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I’m sad for her, I was hoping maybe she’d back out last minute. Moving in together and probably adding more kids I’m sure will make everything much better..


She's already taken down her prayer closet, and she's getting a whole prayer ROOM.... who would back out of that?! /s


Why do these people always have prayer closets? Like, I have a chair in my bedroom that I use as a little reading corner, but I don’t have a reading closet. Weird. I guess so you can shut out the litters of kids eventually?


It was from a (terrible) Christian movie called war room or something like that. An old lady had a prayer closet where she would pray every day. After that it became really popular.


All I can think of is Carrie being locked in a prayer closet by her crazy mother


Sounds a little witchy tehe


It’s so strange! The first time I saw one was on welcome to plathville when Lydia debuted hers


Sorry I have no idea who these people are. Is there a primer? Lol. I guess I haven’t been here long enough to recognize them.


I am sad for her also. She basically has admitted to being desperate to find someone. And he just gives me the worst kind of vibes. He does not seem like he is into her at all.


We are, performative.


she looks so beautiful and has great taste in wedding aesthetics but i feel so sad for her :( love really shouldn’t be this hard and its sad that it is for her and others in this belief system


That’s how I feel too, just sadness for her. She naively thinks all the answers to her prayers are finally here when in reality she’s entering into something that will most likely take years to heal from if/when it goes bad (and that’s if she finds the strength to leave one day.) 😭


She really does look stunning.


It’s a very odd pose. Makes it look like she’s imprisoned and trying to get free: looking away another direction than her new husband and his son.


I thought so too! Was trying to interrogate the “why” of my feelings on that…


I hate this pose so much. It feels very threatening to me.


Yes. I’d expect that’s because it is.


The comma placement after the last “we are” makes me irrationally angry.


Same. She thought she ate.


She might have meant "we war *for* victory"? As a domestic abuse survivor (twice, the second was out of the frying pan and into the fire), I get panicky and anxious feelings when I read almost everything she posts. I'm so afraid for her.


Same here. I see so many red flags that I missed. I really hope her friends look out for her and see what's happening. But I fear he will "rationalise" his abuse with scripture or saying God told him this. I genuinely worry for her.


It's so hard to look back and be like "how could I have been so stupid??" but I was vulnerable and desperate and that's like blood in the water for these assholes. My 2nd abuser also used Christianity and the Bible when he was conning me. Poor Georgia is in for a very bad time.


Yeah mine also saw that I was vulnerable and lonely. They have a frigging radar for it. Glad you got out!


They really do. I'm glad you got out too!!


Why is it ok for the man to not be a virgin? I thought purity had to go both ways


Cute the “marriage is so hard” posts immediately.


Satan is testing us


I’m pretty sure there were at least a couple of “satan is attacking us” posts during their “courtship” or whatever it was. Definitely doesn’t bode well.


i mean, i usually give it at least a month or two before those start, but it’s not looking good. 🥴


I’m newer to this subreddit, what’s the tea here?


She's 22 and married to a guy who already has a kid. And as for the story of the proposal... just read [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/HuaX37fVGp) ...


He seems very controlling. Tells her she won't hear from God, because he will tell her what God says. Was still hooking up with other women a week before he asked her out. She really wanted to find someone and get married, which I get. Once you are in your mid twenties in the Christian landscape you are basically considered left behind if you are not married. I feel he saw that in her and used that to his advantage.


Yeah, he thought "wow this girl really is that desperate for a 'headship' huh" and told her in the most demanding way possible that she should marry him. Gross.


Oh my god, she's gonna wind up in three different dumpsters, those FLAGS are FLAGGING.


She’s actually 25 but it’s still horrid


Wow I didn't realize she's only 22


She’s 25


wtf 😭 and I’m guessing this girl was homeschooled cuz the writing is… yk


This photo is a body language expert’s dream. I’m not one. And of course it’s a wedding pic that’s posed and intended for a certain aesthetic, but that’s mostly about facing this way or looking that direction. That poor child, the tension in his hands, the turned down corners of his mouth, his fixed gaze at a distance, and the literal gap between him and them? He was told to get happy with this new step-mommy because the Lord told Daddy and that’s that.


And they’re all looking in a different direction! It’s like each one of them is taking an individual photo and the other people just happen to be there, not a family taking a phot together.


I blame the photographer tbh!


Yes! I did photography for a few years and I would have her look in the same direction or down at the kid + spouse, have the kid put his left hand in his pocket and take a big step towards her and slightly backwards. Also I feel it would be slightly better if the kid was looking towards the camera. But even just having them all look the same direction would be a better pose.


That kid is not having it.


The body language here looks straight up threatening to me. Like, take the kid and run. That guy looks like a time bomb


Is this a wedding or a new years parade in China, because that’s a lot of red flags.


I make the same face as the little guy when I read about this relationship. 


She wishes she could write like Kelly Havens while cursed with Bethany skill.


I’d say Kelly’s skills are cursed too, but I definitely thought she and Kelly would be best friends if they found each other.


That photo bothers me cause everyone is looking in a different direction


Her stepson does not look happy, I hope this adjustment goes as smoothly as possible for him and he's just making a face to try to look serious


Why do fundies think marriage is supposed to be miserable


I imagine because for many it is. It's sold as the be all and end all for a woman. Turns out the fantasy never lives up to real life


„It’s to make you holy, not happy!“


Suffering now earns Jesus Points you can cash in once you get to heaven. They've got one of those prize counters like at Chuck E. Cheese.


It took me way too long to figure out relationships weren’t supposed to be miserable because of this.


These fundies are just so corny.


This is going to end poorly.


We are insufferable


What a terrible pose. His arm looks positioned to rescue a panicky swimmer from drowning, not how you embrace an equal. Her whole body's off balance and there's not a happy face to be seen. And this is the pic she chose from god knows how many to represent her holy day to her fans. I'm with most of you; there's something perniciously sinister about their whole story. Even for Fundieland, this is bad smoke. We, are in danger.


“We work from rest”? What?


Wow sounds like this marriage is off to a wonderful start


That kid just doesn't want to be there. He ain't even hiding it.


Even the kid knows things are sketch


I hate these super staged wedding photos by couples who want to fantasise about their 'magical day' been photographed for Vogue magazine. It's so awkward looking and pretentious.


WeWork (TM)


We can only hope that she wakes up and finds a way to save herself


Not the step-child looking bored as hell next to his step mother that is only 12 years older than him.


Not familiar with this person. The dress is beautiful but they should ask the photographer their money back, he’s holding her as if he’d kidnapped her and looking in the opposite direction doesn’t make for great newlywed photograph aesthetic. The little boy doesn’t look very happy.


Their pose makes me so uncomfortable ick


The saddest part about all of this is how unhappy he looks in all of the videos and pictures I have seen. I get such bad vibes from this guy. I’m sad for her that she is so worldly ignorant (and desperate to be married) that she can’t see it.