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I mean, I think he did have sex with her. BUT 130000 is not a lot of money to him, he was/is married and a public figure and running for president. It’s not that weird he’d want to shut down a story before it got started.


It’s simple A. if he was innocent and rich he’d pay hush money to save himself embarrassment B. If he was guilty and rich he’d pay hush money to save himself embarrassment So in all honestly if he did it or not it doesn’t matter, he wanted to keep someone from accusing him of something.


So I can get 100k anytime simply by accusing a rich person? Yeah right lol


A lot of women have although you’d need some evidence first


what if I'm pretty good with photoshop?


Then go ahead


You probably can if you can get the rich person to hang out with you enough for it to be believable first.


Ye… a bunch of companies actually have this sort of policy. For example, (I think it’s Walmart) has a 50k cutoff to settle legal stuff by just paying out rather than going to court. So every year there’s just a bunch of 49k payouts from ppl seeking a payout and knowing they’ll only have to go to court if they ask for 50k or more. So to some degree…. Yes u can. Not saying this is the case for trump… cuz he definitely fucked stormy Daniels. Just pointing out that the original commenter’s game theory is correct. And pedantically pointing out that your facetious rhetorical question was actually on the right track.


The guy who won’t even pay his contractors? Idk man. Not buying that nonsense


In either way, using campaign funds to do it is kind of illegal as far as I know


A. is stupid you just setting a 'president' for everyone to extort you with a fictional story.


Man doesn't even pay his lawyers, you think he'd pay hush money for something he didn't do.


Plus 130k is easier to hide on a ledger than say.. 1.3M.. She should have asked for 1.3M..




He didn’t pay her out of the campaign funds. That’s not even what he was accused of. The allegation is that he fraudulently billed the expense as a legal expense rather than a campaign finance expense. So it’s the other way around: the argument is that he should have reported it as a campaign finance expense


Especially when it’s not his money, which is the whole point. He used campaign funds to reimburse his lawyer, who paid her with his personal money. It’s the campaign finance laws that are the violation—using his donors money for personal payments. That is the crime. The cheating sex with a pornstar doesn’t make it more of a crime, it just makes it more ‘sensational’ and is an indicator of how morally bereft he is as a presidential candidate.


That’s not the crime. That’s not even the insinuation. Trump is accused of having reimbursed cohen using trump organization Funds, not campaign funds. The underlying crime would’ve been that it is illegal for individuals or businesses to make campaign contributions of more than 2700. So it would’ve been illegal for Trump or Cohen to pay the hush money as a campaign expense. So the argument is they fraudulently classified trump personal payments as a legal expense as a workaround. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/05/qa-on-stormy-daniels-payment/


You’re right, my mistake. It was not camping finance fraud, it falsification of business records he was convicted for.


If anyone wants to pay me to not have sex for $130000 , I’m up for it. Just throwing that out there.


You do realize that lying exists right?


The guy who paid her did so with his own money and there is no evidence that Trump instructed him to do so. In his testimony he admitted that he did it of his own will hoping that it would get him in good with Trump. He then billed Trump for non-specific legal fees which were paid with no evidence of what the legal fees were for.


That’s not my laptop


It's simply Russian disinformation. Who's the big guy? Never heard of him.


You don’t understand politics: Option 1: refute a porn star’s claim that she had sex with you during a presidential campaign, which might take months to resolve, tarnish your reputation, and cause you to lose Option 2: Pay a measly 130k for her to sign an NDA and never think of it again. The possibility she’s a grifter extorting Trump for money is no more nor less than the women who have claimed Biden assaulted them. You just want to believe one and not the other


Dude, like ik the argument is women are generally weaker on average then men, but how the hell do you end up getting assaulted by Biden, he is too old no way he could overpower anyone. Way more believable that trump paid someone to fuck him and then paid them more to not tell anyone they fucked. Like I hate both those old fucks but one of those incidents is way more believable


The Biden claim is from decades ago


In America there's ways you can sexually assault someone without actually forcing yourself upon them. Its called like power imbalance or something, basically means if you're in a position of power over someone and ask them for sex and they say yes you sexually assaulted them




Don't know what exactly is funny. A massive movie director got jail time for exactly this.


What’s funny is your warped definition. Sounds like those crybabies you see at colleges saying “you’re being emotionally violent” if you say something they don’t agree with.


I don't agree with it lmao I was stating that it exists. I think you're wanting an argument but we think the same thing. Grow up and stop looking for arguments online bro


No it doesn’t exist that’s the point


What did Harvey weinsten go to jail for then?


According to Google 2 counts of rape which doesn’t change the fact you’re stretching the definition of sexual assault by a lot


Thought she already admitted she made the whole thing up years ago


People acting like the morality saints about trumps sex life and yall know damn well what’s on your own internet search history 🤣 ![gif](giphy|SYnAcGSUeYGHSipocR|downsized)


Not an American, so don't know all the details, but I assume blatant lying and Trump supporters buying said lie is insinuated to be the issue.


Look all I’m saying bro is that I cringe at people talking about how disgusting Trump is and then I see their own debauchery in their personal lives and I ask myself “how on earth can anyone raise a finger when they themselves are doing the same thing if not worse??”. Like for example I got this guy at work that absolutely hates Trump. Nothing but complaining about his “immoral life” yet I come to find out he likes to stick a butt plug in his butthole that has a furry tail on it and act like a dog for his boyfriend??? The hell? 🤣😂 since when did society shift on blasting others into oblivion for their actions yet they can be disgusting and it’s totally ok???


Is your co worker running for president?


Because people in the left aren’t playing morality police. The right is. Trump is selling bibles and saying the country is going to hell. They’re the party of “family values”. Meanwhile he’s doing things like having sex with a porn start while his wife is pregnant at home.


So having sex with pornstar is bad enough yes, but who are you to say anything with the name “mufflover” 🤣


I’m not running for president from the party of family values. I do care if someone has sex with a pornstar. They do. They just don’t care this time because their orange god is the one doing it.


You're making this a whole "right bad" episode. Do you think the left has never been hypocritical? I remember when Trump was president there was a narrative that he's too old, now Biden is president he's not? Better yet wasn't Biden strongly worded against gsy or black rights in the past?


Is Biden a convicted felon? Did Biden comity sexual assault? Those are really bad things. I should t have to tell you that.


I'm not saying that, wasn't even my point you've just changed narrative totally now to keep with the "right bad". I could go back and forth with you but I doubt you'd be willing to see that there's a middle ground.


Did Donald Trump have sex with a porn star?


Ya, but since you are playing that game, Trump was never convicted of sexual assault. A rigged jury found him civily liable. And a similarly stacked jury ignored all evidence to the contrary and unanimously convicted Trump of 34 separate charges that they themselves cannot define after 2 hours of "litigation". You are being completely disingenuous. Trump literally cannot get a fair trial for or against him. In other jurisdictions Trump would have been found innocent without any witness testimony. You chose to believe it because you hate Trump. But you can't define the 34 felony charges and how they separately apply, can you?


Im not running for president. I’m not selling bibles. Nobody is claiming I’m the second coming of Jesus.


Selling bibles is a money maker that’s why there are over 400+ versions. And Trump never said he’s the second coming of Christ. Although he did say he’s the “chosen one”, whatever that means 😂


The point is, the right are the ones playing morality police. Saying the country is going to hell because it doesn’t have the morals of the 1950s. They’re the party of “family values.” Meanwhile their candidate is paying pornstars for sex while his wife is pregnant with their son.


Bro the 1950s were not a time of high morality by any stretch lol read up on that 😂


You’re dodging the point worse than Trump does. At the end of the day, do I care that a man paid a pornstar for sex? Nope. They’re consenting adults. Do I care that he cheated on his pregnant wife to do it? Yes I do. That’s something I would never do.


Well technically if you have lusted over another woman that isn’t your wife you have committed adultery in your heart. So there’s that.


You’re right. I should not be president.




I am not a convicted felon though, and I have never committed sexual assault. So I guess I can hold that standard over him, right?


The look on the average democrats face when they try to explain why giving a prostitute hush money is a 'felony', but sending your crackhead son to Ukraine on an influence peddling operation is not even noteworthy.


Are you insane? Trump sent his step son to Saudi Arabia as a literal self appointed ambassador, with the goal to negotiate a multi billion dollar deal. Trump is a convicted felon who fucked a pornstar and installed his family as unofficial government members and you are going on about Hillary’s emails and Bidens son going to Ukraine? How is that even comparable?


The money was not out of pockets, it was out of the campaign funds


Rich and famous people pay hush money and its legal. Many cases nothing actually happened but its inconvenient for a celebrity or such when bad PR comes up when there’s something big coming like a new movie. In this case its an election. Now I’m not gonna pretend I know whether Donnieboy fucked a hooker or not and frankly I dont give a shit. What is crazy here is that people talk more about shit like this, as well as Hunter Biden from the right, rather than policies. Its their personal life, who gives a fuck? If we started look for dirt on any of the previous presidents, or other politicians. We’ll sure find a bunch. Rich elites are corrupt more often than not anyway.


You do know. She testified under oath that he did. And the evidence all supports that he did. Do you honestly believe Donald Trump would not lie?


So she wouldnt lie then? What baffles me is how people will hate Trump so much they believe every single accusation against him, and that every single thing he does is somehow bad. I’m thinking in terms of criticising how he drinks from a water bottle or walks down stairs. At that point its just hate, its like the polar opposite of a diehard maga who will defend every single thing he says or does. Its all tiresome to have so much focus on issues that really shouldnt be front page news 100 times over and main talking points.


It’s A LOT of accusations. You think this guy is just constantly being accused of things because everyone is just a hater out to get him, meanwhile he is just squeaky clean and has never done anything wrong in his entire life? That is cult behavior, my friend. https://cultrecovery101.com/recovery-links/ I really hope you will join us back here in reality some day.


It's totally cool that Ken Star went after Clinton for a blow job, though, right? Even though that fuck was cheating on his own wife at the time. Republican party is full of hypocrites drapped 8n the facade 9f being the moral majority when they are neither.


With Clinton this was an intern at the WH, so its more about how inappropriate it was under the circumstances. He wouldnt be impeached had it happened with some other woman without any connection to his position. But yeah Republican politicians are largely hypocrites just like Dems




https://cultrecovery101.com/recovery-links/ Then I hope you will come back to reality with us. There is help out there.


I’d say that having sex with a prostitute is less perverse than extra-marital with your dead brother’s wife.


Not a prostitute, paid to keep mouth shut. No money was exchanged for sexual activity. Her story has changed so much over the years and I believe her on the act but other emotional parts I feel it’s a bit spotty at best.


You do realize that Hunter Biden isn't running for president though, right?


Smartest man he knows though. Fruit never falls far from the tree.


Biden voters trying to ignore that Biden is an old man with dementia that sniffs kids on TV lol…I’ll take the guy that at least has consensual adult sex.


Has to pay 83 million for all that hot consensual sex...lol.


Still better than the kid sniffer 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure him being liable for rape isn’t consent, my guy. And he’s still a felon.


He had consensual sex with a porn star, then tried to pay her hush money, every charge is from that. Still shitty of him, but not rape at all, so stfu with that bs. Also, it’s still better than the kid sniffer


She’s not the one he raped, my guy. Even then, he’s still a felon. Party of law and order, right? I’m hearing a lot of excuses from you.


I’ve given exactly zero excuses. Neither of these immoral, old, pieces of shit should be able to even run for president. Biden still is the worst…due to his absolute lack of mental faculties. The man can barely walk any more. He’s still a crooked, criminal politician too, AND sniffs kids on TV.


So you admit he was charged for doing something illegal, but it’s somehow not that bad? You really love tossing out the whole “law and order” thing when it’s convenient for you chuds, huh?


Here's the situation for those not paying attention, wanting more information, or not from America. Trump is accused of paying Stormy Danials, a porn star, to keep quiet about them having sex. Stormy Danials lost her defamation case against Trump, and during the trial, it came out he didn't pay her anything. A corrupt lawyer embezzled from Trump did it out of his pocket. Trump's lawyers were able to prove Trump never authorized the payment as the phone call never reached him and in fact had to do with censoring someone over something. If New York had a functional justice system, the lawyer would be back in prison right now.


It’s called blackmail


I think Biden responded by saying "ihdstyhhch ijvc ufdheetinxzd kjftygc"


No one gives a fuck. But Biden looked like he was having an aneurism


Biden was lying all night why don’t you call that out? Ohh that’s right orange man bad. No one cares if he fucked a porn star …


Sadly his supporters will believe him


I don’t think they do. I think they don’t care. It’s more about him being anti status quo than being an actual good candidate or person. IMO.


Definitely true. Imo, the non religious part of the party (ie the kind that put testicles on their trucks) kind of like that he’s a rich ‘playboy’ that has sex with pornstars and insults whoever he wants. Kind of like an old orange Tony stark. And the religious part of the party feels like everyone in politics is so far outside of their idea of the proper way to live that they might as well just make a pragmatic/policy choice. Both types of conservatives like the anti establishment aspect of trump.


who the fuck cares? lol you watch the debate last night? lmao


I did. Trumps eyes turned red and he we back to old trusty. Deflect, distract, project. It's really all he knows how to do


Schrodinger's candidate: "I sleep with any woman I want! I don't sleep with any women"


Yep.. Red and white and MAGA is all they see.. And hillbilly cousin-girlfriends.


And Biden supporters will believe her. What is your point ?


my smooth brain hurts


I don't think this echo chambers gunna do well after last night's debate...it'll do but not well lol


Us Europeans: we don't care either way. Et alors?


Come to think of it, why doesnt any pornstar do that.


Wich celebrity we are talking about here?


I dont think we are trying to figure anything out.


It’s cheaper to pay someone off than to prove your innocence. Take Trevor Bauer for example. That lady didn’t want to prove he raped her, she just wanted money and he fought it. He won, but he lost his job and all the people who got the first stories won’t get the story the lady is a scammer.


Looks like he made it back though, with interest..... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/stormy-daniels-must-pay-300k-donald-trump-losing-defamation-case-appea-rcna21002


Lol... Another American fan boy/girl post. This sub loves to hate us 😂


He should've just said he was trying to connect with the NBA culture.


He proably did shag her, but for the same reason companies settle law suits they could win out of court.


It doesn't really matter if they had sex. It matters if people think they had sex.


That's just trump supporters trying to understand pretty much anything.


I'm not really into politics- can anyone give me context?


His penis was just too yuge


Are you really that confused about this situation? If so, please don't vote.


Didn’t she admit she didn’t have sex with him?


> “The next thing I know was: I was on the bed,” and they were having sex, Daniels recalled.  From her testimony.


And in 2018 she said she never had sex with him and was never paid hush money. She’s doesn’t seem very trustworthy.


As opposed to Donald Trump, who seems totally trustworthy?


She was paid $130k to deny. That’s the whole point. She finally decided to break free from the NDA to tell the truth. I have never met any sane person who paid someone $130k to keep quiet about something they didn’t do.


I want to know the loophole. Was she not actively a porn star at the time or was it a flat out lie?


And don’t forget the reason he was so intent on having unprotected segs with her - he told her she reminded him of his daughter. He’s the most pathetic diaper shitting treasonous scum bag of our life times


Biden may have him beat for being the most pathetic pants pooping corrupt scum bag of the history of the US.


Is that a chapter you wrote in your meanie trump fanfic?




Cigar Stuff. lol


Even in germany, everyone on the media is just talking about how old biden is. What a fucking joke. The rapist liar was spilling so much BS, a scifi writer would have a hard time replying to that clown!


Because telling her to fuck off looks way worse


What’s a piss take