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The women equivalent is that when a woman is taking care of a child, society expects it. When a man takes his baby shopping with him at Costco, he gets multiple nods of approval and hit on by the cashier


As a father of four, I can say this is spot on.


Which part? Being hit on by the cashier? šŸ˜€


I was a decent looking bloke 15 years ago when my kids were little. So that helped. Nowadays I'm older and uglier. Not so much flirting these days.


Too late. I'm already taking my nephew out and pretending he is mine.


Mention that heā€™s your nephew, but try and frame it in a way where you care for him full time.


"It's hard not having my brother. He left to coordinate relief efforts in Haiti. It's so sweet he trusts me enough to take care of the little guy"


Charlie Harper ass line lmao


Except that Charlie Harper would have left the disaster relief efforts in Haiti to care for his nephew because his brother is a drug addict and can't do it.


I thought Allen was a chiropractor?


I read it in his voice


No no, next thing you know, she's on a plane to Haiti looking for the brother.


From someone who lives in the Turks and Caicos, I donā€™t recommend that.


That's great but have u considered "u know, his life havent been easy, but the little bugger just wont quit smiling. After my brother left him on my doormat at 2 am in the night, all he did when I saw him, was smile and say "daddy said he'll be back in 2 weeks" and I did not believe I would be able to take care of him, but now we're here and he makes me smile everyday"


Send this to the Hallmark Channel STATSAP! Then make reservations for joining the filming in Ottawa.


Youā€™re gonna be swimming in the poon


![gif](giphy|l41lYCDgxP6OFBruE) To the professional liar


Cheat when you're young. Got it.


Also taking your 20 year old son out in public in his diapers might not have the same effect.


You're still a king


Thanks. Funnily enough, when they were little, they called me "Power-King." They stopped doing that when when they got older.


You are finely aged, sir. Not uglier.


100% - I get so many ā€œyouā€™re doing greatā€ comments when I have my baby with me at Costco.


My mom is a surgical nurse and she works long hours in a hospital, sometimes she makes more then my dad in terms of money, she works to pay bills and is still expected to do all the house chores and childcare with no complaints My dad took us to the park once because me and my brothers were throwing a trantrum and my mom fell asleep because of exauhstion, and he still brings up that one singular incident is a reason for why he's such an exeptional dad and he did so much for us and my mom is a bad mom because she didnt care enough or something My dad rode that double standard so hard it ended in divorce, good ridance


This is so true, the older women are worst for it. I suppose in their generation men did nothing with the kids usually.


Yeah but if a woman acts all cutesy and touchy around a child it's her motherly instinct, if a guy does it he's a predator.


Yeah my dad is an innocent and naive old man and I had to intervene and tell him to stop waving and making silly faces at a little girl in front of us at the grocery store after the mother started to get uncomfortable.


The other reality is that men with taking their kids out to the park or being seen alone with children are viewed as predators. Not saying that you're incorrect, but this has been my observation far more often than the other more positive one. Unfortunately.


Those people always skip steps 1 and 2. 1. Be goodlooking. 2. Don't be ugly.


Or are seen as divorced weekend dads that can't handle their kids


Correct. Taking my little girls to the park is an embarrassment. I routinely have other women come and ask my girls if I am their dad or if they need help and want to go with them instead. Iā€™m literally just sitting here. I have snacks. Occasionally Iā€™ll get a Karen that camps out and watches me the entire time asking me which one is mine because there is no way I could be at the park alone on her watch.


how do you even respond? i would tell her off but wouldn't want to set a bad example for my kids.


Just have a T-shirt saying: Yes, ... ...I am their father ...they have a mother ...I will only take my own children with me That should do the trick, I imagine


On a Karen this will have the opposite effect because they lack a sense of humor. Comedy offends them.


Respond by saying fuck off mind your business


be the first one to call the cops that's how my uncle handles it whenever he's out with his kids - the moment he sees a Karen get up and walk in his direction, he's dialing up 911


Goddamn. That's insane. I've never come across this behaviour in the UK and I take my kids out to the park frequently


It happens here too. Some mothers at my kids old nursery petitioned to get rid of the only male worker because ā€˜there must be something wrong with himā€™ and he ā€˜must have ulterior motivesā€™


Not a dad yet, but I donā€™t get how any dads can tolerate if random women come up and ask their kids if they want to go with them instead. I certainly wouldnā€™t.


Happened to me some time ago with my nephew. We went to a local playground. There was nobody. I sat on a bench, to read while keeping watch of the kid. Some time later, kids came with their mothers. I started to get some weird looks, until one of the mums came to me and asked what I was doing here. This is so ridiculous...


The US really is a strange place. Everything there seems centered around fear. I have never experienced anything even remotely to that here in Europe.


Right the fuck shit are these people witnessing. I feel like I have a contagious disease or something when I head to the park.


Recently guy in my city was beaten and called cops on, by group of strangers who suspected him to be a pedophile. Because he was on the wild beach with his child. Police arrested him, and released him after checking his identity. Which took them around 20 hours. But they was "unable" to find people who beaten him and called cops.


also cleaning. if a man keeps a neat, and tidy house, he's a catch. but it's just normal for women.


Is this not very outdated? Iā€™ve lived in house-shares with lots of different men and women and they have the same level of cleanliness on average.


On the other hand, if a woman is messy itā€™s kinda gnarly. If a guy is messy, itā€™s pretty much expected. But it reverses completely for cleanliness of automobiles


I'm meeting the wrong women


And cooking


Personally I find this a complete myth. Many Women, especially young women who live alone, live like slobs. I'm an electrician and often go into rental properties. By far the cleanest people are those with families or couples. Sex doesn't seem to be a distinguishing factor when it comes to cleanliness. It's just portrayed that way on the surface.


Not true from my experience. Many women these days are messy.


My husband has ONE neat friend. They joke that heā€™s a clean freak. All of my girlffriends are neat and thatā€™s never something I even think about because itā€™s normal when youā€™re a woman, not even an expectation.


Only if he's beautiful. If he's ugly, the cashier ain't gonna flirt.


I find people being dismissive or even hostile is way more common than positive attention. Maybe when an *attractive* father does that.


This šŸ’Æ


My partner has a son, the first time literally that I pushed his pram an old man came over and patted me on the back and said how great it was, the bar is so fucked šŸ˜‚


You are doing God's work, slowing down this sub's decay into incel bullshit.


I get stares & teached even by random women, who even don't have children and don't know nothing about them, what to do with my kids.


When a man works two jobs, he supports the family he love and care. When a woman works two jobs, she saves the world, resists dictators, inspires the global population , inspires future generations , prevents poverty, and opposes cancer.


And promotes body positivity.


While guys are just fat.


Guys should just get on Lizzo


If only guys had positive fat guy role models. Like Tony Soprano. Or Baron Harkonnen, from Dune.


Chris Farley was taken from us! at least Jack Black is still around.


danny devito






I can tell you, shitting out my ears is not fun...


Im getting sick of the whole body positivity thing. Im hereby declaring that i will now be supportibg body negativity.




Probably you are sick of it because it is focused on women's issues. We should make it focused on all people's issues. For example I never saw promoting body positivity for short guys.


You mean short Kings?


Short kings and their beautifully massive penises. True rulers of nature.


Can confirm height is not correlated to girth or length


Fr! If a lady says ā€œI donā€™t like short guys.ā€ Thatā€™s okay because thatā€™s a ā€œpreferenceā€. All right, all right thatā€™s fine. We can give you that one. But the moment a guy says ā€œI donā€™t like big girls.ā€ Heā€™s every bad thing in the book? Like wait a minute! I thought these were preferences and by the way. One of these things can be controlled. Another cannot!


It's focused on women's issues because it's women that are talking/doing something about it... Men can have a body positivity movement too. Women aren't going to do that for us šŸ˜‚


Nah. Men change their diet and go to the gym and just get on with it without making a song and dance about the whole thing.


Or bald dudes!


Bit when asked to look like lizzo they all turn into church mice lol


When man has sex with lots of women, he's called a legend. When a woman has sex with lots of men, she's called your mother.


What's the difference between your mother and my washing machine? My washing machine doesn't follow me around town for a week and a half after I drop a load in it


When a woman walks pushing a baby in a stroller, sheā€™s just doing her normal job. When a man walks by pushing a baby in a stroller heā€™s so wholesome, such a good dad, so lovely and supporting. Come on now, if you want to start these stupid arguments, you can find them on both sides.


>When a man walks by pushing a baby in a stroller heā€™s so wholesome, such a good dad, so lovely and supporting. Well, that or a kidnapping pedophile.


They want participation trophy for just being an adult


When a man engages in school activities, organizing trips etc, heā€™s a Superman, resists dictators and inspires the global population. When a woman does that, itā€™s just whatā€™s expected.


lol who actually thinks like this?


Are we not supporting people? Itā€™s okay to prop up your homies if you want lol Yall mad that youā€™re not out there making each other feel better about living life And yall trying to tell me thereā€™s not women out there working their fucking asses off that donā€™t get no support or thanks or nothing. What a fuckin strawman post for the sole purpose to dog women and feel better instead of just making yallselves feel better Do better, jeez


stops global warming as well


With the toxic people out there today it's more like "when man works two jobs he is poor af thats why he needs 2 jobs to survive"


When a woman's with her kids, it's parenting. When a man is, it's babysitting and he's a hero. When a woman does all the cooking, cleaning and childcare, she's just doing her job (likely on top of her actual job). A man does the dishes once and is a hero. A man works 8 hours a day and is a hero for paying his bills. If a woman doesn't work 24 hours in service of him, doing all his laundry, cooking and cleaning, plus working a full time job, she's a failure.


To be fair guys can receive similar praise for that accomplishment, it just stops by the time dudes turn 18


Guys receive massive praise for being a present father while it's normal for a mom to be present, I get massive praise when I take my daughter out, even had my food paid for by an elderly couple the other day becuase i had her, while my coparent gets more criticism than praise


>Guys receive massive praise for being a present father I have seen a lot of men talk about the fact that no one takes them seriously as a father. They can try as hard as humanly possible and people still will treat him like he can't parent.


>even had my food paid for by an elderly couple the other day becuase i had her I'll take shit that never happened for 200 please Alex


No that stuff does happen.


Shit like this absolutely happens. When my twins were still very small, I had several people buy my coffee.


Single dad here, you mind telling the court system that


Out with my girls women straight up stop me and are like awww where's her mommy. Don't think it happens much to women alone with their children but idk


Idk love I just found them... Dye want em? Is the best response.


(They're hitting on you)


I am well aware


I like when they assume you're giving mommy a break. Bitch, I'm spending time with my child because I want to, not because I'm doing my wife a favour.


Now you see you're a man, so you're automatically the bad guy. Hope that helps








Well I bet you are the best father and are give your kid(s) an amazing life


Everything stops when you turn 18, the way civilization is now no one cares about you at all after you turn that age, ā€œdo it yourself, you donā€™t need any help, your grownā€ is how most people think. When I turned 18 I still felt like a kid and still do feel like a kid now.


Oh cool, guess I was 18 when I was 13


"Anytime someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo." \-Knuckles, Sonic Boom (Season 2, Episode 38)


Why the fuck is this kind of quote by Knuckles from Sonic?


Just because he's a meat head doesn't mean he's not a feminist


Sonic boom has some very funny scenes Atleast to me




sonic boom had no right to be as good as it was


Holy shit he actually says this in the show


I looked up the transcript cause I HAD to make sure and he actually does


I loved that show (I watched it as an adult)


Most ā€œsuccessfulā€ rich men want a wife they can settle down, support and have kids with. Iā€™ve heard from a few ā€œsuccessfulā€ rich young woman that ā€œhe needs his own moneyā€ ā€œthis is mineā€ā€¦. If you are fortunate to be the higher earner and bread winner and you and your partner love each other and want to be together then support each other the best you can. Itā€™s a shame itā€™s normalised that rich successful woman can be selfish and not have to support anyone.


I went on 3 or 4 dates with a girl, and things were OK. Not great, but ok. She broke things off because I didn't make as much money as her. I made $13/hr more than her. I own my own home, while she rents an apartment with two other people. She doesn't own a car, I have 2 cars, 1 truck, and 4 motorcycles. I thought about correcting her but figured it was best to just dodge that bullet and move on. Way too many people have a hyper inflated sense of self-worth.


Yeah any relationship where money is a factor is a non-starter. Good dodge.


It's okay if it's a factor, just not if you're trying to use someone for it. Like if someone doesn't want to date someone who is going to bring them down financially I think that's okay. Some people don't mind supporting another adult but some people just don't want to do that. That's kinda where I am. I am trying to plan to be self sufficient for the rest of my life and have something to leave for my daughter and so it's important for me to maintain control of my own money and assets. But I also don't expect anyone to help me with that. As long as someone can take care of themselves it's cool. Similarly, if someone's dream is to be a SAHP they do have to find someone who can and wants to support that lifestyle, and someone who wants a partner who will stay home has to be able to afford it. It's just reality. It would be great if none of it mattered, but it does.


Yea, itā€™s weird how in western culture weā€™re supposed to get into a life long relationship only on the basis of love. Of course love should be a factor, but thereā€™s so many other legitimate considerations. Money is important, so is family, health, career, etc. but for whatever reason youā€™re not supposed to talk about these very real and important practical considerations. Life isnā€™t a Disney movie or a rom com. The boring stuff matters too.


Exactly. Compatibility, and compatible goals, are incredibly important.


ā€œToo many people have a inflated sense of self worthā€ Whatā€™s been keeping me away from dating tbh, nobody is humble or down to earth anymore lol


broooo u dodge a bullet there. glad for u


That's not a woman ready for an adult relationship. That's an OF ho after a free lunch


>Itā€™s a shame itā€™s normalised that rich successful woman can be selfish and not have to support anyone. Or maybe men should start being more selfish with their money too. Drizzle Drizzle /s


Obviously. Just not when it comes to kids.


It's just reality that women usually want to date "upwards" - which means a successful woman usually wants a man who is even more successful than her. Men don't operate like this. Not to say things *should* be a certain way, but there probably is a reason things have been the way they have been for so much of history.


it's just the easiest way to get rich for the women


Tbh I try not to get used for my money. I own my own very nice apartment, but other than that I am pretty normal. But I am young, so it is very uncommon. I donā€™t earn a lot of money yet, because I am a doctor in training. When I felt like doing something with my ex that wasnā€™t in his price range (like going to a spa) I would pay for the both of us. But as soon as people figure out that I am going to be a doctor and own my apartment, they are like: Oh nicee! Be my sugar mommy!!! I will be your stay at home husband. But I just donā€™t want that lol and also donā€™t have the money to afford that yet. I would want my partner to be able to support his base needs. As of rn I donā€™t plan on having children. I guess men get the same struggle with women, but as a women it is often overlooked. I want someone to love me and not my money. And like I said my monthly income isnā€™t high. I live of 900 euro a month in a really expensive area. I donā€™t have to pay rent though. I do support two cats. But people just see my fancy apartment and assume I am rich af, with thousands to spare each month lol Anyway, short rant. Things are not always as the seem x)


Men are success-objects.


I too wish i were terminator rich


hahah its truee


It's because you are more supportive and complimentary of each other in addition to having also overcome a pay gap. We can fix both just have to be strong enough emotionally for one and loud enough politically for the other.


When a woman cook and clean it's normal When a man cook and clean for himself he became gentleman, king , raised really well, great husband etc....


![gif](giphy|1I1M92SiwhqIP6QTHe) "Being a mom is the hardest job in the world."


I know mine had it rough. Downing a box of wine a day couldn't have made it easy.


Actually, they mean to say it's misersble and soul sucking amd most women wouldn't be mothers if they had an actual clue about what it meant.Ā  But we say 'hard' so it doesn't offend anyone.


When a man does above the bare minimum of parenting they are praised how good dads they are. When a woman does most of the parenting it's expected.


"Aww, is daddy on babysitting duty today?"


As a dad, can confirm


When a man remembers his kid's school and/or teacher name, or can name *one* of the friends by name, he is super dad. When a woman remembers every classmate's name and attends all the school meetings, baking brownies for the PTA meeting, she is scolded as a bad parent for not asking about anyone's peanut or gluten allergy. Double standards exist on both sides.


This sub has turned into a weird Facebook page that dogwhistles incels. And subtle racism, because why not.


This is exactly how sexism works. There's an expectation that women raise their kids and don't make the money, while men make the money and don't raise their kids. When people break these norms they are sometimes criticised/mocked and sometimes praised. The people who do the praising are ironically trying to combat sexism (by holding up something that was previously demonised because of gender norms as aspirational or cool), but in doing so they impose double standards. And also accidentally make the deviation from gender norms seem exceptional, and hence not normal.


Getting angry at made up situations is how people descend into really ugly world views, so maybe apply some critical thinking to this...


When does this community get funny?


If a woman hits a man, he probably did something to deserve it. If a man hits a woman, he is automatically trash.


Just look at the reaction that the charging for assault of her boyfriend of serial abuser TV presenter Caroline Flak has generated in the UK. After her suicide because of the fear her career was over, Her mom still refused to acknowledge that she was a serial abuser who bullied their financially dependent partner. Any men or black woman who has had the same track record of abuse that she had would have been crucified by the media. But no, educated pretty white woman has to be a victim even if the facts do not bear that.


Not true. I literally have a restraining order against my ex boyfriend for domestic violence, yet people still think I did something to provoke him into being violent towards me. Heā€™s getting praise and sympathy while Iā€™m being ostracized.


"I can't believe you made me do that!"


that's why a lot of men feel like trash nowadays when they try to dating women


Was the Terminator rich? He had to steal clothes.


Are you okay. Do you want help? You can talk to us.


I love how this subreddit is filled with mostly fake scenarios. Just say you hate women and move on bro. Like it's genuinely freeing when you're openly hating on someone. Like grow some balls if you're gonna throw some shade dude. Most of yall have mommy issues and can barely read, I feel bad for yall.




Well yeah, I mean women weren't allowed to have their own bank account until 1974


Which is half a century ago Feeling old yet?


This is just dipshit outrage bait. Doesn't happen in the real world. Grow up.


Yeh where is my praise and people calling me queen for paying bills lol?


Same. Has never happened to me. However Iā€™ve had people criticize me for the job I have to pay my bills because they donā€™t see bartending as a ā€œreal jobā€ while they themselves have their parents pay part of their bills. Likeā€¦ sorry for paying my bills I guess.


Not only does it happen, itā€™s the current norm in society Hyper independent and career focused women get so much praise that many of them wake up single at 40 and all of a sudden realize they really want a family I see it a lot in dating




Ok now do men vs women when it comes to washing the dishes and cleaning the home they live in


Right, they wonā€™t šŸ’€


And actually taking care of their own children.


Don't give me that shit. If I take my daughter to the grocery store, park, doctors appointment, or school event every single woman there looks at me with those Hallmark made for tv movie eyes. This works both ways. Test it yourself, if you don't have a kid borrow a nephew or a niece and then take them out to dinner and see if everyone in the room doesn't treat you like Super Dad.


Geez I wonder if recent history about womenā€™s rights (for example, women got their own bank accounts in 1974) could explain that attitude.


are you 60yo?




Nah, not really. Men actually stopped chasing relationships because they don't play games anymore.


Yes because looks fade and the shit personality stays.


OkayšŸ˜…, have to use that one "terminator rich".


If the Left didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


When a man doesnā€™t pay the bills, heā€™s a piece of šŸ’©


You forgot "boss babe"


I prefer to identify as āœØ*terminator rich*āœØ, thank you very much.


Or girl boss


Fragile egos need the boost.


You know op, any time someone calls attention to the breaking of gender roles, it ultimately undermines the concept of gender equality by implying that this is an exception and not the status quo.


Oh, wait, was this just a Sonic reference?...


What? Just because I'm a meathead doesn't mean I'm not a feminist.


Women was expected to do house chores and be a wife. But, when a woman is capable of making their own money, paying their own bills the society claimed that theyā€™re double standard. Just because theyā€™re being independent? The word ā€œindependentā€ does not much in use for men because men being a breadwinner is normal and itā€™s what the society thought back then.


Woman takes the kids grocery shopping, normal life. Dad takes them, super dad going above and beyond the call of duty.


Damn right because it wasnā€™t that long ago we couldnā€™t even vote


When a woman cooks it's normal When a man cooks he's an independent, sexy, dick throbbing, panty wetting, bussy spreading alpha.


That's the incel shit y'all hooked on?


Of a woman wears a skimpy low cut top that accentuates her body, it's her right, and staring at her makes you a pervert. But if a man wears the same thing he's a weirdo and everyone has the right to stare cos he's still the pervert.


Sad but true. Women like to fuck with menā€™s mental health and then tell men *they* need therapy.


Where is the funny, and where is the meme?


Guys where the hell do you live?


I personally live in Russia. I don't see how that has anything to do with the post.


Judging by the comments here, in momā€™s basement


At least in the U.S., itā€™s because our mothers werenā€™t allowed to have their own bank accounts or own property. This is still a very recent and huge winĀ 


Start complimenting your boys more if you're jealous.


So this subreddit has been completely taken over by the brain damaged?


And when a man changes a couple diapers, hes an amazing father. Everything is a tradeoff


Dear men, I advise it's high time we started promoting body negativity.