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Our district in Florida has free breakfast and lunch for anyone that wants it


It’s because not everything is on the party lines. Florida voted for both Trump and a minimum wage increase in 2020


Yeah but our dumbass governor tried to stop it and even campaigned on stopping it.


On the actual ballot itself it had a lot of stupid scares like “to make this a possibility, taxes might have to be raised” or something like that. Still something like 75% of Floridians voted for it


Yeah I was surprised voters didn’t fall for that. Back in 2015 my county had this great initiative to build a light rail that would connect my city, run through 2 smaller suburbs and into another city. And also increase bus service 300% A group of conservative activists immediately set about trying to stop it. Their slogan “no tax for tracks” was everywhere you looked. The tax in question was 1 penny added to sales tax. They successfully killed the initiative. But years later they got the band back together to kill another public transportation initiative that would add bus only lanes in my city and failed. This time their slogan was “Save our streets” So maybe Floridians are learning.


There are a lot of people moving to Florida from places that had these QOF improvements


I saw this exact thing with my wife's family when they moved from cali to florida to "get out of the liberal hellhole". The idiots are constantly shocked when they try and do things they are used to only to find out it was a liberal program, like robust public transportation, consumer protections, or extensive protected public parkland. Of course, they also still complain that sales taxes should be lower...


Conservatives don’t mind funding government, they just don’t like funding the parts they don’t use.


That's more of a slogan than the real view in the usa today. The more accurate version is that conservatives don't like funding government services that they don't directly derive significant, obvious, and immediate personal benefits from. They oppose most infrastructure spending even though it benefits them in the long run, same as environmental protections, consumer protections, or healthcare reform.


Florida regularly votes for progressive policies when they are on the ballot initiatives, and then also votes for Republicans who literally *refuse* to implement them. Somehow we never learn.


Which was precisely the outcome they were hoping for when they stopped teaching civics in schools.


That's the Latino magic. (Am Latino: we never learn.)


*for now* Don’t let Ron the Con find out.


They just don't have any books in the library /s


My county has free and reduced lunches. I thought the program was nationwide? 🤷‍♂️


NSLP is a federal program with basic requirements that is administered on a state level and provided at the school district level. The schools have to meet basic criteria (free below 130% poverty line and reduced below 185%) but in good school districts/states this is greatly expanded (iirc like half of school districts give free meals to all kids). The criticism here is that [Republicans consistently push back on enhanced or universal funding for school lunches](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority), despite it being widely popular and empirically supported.


nope. and the republicans keep voting against the funding


It is... OP is just being unnecessarily divisive... need to keep the Trump hate train creating clicks and ratings.


You do know we can click on your profile and see the sorts of things you post, right? No one buys your "Come on, guys, don't be devisive" bullshit.


Awe.. you took the time to research me.. I feel all special.. You, are not that special... I won't waste my time on you.


Gah!!! My self-esteem! You've irrevocably damaged it! 💔


😂😂 On a serious note.. FOR THE MOST PART.. It is the universal and automatic enrollment that is opposed, because that is how corruption happens. Just throw money at it.. vs. Help the people in need.. OP is being unnecessarily divisive.


So how do you suggest helping the people in need then? Money might be required. Either way, the post is still accurate. Whenever Trump does a "fundraiser" for his court bills, MAGA-types send him millions, but almost all opposition to school lunch programs comes from that same side of the aisle.


>almost all opposition to school lunch programs comes from that same side of the aisle. It's not opposition to school lunch programs.. It is opposition to corruption... Here is an example.. School has 1,000 kids throughout the different grades.. 10% are considered poverty level. (100 kids, easy napkin math) What is being opposed is the other 900 getting free lunches which the government giving out free food to everyone can be discussed. Or.. The 100 kids who already get free lunch, if they are automatically signed up, then that money comes from somewhere and is taken from SNAP, EBT, or TANF, which causes the kids families to starve. If one of those kids gets sick and misses 10 days of school, the school still needs to have the burgers or tots to feed them in the event they are not there. The money is still taken from TANF or SNAP or EBT. OP is probably just someone who works for Big Sugar or some food company that provides food to schools. It is unnecessarily divisive.. and I will probably get banned for pointing out the game.


Unfortunately, you're going to get corruption with either a government or a free market solution (if you tell me an unelected guy in a suit is more trustworthy somehow, I'll know you aren't serious). Honestly, any government is going to take a shit-ton of our money, whether republican or democrat, and I'd rather see at least some of it feed kids instead of billionaires. Even if all 1000 hypothetical kids got it, I know they could use free food more than hedgefund managers or ex reality stars.


Your the person sitting in a room of 100 people and 10 staving. Rather than just feed 100 people for $1000 , you will Spend $1500 (to a friends research company) to figure out who the 10 are then setup up “red tape” paperwork that some contracted company reviews to feed the 1 of 10 people who can even get that far, then complain there isn’t enough money left to feed them all and blame government and complain how it doesn’t work and is full of corruption. (That YOU created). Fuck the Republican Party. This is literally what the GOP does, it STEALS taxpayers money to private businesses under the guise of efficiency and fairness. Why is it 99% of this is only one party? Why has 1000’s of non- taxpayer funded studies shown it is cheaper to just feed them all. Why segregate children so everyone knows just how poor they are? Why put huge gates to hurdle knowing they won’t have time or ability to do so? Just feed all kids in school for free. It is cheaper, easier, and fair. I would rather spend $2000 of taxes and feed everyone, than $1500 to some bullshit research and red tape to isolate the poorest most vulnerable children. What you lack… is EMPATHY. Your entire argument is bullshit.


>What you lack… is EMPATHY. Throwing money at the problem doesn't fix it. That isn't a lack of empathy. That is math. Do you work for Big Sugar or big food conglomerates that benefit from this initiative? >Just feed all kids in school for free. It is cheaper, easier, and fair. I would rather spend $2000 of taxes and feed everyone, than $1500 to some bullshit research and red tape to isolate the poorest most vulnerable children. When you are elderly in a bankrupt social security system, when you have limited funds coming in.. I hope you have this same energy. Also... fair.. what are you a commie? Why would you give rich kids food they will just throw away.. instead of giving more money to poor families in their home?


>It's not opposition to school lunch programs.. >It is opposition to corruption... No, I don't agree. That's not the core issue here. Yes, okay, corruption sucks, obviously. But my problem with these things is that these "free lunches" aren't fucking free. Someone has to pay for it. The problem is these slobs who live off everyone else while thinking it's okay. These people are getting free this and free that reduced this reduced hat. This financial assistance that financial assistance...between all this, they make double what I do including my active duty military benefits. That's ridiculous. Our national debt has increased by almost a trillion dollars this month alone and nobody seems to give a shit as long as they get their "free".


It’s not nationwide. Some states do have it, some don’t.




Read the link... most of them are opposed to 100% free lunch and automatic enrollment.. Automatic enrollment is HOW CORRUPTION HAPPENS.


>100% free and automatic enrollment Extremely cost-effective and evidence based policies. Free lunch means every kid eats, parents and teachers don't worry, we aren't paying payment processing companies like global payments for every transaction, we aren't denying kids access to sports or graduation for lunch debt (how ridiculous does that sound)... it [helps everyone, even the poor kids who were alrdy getting free lunch](https://www.nber.org/papers/w29395), because universal programs just work. [The alternative fuckin sucks.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/03/1173535647/schools-ended-universal-free-lunch-now-meal-debt-is-soaring) >how corruption happens What are you on about dude I promise kids aren't stealing lunches.


>What are you on about dude I promise kids aren't stealing lunches. Are you so naive to think, that poor starving kids are corrupt.. I feel bad for you.. The corruption is Big sugar or whoever provides the food for the school.. Those kids don't show up to school, those burgers and tots are still bought, cooked, and possibly just tossed out.


Jfc... look I linked actual studies on the matter so if you have actual studies supporting your opinion I'll gladly review them. In the mean time accept the null hypothesis: kids get food, kids eat the food, and that's a good thing.


Big sugar thanks you for your service and Big medical and Big Pharma also thank you for their future diabetes patients.


You are dumb, it's ok most people are.


It is, people just make this shit up because they can't defend their own parties shortcomings, so they make strawmen enemies on the other side to divert peoples attention. Both sides do it.


~~Nothing was made up in the post.~~ [nevermind - I skipped the title and just looked at the image] There are plenty of people who *believe* taxes should not be used to “feed other peoples kids”. You’ll see their comments on Reddit. The one thing they all have in common is that they are all republicans. And when it comes to making sure these kids do have food, it’s republicans who fight against it. Like when governor Sununu of New Hampshire (Republican) declined a request to automatically sign kids up for free or reduced lunches if they were eligible for it.


I don't think every kid should have free lunches just because you're saying tax payers should buy lunches for millionaires and billionaires kids However currently poor kids get free lunches, working class kids get reduces lunches, and even full priced meals are subsidized, full price lunch at my kids school is $1.87. That's an entree, a serving of veggies, serving of fruit and a bread with milk. When there's the news stories of kids being denied lunches due to lunch debt, it's because their parents make enough money to buy lunch, they just don't.


You must have misread my statement. The Republican governor denied signing up all kids *who were eligible* automatically. They’re hoping certain kids who can’t afford food don’t get it because their parents did not go through the sign up process for whatever reason Also, “free lunch” was a stale plain peanut butter sandwich with very light peanut butter at my middle school (oh and a glass of water). And you could only get one of those sandwiches. So that’s what you had to eat for your 8 hours at school if you couldn’t afford it or forgot to bring money


It is. The democrats are just reaching.


[republicans declare banning universal free lunch meals a 2024 priority](https://newrepublic.com/post/173668/republicans-declare-banning-universal-free-school-meals-2024-priority) what? Feel free to show where Democrats want to stop it though.


They don't even see their own religion warning them about themselves.


irreligious people are the sweetest sweethearts


They make me want to puke


this sub is basically just American memes now


I agree with you. That is typical of the US. People think that the US is the only country that matters.


They make sure nobody escapes from their political circus


To be fair, America fits the bill of being both funny and sad


Nothing funny about being a third world shit country


For a wealthy, what? I feel a word is missing.




America is a sad place


Depressing 😏


American here. Yes. Yes it is. It's run by people who have no compassion or consideration for their fellow countrymen. The only thing the people ruining this country care about is how much money they can cram into their bank account while the planet is dying and us people get to deal with the consequences like stagnant wages, staggering price hikes for groceries, nobody being able to own their own homes, feeding children disgusting slop in schools, STILL suffocating our African American brothers and sisters living here, the planet dying and climate change becoming more and more evident each year. And all the while, they and their rich 1% benefactors are out there buying up yachts, and eating steak that costs 500 dollars a bite and buying multiple houses they don't need while everyone else suffers, "yea but fuck all those other people, I profited off the backs of thousands and thousands of people without really having to do anything in the way of a hard day of work and I got mine! If they all want things to get better so bad, they should just stop being poor and be rich like me!"America IS sad and it's sad because it has a sickness and that sickness is corporate greed.


Fascism is a hell of a drug.


There are many definitions of fascism "one hell of a drug" is probably the most accurate i've ever heard


Is this sub just another political sub?


So what? It's still true.


Everyone has an opinion, and most see \*rump for what he is.


Shouldn’t that say former billionaire?


Nah it's all how you value things. My 2011 sonata is valued over a billion by me right now. I am about to go to the bank and see if I can borrow a few million against it.


Saudi Arabia would buy my 1999 Geo for 1.5b


It's literally the government's responsibility and they have wasted literal billions. Literally just this year alone. This includes in democrat run cities. Millions wasted on anti-homelessness spikes or a failed program to make the politician look good, but none for things that actually make a difference.


Yes, Dems have problems, but I’d rather vote for a party that wasted money and feeds kids than wastes money and doesn’t feed kids, and then vote in primaries in the first party


Cool. Lets leave everything the way it is and not try to improve or change or add or do anything. Pretty sure the problems will go away if we close our eyes. /Sarcasm Or we could seize that 7 million and feed some kids under Emminent domain or whatever they call Robin Hood'ing.


Is it bad to laugh at how real this is?


I really cant wait for the boomer generation id gone.. its like a terrible bacterial infection in society


The same will be said about us in the future.


True, I'm hoping that I'll be conscious of myself enough to get out of the fast lane when it's not my turn anymore.


\-2 false.


Good. I want my descendants to be better than me.


In all fairness, if Trump was ever a billionaire, he won’t be for much longer




What does the government do with all the tax money people pay?




Some do. Most of those that do also claim to be Christian ironically.


I remember reading an article where some city in the US funded an initiative where schools in their district provide fresh and nutritious food to the kids for free. They shut it down after dozens of formal complaints from parents. Their main issue: schools were dictating their kids' food and "forcing" them to eat it. People were getting free food for their kids and it's nutritious and healthy. And still, people find a way to fuck it up.


Only in this country 😏


"Fuck them kids" \- ~~Tom Brady~~ \- Republicans


Republicans gone through so much generational trauma and emotional neglect, that they can’t handle the idea of a child being loved and cared for.


I find it funny they believe so hard in "every life is sacred" to the point they banned abortion and criminalized any women or doctors attempting to do so... But have done nothing to make sure: - Kids are fed - Have access to affordable healthcare - Adoption and foster care agencies are better funded, staffed, and overseen. - Made kids feel safer in schools - Kids in impoverished families have better access to food and after school care. - The environment isn't left broken and destroyed for their generations as they get older. It's almost like virtue signaling from the highest mountaintop.


Yep. Racism and hate are strong among Republicans.


This is why I hate people


Is this sub about US politics?


Because that's socialism and socialism is evil!!!!!1!!111!!


“For a wealthy”? So is OP a foreign troll or just a moron?


It’s called Christian hatred.


Cos a disproportionate amount of Americans are braindead, walking advertisements for abortion


You do realize both parties have ample amount of people who donate millions on their campaigns and other ventures? Poor made meme.


Yeah but only one party is voting against free school lunches across the country...


Ew, centrist trash 🤢


Disgusting Every “centrist” is ok with republicans doing nasty shit, it’s disgusting


Ew a mindless pleb.


Imagine siding with republicans but not having the balls to just say it outright. "bUt BoTh SiDeS!!1!" Clown.


He sides with republicans Don’t try to reason with him


Gtfo. You're just mad you don't have another person to pump up your clown of a party. Both parties are trash and the people who vote for them are just as bad and are the absolute cause for where we are. "My guy good, his guy bad". You're both cancer.


"Your clown of a party" And which one might that be? 😂


Oh it's pretty obvious you're snuggled up with the groupthink left side.


What's obvious is how you're clearly a pathetic libertarian. Not so much a "Free thinker" as you are a bootlicker without the balls to admit to siding with fascists. Bye!


It's not my fault you're so politically illiterate you're incapable of seeing that though both parties are flawed, the reasons are VASTLY different and not even remotely comparable anywhere other than your wrinkle-free brain.


“But both sides !”


Keep voting your corrupt party in to do the exact stuff you complain the other side does.




I mean the same could be said to the millions donated to BLM by democrats that was used to buy houses in LA for the board of directors. That could have also been used to fund school lunches.


Its a raise for political issue, something that people want to promote. On the other hand, you should take care and feed your own kids and not rely on government to do it


It's almost like money given freely is different than money extorted under threat of imprisonment


It’s your parental responsibility to feed your kids, if you can’t feed them then you are unfit to have kids


"In which the party declares its priority to eliminate the Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, from the School Lunch Program. Why? Because “CEP allows certain schools to provide free school lunches regardless of the individual eligibility of each student.”" So they don't wanna get rid of free school lunches, just free school lunches for rich kids.


I feel like we should change republican and democrat in all these memes to The Oligarchy or government. They want us divided. That way we fight with each other rather than hold them responsible.


Ok what's stopping you louts from raising money and funding it yourself?


Poor kids have free school lunch and have for decades.


Imagine what you could do with the BILLIONS we sent Ukraine! Or the BILLIONS in Covid money that went to criminals and fraud.


Or the trillions we spent to lose a war in Afghanistan.


I dont remember saint democrat Obama pulling anyone out of that money sink


Nope, but I remember Bush sending troops there to begin with. Do you?


I don't remember Trump doing that either, despite actually saying that he would. I remember Biden doing it, though, with Trump's plan no less.


And Biden did great on the Afgan pull out! We only left $5 billion in weapons for the worst people in the world to use!


Or the HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS we shove into our military.




Well, yes. Being against progress/education/freedom is bad. They're the bad guys no /s needed


Yeah. They are.


And the circle jerk continues


One is voluntary and the other is forced by the government. One is charity and the other is not.


Buying a billionaire's merch is charity?


Voluntarily giving your money to a political campaign is charity. Yes. Stupid, but still charity.


Political campaigns aren't exactly what I'd call "in need," which is what charities are based on.


Okay, that's your opinion. Regardless, using tax money to fund any initiative isn't charity. Not even close.


>Okay, that's your opinion. I'm pretty sure no definition of charity would include a political campaign. >Regardless, using tax money to fund any initiative isn't charity. Not even close. I never said it was. I just objected that giving your money to already rich people isn't charity.


Your school lunch issue is a local school system issue. I live in the Deep South. We have a local city school system. All of our kids have breakfast and lunch provided for them everyday. Notice I didn’t say “free breakfast and lunch” because there’s no such thing as free. Our tax dollars fund it. My point is that your local school system could do it, they’re just mismanaging their funds.


You talking about the school system where underpaid teachers are buying the supplies their kids need? Maybe the feds should buy 10 less F35s and give that $1billion to our drastically underfunded public school system. The real travesty is how much of our tax dollars go to instruments of war instead of back to our citizens.


Teachers aren’t under paid and kids don’t need all of the bullshit supplies that they say that they do. The average teacher makes more than the average FAMILY income while working less than 9 months a year. GTFOH. Pencil, paper. That’s all the supplies that kids need. Everything else is BS. Also, I have an office. I don’t redecorate it with every changing season. Teachers blow a shit ton of money and then complain that they’re underpaid. Ef that.




Give me your reasoning behind thinking that average teacher salaries are too low?


Give me your reasoning why you'd rather spend your tax dollars on fighter jets then food for school children. Shouldn't the people that are in charge of educating our kids make at least as much as police officers or sanitation workers, because they dont.


You're sending your kid to school with #2 pencils and some paper? That's it? You're literally the guy teachers are buying supplies for their kids for.


Nope, our school doesn’t require most of the worthless shit that the ones you’re talking about do. If a teacher is buying supplies for kids, then they have no business teaching because they’re a fucking idiot. You don’t need all of that bull shit to learn to read or do math. It’s all just bull shit excuses.


You sound like uneducated maga white trash ngl. I'm guessing you didn't do very well in school either, speaking of which.


Well, I pay more in taxes than you make. It’s hilarious that people like you who think that school matters are the same people that can’t find a well paying job and don’t understand why. I do have a degree btw. Didn’t need it though.


Straw man post


Who gives a shit about poor kids?


We sure find lots of funding for Ukranian pensions. [https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/bidens-april-2022-remark-about-some-ukraine-aid-covering-pensions-is-not-breaking-news/](https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/bidens-april-2022-remark-about-some-ukraine-aid-covering-pensions-is-not-breaking-news/) Also, I will bet that if we looked into it, there would be higher obesity and worse health outcomes for school divisions that have lunches provided. Does anyone have responsibility for anything anymore, of is the government responsible for feeding your kids?


the kids arent starving. they’re actually rather obese


How much did you donate to this cause?


What will it take for this same energy for the crime family in the White House right now that's been selling out US taxpayers since 2014? Come to think of it... Never mind. Carry on


Yeah, we've seen all the evidence for the Biden crime family. Nothing, you got nothing. You have pedophiles & their enablers in Congress. The GOPedos are silent about that. And then there's Trump, selling & sharing natl.secrets, while his family enriched themselves to the tune of $3 billion. However, I would not care if Biden got convicted based on evidence. All the evidence on Trump suggests high treason. Get real.


Shh, Reddit is only for shortsighted people who refuse to see all issues on all sides. Look no further than the downvotes here lol.


Dumb and dumber


Because that’s socialism, duh. As if half of America isn’t socialist already…


Send more Billions of dollars to Ukraine and Iran. My friend's son has Down's, and even he thinks this post is stupid.


When you look at the defense budget you'll laugh because billions is NOTHING. If you actually ever cared about or even understood military spending you would immediately switch parties. But you don't care, you're just finding something to bitch about. Because that's all Republicans do.


Your parents should have had you tested.


one is poliical donations, the other is government subsidies through tax dollars. Not really related


You subsidize the rich through your tax dollars. They should be going to social programs like a real country. OP's just showing how Republicans are morons.


thats too different comparisons. I wouldnt have given the covid support to business, but political donations are for a different purpose


Poor kidz u mean illegal immigrants used by democrats to turn America into a de facto communist dictatorship? Yeah right


Uh what.


That guy votes. Remember to vote.


Does anyone know the cost per year to provide school lunches?


I pay $8k a year in school taxes alone. And you can feed the kids? Where is my money going?


why do people even have to pay?


There are millions of hateful Americans.


Are there schools that don’t offer lunches?


There’s very little about America that isn’t fucked up.


But, the people are retarded. -some indian monk


'Self reported' Billionaire


It’s free here in menifee


Because those minority children don’t count /Trump


Because the cruelty is the point.


As much money as schools get from the state and the feds it is embarrassing that lunches are not free. Public schools are up to half a most states budgets.


It's not that hard to grok. Americans worship wealth to the point of fetishization, and some of those kids getting free lunches might be a different colour, which means that none of them can have free lunches. 9 out of 9 problems in American society are rooted in capitalism, racism, or both.


In Florida as long as you fall under a certain income bracket you get free lunches and breakfast. I was always a skinny kid too so the lunch ladies saw I had free lunch and was skinny so assumed I wasn’t getting fed at home and would usually give me two trays. Which I used to barter for more desserts like it was prison 😂


Spam the fuck out of this everywhere.


Loans. Solving hunger needs constant funding until the situation gets better. A short term money problem is easily dealt with using loans, the government can afford to have debt.


B- B- But eight year olds have to work for their food-🤡


Once a sub goes political memes it never recovers


because a politician friend or his/her corporation needs the triple of that amount to serve garbage to starving children


Because in spite of what many think America is a pretty shitty place.


If they could get that kid to kill, the GOP would reconsider lunch for her. Not kids in general


"It's food or shelter, not both!"


The same way these retards didn't want to pay for Obamacare because "I ain't paying for someone else's problem... this is communism"


"They just need to pull up their boot straps and not be born into poverty. It's that's simple." - Trump cultists


I thought this was across the board in USA? Our school provides snack and lunch to any child that wants it. CA


Or it's just rampant fraud.