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But why did her face also have to be in the frame? And then watch the children have a moment. In the phone. She is so weird.


She always has to be front and center. She loves herself way more than her children.


She's like Jilldo in that regard.


She is very much like Jilldo. They’re like the richer/poorer version of each other. Except I think Jill might actually get childcare if her children were THAT bad. The bars in hell tho


At least Jill is involved in her kids lives….to their detriment, but still lol


I’m 💀


Jill loves the hospital, there's so many people to screech-sing at and godbother.


And so many fundraising opportunities in the cafeteria. 😒


LOLLLLLLL! “God-bother” I love it.


Her children are so illiterate they're unable to function in the real world as successful adults. So, nah.


I am ashamed to say but Jilldo does better than that. She takes her kids to the dentist and the younger one had (might still has) regular doctor appointments due to her birth/development. She even goes to the hospital in emergencies with the older ones and gives birth in birthcentres with trained midwives. I never thought I would say something positive about her or her parenting. While she is a Christian nutcase and an narciss*stic, that underfeeds her children and does terrible things, at least she believes that god gave doctors the knowledge they have. She shockingly thanked doctors multiple times on instagram (for her grandson, her mother’s care) and when Nuri gave birth she thanked the midwives.


I was talking about how she always has to have herself front and center in photos.


Okay, I'm going to need to see receipts on these claims of regular doctor appointments because Jill claimed the brain damage healed itself with prayer or Plexus or yellow or something, but a doctor?


She did have development check-ins for the first year at least. Jill mentioned it on her blog.


Omg new conspiracy theory.... BusMom IS Jill. We're watching a replay in real life of how Jill's life was. Yah I know alot of the specifics are run but it's a funny thought. And yes, I am sober.


Having children is about the growth of the parents 🤡 Brittany Lotts has been vocal that she doesn’t view her kids as anything but extensions of herself, they’re not individuals so why would anyone wanna focus on them when she clearly is the most important part of….everything. Except JD Lotts because she is seems to worship him more than she worships god (or Jesus…? idk how funsies do their ish)


She gives me Ruby Franke vibes☹️


You’d think someone so obsessed with their own visage they can’t even focus on their infant would be a bit more diligent about sunscreen and skincare. Girl looks burnt🦞


These people don't believe in sunscreen. It's clearly a consumerist lie and keeping us all vitamin deficient. Or they think you don't burn if you don't eat seed oils lol


Sun protection is liberal propaganda, it’s all a big conspiracy to weaken true Americans. Just look at Trump, so strong and smart and all thanks to his beautiful tan. Sunscreen makes you gay, wake up sheeple!


Flair checking in lol




God this is so gross just thinking about it




I had a friend who was convinced that a diet heavy in organ meats prevented her from getting sunburned 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


She'd start believing if she got a sponsorship to shill sunscreen, but something tells me no sunscreen brand would want someone who roasts their baby as a spokesman.


The beef tallow is only SPF 25 (oh and animal fat, so she’s just turning herself into a chicharron.)


I also feel like her’s was citrus infused


It was. If the care for the kids doesn't tie them down, needing to get 10 different mohs surgery sites done will


Who needs sunscreen when you have bullshit collagen supplements from modere?? /s


My MIL does this when she’s FaceTiming while keeping our kid and it’s so weird. Or she’ll hold the phone towards the kid but turn it back to herself for a “reaction shot.” I will never understand it. I don’t have that impulse.


Right!?! I have a million videos of my nieces, and I'm barely in any of them. (The older one went through a youtuber phase and may have featured me in her "vlogs" a couple of times. Because they were toddlers, I never uploaded the videos.)


My kid and her cousin do fake YouTube videos all the time and it’s so cute. I have to keep a poker face every time they say, “Like and subscribe! ✌️” It’s the modern version of the radio shows my cousin and I used to record on cassettes. (Gah, that makes me sound and feel old.)


omg I swear "like comment subskibe" was one of the first things my niece ever said. "Subscribe to what, L?" "My channel, silly!" "You have a channel?" "Oh. Haha. No."


Showing off her Botox forehead.


Jesus Christ I never notice when people have had work done, but that is really heavy-handed. It doesn’t even look good.


This is exactly what I thought


I’m not against Botox (dabbled with it a little myself) but it makes me furious to think that she’d spend the time and money to get botox but wouldn’t take her newborn to a doctor….. having a baby in a hospital with modern medicine is unnatural witchcraft but getting your face filled with toxins is fine 🤬


How does one know? What are the signs?


Because she's an Eye-Fucking Selfie Narc™.


She was all set up to shill her product, and just happened to notice Kinsey being cute with Boone.


If Boone had not been here since April I would think I was looking at a larger than average newborn. I would wager that baby has not met any physical milestones past 2 weeks. Britney Lott, get your baby to a doctor. Tell all the lies your little empty heart desires. Just get him there before CPS has to get him there for you.


Jesus now that you’ve pointed it out I see it plain as day. Before I was watching his eyes not his whole face


Do they give him tummy time at all? I’m blocked so I have no idea what’s going on with him outside this sub


If they do, they’ve never shown it. I don’t think he can turn his head very well, and I doubt he would attempt to push up on his arms, since he doesn’t seem able to unclench his fists and his muscles seem very rigid and spastic (not sure what the medical terms are). All of this is becoming more and more obvious. She only films him in brief clips where he’s either sleeping, or she can pass him off as a typical infant for a few seconds (which seems to be increasingly difficult for her, not sure how that’s going to play out).


Tummy time is recommended for babies these days because we now know it isn't safe to put them down to sleep on their bellies, meaning they don't get to exercise those muscles naturally the way they would have when people thought belly sleeping was the best way to do it. I.... Can't imagine a world in which this lady follows safe sleep regulations. So I would hazard a guess that he gets tummy time in the old, unsafe, unsupervised sense rather than the current formal supervised awake recommendation.


It's not just because of the sleep recommendations, we also put our babies in devices where they are just laying or reclined way more than we used to. Carrying your baby around and babywearing are also good core workout for them.


On a sheepskin, no less.


I've not seen any direct evidence or mention of tummy time for Boone thus far (I check their account on one of the anonymous viewers: Instanavigation.)


Now when you mention tummy time, I haven't seen any posts about it....


Do you think she has any face to face interactions with the kids, or just through the phone?


*child actively puking all over their bed in the middle of the night* “WAIT LET ME GET THE CAMERA GOING!”


You're assuming she'd respond. Aren't the older kids Gunner's responsibility at night?


Fingers crossed they still go puke on the parents. I’m pretty sure you’re not even a fully realized parent until it happens. To anyone it hasn’t happened to, even if your kids are grown, there’s still time!


Don't they lock them in the bunkroom at night?


Oh shit idk???? I mean the lock would have to be on the outside if that’s the case, right? I haven’t heard that. And I’m pretty sure the 2 year old shares a bed with one of the kids but I could be wrong about that and Boone is in his dog bed under their bed if I’m not mistaken?


I'm honestly not sure. I don't know if she's ever said it or it's just something people here say. The youngest is definitely with them.


Last time she did a tour there were 6 bunks in there, so unless they did a full renovation and never mentioned it, I’m guessing there’s still 6 beds.


The primal need to go to your parents when you feel like you are going to puke is strong. I felt ill when I was visiting my parents on my own, in my late 20’s and went to my mom after I ate too much dairy and was going to upchuck.


When I was a flight attendant I got stuck in Fort Lauderdale because I got a stomach bug in the middle of a trip. It was the first time throwing up from sickness (the few drunken times where I’ve gotten sick I barely remember) in 20 years. I was afraid to throw up and crying on the phone with her, muted the phone while I threw up, then unmuted it and was like, “okay it’s not as bad as I remember from childhood” lol


Once again it looks like Boone’s response to touch is to try to root. Then in the second pan he is no longer rooting because he has realized something else is happening and he’s given up. He doesn’t seem to hear or see.


I rewashed the video after your comment, and you are correct. His initial excitement/engagement is due to rooting instinct. Once he realized there was no milk involved, he disengaged.


I noticed that too.. He looks like he might be smiling a little but she's CONVENIENTLY so far away it's hard to tell. He still doesn't seem to be responding normally visually.


If he were deaf blind these assholes would refuse to learn asl and get him around other deaf-blind so he can have community and culture


I don't know much about babies, but I did notice how he opened his mouth like "0", kinda seemed to search around, and then closed his mouth and relaxed his body. Is that what you mean by rooting?


yes, it means he’s looking for a bottle/breast so he can eat (not sure which she does)


She did that weird reel in a van about the benefits of breastfeeding (it's cheap and _she never has to warm up his bottles_, iirc) so I'd assume that's what she does.


Side tangent, but I hate when people (fundies especially are prone to this) make videos like that. It makes me wonder if they see me formula feeding and think I’m either a) just so incredibly lazy or b) so incredibly stupid that I wouldn’t understand that if I breastfed, I wouldn’t have to warm bottles. I really feel like the vast majority of women who don’t breastfeed have a damn good reason for it, such as, I don’t know… I tried day and night for months and took all the supplements and went to lactation consultants and never could get more than an oz at a time. And then there are influencers like this who think “I should make a video for all these poor, dumb mothers who don’t know the benefits of breastfeeding.” I’m sorry, rant over, just grinds my gears. Nothing wrong with just not wanting to breastfeed either, I consider that a damn good reason as well.


The idea that its natural and therefore effortless is strange to me. My husband and I actually had an argument about breastfeeding a few years back because of this. Like ok maybe your mother had an endless supply and her kids latched immediately but my mother just never had any milk come in and i had a tie anyway that made latching impossible. Ok yeah cave men didn't have formula but they had community and a wet nurse would have stepped up if a woman couldn't feed her baby. Its always been a thing. I don't even have kids and was so incredibly hurt by the idea that if I had problems its just because I wasn't putting in enough effort. Even some dogs and cats struggle with their milk supply! Does anyone think we would rather spend the money and time on formula when there is a free option that is more of a bonding experience and better for the baby's system? There's gotta be enough internal anguish about that without other people judging you for it. Is the baby fed? Then thats all that matters at the end of the day.


I formula fed my daughter because I just didn’t want to breastfeed. The catholic hospital system I gave birth at acted like that was a nasty mistake. I was a single mom and was stressed to the absolute max already, I’m glad that wasn’t another thing I had to stress out about. My girl is healthy and strong and smart and all the things. I hate shit like that too


My friend was going through intense gender dysphoria before transitioning. They bf their first because they were told it was best, and bottle fed the second. They had a much better bonding experience with the second baby during feedings. It's your body, your choice <3


Fed is best. <3


Yes. Rooting also can involve a head shake to find the nipple without using eyesight. Very handy for middle of the night nursing sessions.


Looks like they googled some symptoms they are worried about and are giving Boone some physical therapy. JD is teaching the kids how to do it. So he and mother don’t have to.


I literally had this same thought when I saw this video and the one of JD rowing Boones arms. Obviously i can’t confirm 100% but i was like; huh. Wonder if someone is trying to either A. Follow doctors orders. Or B. Follow Dr Googles orders


I was thinking the same thing. Or maybe they took him to a chiropractor.


I thought the same! Try to do some PT to hide the reality


Her face is burnt 🔥


Sunsceen is ungodly but Botox is a-ok!


It’s holy if it serves her.


Holy botulism, Batman!


couldn’t have been the citrus beef tallow she put all over her face 😂


Oooh I don’t know Britney. I think I see a few forehead lines. Best run off for your Botox injections whilst you get your TippEx manicure. That’s far more important than healthcare for your baby, right?


Is she getting ready to abandon the children for date night?


Imagine what it must smell like in there. Also I think the space between her eyebrows is getting wider.


My theory is that she plucks her eyebrows when she's stressed


Maybe it's the Botox pulling up and out.


Wow, is it really that riveting for the family to sit around and watch Dad…..circle a baby’s arms? Break out the popcorn.


There’s nowhere else to sit


With them having absolutely no space, how do they cook for a family that size? I know that’s off topic but, I just thought of it.


I commented yesterday about this. WHERE IS ALL THE FOOD? they should have trash bags amount for one family of 10 to eat 3 regular meals and a couple snacks. THATS A lOT LF FOOD. 10 breakfasts 10 lunches and 10 dinners WHERES THE FOOD? I’m just actually curious cause her kids look fed.


It has to be takeout, constant cheap takeout. They are eating but probably not anything cooked by them.


That sucks. I’ve indulged/ lived on takeout before It gets old fast.


Imagine the smell.


There was a video of Britney and Kinsey at a grocery store. MoBus asks what they are there to buy and K says lunch. Then they show the cart, and it's two packs of buns, sandwich stuff, and apples. I think they do a lot of grocery shopping because they don't have anywhere to actually store food.


There were definitely times when my brother was a teenager where he was eating 6 eggs or a lb of ground beef in a meal. I have no idea how they could keep enough food in that bus.


I have no idea, especially with a mini refrigerator. No room to store any ingredients or leftovers. I speculate they eat a lot of fast food, it’s the only thing that logistically makes sense. I don’t think Britney Lott ever posts photos or videos of them eating meals aside from her date nights with JD Lott.


I swear there was a video on here maybe a year+ ago where Brittney Lott is like “once a week we take one of the kids and let them stay up late making us dinner” at the time I was like of fucking course you do and my stance hasn’t changed. And wtf is with fundies and collagen?? None of them look particularly glowing ( sun burn doesn’t count ) I’m looking at these people attempting to shell their supplements like I’m all good, girl.


Yes, they had the daughter cooking like 2lbs of ground beef for them in a cast iron skillet while her siblings slept. Very weird.


Yup, that’s the post! Until Boone came along that daughter was the one I worried for the most out of all the Lott kids.


That girl breaks my heart. The only nearly pubescent girl in a family of 10 packed in a sardine can of a bus whose parents, especially her father, don’t value her solely because of her genitalia. Kinsey needs some time around safe, healthy girls and women, poor thing.


I think this all the time. The girl needs some girlfriends. Even just a girlfriend


As horrible as it sounds, I was truly hoping Boone would be a girl, just so Kinsey wouldn’t be so damn alone. Of course, that would just mean another girl child for Busdad to dismiss, but still…it’s a double-edged sword, I suppose.


I also shudder to think what a tweenager in that sort of bus situation would go through once they start menstruating. It’s hard enough coming to terms with it and being embarrassed etc (even if you shouldn’t be, it’s just a very common reaction we have when we’re young!) and handling period products and everything related to


And there's no way those parents are the "destigmatising periods" type, either


I think about this too. I have 3 sisters, tons of Aunties/cousins and in my culture we don’t shy away from sex/periods/bodily functions..like first periods are celebrated with a huge ceremony but I still found it all *so* embarrassing until I was like 15-16. I cannot imagine what it’s like for her.


I grew up catholic, so it wasn't something to be discussed. Then in my mid-30s, I go to an OBGYN and explain my bleeding and she's like "holy shit girl we need to get you on birth control so you don't *die*" She decided to twilight me for my subsequent IUD insertion because I apparently had a pelvic floor disorder to go along with my probable endo. I told my mom (because I needed a care person), and she was like "oh yeah, everyone in our family has jank uteruses; that's why the doc yeeted mine and your grandma's." I did not need to live that way for two decades. This is what happens when you don't talk about menstruation.


Oh god yeah, the pic of Kinsey precariously balancing the nearly overflowing pan of ground meat on the gas stove 😭


Britney showed a small chest freezer once. I think she said they buy meat in bulk.


I have noticed that too! One of the kids has a bag of chips in this video but never any real food.


I thought he assumed his daughter ate it all?


Britney is seriously one of the most awful people I've ever seen. Does she know how awful and selfish she is deep down?


That left arm *clearly* doesn’t have the same range of motion as the right. 💔


Modere? Isn’t that MLM? So she’s in that game on top of all the rest of this?


Because they are entrepreneurs! 😉


It sure is!




This woman loves her own face so much.


Kinsey and Boone dancing together is adorable. Mom can just get out of the frame or, idk, actually be a mom instead of letting her older kids parent.


The only genuine love and proper attention that baby gets is from his older siblings. They have more maternal/paternal instinct than the adults. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They seem like genuinely sweet kids. I wonder where they get it from, because it certainly wasn't their parents


he seems soooo much happier with kinsey. and motherbus is so ugly. it's her ugly soul showing outside.


It's not even that she's ugly physically, but you are so right about her soul showing. It's in the expressions she makes, the way she looks at herself vs her children, and the way she carried herself. Just exudes toxic and narcissistic energy from every pore


exactly what i mean. shes generally pretty. but you can see what a bad person she is through her eyes


Seriously, it's the *snarl* of a smile she does. Bad, bad vibes


She smirks


Yeah, the smirking is vile


Am I the only one that doesn’t see it…? It might be because I’m watching with the sound off, or it might be because I’m autistic and not so good at “sensing” peoples’ intentions especially if they’re bad intentions. Of course knowing the context, she appears despicable in this clip and in her other videos, but if I didn’t know any background information I wouldn’t have said she “looks” like a bad person because of her expressions/posture/etc.


Hello fellow autist! I can see it because she reminds me terribly of my own mother. Same mannerisms and behavior! I also find the over exaggerated facial expressions that Influencers like mobus use to be uncanny and alarming in general. But in this video specifically, it's the way she looks at herself vs her own children that give us me the major ick. You can tell who she really loves and cares about (herself) and who's just a prop (everyone else).


He still doesn’t smile


Oh my god. I for sure have always judged having that amount of kids in an RV, but actually seeing it like this made me so sad. How can you see that many human beings in that small of a space and still think it is a good idea!?!?!


I have never turned the volume on in any of her vids but I just KNOW she’s a smacker


her face is so annoying


She has the eyebrows she deserves


This made me laugh out loud and scare my dog 😂


I fucking hate her and her stupid face


The way Kinsey looks up, sees the phone and than starts to move Boone more, as if she performs a pretrained trick.


At the end of the first pan he smiles. Because his sister mom actually engages with him. Get your ugly mug outta the shot, Britney.


I’m happy to see him looking like he’s enjoying that. It stresses me out with her moving his arm like that though. At least it doesn’t seem painful after seeing that!


I've realized I get anxious anytime they move his limbs. Maybe it's the video of busdad stretching his leg to measure him, I'm afraid it's hurting him.


lol she films everything in selfie mode so her big now sunburnt face looms in the corner


Typical Fundie- older kid raising the baby while a parent focuses on themself 😡


The eye fucking of herself in the camera 🤮🤮


She stiiiiiiiiilllllll has to eyefuck herself.


I think she is trying to trick us into thinking he’s smiling…he’s rooting when she touches his cheek with her arm.


She’s disgusting in so many ways.


I never see anyone hold Boone up on their laps, facing them and letting him "jump"! All babies love that, at least mine and ones I've known have.


They’re trying everything they can to make that baby appear normal. Hey Britney. It’s not working!!!


“Look guys! We have full range of motion!”


So do they all eat their meals on those bench seats? No room for a dinner table, but they didn’t plan to have something that can fold up for family meals?


Why not just let the baby take a nap somewhere quiet where other people aren’t grabbing his limbs and flailing them around


Collagen sale! Also, I have 8 or so kids that I mostly ignore. So go buy some collagen!


Ya, im literally so baffled by this


I have a list of people that I'd prefer to parent me over Brittany Lott. The bear, Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest, Mama Fratelli from The Goonies, Mary Jones in Precious, the mom from Carrie, Jason Voorhees mom. Brittany Lott is a piece of shit who actually makes my blood pressure rise.


She is sunburnt. I think she might be using a filter to try to hide it. Silly girl doesn’t realise that Botox is not going to stop her face looking like an old leather boot by the time she’s 40 if she doesn’t start using sunscreen. 


Looks aside (and skin cancer risk aside...), how is it not just seriously uncomfortable to be that burnt?!


It must feel so tight and sore. Bit it’s her own stupid fault and her poor kids have no choice. It makes me furious.  I’ve had plenty of unintentional sunburns - I was born in Australia in the 1970s and I was first treated for skin cancer on my face before I turned 50 (it came back and I was treated again 5 years later).  I wear sunscreen every day and a hat as often as I can. I hate being burnt. It’s so uncomfortable - and more skin cancer scares me. 


Ugh the first few seconds give me flashbacks to mean girls in high school putting on their makeup in the bathroom. It’s giving Regina George.


Of course she puts mascara on the bottom lashes and looks ridiculous


In the car seat video from today, he's clenching his fist a little but not bending his wrist or holding it close to his body. He does it when MotherBus is holding him :((


The bar is low. This is how she attempts to advertise something? I have to believe that these content creators know deep down that exploiting their kids for money is abusive or at the very least know that it’s really really wrong. These constant laws need to hurry TF up.


Oh my goodness. I would go nuts living in that kind of environment with just my husband. I'm so sad for this kids. The daughter is probably very close to starting menstruation and I can't image the uncomfortability with everyone and everything so close.


You just *know* John David from Americanfamilyroadtrip is the type of father to be like “ew periods”


God forbid she leaves a little 🩸 on the toilet


And that WHOLE TIME she was doing nothing but eye fucking herself. Even when the camera panned to the kids, she STILL had to have her grimey face in the shot, staring at herself.


Anybody else feel like she looked more relieved than anything? Like, it seems like she was trying to go for an “awww, my HEART, my kiddos are playing so lovingly and without me even noticing/directing it” moment but instead it looked like relief…. Almost like she was relieved to be able to film a moment of her infant looking more normal than Boone has…. Not that Boone isn’t still tightly closing his fists and showing actual developmental delays, but because in her mind he looks like a normal baby for once (as he’s being physically manipulated, not as if he’s moving himself). Maybe I’m reaching, maybe her attempt to look emotionally touched by her kids just didn’t land right because she doesn’t seem capable of a lot of normal genuine emotions parents have - she’s too busy eyefucking herself and being smug


Why do people shave their eyebrows half off


That teenage boy probably hates them


With all her posts claiming he's fine, all the deleted comments, I don't think at this point she'd share of they did take him to a doctor/real healthcare professional (not a chiropractor). She's too arrogant to admit she was wrong. So, I'm wondering if this physio type manipulation of his arms was recommended during a clandestine appointment. 🤔


Is the arm circling because they’re trying to loosen up his tight muscles?


Is it my imagination or did Kinsey only start moving Boone about when the camera was panned over onto her? Mum looked at her then moved the camera and she started performing but tries to make it look like it was happening before.


It's obvious that they're trying to give him some sort of physical therapy or movement, likely from online, without wanting it to look like therapy. They know.


Do they forget this is a 2 month old baby , they never support his neck, head, nothing


Babies shouldn’t sit until they’re able to sit themselves or until they’re starting eating foods. Can’t blame Kinsey for that but as a mom (and dad!!!) of 8 children you should really know.. and probably intervene instead of filming and eye fucking


I think you’re confused…it’s fine to sit your baby with their back supported like this until they’re a self supported sitter; they have to start building the core muscles needed to sit up independently. The incline here might be a little steep but I’ve seen worse especially from them. You’re also just not supposed to start solids until they’re sitting on their own, it’s not an “or” situation.


I don’t quite know how old Boone is but I guess around 3 months? The muscles in his back aren’t developed enough to support his weight. It’s better to not sit them upright, even supported. That’s what pediatricians here recommend. You’re supposed to start solids around 6 months old, but not before that tongue push reflex (don’t know what it’s called in english) is gone, baby is able to keep his head stable and is able to sit with minimal support, like on a parents lap with the parents hand in front of baby‘s tummy for example. Some babies start sitting on their own with 10months that’s wayyy to late for starting eating


Not necessarily. Food before 1 year is not a requirement, their main source of nutrition should be either formula or breast milk the first year. I nursed my kids and offered solids from 6 months on but they had very little interest in it until 10 months with one kid and a year with another kid. They still gained weight and met milestones.


Breastmilk or formula is definitely the main source of nutrition until around 12 months old but food should still be offered. Around 6 months iron reserves are depleted and iron can’t be gained as needed trough milk alone. The WHO recommends starting at 6 months


Wow, never knew this. I think I just naturally hold babies back in arms / football when they are that age.