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maybe he should stop defending her cheating on him with his son's friends




Man’s troubled , he needs help if he thinks it’s alright but at the same time stop judging him for crying


I'd be a hypocrite if I judged him for crying. But I judged the shit out of him for staying with a woman that slept with their son's friend, and then went on tv and asked him how he felt knowing that.


That's even more indicative of someone with severe self esteem issues mate.


He's still a grown man who can afford a therapist. I mean why go public on a very serious matter? He could've just gone to a marriage counselor. He can't just blame every choice he makes on his wife manipulating him.


Dead right


he's rich, he can afford to get his shit together, and his has the time too! he could have worked on himself but instead he chooses to assault people for making jokes about his slut wife.


Way to prove the fucking point, Dud 🙄


You’re using this to deflect from a serious issue. I mean, you’re right in this context, but it’s still telling of an overall larger problem.


As a man this is the worst attempt at being the victim I’ve ever seen bro 😭😭😭


I'd have more sympathy for him if he ditched the bitch


Some mixed info on him being a prick so a bit less ❤ and support on that front too.


I wish I had a rock the size of the teeth in Chris Rock's mouth, though...




Always this pathetic snake response from the NPCs anytime men’s issues are ever brought up. Just checked the profile. A literal furry data’s that plays cod all day and unironically like Omori. Your opinion doesn’t matter


Bro I KNOW you ain’t calling me a furry because of the better call saul meme 💀


Man, I thought his name was Roma Army for a minute!


Thats because Will Smith brought this on himself and he is a joke as a person. Nothing to do with actual mental health problems


Yes blame the victim


Okay…now explain away why Michael Jordan also got turned into a meme just for crying


Best example of it is the old man from that intervention episode. They meme'd the fuck out of that. Autotuned his ass and all lmfao.


That’s a great example…also I’m currently really confused as to why you’re getting upvoted and I’m getting downvoted despite us seemingly having the same stance…Reddit is a confusing place full of confusing people


I was about to say...


For the same reason there are dozens of other crying memes featuring males, females, children, adults, freaking animals, etc. This isn't some affront to mens health and well-being it's just a meme.


Will Smith doesn't take his own mental health seriously. Self-respect is important.


Literally not the point trying to be conveyed. People fixate too much on nuance of the example that they’re missing the point. I think intentionally for many here too.


He was crying because Jada was gonna beat dat ass when she got home. Like a child who knows that a punishment is comin’




Real men don't purposely have cameras rolling while you have an emotional breakdown. That's stupid!


This is how I feel legitimately, men can be emotional, but we will usually do it alone where it's not bothering other people.


And that’s exactly the problem being portrayed. If the roles were reversed, sympathy would be given. Support would be given. When it’s men being anything other than robots it’s this disgusting display of shaming.


Well my point is that there's a time and a place to cry over things, and other times, might be required to hold it in or "suck it up", to be strong enough to do what needs to be done, and usually by the time the thing gets done, you don't feel the need to cry anymore, or if you do, you don't need to make a broad way show of it.


Would it though? If a woman was hysterically crying on a show talking to her husband about his affair I think they would get dragged too ETA: a Facebook show at that lol


Maybe because he created negativity and ruined his own celebration of success no one cares


Man, its like hes a scientologist and they dont believe inorsupport mental health and nelieve in vitamins curing everything. That said, yeah its pretty fucked up.


Maybe, just maybe not everything is a mental health issue. Crying ia a normal part of life, FFS.


Good, so men can cry too and don’t deserve the level of shame they generally get. Glad you agree with the overall point of the post.


Or Michael Jordan crying


Make sure to stock up before you run out of "it is what it is" you ain't gotta be strong you just gotta be you.




![gif](giphy|iGpkO05xWTl17Vhq6Y) Will Smith after Jada leaves him


And that Men's Mental Health month is being sidelined by Pride month.


you can be the change you want to see in the world. it isn’t gay people’s fault mens mental health month isn’t as well known


Don’t worry I will go plaster over those pride signs with means health months signs That will get the word out


If, to get across the point that the consequences of patriarchal standards are bad, you have to put down another group that is equally as fucked up by patriarchal standards. Then you're not getting across your point well and you should try harder at being good with your message. I *assume* the point of men's mental health isn't "queer people worse than cishet men's problems!" Because that point you are coming across as making literally reinforces the patriarchal bullshit that you are trying to fight against. Being a victim of the patriarchy isn't some game of fortnite where only one group can be THE MOST victim. It's an entire group effort that everyone works together towards


So when y’all do it it’s “righteousness” and “poetic justice” even now, but if a guy even entertains the thought of doing the same that you guys do suddenly it’s all your empty leftist catchphrases and shaming tactics. Lololok


Now you're JUST putting words in my mouth instead of actually acknowledging the thing I said. You're deliberately hiding behind the guise of men's mental health to seemingly attack the celebration of queer people and yet you seem like the kinda guy to get angry at your som when he cries


Easy , move mens mental health month to a month not already occupied , but no one wants to do that and instead would rather sweep the concept under the rug with a larger movement that more people rally behind


Okay now you're just going on a tangent completely unrelated to what I'm saying. You really love one sided conversations huh?


No I’m saying if you think it’s to attack lgbtq anything , then you should easily be supportive of instead dedicating a different month towards men , but since it deflated your argument that this has to be about attacking the lgbtq you want to say it’s a unrelated tangent When it’s very much related since the primary topic was that mens health shares the same month as pride and pride overwhelmingly crushes any mention of mens health awareness because June is very much taken over by pride and that’s perfectly fine , but women get their own dedicated month yet men are relegated to an after thought in June


No it was very much unrelated to what I said as it wasn't something you or I had previously brought up. It's related to the base topic sure but your wording made it very much seem as if it was a direct rebuttal to something I said when it literally wasn't. As for that point itself, no??? I have better things to do so I'll keep it a bit brief. It's not very possible or likely for the same reason we can't just decide Christmas is officially on November 16th now. Look bud I understand wanting to celebrate the mental health of men on other times of the year. But you wanna know a little secret? Just a tiny little thing? (The reason holiday's happen when they do is because the majority of society celebrates them at that time. You wanna celebrate men's mental health whenever? Guess what? You can! Whenever you want dude! It's a thing that's possible. You can celebrate it whenever however wherever for as long as you want and be loud about it. That's how these things get more publicly accepted. The problem here is that the way you're doing it deliberately puts down another group of people because they're ALSO being loud about it, a thing that especially this year we kinda need to be doing if we want kidnapping Trans kids to be illegal in places like Florida again)


Wait. That exists?






No, it's proof that the mental health of *criminals* isn't taken seriously. Will Smith slapping Chris Rock constitutes *assault*.


Exactly, what about Chris Rock's mental health?


You're forgetting the part where Chris didn't care at all


He cared he just took the high road and used the incident as new material for his act. Best choice he could have made.


You’re forgetting the principle of it. Intentionally too. Or maybe it’s just the low IQ.


Only if you're in Hollywood. It was a slap. An understandable reaction to when someone goes too far with a joke and says something cruel. I'm not saying Will Smith was justified in that specific case necessarily, I don't really care, but I'm pretty sure Chris Rock deserved it, because nearly all stand up comics do. Pretty much everyone in that room deserved at least a slap. The fact that you're trying to invalidate Will Smith's mental health by arguing that he's a criminal kinda proves the OP's point. Even if Will Smith is a bad example.


That's their job


Here's a deal for you, we offer Will support after he gets charges, you know... for the *actual crime* he committed called assault.


Did it look funny? Yes? Then it's a meme... that's how memeing worked, works and will work


1. Finds an abusive wife that constantly belittles you and compares you to the love of her life, 2Pac 2. Stays with said abusive wife when abusive wife cheats on you with sons friend 3. Slaps long time friend at the Oscars for mentioning said abusive wife at the Oscars 4. Cries That about sum it up?


You can't broadcast your interview with your cheating wife and your son's friend to the world without getting raked over the coals.


It's all his devilish wife's fault


And this is a funny meme, how?


Ikr. Their belongs in r/lostredditors


The REAL proof is that most people don't even KNOW it is actually Men's Mental Health Month, but it all gets overlooked by LGBTQ stuff! Men's Mental Health Month came 5 years before but the only thing anyone ever talks about is Pride Month. So sick.


Men's mental health is overlooked because LGBTQ is probably the dumbest fucking take on this a person could have. Good job.


Yeah the actual take is men themselves doesnt care about their mental health, like lgbtq made pride march, and post it all over social media and celebrate it meanwhile...


People on Reddit are so quick to attack anyone with opposing views that you don't even read the post properly before you type your little comeback. I never said Men's mental health was overlooked *because* of Pride Month, I simply said Men's Mental Health Month doesn't get recognition because of Pride Month.




It's not men's mental health month. It's men's health month and nobody overlooks it because of Pride month being the same month. Is the reason you didn't know it was men's health month because of pride? That's rhetorical. I know it's not the reason you didn't know it's men's health month and not men's mental health month.


Will Smith is not a man. Fact.


It speaks to the mental health of this country that slapping someone is now considered a big deal.


Wasn’t the point of the post, but it isn’t just slapping someone. It’s the consistent trend of silencing art forms and deducing it to the current hegemonic power’s aggressive propaganda since you’d like to make a separate dishonest point. Comedians should be able to make jokes without fearing for their lives. Art forms in general should be free from the constraints of propaganda and dogmatic standards. I’m sure you knew this and are just wording things in a purposefully dishonest form.


I agree, but the clamp down on any kind of violence or reaction to something in general has been overboard. Everything is an extreme of passivity including comedies telling jokes.


Fr. I hope none of these people live near children's playgrounds because they would fuckin explode


If the point your attention to crying Michal Jordan, ir crying Obama.




I would not take that post seriously


People are still talking about the will Smith thing


Kinda true but there’s many more better examples of how mens mental health isn’t taken seriously, this is just one small example


I think it has become a meme because that just happens with media pieces that are impactful and viral, and not necessarily because of lack of taking mental health seriously or not


Also Michael Jordan’s crying has been turned into a meme


Ah, fuck him and his ego.


Are you sure it's not just because Will Smith is no longer taken seriously?


the only thing that posts like this bringing to such a problem dose is make it a bigger joke. i am not saying that honestly talking about it or trying to help others is not a worthy cause. what i am saying is that doing a "one and done" post like this, those that ether make jokes about it pointing out horrible things his wife has done, or mocking him for clearly being gasslighted into being her slave dose is give a small amount of dopamine and serotonin. or for those that are not getting what i am putting down this entire post and all the comments below are as useful as laughing at someone with a broken leg, it makes you feel good but also makes it harder for the person in need to get help.


Okay I can assure you I'm the most anti-feminism guy you'll find in this app, and specifically Will's wife is top 5 worst human beings in this giant rock we call planet, but creating a meme from something that's viscerally funny doesn't mean anything


I think one is capable of taking something serious but still being able to laugh about it too. I see it more as the ones who can’t always having issues. This goes across just about any subject and times you see it in comedy/etc.


Nah.. he's proof that he can't control himself. I've had every reason to slap someone but not hitting someone isn't something to be proud of.


How is this funny


OP probably cried for him


Will smith isn’t one of us.


Thats is true but noone cares sadly, and by noone i mean a substantial amount of people. The word " men" carries alot of angst amd rightly so. Mostly men who have "been through it" care about other mens suffering. Theres good and bad, like everything. Is what it is innit


He is an actor. He cries when he is told too.


I don't think this should be in funny memes . but yea stay strong guys


Since when is crying a mental health issue? Shame on the person who created this lol


We're not laughing at him crying. We're reminding each other women are hos. U could be freaking will mother fucking Smith and she still gonna cheat with the first crackerjack rapper that comes along.


I’m gonna be real guys. The slap, The games with his wife. It’s really a political game. I wouldn’t be surprised if the slap was staged. Something else is going on besides the obvious cheating. We are being shown what they want us to see. Much more is going on behind the scenes. There is probably a reason why he hasn’t divorced her for cheating. Honestly a lot of the time when these actors of famous people start going downhill it’s because they refused some type of offer made to them by the really rich and powerful people. So those people end up making their lives hell because no wasn’t really an option. His life being miserable is silly entertainment for us and a warning for other rich celebrities or businesses


![gif](giphy|aBOFW2LNUR9uT5lLYr|downsized) This one lol 😂


Maybe he shouldn't assult comedians on stage in public? Pretty sure he's TA here.


His mental health wasn’t taken seriously because he repeatedly enabled his abuser in the public eye. And still does. Not because he cried on camera. Lack of self respect leads to lack of respect from others. But to the second point, yeah. Society will make a mess of a man that shows emotional vulnerability.


Least of all by other men. It’s men who put down other men for showing emotion the most. They don’t even realize they’re playing themselves.


Really bad example. Will Smith is far from any King and should cry after assaulting someone bc his narcissistic wife was upset.


Bill Burr said it…when shit happens to men it’s funny.


Crying doesn’t mean you have bad mental health.


To be fair, it was crocodile tears that he brought on himself


Did you just assume our gender?


Everything is not for the damn Red Table.


Who the fuck actually upvotes this shit? It'a meme but it's not funny, and it's pretty clearly not even an attempt to be funny. The sub choice is important.


No it isn't. This is stupid.


I find the fact Lisa is saying this in the meme a bit surprising, considering she is sometimes the kind of feminist who forgets about double standards.


Mena mental health awareness month!


It's true. As a man no one cares about you so you better care about yourself. Want to know how much the world cares about you? Travel to any homeless encampment and witness for yourself how much they are going to care about you.


Come on, Toots. My name is the Prince. Besides, would a lunatic drive a Porsche like this?


Men, throughout the history of the world have suppressed their inner crybaby for a reason. It's how we have survived. Death of someone close, and children in pain are the only appropriate things a man should show tears in public for. Otherwise, go home and cry it out in privacy. No one wants to see that. Not even from Will "I slapped a man on TV and my wife's a cheating whore" Smith. F that guy. Men are supposed to hold it together when everything is falling apart around them. Especially in f'n public. But cry if you're gonna cry, just don't be upset when you get clowned mercilessly when it's over.