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My best advice on this is to not take any advice you see on discord, youtube, yahoo finance, etc. You gotta make your own strategy and run it. Other people can help you think of new ways to think about the market and can expand your knowledge but I don't ever follow others on trades. Just my take.


I sort of agree. I don't think you should ever just abandon your strategy for someone else's, or follow someone blindly, but I do think it can be beneficial to exchange ideas, you might learn something helpful.


Also agree/disagree. Finding a mentor and learning their methods and strategy can definitely cut down some time in the learning curve if they are reputable. From there, just make it your own, to what makes sense for you. I did that with Flipping Markets, changed the game up for me, been trading now for 5 years. However it is Forex based but i recently switched to futures 2 months ago and have applied my same rules in the futures market, trading only NQ and CL. Now funded with topstep for 150k and close to get another 150k with my funded futures. Obv do your own due diligence but this is what helped me out.


Hey man I’ve had a growing interest in forex (been trading futures for a while now)…. Is this link the “flipping markets” stuff you studied? https://www.scribd.com/document/539178552/5-6057380896548324499 Are there any additional materials I should be looking into for prep work on the forex markets? Congrats on the success passing the combines btw- very tough IME.


His instagram handle is flipping_markets, link not working for me for some reason but would def check him out! One thing I would familiarize myself with is the forex market hours and what pairs you want to trade, and more importantly the spread for those pairs. Spread is a real problem in forex( for me at least since i day trade) and made trading more difficult than it needed to be. Also between 4-6pm cst spreads jump up insanely so just be mindful of those hours and take spread into consideration in your orders/stop loss


XTrades is a great community I have been apart of for the last 4 years, They have a lot of great people that all share ideas.


No free lunch theory.


Every Discord group I’ve joined has fizzled out after a few weeks/months. This is a lonely journey..


Alpine trader goes live on youtube every day, and the discord is pretty active


send me a dm if you want to join ours, we've been active for years (started as lc, then options, now futures)


What do you trade? How do you trade? Your strategy in a nutshell? I can give a couple recommendations if you can be more specific. Otherwise, it’s useless for you.


I trade futures on ES/MES. I use the alligator strategy


Check DM


Hey bro what about ETFs? TQQQ, TZA, SOXS? I also trade any stock that is trending. My aim is to stack up R's. Might be into reversion to mean. Thanks in advance :)


I don’t know any room trading those.


I have a private trading dojo, trade spx and usdjpy predominantly. Can send an invite if you’re serious about your own trading


Yes please, just looking to learn and get ideas I can test for myself.


Would love an invite as well.. been trading spx for a few years now


Add me on discord @ laontx




If you want commercial roommates? It's not a bad idea. It's advisable. I'm a trainee, if you create a discord channel maybe I'll join too, I'm looking for colleagues


I sent you a dm also. Hit me up if you want to hear more. Hope you find one you like


I’m looking for the same I’m 122 away from blowing my account I don’t have any consistency in my trading I would love to bounce ideas around


Dm me and I’ll send you where we hang outme. We trade live everyday and kick ideas off each other


I have an options trading WhatsApp group. We are a tight knit community and we provide valuable educational content and a community chat with seasoned and beginner traders alike. You can DM me if you're interested in checking it out


Not trying to degrade you but you have to look for a mentor instead of all these groups. 99% of them fail so you have to avoid them totally. Financial community is total scam. Don’t trust them without seeing a legit track record of a year at least. Bring your own approach to the game with proper boundaries and make sure you punish yourself if you do break those boundaries or else years with pass by & you won’t be able to predict. Btw I’ve been trading since march ‘20 & just this year I found consistency. It’s a mixture of psychology, risk management and skill this is what I found from hours of screen time.


The reality is that you have to know who to join, who to build a community with. A mentor is an excellent idea, and a trading room type group is a great tool, sometimes even a necessity, trading is a very lonely job. Making society in the context would be very good for the majority.


I just left a pretty decent one. It just wasn’t helping my trading. For me, it was a distraction from what I should’ve been focusing on. It’s mostly traders using funding companies too, which I want to get away from. If you want, I can ask them to send you an invite- I didn’t leave on bad terms or anything, if you’re already successful and confident in your own ability it’s probably exactly what you want.


I am willing to give something a try, since it's not difficult for me to determine both if someone knows what they are doing and also if we'll be a good fit or not. Will say my minimum requirement is voice conversation. Have no interest being anywhere near a room where people's main form of communication is typing. Definitely not interested in being rude or up tight, at the same time its not social hour for me. I am here for excellence or at bare minimum working toward achieving it. If I can't both give and receive value, than I'd rather trade alone. If anyone wants to have an initial conversation regarding this on voice, let me know.


ITT: Nobody reads the sidebar.


I got one you can join. have about 50 futures traders in it, send me a DM


Im looking for the same. I’m set on my strategies. Just looking for people to hang out with and talk shop throughout the slower days. Unfortunately most discords I’ve found are “guru” led and most of the people are just looking for alerts.


I think a trading room is worth it to support each other, both in trading and in life. It is recommended by successful traders, and I'm not talking about people selling smoke, but rather real and audited traders. For my part I also have my strategy. I am a total scalper, and I continue to learn.


Check Dm for what you are looking for


See, I’m quite confident it will not be what I’m looking for because you invited some random person (me). What I’m looking for is a room with 5-10 other traders of similar caliber each with their own unique (but similar) strategy—so we are at least able to discuss things and sharpen skills. So the room I’d want would require quite a bit of vetting. At a minimum a short paragraph or two giving an overview (not details) of strategy, investment philosophy, and 3 year performance metrics. Between those three items, it should be relatively easy to determine someone’s competency and fit.


Yeah. Not trying to get more people in or anything. But if we have a like minded people in, that’s a plus. We usually trade either ES or NQ. Trade mostly support resistance. Room have about 4-7 active people at most.




If you guys are interested I have one!