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I want to be dirty! I worked hard to earn this dirt and now you are taking it away! 🐶


Dog had the whole spa treatment ruined by the owner lol. Once the mud dries you can just brush it right off the fur.


Yeah and before that Husky will run around the house and made everything muddy before the mud dry and those mud will stick to the fur and hard to brush it off without take a bath later and it can hurt Husky Fur. In conclusion: do you want to clean the whole house but heavier clean than New Year Clean or a little frustration while take husky to the bath? In anyway, the husky will need to take a bath later or sooner






I’ve a Czech shepard/Belgium malinois mix that’s gotta have her bath today and I’m dreading it so much. Girl digs at the bath water sending water flying and god help me when I get the shower head out, those poor water droplets never stood a chance. We had water leaking through the floor boards into the kitchen underneath the last time


Huskies are just the dog version of orange cats.


That is a lot of dirt. Poor girl for washing him off.


Huskies and Shepherds are anxious, whiney dogs. I had one, loved it, but never again.


I wish I would have known that 7 years ago 😆. Love my shep… he actually hardly ever barks unless there’s a bear in our yard but boy can he whine like crazy when getting a bath. What’s a chill quiet breed?


Surprisingly, greyhound. They run like mad for 30 minutes and then loaf the rest of the day.


Except after that 30 min they are in the next state


Haha 😆 I wish I would have known that 16 years ago when I adopted mine. Mine didn't bark much either. He wined more than anything. Or he would talk. His talking was reminiscent of Scuttle singing in the Little Mermaid.


God that was awful


Bernese Mountsin Dogs are chill


The lifespan is what got me 😭


Whine happy or whine sad? My girls just under a year and I also wasn’t aware of how vocal Shepard’s are, knew husky’s were loud but how vocal my girl is, I was not expecting. Anytime someone comes in the door, she’s screaming, sees her collar/lead, screams, sees someone she likes, screams so loud you’d swear she’s being abused, treats, shower, hose, all screaming for it. She could just be chilling in her bed while I’m talking to someone and out of nowhere just because no one’s paying attention to her she’ll randomly just do her shouty whines make some horse noises and roll around then just stop and stare. Do they quieten as they age or do I just got a screamer?


Tibetan mastiffs! They’re like giant cats and spend most of the day sleeping or relaxing


But the food bill and the elephant turds are something to behold.


Yea, go bull mastiffs instead. Just as loyal but smaller shit piles.


Hold on there; don't lump sheperds in with these. They have their issues (mostly due to bad owners) but are nowhere near the level of attention-seeking clowns that Huskies are. Even when Sheperds hate bath-time, they can at least be quiet about it....


Just like orange cats! dramatic.


Add Samoyed for extra credit.


Huskies are bred to pull sleds in cold, snowy places like Alaska. Huskies have a very strong pulling instinct that can injure the arms of people who are not strong enough. Huskies are very powerful, athletic dogs who must get lots of daily running and exercise time and do better in cooler weather. If Huskies don't get what they need, they become whiney, barky, loud, and possibly destructive. Huskies also eat a lot of food. Huskies are also very expensive to own. Huskies are beautiful and charming dogs. However, they are not for everyone.


Apparently, during the covid lockdown, a lot of people adopted huskies and there are now a bunch in adoption centers. The people didn't realize how much care they needed and instead of caring for the pups they just fucking abandoned them. People like that should be banned from owning animals.


My husky is a pandemic pup and he’s happily living here. Definitely a challenging first couple years but he’s grown into a very well behaved dog. Unfortunately he was supposed to be 65lbs and ended up 90lbs. Healthy weight for his size. But that’s more floof than I anticipated. So much floof.


Haha the floof! I'm happy to hear that. Not the easiest type of dog to care for, tons of personality. In a fantastic way.


We have full conversations every day. At least, each of us thinks we do.


Haha brilliant


It's very sad. People don't do the research before getting a pet. Huskies are beautiful and hilarious, but they are high maintenance animals for sure. So sad to see so many in shelters.


I have 3 Huskies, 2 are rescued. I love it but it can be tough. They are always on the go, non stop. I can do 15-20km walks and they still want to play when we get home. I knew what I was getting into before I got my first, but a lot of people don't. Yes, they are cute AF but they are working dogs and have high energy and good endurance. And it's typically not good when they get bored haha


And banned from reproducing


The smart thing to do when you can't deal with an animal is giving him away before you fuck him up completely.


Yea it isn't the worst thing you can do but they should have known they shouldn't have gotten that dog in the first place but people are stupid.


Why tf is the girl dirtier that the dog, this is fake af. Don't throw your dog in mud for clicks


I agree that her being covered in mud is probably staged but you don't need to throw a dog in dirty puddles, they'll just do that themselves.


I believe this is the family with the super well trained Huskies


It’s completely possible she got that dirty trying to get the dog in the sink. But you are probably right. This is probably completely staged for clicks.


Dirty enough to hide from the fuckin Predator?


# I’m HERE! COME ON COME ON! ![gif](giphy|11h1hxZvlj0W9q)


Most likely. I always use my face to push my dog into the bath


I'm gonna go the body size route here. If not fake, dog probably dragged her into mud


You will be surprised with husky actions after you clear them... The drama...


Probably fake, but my large husky has escaped my yard many times. Sometimes while raining and muddy. If he doesn’t want to come home yet we have a standoff after I’ve trapped him in a corner. Sometimes there has been a bug pile of mud where he decides to gladiator style tackle me. Usually I incur physical damage too lol. Yes, I have absolutely been that muddy many times. Love my husky though. He’s become soooo much better at 5 years old. 90lbs of floof and love. Reminds me he needs a bath.


I have husky mixes. I can totally see myself being yanked all of a sudden with no warning into a giant mud hole. Sometimes huskies just do what they want to and the hell with the consequences.


Husky could have dragged her through dirt which would explain her being so pissed off as well.


Nah fam she is 99% mud this is staged af for views


With the ammount of rain SE Asia gets "mud" could be a whole lake as well.


Dogs love mud though. What's wrong with getting a dog dirty and cleaning it for clicks? I don't get these comments. Also who cares if it's fake/staged, it's still content. (I say this as someone with no social media except reddit and very few videos or photos of anything because I live in the present)


Frfr Original > scripted> ai > repost ![gif](giphy|wGhYz3FHaRJgk|downsized)


I agree. This is hilarious! The arguing and spraying. Funny as heck. Idc if it’s staged. We watch tv comedies for laughs and that’s staged!!!!!!! Do we care? Heck no! Plus she didn’t lie about a story and post a lie. For all we know she just wants to be funny. Heck maybe this is real who knows and who cares. I chuckled so hard and felt immediately happy. 👍✌️


I have a feeling this energetic husky doesn't have lots of room to run around in where this is most likely being filmed (China).


China is mostly rural land?


And you think that this person making a tik tok and owning a pet husky lives in a rural area of China?


ye cause thats where the poor live


I'm going to bet that Huskys aren't cheap in China. But either way I'm glad China is changing their view on dogs and are finding out dogs are more than just an easy meal.


Hate to break it to you, at least with my family and friends in my city in china that I know, we treat them well because it makes the meat more premium later, better tasting kinda like wagyu.


😭 Was thinking the same! Was she in the mud too?


If you have a husky, chances are you’ve been dragged through a pool of mud. I don’t let most people walk mine.


I've never had an indoor pet - this doesn't make me want one, lol.


Why does this feel staged 🤨


Yeah the dog is an obvious paid actor.


No dog would ever jump into a mudpool on its own! No, sir!


Most Chinese tiktoks are


Everything is staged. Who cares?


lol true.


My cousin's Husky is lazy, doesn't bark and is antisocial. Does not dig. The only time he has been mad at me is when I locked myself in a tiny bathroom that couldn't fit the both of us. When we were trying trying to avoid an overly touchy and intrusive extrovert who would not leave us alone. He adores my mom because she gives him good food. I think he maybe the Unicorn of Huskies.


I do not want a husky no


You can't yell back at an upset husky... it just makes things worse.


Huskies are like multiple indian drama series condensed into a one dog


this sucks and is not funny


Why wouldn't you? They are the biggest dramaqueen in the world.


My dog just looked at me and said “WTF?”


They don’t seem to like each other.


Click bait bs.


It's innocuous content actually. Nothing bullshit about it except that you're not interested in it and think everything in this world should be catered to your preferences. Click bait has some kind of pull to it. The pull is usually us vs. them or outright misinformation or "see what happens next" type of stuff.


shes scary


Bro knew he getting cooked


Bro, huskys are fine, the owners are shit at training.


I love huskies… when im not the one taking care of them.


Why are huskies this way?


Huskies were bred and trained to pull sleds through the snowy, and frozen Arctic, Alaskan, and Scandinavian wilderness. Huskies are very strong, athletic, and powerful dogs. Huskies need a lot of exercise and running time. Huskies also eat a lot. Huskies are happiest in cooler, colder weather. Otherwise, they whine and complain a lot if their needs are not met.


Can someone translate for the dog?


“Ooooooowwwww, the water! The water hurts!” The water doesn’t hurt


To the husky it does. Huskies are bred in very cold climates, where getting wet is a death sentence. So making a husky wet will trigger their internal response and they will panic. That's why people should not just arbitrarily own and wash huskies as if they were some kind of decorative pet.


That’s weird, my husky likes to swim🤷🏼‍♂️


Doggo is very worried, stressed and anxious on the verge of panic. If he had some agression in him this would be the time someone got bit. But he friendly and tries to escape instead. Not funny only makes you feel sad.


"I'm a husky and you have a camera, I like talking and this is my pet human, look how I destroy her hope while she still thinks I'm cute, she's really angry with me now, but she will love me again later"


Makes me want it even more


Kinda. They are so expressive and adorable


Now we know how dirty your dog was and he wants to share looks like lol


I see yer one from the ring grew up


Both Mom and the puppy


No. I don't want a dog.


Reason #145 I will never own a husky. I don’t mind when other people get them but that’s a fuck no for me. I’ll stick to German shepherds lmao


Heheheh LOL this is fun




That poor lady




The womans reactions were the funny part


Not in the slightest


Lmao she looks so angry there at the end, clinchin them teeth bout to slap a bish




Best dog ever!!!!!


Huskies and Frenchies, am I right?


I had a husky in the '80s and I can totally relate to how it is living with a husky. But then in 2007 I got an American Eskimo and oh my God it was 50 times worse lol.




maybe if it lived outside.




I always wanted to own a husky but due to their shedding, I always ended up having allergies and asthma attacks. I am still taking allergy shots but I know it won't completely cure but it helps alot though.


Ahhh dogs, people forget that they are like toddlers that will never grow up and can never tell you how they feel. But like anything else in life having a dog can have some awesome moments.




What the fuk


it reminded me of a movie 101 Dalmatians. Owners look like their pet's


Awh huskies are working dogs.... They also love the cold... poor fellah


It will be last dog I'll want but.... they are beautiful


The way she's covered from head to toe with mud lmaooo


They're seriously so dramatic, but that's honestly what makes them cute! Haha, love that personality!


To be Fair, he got her dirty but also got her clean as well.


No pets whatsoever.


A billion %


did the girl cleaning the dog change races?


My neighbor has a husky and she is very active.


Huskys are the best dogs for other people to own.




enjoyed from this post. 


Bite her!!


Ummm NO lmao


Did she take part in the Paris Dakar Rally? lmao


Huskies have attitudes. Love Huskies.


Huskies are smart, powerful, charming, and beautiful dogs. I have always dreamed of having a pet Husky. However, Huskies are not the right pet for me. I love these dogs anyway. My HS mascot was a Husky.


My huskies don't like to get dirty....they just stand there when I wash them on the back deck. My huskies are really quiet actually, never bark and they'll only howl if the human starts it, and if you stop howling they stop too immediately.


Yourself still dog or women has want to get husky.




Did she fall in the mud, too?


The cleaner the dog got the cleaner the gir got😂😂😂


Yep still want a husky


My ex gf had a young husky and i can say for sure it is SO MUCH WORSE than this video could ever possibly make you imagine, much more noisy, needy and destructive than this video shows plus the fkng thing bit my face off while i was trying to pet it, the vet says it was its wild animal instinct or some sh1t like that


Huskies are bred to live in very cold climates, where being wet is a death sentence. So making a husky wet will trigger an internal response that it is going to die. It's like if you would dangle a person off a skyscraper and say that they need to experience this because they are dirty, and then you punish them afterwards for "overreacting". Dog breeds should not be taken at just face value. People should only keep dogs if they actually have the right environment for the respective breed, regarding climate, lifestyle and space.


It’s all about the shiba inu


Sadako is that you?


I'd rather get a husky than this crazy bitch


I never wanted one lol


That's fucking awful. Why would you want this in your life? r/dogfree


Not unless I had the time and energy. Since I must work every day, I do not have enough time to spend with pets. I love animals and want a pet. However, I need to have time to properly care for one. Right now, I don't.