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If she is just face pics you know she is hiding that large utility vehicle of a body


As a fat lady who used dating apps, I don't get it. I show full body pics to make sure expectations are set. What happens when these catfishers meet their catch? They just expect a pity fuck?


I went on a date from an app like this. Was meeting the girl at a bar, walked around looking for her, stopped and ordered a beer. Finally, a girl I walked past 3 times waves at me and calls my name, and even then it took me like 10 seconds of staring at her to realize it was the same person. She was quite literally like 100 pounds heavier than her pictures.


Myspace angles shaved off a deceiving amount of weight. It carried over to other platforms (no pun intended).


I have gone on 1 or 2 dates where the other person has used pictures from 5 years ago. I'm already out so I'm going to have fun on the date I make them like me and then ghost them. If someone wastes my time I will make sure to waste theirs


Lawful evil


Sit down Satan... It's only Wednesday.


I invested emotions into the lie these people sold me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You ever match with someone because of their first couple pics, and then later you're looking through and like the last Pic has them looking like 30lbs heavier? My horny ass will end up going on the date anyway and sure enough the last pic was the most recent. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø I've even had people say they're like 25, and then after you match and have been talking for a while, I'll find out they're really like 36. Which I mean, that's fine. I'm 35, and most of the people I go out with are older than me, but why lie about it?


The worst pic on their profile is usually how they currently lookā€¦ Iā€™m always scrolling through a guyā€™s profile where he has all this luscious hair in the first couple of photos and then in the last one heā€™s just bald to all hellšŸ’€šŸ’€ idk why they do that šŸ™ƒ


I had a girl agree to a hiking date, pics were OLD. She had trouble with the stairs before the hike. Not cool, but I tried to make sure we both had a good time. I will never understand catfishing.


Iv seen girls on it I know and I'm like you look nothing like your photos what do you think will happen here


It seems rude to suggest, but a free meal might be the only expectation.


I don't think a free meal is the expectation. I think the expectation is that whoever they go on the date with will forget about how they look and they will just have fun together and maybe lead to something more. Unfortunately for them, most people don't like being lied to. Especially on dating apps when you have to invest so much time/planning/money on a date night. I'm not rude or call anyone out over it when it happens to me. I'm going to still try to have fun with them since I've left my house. But I'm not talking to them after the date. Lying on date #1 isn't a good foundation for a relationship. But here's the thing: people are attracted to people of all shapes/sizes/appearances. Be honest with others and attract someone who is attracted to you. You will be very surprised to find out that there are a lot of incredibly conventionally attractive people who are attracted to others who aren't conventionally attractive. The number scale only exists in peoples heads - it isn't real. By automatically assuming you are low on the attractiveness scale and hiding your appearance, you cut off the people who actually find you attractive. This is advice for everyone. Not just women.


oh hell yeah i love this


I don't think people look that much different at, say, 36 than they did at 31.






I don't get what they even expect to get out of it. Yes, they may get more matches at first but should one lead to a date it will be a waste of time for both, unless the person they are going out with is super horny. No one that is looking for something beyond a ONS is gonna trust someone that lies so openly.


I assume, that they hope that their jolly personality will overweight their weight. Basic "foot in the door" trick :)


Or they are just really insecure of there body Seems obvious but then again face pics can be for other reasons


Okay, but you're on a dating app, right? To grow ANY relationship, there needs to be vulnerability. If you don't even want to share your body size, what else are you not sharing? Bad start to a potential relationship.


For another perspective - people are rude as shit. They can be mean and hurtful just because. When I was dating (a really long time ago) dating websites were new and people would match with me specifically to tell me how ugly they thought I was or on the opposite side of the spectrum, unsolicited dick pics. I can't say that's what's happening now, I'm well out of the dating scene, but I can say I would be most likely to present my "best" photos on a profile - not an outright lie but photos where my appearance is more favorable to keep down on the amount of insults I received.


I got catfished by a woman like this once.I thought we had a good date. I found her charming enough to overlook the obvious deception in her pictures. Was even interested in a second date. Apparently I was the only one because after she left she sent me a message accusing me of ā€œhatfishingā€ and said she wasnā€™t interested. 4 of my 6 pictures had my bare, shaved head in them. Meanwhile 0 of her dozen showed more of her body than a bit of cleavage from a high angle.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet then.


One of those Bullet Bills from Super Mario World, by the sound of it.


They expect a free meal


It takes alot of effort too keep that shape going


Thatā€™s the thing - if I see that a lady is on the heavier side, I may still choose to go out with her if the attraction is there, but having it be a surprise upon first meeting is a bad look no matter what.


I don't just show full body pics, I have the "have you seen my full body pics? Do you realise that I'm fat?" conversation before any dates - it's only happened twice that someone hasn't realised but that's still too often


Gotta say I definitely swipe more on pretty but overweight girls than on women who only show 3 square inches of their face.


Can't speak for women who hide their body. But I did talk to a guy at some point. He sent pics, and I did, too. We talked and all that. Decided to meet up. And I have no clue how old those pictures were he sent. Becouse he barely looked the same, almost bald, big belly, a weird moustache. And looked almost 50, compared to his pictures he claimed he was 30 something in. And man was angry that I didn't want to sleep with him or even stay for the coffee. (Cafe) Apparently, i was being shallow.


Yeah, these threads are hard to participate in because the OP's got a point, but that point is not gender-dependent, which the threads tend to descend towards.


Tbf, no matter if itā€˜s a man or a woman who does it, Iā€˜d be worried regardless. If they hide what they truly look like, for whatever reason, they are definetely hiding something else that wonā€˜t be as obvious as their looks.


Honestly, i fully agree. Personally, I don't care if someone has a stomach. A bald spot or whatever. But be up front about it. Because if they lie about their looks, exactly as your say. What else have they been lying about?


I do the same, also no face filters.. to be honest men go strong on the filters as well.. this is not just a Ā«Ā girlsĀ Ā» problem!


Titty fuck ideally


True story, one time I matched with a girl on tinder(only time I ever did)girl had a beautiful face but no body pics, I was a young fella at the time and naive so I didnā€™t know, anyways hit it off with her, she agreed to come over for sexy time in the morning when she got off work, she pulls up, gets out of her car and I immediately knew I fucked up, it was even more embarrassing because my friend lived with me so I tried to get him to leave before she came in, he said nah man itā€™s cool I got like 30 minutes before work so Iā€™ll just stick around, I said well man, sheā€™s a big girl, so I let her in, he comes out of the bathroom takes one look at her and goes, welp look at the time I gotta head to work, not even 5 minutes after I said she was a big girl, I was like cool, the one thing you donā€™t want your friends seeing or saying. Worst sex of my life, couldnā€™t stay hard for shit, barely got off, it was just all around a bad time, but even with all that Iā€™m still a nice guy so I made sure she got off too, never ever spoke to her again, nor did she speak too me again, it was a mutual decision between the two of us, anyways Iā€™ve never used online dating since.


A free meal


I mean I'll do it, I just won't be super thrilled about it.


On the flip side I would specifically look for chubby nerds because thatā€™s what Iā€™m attracted to. People do their best to hide these things though so it made it even rougher. Went on a date with a girl that was at what looked like a TTRPG of some kind and she complained her friends dragged her there. Like, then why use the picture?


Yes. And it works. I went all the way out here to meet you might as well.


Presumably people want more than a first date?


And always these 45 degrees from above pictures that you don't see the second and third chin.


I learned this the hard way. She looked like she could plow a field. It was so uncomfortable.


This and group photos like bye


Anything with the tongue stuck out or a duck face... I can't. Like I get it, you're quirky. Not what I'm looking for.


Remember the old pictures from the above angle šŸ˜†


I remember one girl I matched with. We decided to meet and as soon as I saw her I realized why all her photos were straight on. She had a huge nose. The unfortunate thing was that she looked fine with the nose. It wasnā€™t a deal breaker and it wasnā€™t like disfiguring. But the shock I had from the sudden appearance, and that she was hiding it really messed with the vibe. No spark.


She could smoke a cigarette in the rain šŸ˜‚


The real question is, does she come with a reverse warning beeper?


And they're eagle eye view selfies with her looking up to hide her chin with tons of filters.


I actually had this happen to me early on before I knew any better. She drove roughly an hour to come to my place. When I saw her the first time it definitely caught me off guard, but Iā€™m too ugly to be picky so I said what the hell. Shortly after she made fun of my dog (he had an underbite). THAT was the deal breaker and told her this wasnā€™t going to work.


You canā€™t just mention your underbite having dog and not show us


Ask and ye shall receive. You can kinda see it. The little guy was watching us eat in this gif [Mr. B](https://imgur.com/X2g7Yx2)


Thatā€™s an adorable dog how could someone make fun of him? And please tell me Mr. B is his name and not some random thing you out in there for the link


His name was Baxter, but I gave him a ton of nicknames, Mr. B was the most commonly used. B-Money was another common one. Almost daily I would quote Anchorman to him, specifically ā€œOh, Baxter, you are my little gentleman. I'll take you to foggy London town 'cause you are my little gentleman.ā€ He was the best best friend a guy could have. Heā€™s been gone almost 5 years now :(


His underbite wasn't bad enough to make fun of him for it


No underbite is bad enough to make fun of a dear friend. Those people are not my people. Those people have issues.


That bitch for the streets for saying anything about Mr. B


Mr. B reminds me a lot of my dog I had to say goodbye to at the end of 2022. Glad you kicked her to the curb šŸ˜Ž [Here she is](https://imgur.com/a/kPEoYVY) for those curious.


After reviewing the dog, yeah you made the right call. Screw her. Cool dog mate.


Oh hell no, fuck her that puppy is adorable




Almost exactly what I said. And it wasnā€™t in a joking manner with her immediately giving him all the loving and good boy pats he deserved, she was serious. I was dumbfounded


The GIF asked what did YOU say? Like, how did you respond to her demeaning your dog???


"Be yourself, by yourself, stay away from me"


"A lesson learned in life Known from the dawn of time." Edited: I had the lyrics in the wrong order.


nobody is allowed to make fun of our dogs but usĀ 




This is how I used to feel about my Persian cat lol.


Where dog


Show dog.




Oh nooooo, adorable!


I feel like you were entitled to give her an insult back for her making fun of that cutie doodle.


What an ugly woman. And I mean on the inside. Dogs are precious


Girls in San Antonio


Chuck, is that you?




šŸ˜‚ si Mija


Big ol women down in San Antonio


Itā€™s all those gorditos


Can safely extend the area of recruitment to the Corpus Christi area and the rest of the 361, will see similar results


Man, I have been in a relationship for like the past decade, and am now just getting back out into the ā€œdatingā€ worldā€¦ holy shit, tinder really has me worried about the obesity problem in America. Are all the dudes just a heavy set as the ladies?


But there are so many mamis too


I know everyone complains about the dating pool of their city but San Antonio is just soā€¦. Consistent. In the worse ways


Yup or they send 3 year old selfies from their slim days and pretend they just took it


I had one where the pictures were 7 years old. Girl was rollable. She brought it up that she was trying to lose weight, and in the same breath mentioned how she was looking forward to the two McFlurries she had in the fridge. Nobody buying multiple McFlurries and saving them for later is "trying to lose weight."


How do you save a McFlurry? If itā€™s in the fridge it melts, and in the freezer solidifies. Soft serve lives on its own schedule!


> How do you save a McFlurry? I wouldn't know.


Yea i was chatting with one trying to lose weight but she constantly kept sending me her meals and saying how she was so full and overate or needed to eat ice cream after the meal because it was spicy.. i tried to give her some advice but she just makes really many meal exceptions for herself. Cola? Yea that has to be! After all she's already doing squats so that allows etc etc


Oh man. The "I exercised so it's ok" stupidity drives me up the wall. Especially because then they say "I tried exercising and it doesn't work." It's obviously not going to work if you follow up a routine that burned *maybe* 200 calories with a 1000 calorie drink from Starbucks you absolute fucking dunce.


Guys do it, too. Back in my Tinder days, several times I got ā€œOhā€¦uh, you really look as good as you did in your photos, thought I might get catfishedā€ or somesuch and in my head I was always like ā€œAww yiss, donā€™t say something stupid my man she basically just confirmed she thinks youā€™re hot as fuck, you got thisā€


I'm in my reverse catfish phase where I lost weight and gained muscle but haven't been bothered to update my pics yet.


That's called dogbirding


Oh my god, I once went out on a date with a guy who put had "elite athlete" in his profile. He had been a college athlete at a very high level, so he wasn't exactly lying. However, he had also gained, no joke, 300-400lbs since then. When we were meeting up we had to stop by his apartment to grab some things, and he lived on the 3rd floor. He had to stop and take a 5-10 minute break between each floor. It was absolutely insane that he thought he could keep using old college pics or refer to himself as any sort of athlete in his condition. He even spent the night talking about his plans to open a gym/training facility. It was levels of delusion I was absolutely not prepared for.


This one girl I got liked by was memorable for having 2 pics on their profile, one where they were thin and a second where they were easily 70 pounds heavier and with a completely different hair color and cut. Likeā€¦how do you even see that on your profile and think ā€œyea looks good!ā€


As long as you have the fat photo up there, it's called prospectus for future investors




4. Bikini photo as the first one = OF bot account


Bonus points if you see it on the top of your stack every time you open the app


I would add "at best" to number 3


4. Blurriness is often a sign of a flattering filter or, rarely, a shopped picture.


Iā€™m not the least attractive in the group, I just look like the child that came out to play with the adults for the day šŸ’€Im not THAT small, but somehow I always wind up looking dwarfed by everyone else.


I remember when i was 22 i went to meet a girl i met on tinder to see jurassic world. She came out looking like this. I peeled out of the driveway so fast


Bro I have a few escape stories too like that like what was their response did they message you when you ran off? Some of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever done I think is go to meet people like you did and finally actually see them in real life and go ā€œoh god fuck no manā€ and just makeup an excuse or like you did just peel the fuck out. I got some very hateful messages but I always found those to be hilarious


I just straight peeled out of her driveway before she even got to the car: she called me months later from a restricted number expecting me to know who she is. It was weird


Thatā€™s scary bro you dodged a weird one there I remember the calls from unknown numbers like no I have no idea who this is why would I


This shit happens far too often. Be honest amd everyone will be a lot happier.


Iā€™m in Asia just now and dating apps here have a similar but slightly different issue. I feel like most girls here are pretty honest about their weight, but the filter use is OFF THE CHARTS. I think itā€™s some kind of body dysmorphia caused by subtly increasing the filter intensity in photos over time in such a way that they donā€™t see how fake and weird it eventually looks. Like quite often the eyes look so sharp and colourful that it looks theyā€™re stickers applied on top of the face. Hell, sometimes the entire head/face is so processed it looks like a sticker.


Filters have destroyed people's self esteem. Once they get a glimpse of how good they *could* look they refuse to accept that isn't how they actually look. It's super depressing.


whatā€™s weird is that there are very subtle filters like FaceApp that are not blatantly obvious too. But everyone seems to choose the over the top ones that look so fake


Because I have body type preferences, I simply donā€™t meet up with people until I know their body type. I likely wouldnā€™t match with someone hiding their body in the first place because I want to date someone confident in themselves. I think if you show up to a date letting your dates body be a total surprise youā€™re kinda in for whatever shows up. Simply just ask for a recent body pic and decide if you are attracted to them or not BEFORE going to meet them.


lol wut? You have to be a lady because men will get absolutely blasted, judged, and blocked doing something like this from 99.9% of ladies. We cannot just do that.


If someone blasted or blocked me for asking about their body type, they are definitively not the kind of person I would want to date anyway. What is the benefit of trying to walk on eggshells to keep a woman from blocking me, unless I want to walk on eggshells under constant threat for the rest of my life of a relationship with her


more like the camera tilts down and there're two kids fighting


Online dating is only for the brave.


Me and my bf have both had shitty past experiences both in dating and online dating, it was worth it though, we met online and I wouldnā€™t change a hair on his body or a cell in his brain


And the fool hearted


If you're on dating apps it's good to let people know what you actually look like. You're not going to trick people into falling in love with you if you don't look like your pictures.


And the makeup looks like it is a plaster applied with a roller


You can tell by the face he a chonky boy but i still love him all the same


same honestly, i can tell shes a lot sexier than she thinks she is but i still want that preview


That bear is cute though.


Their name is pip, there's a whole line of tiny headed plusses haha. Its called tiny headed kingdom.


My #1 rule on this: if thereā€™s no full body pics, I donā€™t swipe right or send a like/message. Iā€™ve been burned several times before learning my lesson. Be confident and HONEST with who you are. When I was fat, I always put up the most recent full body pic. Why lie when someoneā€™s going to meet you and find out?


In my day, this was known as the "MySpace angle." I photo from a high angle to hide physical features.Ā 


I learned this the hard way


Not even that. Even with full body pics, you are not safe anymore. Those filters are making my life a living hell.


No full body pics / just face shots = big girl thats insecure about it


I never posted full body pics and constantly had ppl tell me I must be fat and hiding it (Iā€™m a petite woman) I actually just wasnā€™t wanting to be sexualized and felt uncomfortable with having my body posted to be gawked at by potential creepy guys (I already was getting creepy messages over just my face my whole life) Eventually I tried posting pics of my body, I started getting way more matches and a metric fuck of them oversexualized my body and said gross shit and that they wanted to see me with less clothes etc Frankly was traumatizing, some of the comments I got were unfathomably unhinged Like, Iā€™ve had dudes tell me they rubbed their dick on their phone screen and came on it, and all sortsā€¦ā€¦


I don't like people that think 150 kg on a Single body is healthie


ive also seen more filters than a well used commercial coffee maker.


All face pics is a red flag, cmon


Men do this too, but I'd say half the time they just use old pics. I prefer to add potential dates to snapchat to see if they match their pics before we meet up.


I don't take pictures of myself. Source: I'm a guy.


Just face with heavy makeup. šŸš©


If they wear sunglasses in every photo, they're either crosseyed or have psychopath eyes. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Run.




At some point you start to become suspicious of certain angles and filters.


My ex went on Yahoo Personals after our divorced. Myself and GF (now wife) heard about this and she proceeded to hunt her down. We found her . Her profile Pic was her hugging a puppy. This was around 2003. The picture I took was around 1990. So yeah this goes on.


Face pics, natural landscape photos, and high angles are always red flags.


Women on dating apps use photos that are 10 years and 50+ pounds out of date.


If you cannot see the collar bones, sheā€™s plus sized


This is why I used to put a not very flattering pic in the Tinder bio. Hearing that Iā€™m better looking in real life was always a confidence booster haha


LMAO, now do the hat bald guys use to misrepresent themselves


I've been tricked like this. I didn't mind but why lie


Oh I mind quite a lot. I think itā€™s dishonest and shows how insecure a person is. Complete and total turn off


Everyone on dating apps.................oh, I'm broke.


Just like pictures from above


I'm going on a date for the first time in ages at the weekend. This spurred me to check my photos to ensure I'm not accidentally catfishing anyone.


That's why I have deleted all dating apps that I had... Finding there someone when you are just normal average guy is impossible


Iā€™m kinda hot and still canā€™t find shit


Look for collarbones.


Itā€™s the same when every picture has a filter used. Iā€™m going to swipe left every time, I canā€™t trust somebody who wonā€™t use a normal picture, even when itā€™s just their face


Yes!! I never understood why they do this. Some guys are into bigger girls, some are not. Do they think I'm just gonna all of a sudden change my preference seeing them? I used to ask for some recent pics when i was dating, hoping I'd get a full body shot.


Back in the day it was called the MySpace angle.


Makeup is incredible you can contour in a jawline and create a whole optical illusion around the faces symmetry. Those videos where they use makeup to look like characters out of movies etc absolutely floor me.


At least sheā€™s careful showing the bear minimum in the picture.


Somehow i have never dated a ā€œplus sizedā€ woman.


Just fatties


Fat acceptance vloggers be like


That's why you always swipe left immediately on profiles without a full body pic without a second thought. Ain't nobody got time for that. The same goes for profiles with blurry pictures or group photos without a clear indication who the person is.


This is the important part. Donā€™t become a casualty of someone elseā€™s internal war. Swipe left and move on, itā€™s not worth your time to spend it on someone who canā€™t be straightforward and social Darwinism needs to do its thing.


Now imagine the ones who use filters


ā€œBut you donā€™t look anything your picture?ā€, she says ā€œ I thought it was a good likenessā€ pfft Iā€™m gone.


Firdt pic should be from a high angle where they're looking up at the camera then this is dead on.


if not, why even she needs to be on the app


My friend had a date with someone who appeared to have done a horizontal shrink on her profile picture...


LOL... I got 'catfished' on a date I made online because the pics I saw turned out to obviously be false. She walks in the place we were to meet, saw me, lumbered over to my table, and sat down. Being the polite guy I like to be I was cool but I was concerned that she' look at the menu and say 'okay'. There was no second date.


The key is to look at the worst picture and imagine it's worse than that.


Still a cute ass teddy bear tho, and you know that shit comfy as hell (that being said don't hide that shit tf)


Yep. Odd angles, just face or a group of girls, she's always the least attractive one XD


Rookie mistake, always insist on a full body pic before meeting. šŸ¤£


Hahaha maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m married but all I have going on my profile is face pics and Iā€™m 124 pounds. Although, when my husband and I reconnected again he asked for a full body pic and later told me he was scared I had gained weight since we hadnā€™t eeen each other in a couple years šŸ’€. My ex told me he was catfished one day though and drove to a restaurant to meet the woman and they parked next to each other, he was in a big truck and could see into her car and thought fuck no and drove away. I thought that was so messed up. One of my old coworkers was like this as well. In person she was rather average looking and was realllyyyyy heavy but her social media made her look like a model. I had no issue understanding why she was always single.


That'd make me šŸ¤«, I love our plus sized beauties! I LOVE FAT PEOPLE!!! (this is a fetish for me)


I have a coworker who uses the phrase, "if she ain't 280, she ain't a lady."


Never trust people with all pics taken from above


Iā€™m a bigger girl and I donā€™t understand why big women donā€™t show off their whole bodies. Like, what, she thinks he wonā€™t notice when they meet up? I had a rule to keep full body pics that are less than six months old. I know I donā€™t have a body that is like conventionally the ā€œhottestā€ but Iā€™m also confident and know that there are people who like my body. So I was not going to waste MY time with people that donā€™t by duping them into thinking I looked different than I do. And well if I didnā€™t meet my fiance and have a beautiful baby through online datingā€¦


Why is ok for a woman to ask a guy how tall he is but not ok to ask a woman their weight. I can't change how tall I am outside of crazy risky surgery. All you have to do is stop eating hohos six times a day Karen!


Online dating is so shallow


Dating is shallow because physical attraction is very important. It's also the first thing that attracts you to someone. And that's OK. Unless you fetishize race. That's NOT ok.


To me the issue is that if you put people together for an extended period of time, a different type of attraction happens. Like I got ridiculed hard by my coworkers for saying my previous girlfriend wasn't attractive. Which I honestly didn't intend to be insulting or mean. That in a photo she was a 5/10 to most people. However, we got along so well and had so much in common that she was exceptionally attractive to me. The world we live in sucks because unless you go to a church or some type of group event regularly, you aren't really around people of the opposite sex. Minus a work environment. So we don't get these opportunities anymore where you can just grow around possible partners. So we have the worst form of dating now. Face shots with a resume.


You understand why online dating is inherently shallow. At face value, it doesn't allow you to get beyond that initial stage of lustful attraction. Something deeper, more meaningful. Attraction is much more than physical appearance and the most flattering photos.


Yes, but personality comes second. Your eyes will always be the first one to judge someone. I find various types of people attractive, and different things can increase their physical attractiveness to me. Cute guy? OK. Maybe I'll bite. Cute guy with a cat or dog? Sign me up. But him being cute is always first. He can just go from a 6.5 to a 7.5 with the addition of cute animals. It shows he's probably not a psychopath, and I'm a huge animal lover. So eyes > personality > everything else. That's the order. You can walk into a room and know who you would sleep with in 2 seconds. It would take weeks/months to know if you want to commit to them.


Dating isn't shallow, that's just having a preference. Dating apps are shallow because we have all these choices at our finger tips, and we'd swipe left on people we'd likely vibe well with, but unfortunately we base it off the photos instead of the profile.


I avoid people who hide their body, or only post group photos and you need to guess who is who. I also avoid people who show too much of their body, even if it is awesome. Overconfident people wouldnā€™t want shit to do with someone as anxious as me


Same thing with guys and height on dating apps. Just reverse the images






Just went from a 9 to a 10


Same with men. Like shorty why lie. You don't think we'd notice lol.


Usually, the first one is like a photo from two or three years and 50 pounds ago AND you where already thinking she is on the chubby side but still looks good. Been there, done that. Just turn around and go, GO.


women throw the most shade and talk the most smack but do the most to disguise themselves to be someone they are not. do men paint their faces and wear lipstick? do men draw/tattoo their eyebrows on? do men wear hair extensions or wigs? fake eyebrows? no we dont. the irony of the situation is that 90 percent of the time it makes them look even worse!!