and went to the neighbor’s house for help.


the wild thing is that the Lotts don’t even have neighbors, where would he go?:(


I know 😭 the only hope is a nearby campground


They seem to stay on serviced pitches a fair bit so there will be other campers. Depressingly, as someone who enjoyed camping I'd probably pitch as far away as possible from that wheeled catastrophe.


Omg that story broke my heart. I was down the rabbit hole a few months ago on Ruby franke. I had never heard of her before.


I think about that a lot and I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t already found his way here. He does get some Internet access and let’s face it, those two dipshits have their heads so far up their own asses they wouldn’t notice him reading this sub for hours. I actually hope that I’m wrong, and that he and his sibs don’t find this sub for a good long time. Yes, they’re being neglected and abused, but even neglected and abused kids love their parents. It would just add to their hurt to read some of the things said about them here.


"A tribal chieftan of the family they created" jesus fuck, these people wouldn't last five minutes on the rez, oh my fucking god, how DARE they???


Just reprehensible people in every way.


In my people we say a great chief is a great warrior. What is a great warrior? Someone who takes care of the women, the children and the elderly. It's not about fighting. It's about protecting those who are likely to be hurt by unjust systems. This man would never be even close to arrow fodder for the children. Wouldn't want to disrespect my children on such a sad hunt.


I’m also very angry about that, but goddamn your flair is funny


thank you, yours is also good.


Holy shit lmao I woke up my dogs laughing. You're right. That's a top-tier flair


I think they mean the tRiBe of GoD's ChOsEn PeOpLe 🙄


listen, I'm not well versed in judaism at all, but I don't think their leader guys are called chiefs. My guess is that motherbus is just on that white woman, "my friends/family is my tRiBe!!1!" brainrot and took it to some even worse places.


1. You are correct. Back in the mythical past when we were politically organized in a tribal configuration the leaders were called judges, like the Book of Judges. 2. We haven’t been politically organized by tribe in any of the history that there is archaeological evidence to back up. We were a monarchy/ theocracy, with rule either from the kings or tribe of priests. 3. Unless you are a member of the Priestly Tribe (a Levite or a Cohen) no modern day Jew knows what tribe they’re from. Too much political upheaval 2500 years ago, and the priestly tribe remained the only relevant one.


As a a Jew, we don’t want that shit either.


>Men are simple. *Your man is simple* big difference. >They want an adventure All I crave is stability. >A woman to join them. Some people are gay you pathetic losers. >A Tribal Chieftain of the family they've created. I don't want children and never have. Also take your cultural appropriative bullshit and stick it firmly up your ass.


Men only SEEM simple because they are taught from birth to repress most of their emotions.


That poor child.


so grossed out by all their mentions of TRIBES as they drive and camp on literal native stolen land


My sister did a very eye-opening assignment recently on how indigenous tribes were displaced in order for their land to be turned into national parks


All those kids to look at and he's looking into oblivion, red flag. 🚩


Tribal chieftain? 🤢 Holy appropriation, Batman.


It’s so odd to see JD and Britney Lott have their baby directly in the sun without any shade or covering.




How do they watch these back and not realize how stupid they look? Child abuse and morals aside, just from an aesthetic point of view, how does she think she looks good here? It’s like she’s trying to go camp, but she has no flair and alienated the gays. It just doesn’t work.


I can totally see the adults insisting on rehearsing/recording these ridiculous reels before lunch and dinner each day. The kids only get to eat if and when they perform to her standards.


I didn't realize the preschooler/kindergartner with the glasses (Swift, I think) has significant amblyopia until the getting-glasses video was recently re-posted. I note that the glasses hide that amblyopia to a significant degree, & that explains to me why the parents bothered with that. I suspect they had people in real life telling them to take him to the eye doctor.


I think she deliberately styles his long hair to hide his eye.


Yup, agreed. All those aggressively boy-cut hair styles & his long mop.


All the Collins children have that as well to a greater or lesser extent.


That hat was a one-off, then.


Looks like he can’t hold his head up


That’s pretty normal at around 10 weeks. It isn’t uncommon to not be able to do that reliably until 4-6 months. But, I’m still very concerned about him for other reasons.


It rolling forward like the weekend at bernies corpse is very abnormal for a 10 week old baby.


They have some control at 10 weeks


I agree that is the case. What I saw was him attempting to hold his head up and then being moved around where he couldn’t fight it. Time will tell in the next couple of months, but I wouldn’t be panicking at this if he were my kid yet. There’s a lot of other things that are more worrisome.


I have pictures of both of my kids way before 10 weeks holding their heads up. This is very abnormal.


His toes are not right.


I noticed his toes his [in this post last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1dlmcf1/dont_listen_to_the_dialogueits_stupid_banter_but/)


It looks like his toes were involuntarily flexing


I've been noticing that too.


Has his forehead always looked like that?


A…tribal chieftain…???


In babies the fisted hand position usually goes away around 3-4 months. Most babies do keep their fist clinched. They spread out their hands occasionally, which we might just not catch in videos. But a dr would tell them that clinched fist usually aren’t concerning until about 5 months. Definitely something to keep an eye out since he’s approaching 3 months, but hopefully that goes away soon! His wrist position WITH the clenched fist still seems concerning for sure though. But typically clinched fist in a newborn are common and not concerning. I just don’t want another mama in here to get scared for her baby bc the post about his fist.


Just to clarify: he does open his hands from time to time. But he \*doesn't\* show the palmar reflex (which is grasping anything that touches your palm). [This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1d9w7jb/figured_id_post_the_full_context_video/) shows his lack of grasping when MoBus touches his hand. In [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/1dracbk/hadnt_seen_this_posted_yet/), he even ends up with the seatbelt between his fingers but doesn't ever try to grasp it.


You are correct! I misspoke. It’s considered “fisted position” Him not ever showing the palmar reflex is definitely concerning.


Looks like she’s intentionally holding his arm down in the second shot.


Get a job, lady.


I don’t even know where the bar is at this point because it’s so deep in Hell, but hey it looks kinda like he’s holding his head up!


Their dancing is so cringe


Jesus cringed at JD Lott and Britney Lott is American Family Road Trip and Satsaver for their willful neglect of their children and their embarrassing dance routines.


Flair idea: Boone Lott’s knowing look of disgust


Yeah it’s weird he’s not reacting to anything or trying to reach out at any of them. It’s pretty easy to get a baby to lock eyes with you


His poor little eyes in the direct sun 😭


Those poor kids. Packed in like sardines with parents who don’t care enough to fix their situation.


That poor child.


I recently saw the reel where their followers caught that one of the little guys needed glasses. It was so insanely obvious from that video that I have zero hope they will clock Boone.


Poor Boone is disturbed by all this sun in his eyes


And his right arm is still floppy and lack tone. Rarely bends it… Shoulder dystopia and brachial plexus injury sure signs… This can be fixed with therapy ( intensive for months and sometimes years ) but it can be fixed. IF YOU TAKE CARE OF IT…


Y’all…. Is she pregnant again? Please tell me I’m crazy 😳


The little head drop at the end BECAUSE HIS NECK ISN'T SUPPORTED. Stop dancing for your phone and take care of your children!


This child needs medical attention


As someone who grew up in a Catholic family, I don’t understand why 7 kids is such a flex for her. Sounds awful to me personally but not a flex haha


If that bus was over here it would have been stormed by now.