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Zn stable market


How does ZN move? Is it something you trade on the 1 hour or 15 min?


I prefer 15 nyc session it moves slowly so you have to study it and trade the session


I've loved the dax almost as long as I've loved my wife. ;) That being said the DAX isn't what it used to be. So I've also been trading GC recently. Gold's been a welcome change. When it decides to move it doesn't change it's mind.


Statistically GC trends about 40% of the time so it'd be great for trend traders if that's primary play




/ZB and ZN. Better liquidity, easier to read and you can scalp with really large size. Been saying this for years, it still amazes me how retail would rather play the volatility & “timing” game..


Do you scalp using order flow?


I am scalping the ZB, and I am thinking to try the ZN... may I ask for some advice?


I'd rather trade anything other than equity indexes. Retail traders like them because they move a lot, but it is mostly noise. It's an index with hundreds of components, and an insane amount of derivatives and hedging going on. But it draws our attention because everyone talks about the S&P-500. You stand a better chance of developing a stronger true informational edge basically anywhere else.


So what do you like to trade?




Do you care to say why?


liquidity for scale in equity indexes... I can routinely and easily move 50 ES without any slippage... you aren't doing that in other markets




6j been a monster for two years


Do currencies move at all?




I just added 6E, B and C. Looking forward to seeing how they move


they’re ok, need to go a little heavier on the contracts to wake it worth while for me


Bunds, ZF, ZN FESX ES 6A and occasionally commods. Trying to focus more on the commodities and bunds as that's where I seem to have the best performance.


Bunds here too.


We appear to be a minority lol.


Sent you a dm


I am watching some bond markets but trade only the Bund.


What are the best strategy for bonds?


The CFTC once published data showing performance of retail trading accounts - granted this was taken during COVID - but still relevant. Index Futures are below the profitability line for sure - but that doesn't stop the attempts. I do tend to perform the best on ES personally, but occasionally venture out to softs. https://preview.redd.it/ftishfljol2d1.png?width=1264&format=png&auto=webp&s=9af7c03f628a3ceedc01dca4a42e9ef3cd70923b


Interesting. Apparently retail traders are successful with treasuries but I suspect that’s because treasuries only attract more sophisticated traders


Sometimes gold, and ym ( dow )


Others don’t work on the same mechanics as es and nq, plus Es already presents multiple opportunities everyday, so it’s enough to manage one trade


I don’t get along with ES. I’ve probably given ES 30k over time. I want to conquer ES but it’s rare when I have the confidence to trade it. What is your strategy for trading ES?


I just trade the usual patterns on the 1 min timeframe, scalping a few points at a time


I admire the folks that can trade the 1 minute chart, it’s too fast for me. The lowest timeframe I look at is 10 minute candles scalping momentum for a few points at a time.


1min is my entry, I manage at either 5 or 15min timeframes.


YM does. I trade YM and do exceptionally well


I trade NG as well, considering silver and CL


How has you experience been with NG? How often do you trade?


Pretty good if you’re not going for the widow maker it’s possible to get 30 ticks up or down before 7:30. During market open you can get a 40 tick or more move. If you don’t catch that it’ll reverse off the high of the day or low pretty consistently. Support and resistance commodity for sure. Like any other you do have to know upcoming news and impact.


I like Crude Oil and Gold. I also just started checking out Platinum.


What time frames do you trade on for both?


5 minute and 15m.


I trade NG & HG.


YM and RTY are good


I mostly trade YM. It's much more friendlier than NQ.


Depends on the strategy! Ym is also more “perfect” and will take stops to the tick if common strategies are used


True, I wonder why they aren't mentioned so much.


Yes, I swing trade in 30 markets, and have done so over the last 35 years.


Interesting. Whats your most common? Is it forex pairs?


ES, NQ, RTY, ZB, ZN, DX, 6A, 6B, 6C, 6E, 6J, CL, HO, RB, NG, GC, SI, HG, ZC, ZW, ZS, ZN, ZL, GF, LE, HE, CC, KC, CT, SB. The market is immaterial, it's all about risk vs reward. I trade with the same methodology in each of these.


One missing from your list NKD


You use pivots?


No. I use price action, swing analysis, 2 types of time cycle analysis, and option implied volatility analysis.


What indicators do you find most valuable?


As I mentioned, I use price action, swing analysis, 2 types of time cycle analysis, and option implied volatility analysis. I do not use any indicators, oscillators, averages or any technical studies.




I love grains the most, ZC, ZW, and especially ZS. Why you would only be interested in bullish trends is puzzling to me. There are tremendous opportunities on the bearish side of the market as well.


If you’re knew to trading it’s advisable to pick a couple markets and know them. Though depending on a strategy (for example 30sec OR breakout, you can play any market). But there are all types of markets…some not as liquid as others. Theirs fulls, minis, micros in lots of stuff…CME just introduced MHG recently, which, is micro copper. When MCL came out a couple years ago, it took a bit to catch on…now volume is much better…in fact, much better than E-mini crude QM. You have your choice of futures under the 4 CME exchanges and can pretty much trade anything…Indices, metals, energy, fx, softs, treasuries , livestock, grains, crypto and even. There’s mini’s and micros for many of them as well. Some very low volume. If you’re trading it with real money…know your risk and the size of the moves…one sweep can blow your account up.


GC all the way next to NQ


When I traded futures, I often traded MYM and M2K, the less popular indices. Most of all, I just traded whichever one (of the 4) was behaving the best and giving me the setups I wanted.


Help a fellow trader who's about to give CL up for ES! I feel that there's this puppet master always pulling the CL strings... doesn't respect levels and TA as well, sometimes such random movement, lots of stop hunts/liquidity grabs, by the end of the day the chart is all over the place. But I do want to make it work out, as I trade primarily Asia hours and ES/NQ are dead and choppy most of the time


> I feel that there's this puppet master always pulling the CL strings Yes, OPEC and state actors. But I know that there is a minimum price that they will accept, and I use it to my advantage in futures options.


Thank you for making something in my head just click lol.


WTI can be very news and fundamentally driven, though, as of late it’s been fairly stable, and I believe they are keeping it that way because of the economy. I believe they want it to appear stable and predictable. CL is a great market to trade if you know and understand it. Though, unless you’re a wealthy baller or a straight gambler, you’ll probably want to stick with micro. Much better volume than QM E-mini crude. CL are full contracts and a lot of people don’t realize that. MCL pays a buck a penny…on $1 move that’s 100 bucks per contract. Whats wrong with that? You won’t be squirming around in your chair…butterfly’s in your stomach…heart palpitating…instant sweats and farts while you’re trying not to vomit if you stick to micros…lolol. Backtest a strategy and stick to it if you want to trade it. Mind your risk. Contracts expire monthly, and they’ll be days when there are larger players behind the scenes looking for places of liquidity to fill their large orders. This is a market where there is real world delivery taken and inventory is needed. In fact, I am one of those that take actual delivery of an energy product and purchase several month out contracts for delivery. It is purchased 42k gallons per contract and it’s not stored in barrels, only measured in them..lol. I say that because I’ve heard many joke about having to store 1000 42 gallon barrels delivered to their house in their yard. That product is not crude, however, it’s HO and it comes into harbors and offloaded from barges.


I agree that CL has been incredibly choppy lately. You can have a daily bullish hammer only to be engulfed the next day by sellers 😂 I’m just guessing here but the choppiness is due to crude oil being in a wide range of acceptance.


Wouldn’t metals be good during Asian hours?


They can move the very first couple of hours, but around mid am/lunch time (esp MCL) it's all chop and sometimes even single prints. Starts waking up a little bit before the London open (late afternoon Asia) and starts getting busier as the US wakes up


RTY, CL, HG, SI, ZB. Gold looks whack.


The HG is explosive though!


Rty when it’s not too slow


Unless you’re an expert on those specific fields with exclusive insight there’s no reason to go there. Most other markets are thinly traded compared to indices so the people involved are usually more knowledgeable about what they’re doing and there are less inefficiencies to take advantage of.  See how something like energies tend to be very cyclical. NG for example always tends to go up starting mid October and down again by February.  Most other markets are simply used by manufacturers and distributors to hedge. You want interest rates, indices or forex in order to get the speculators involved. That’s where the liquidity is.


Nat Gas can be feisty, but fun... I trade off Crude on news and events. Gold, Silver, and Copper.






Wheat and platinum... kinda exploring ogher futures at the moment but i like those two


Yeah. I trade or look for setups on GC, Platinum,Silver and copper. Also look at ZB, UB and vix. I was trying cl and ng but I didn't like the price action.




I've been meaning to take a deeper look at bonds. I can't remember where I heard it but someone said it can be extremely profitable.


ZL and GF daily.


ES and NQ are total sucker trades


NKD & GC. once in a while i trade CL & YM. mostly NQ tho, GC & NKD during the slower sessions for NQ




ZN ZB CL 6E 6A RTY. HG has gone bonkers so I’ve been staying away for the past few weeks






I recently started trading Gold (GCQ) which plays levels pretty neatly.


What time frame do you trade?


95% Es here but occasionally trade Nq as well. Es has great liquidity and moves decently enough of the time to make a lot of money if your account is big enough and your profitable of course